Cyclictest for RT patched Linux Kernel - linux

Hello I patched the Linux kernel with the RT-Patch and tested it with the Cyclinctest which monitors latencies. The Kernel isn't doing good and not better than the vanilla kernel.
I checked the uname for RT, which looks fine.
So I checked the requirements for the cyclinctest and it states that I have to make sure that the following is configured within the kernel config:
The Problem now arising is that the config doesn't contain such entries. Maybe there are old and the they may be renamed in the new patch versions (3.8.14)?
I found options like:
Is that enought in the 3.x kernel to provide the required from above? Anyone a hint?

There's a lot that must be done to get hard realtime performance under PREEMPT_RT. Here are the things I am aware of. Entries marked with an asterisk apply to your current position.
Patch the kernel with PREEMPT_RT (as you already did), and enable CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT_FULL (which used to be called CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT, as you correctly derived).
Disable processor frequency scaling (either by removing it from the kernel configuration or by changing the governor or its settings). (*)
Reasoning: Changing a core's frequency takes a while, during which the core does no useful work. This causes high latencies.
To remove this, look under the ACPI options in the kernel settings.
If you don't want to remove this capability from the kernel, you can set the cpufreq governor to "performance" to lock it into its highest frequency.
Disable deep CPU sleep states
Reasoning: Like switching frequencies, Waking the CPU from a deep sleep can take a while.
Cyclictest does this for you (look up /dev/cpu_dma_latency to see how to do it in your application).
Alternatively, you can disable the "cpuidle" infrastructure in the kernel to prevent this from ever occurring.
Set a high priority for the realtime thread, above 50 (preferably 99) (*)
Reasoning: You need to place your priority above the majority of the kernel -- much of a PREEMPT_RT kernel (including IRQs) runs at a priority of 50.
For cyclictest, you can do this with the "-p#" option, e.g. "-p99".
Your application's memory must be locked. (*)
Reasoning: If your application's memory isn't locked, then the kernel may need to re-map some of your application's address space during execution, triggering high latencies.
For cyclictest, this may be done with the "-m" option.
To do this in your own application, see the RT_PREEMPT howto.
You must unload the nvidia, nouveau, and i915 modules if they are loaded (or not build them in the first place) (*)
Reasoning: These are known to cause high latencies. Hopefully you don't need them on a realtime system :P
Your realtime task must be coded to be realtime
For example, you cannot do file access or dynamic memory allocation via malloc(). Many system calls are off-limits (it's hard to find which ones are acceptable, IMO).
cyclictest is mostly already coded for realtime operation, as are many realtime audio applications. You do need to run it with the "-n" flag, however, or it will not use a realtime-safe sleep call.
The actual execution of cyclictest should have at least the following set of parameters:
sudo cyclictest -p99 -m -n


ionice 'idle' not having the expected effects

We're working with a reasonably busy web server. We wanted to use rsync to do some data-moving which was clearly going to hammer the magnetic disk, so we used ionice to put the rsync process in the idle class. The queues for both disks on the system (SSD+HDD) are set to use the CFQ scheduler.
The result... was that the disk was absolutely hammered and the website performance was appalling.
I've done some digging to see if any tuning might help with this.
The man page for ionice says:
Idle: A program running with idle I/O priority will only get disk time
when no other program has asked for disk I/O for a defined grace period.
The impact of an idle I/O process on normal system activity should be zero.
This "defined grace period" is not clearly explained anywhere I can find with the help of Google. One posting suggest that it's the value of fifo_expire_async but I can't find any real support for this.
However, on our system, both fifo_expire_async and fifo_expire_sync are set sufficiently long (250ms, 125ms, which are the defaults) that the idle class should actually get NO disk bandwidth at all. Even if the person who believes that the grace period is set by fifo_expire_async is plain wrong, there's not a lot of wiggle-room in the statement "The impact of an idle I/O process on normal system activity should be zero".
Clearly this is not what's happening on our machine so I am wondering if CFQ+idle is simply broken.
Has anyone managed to get it to work? Tips greatly appreciated!
I've done some more testing today. I wrote a small Python app to read random sectors from all over the disk with short sleeps in between. I ran a copy of this without ionice and set it up to perform around 30 reads per second. I then ran a second copy of the app with various ionice classes to see if the idle class did what it said on the box. I saw no difference at all between the results when I used classes 1, 2, 3 (real-time, best-effort, idle). This, despite the fact that I'm now absolutely certain that the disk was busy.
Thus, I'm now certain that - at least for our setup - CFQ+idle does not work. [see Update 2 below - it's not so much "does not work" as "does not work as expected"...]
Comments still very welcome!
Update 2:
More poking about today. Discovered that when I push the I/O rate up dramatically, the idle-class processes DO in fact start to become starved. In my testing, this happened at I/O rates hugely higher than I had expected - basically hundreds of I/Os per second. I'm still trying to work out what the tuning parameters do...
I also discovered the rather important fact that async disk writes aren't included at all in the I/O prioritisation system! The ionice manpage I quoted above makes no reference to that fact, but the manpage for the syscall ioprio_set() helpfully states:
I/O priorities are supported for reads and for synchronous (O_DIRECT,
O_SYNC) writes. I/O priorities are not supported for asynchronous
writes because they are issued outside the context of the program
dirtying the memory, and thus program-specific priorities do not
This pretty significantly changes the way I was approaching the performance issues and I will be proposing an update for the ionice manpage.
Some more info on kernel and iosched settings (sdb is the HDD):
Linux 4.9.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u1 (2017-12-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux
/etc/debian_version = 9.3
(cd /sys/block/sdb/queue/iosched; grep . *)
AFAIK, the only opportunity to solve your problem is using CGroup v2 (kernel v. 4.5 or newer). Please see the following article:
Also please note, that you may use the systemd's wrappers to configure CGroup limits on per-service basis:
Add nocache to that and you're set (you can join it with ionice and nice):
On Ubuntu install with:
apt install nocache
It simply omits cache on IO and thanks to that other processes won't starve when the cache is flushed.
It's like calling the commands with O_DIRECT, so now you can limit the IO for example with:
systemd-run --scope -q --nice=19 -p BlockIOAccounting=true -p BlockIOWeight=10 -p "BlockIOWriteBandwidth=/dev/sda 10M" nocache youroperation_here
I usually use it with:
nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 nocache youroperation_here

Linux Suspend To RAM from idle loop

I have a question regarding STR (Suspend To RAM) in the Linux kernel.
I am working on a small embedded Linux (Kernel 3.4.22) and I want to implement a mechanism that will put the system into sleep (suspend to ram) while it has nothing to do.
This is done in order to save power.
The HW support RAM self-refresh meaning its content will stay persistence.
And I'll take care of all the rest things which should be done (e.g keeping CPU context etc…)
I want to trigger the Kernel PM (power management) subsystem from within the idle loop.
When the system has nothing to do, it should go into sleep.
The HW also supports a way to wake up the system.
Doing some research, I have found out that Linux gives an option for the user space to switch to STR by writing "echo "mem" > /sys/power/state".
This will trigger the PM subsystem and will perform the relevant callbacks.
My questions are:
Is there any other standard alternative to go into STR besides writing to the above proc?
Did anyone tried to put the system into STR from the idle loop code ?
Why would you need another method? Linux treats everything as a file. Is it any surprise that the contents of a psudo-file dictate the state of the system? Check for yourself. pm-utils is a popular tool set for managing the state of the system. All the commands are just calls to /sys files.
This policy is actually platform dependent. You would have to look at the cpuidle driver for your platform to understand what it is doing. For example, on atmel platforms, it is using both RAM self refresh and WFI.

Why do we need a bootloader in an embedded device?

I'm working with ELinux kernel on ARM cortex-A8.
I know how the bootloader works and what job it's doing. But i've got a question - why do we need bootloader, why was the bootloader born?
Why we can't directly load the kernel into RAM from flash memory without bootloader? If we load it what will happen? In fact, processor will not support it, but why are we following the procedure?
In the context of Linux, the boot loader is responsible for some predefined tasks. As this question is arm tagged, I think that ARM booting might be a useful resource. Specifically, the boot loader was/is responsible for setting up an ATAG list that describing the amount of RAM, a kernel command line, and other parameters. One of the most important parameters is the machine type. With device trees, an entire description of the board is passed. This makes a stock ARM Linux impossible to boot with out some code to setup the parameters as described.
The parameters allows one generic Linux to support multiple devices. For instance, an ARM Debian kernel can support hundreds of different board types. Uboot or other boot loader can dynamically determine this information or it can be hard coded for the board.
You might also like to look at bootloader info page here at stack overflow.
A basic system might be able to setup ATAGS and copy NOR flash to SRAM. However, it is usually a little more complex than this. Linux needs RAM setup, so you may have to initialize an SDRAM controller. If you use NAND flash, you have to handle bad blocks and the copy may be a little more complex than memcpy().
Linux often has some latent driver bugs where a driver will assume that a clock is initialized. For instance if Uboot always initializes an Ethernet clock for a particular machine, the Linux Ethernet driver may have neglected to setup this clock. This can be especially true with clock trees.
Some systems require boot image formats that are not supported by Linux; for example a special header which can initialize hardware immediately; like configuring the devices to read initial code from. Additionally, often there is hardware that should be configured immediately; a boot loader can do this quickly whereas the normal structure of Linux may delay this significantly resulting in I/O conflicts, etc.
From a pragmatic perspective, it is simpler to use a boot loader. However, there is nothing to prevent you from altering Linux's source to boot directly from it; although it maybe like pasting the boot loader code directly to the start of Linux.
See Also: Coreboot, Uboot, and Wikipedia's comparison. Barebox is a lesser known, but well structured and modern boot loader for the ARM. RedBoot is also used in some ARM systems; RedBoot partitions are supported in the kernel tree.
A boot loader is a computer program that loads the main operating system or runtime environment for the computer after completion of the self-tests.
^ From Wikipedia Article
So basically bootloader is doing just what you wanted - copying data from flash into operating memory. It's really that simple.
If you want to know more about boostrapping the OS, I highly recommend you read the linked article. Boot phase consists, apart from tests, also of checking peripherals and some other things. Skipping them makes sense only on very simple embedded devices, and that's why their bootloaders are even simpler:
Some embedded systems do not require a noticeable boot sequence to begin functioning and when turned on may simply run operational programs that are stored in ROM.
The same source
The primary bootloader is usually built in into the silicon and performs the load of the first USER code that will be run in the system.
The bootloader exists because there is no standardized protocol for loading the first code, since it is chip dependent. Sometimes the code can be loaded through a serial port, a flash memory, or even a hard drive. It is bootloader function to locate it.
Once the user code is loaded and running, the bootloader is no longer used and the correctness of the system execution is user responsibility.
In the embedded linux chain, the primary bootloader will setup and run the Uboot. Then Uboot will find the linux kernel and load it.
Why we can't directly load the kernel into RAM from flash memory without bootloader? If we load it what will happen? In fact, processor will not support it, but why are we following the procedure?
Bartek, Artless, and Felipe all give parts of the picture.
Every embedded processor type (E.G. 386EX, Coretex-A53, EM5200) will do something automatically when it is reset or powered on. Sometimes that something is different depending on whether the power is cycled or the device is reset. Some embedded processors allow you to change that something based on voltages applied to different pins when the device is powered or reset.
Regardless, there is a limited amount of something that a processor can do, because of the physical space on-processor required to define that something, whether it is on-chip FLASH, instruction micro-code, or some other mechanism.
This limit means that the something is
fixed purpose, does one thing as quickly as possible.
limited in scope and capability, typically loading a small block of code (often a few kilobytes or less) into a fixed memory location and executing from the start of the loaded code.
So what a processor does in response to reset or power-cycle cannot be changed, and cannot do very much, and we don't want it to automatically copy hundreds of megabytes or gigabytes into memory which may not exist or may not be initialized, and which could take a looooong time.
We set up a small program which is smaller than the smallest size permitted across all of the devices we are going to use. That program is stored wherever the something needs it to be.
Sometimes the small program is U-Boot. Sometimes even U-Boot is too big for initial load, so the small program then in turn loads U-Boot.
The point is that whatever gets loaded by the something, is modifiable as needed for a particular system. If it is U-Boot, great, if not, it knows where to load the main operating system or where to load U-Boot (or some other bootloader).
U-Boot (speaking of bootloaders in general) then configures a minimal set of devices, memory, chip settings, etc., to enable the main OS to be loaded and started. The main OS init takes care of any additional configuration or initialization.
So the sequence is:
Processor power-on or reset
Something loads initial boot code (or U-Boot style embedded bootloader)
Initial boot code (may not be needed)
U-Boot (or other general embedded bootloader)
Linux init
The kernel requires the hardware on which you are working to be in a particular state. All the hardware you used needs to be checked for its state and initialized for its further operation. This is one of the main reasons to use a boot loader in an embedded (or any other environment), apart from its use to load a kernel image into the RAM.
When you turn on a system, the RAM is also not in a useful state (fully initialized to use) for us to load kernel into it. Therefore, we cannot load a kernel directly (to answer your question)and thus arises the need for a construct to initialize it.
Apart from what is stated in all the other answers - which is correct - in some cases the system has to go through different execution modes, take as example TrustZone for secure ARM chips. It is possible to still consider it as sort of HW initialization, but what makes it peculiar is the fact that there are additional limitations (ex: memory available) that make it impractical, if not impossible, to do everything in a single binary, thus multiple stages of bootloader are available.
Furthermore, for security reason, each of them is signed and can perform its job only if it meets the security requirements.

Change linux kernel timer

I have to run a latency sensitive application and I have been asked to change the timer resolution to 1000 Hz or more. I searched on the net a bit and found pages about CONFIG_HZ etc.
However, there are what seem to be several other related settings in the file as well, so I want to be sure that I don't mess the settings up. I am posting some output here
$cat /boot/config-2.6.28-11-generic | grep HZ
# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_100 is not set
So does the second line, "# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set", mean that 1000Hz is not supported? Do I have to change just CONFIG_HZ and not CONFIG_HZ-250?
PS: I'm using the 2.6 kernel (ubuntu jaunty) on a Geode processor.
EDIT1: I ran some code from on my desktop machine and the development machine. The code supposedly is an accurate measure of how fast a timer the system can sustain. The output was approximately 183 Hz (on the development machine). So will changing the timer be meaningful?
Don't edit .config directly, unless you're a Kbuild expert (and if you're asking this, you're not a Kbuild expert). Instead run make menuconfig or make xconfig to load the menu-based configuration system. Alternately, make config will do a line-based configuration process (where it asks you several hundred questions about what to configure - not recommended). The relevant option is under "Processor type and features" as "Timer frequency".
That said, this may not be necessary. Modern Linux can use high-resolution event timers (CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS) to acheive low-latency timers even without increasing the timer frequency. With a tickless system (CONFIG_NO_HZ) , the timer frequency has little effect at all.
On the other hand, I'm not sure what timer support Geode CPUs have. You may want to run cyclictest with various kernel configurations to see what you need to get low latency performance. The test you ran tests maximum dispatch frequency, not dispatch latency, so comparing with cyclictest results would be interesting. If you need really low latency, the CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT patchset may also be of interest.
To change the timer setting you need to recompile the kernel. Change the option in some standard menu configuration tool, rather than the text file.
/boot/config... files only tell you what is installed in the specific kernel binary. This is not a configuration file you can change.
does the second line, # CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set, mean that 1000Hz is not supported?
When a config option is not available it's just not present in the .config file.
For instance, those kernel options:
# CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set
# CONFIG_HZ_300 is not set
are available for you to set.
To set them, the safest is to use a menu based interface like make menuconfig.
In menuconfig, to find out the location of a given kernel config parameter, type / to open the search box.

Can I tell Linux not to swap out a particular processes' memory?

Is there a way to tell Linux that it shouldn't swap out a particular processes' memory to disk?
Its a Java app, so ideally I'm hoping for a way to do this from the command line.
I'm aware that you can set the global swappiness to 0, but is this wise?
You can do this via the mlockall(2) system call under Linux; this will work for the whole process, but do read about the argument you need to pass.
Do you really need to pull the whole thing in-core? If it's a java app, you would presumably lock the whole JVM in-core. I don't know of a command-line method for doing this, but you could write a trivial program to call fork, call mlockall, then exec.
You might also look to see if one of the access pattern notifications in madvise(2) meets your needs. Advising the VM subsystem about a better paging strategy might work out better if it's applicable for you.
Note that a long time ago now under SunOS, there was a mechanism similar to madvise called vadvise(2).
If you wish to change the swappiness for a process add it to a cgroup and set the value for that cgroup:
There exist a class of applications in which you never want them to swap. One such class is a database. Databases will use memory as caches and buffers for their disk areas, and it makes absolutely no sense that these are ever put to swap. The particular memory may hold some relevant data that is not needed for a week until one day when a client asks for it. Without the caching/swapping, the database would simply find the relevant record on disk, which would be quite fast; but with swapping, your service might suddenly be taking a long time to respond.
mysqld includes code to use the OS / system call memlock. On Linux, since at least 2.6.9, this system call will work for non-root processes that have the CAP_IPC_LOCK capability[1]. When using memlock(), the process must still work within the bounds of the LimitMEMLOCK limit. [2]. One of the (few) good things about systemd is that you can grant the mysqld process these capabilities, without requiring a special program. If can also set the rlimits as you'd expect with ulimit. Here is an override file for mysqld that does the requisite steps, including a few others that you might need for a process such as a database:
# Prevent mysql from swapping
# Let mysqld lock all memory to core (don't swap)
# do not kills this process if low on memory
# Use higher io scheduling
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mysqld --memlock $MYSQLD_OPTS
Note The standard community mysql currently ships with Type=forking and adds --daemonize in the option to the service on the ExecStart line. This is inherently less stable than the above method.
UPDATE I am not 100% happy with this solution. After several days of runtime, I noticed the process still had enormous amounts of swap! Examining /proc/XXXX/smaps, I note the following:
The largest contributor of swap is from a stack segment! 437 MB and fluctuating. This presents obvious performance issues. It also indicates stack-based memory leak.
There are zero Locked pages. This indicates the memlock option in MySQL (or Linux) is broken. In this case, it wouldn't matter much because MySQL can't memlock stack.
You can do that by the mlock family of syscalls. I'm not sure, however, if you can do it for a different process.
As super user you can 'nice' it to the highest priority level -20 and hope that's enough to keep it from being swapped out. It usually is. Positive numbers lower scheduling priority. Normal users cannot nice upwards (negative nos.)
Except in extremely unusual circumstances, asking this question means that You're Doing It Wrong(tm).
Seriously, if Linux wants to swap and you're trying to keep your process in memory then you're putting an unreasonable demand on the OS. If your app is that important then 1) buy more memory, 2) remove other apps/daemons from the machine, or dedicate a machine to your app, and/or 3) invest in a really fast disk subsystem. These steps are reasonable for an important app. If you can't justify them, then you probably can't justify wiring memory and starving other processes either.
Why do you want to do this?
If you are trying to increase performance of this app then you are probably on the wrong track. The OS will swap out a process to increase memory for disk cache - even if there is free RAM, the kernel knows best (actauly the samrt guys that wrote the scheduler know best).
If you have a process that needs responsiveness (it's swapped out while not used and you need it to restart quickly) then nice it to high priority, mlock, or using a real time kernel might help.
