connecting to cassandra using hector PasswordAuthenticator issue - cassandra

I am using Cassandra 1.2.3 and I made following change in cassandra config to enable user/password -
authenticator: org.apache.cassandra.auth.PasswordAuthenticator
I am able to access the existing keyspace using cassandra-cli.
But having issues with querying using hector -
(adding credentials at HFactory.getOrCreateCluster did help in moving forward but now i get same error while running queries against the keyspace)
Map<String, String> AccessMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
AccessMap.put("username", "cassandra");
AccessMap.put("password", "cassandra");
cluster = HFactory.getOrCreateCluster(clusterName,
new CassandraHostConfigurator(hostport), AccessMap);
ConfigurableConsistencyLevel ccl = new ConfigurableConsistencyLevel();
keyspace = HFactory.createKeyspace(keyspaceName, cluster, new AllOneConsistencyLevelPolicy(), FailoverPolicy.ON_FAIL_TRY_ALL_AVAILABLE, AccessMap);
exception thrown when running
QueryResult> result = sliceQuery
.execute(); -
Caused by: me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HInvalidRequestException: InvalidRequestException(why:You have not logged in)
Without credentials being added SliceQuery was working fine.

I was using hector 1.1.4 but it is taken care in hector 1.1.5.


Cassandra Connection with Groovy Script In SoapUI

thanks for the time. I am trying to access a remote Cassandra DB in order to complete my assertions. I see that the Server is running:
Cassandra V
Driver Type: Cassandra CQL
Datastax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra - Core [3.0.5]
So, I am trying with the following simple code to access the DB
import com.datastax.driver.core.*
Cluster cluster = null;
try {
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint("x.x.x.x").withCredentials("xxxxxxx", "xxxxxx").withPort(9042).build()
Session session = cluster.connect();
ResultSet rs = session.execute("select * from TABLE");
Row row =;
} finally {
if (cluster != null) cluster.close();
when I use the cassandra-driver-core-2.0.1.jar I am getting the error :
ERROR:com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /x.x.x.x(null))
Read the documentation and a lot of posts here and on other blogs and I saw that there may be an incompatibility with the driver version so I tried to upgrade the driver to many versions (cassandra-driver-core-2.5,cassandra-driver-core-3,cassandra-driver-core-3.2), but on that I am getting the following:
Have also tried to connect using JDBC, but to no avail, using the configuration proposed at this thread
SoapUI JDBC connection with Apache Cassandra
Actually I am running out of ideas. Can anyone propose or point to some direction on how to actually achieve this, either by pointing me to some tutorial or any idea.
Thank you very much
I think you haven't enable remote access to cassandra.
Try enabling remote access using below configuration -
File Path /etc/cassandra/default.conf/cassandra.yaml
broadcast_rpc_address: <serverIPAddress>
After that, restart cassandra service.

Cassandra is throwing NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (null))

I am not able to connect to Cassandra cluster using this code:
public static boolean tableCreate() {
// Query
String query = "CREATE KEYSPACE store WITH replication "
+ "= {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1};";
// creating Cluster object
Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint("").withPort(9042).build();
// Creating Session object
Session session = cluster.connect("tutorialspoint");
// Executing the query
// using the KeySpaceq
session.execute("USE store");
System.out.println("Keyspace created with store name");
return true;
It is giving me this error:
Exception in thread "main" com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (null))
What is my mistake in the code above?
Cassandra is running on my Local Windows 10 64bit and I also disabled the firewall.
You may need to check and possibly update the version of datastax driver that you are using. I faced exactly same error (ie same error message while connecting) and after upgrading driver 'datastax' version the problem went away and I could connect to DB.
Similar Issue: Unable to connect to Cassandra cluster running on local host

Can Hazelcast connect as a client to existing Hazelcast cluster instead of joining as a member of the cluster to implement vertx clustering

We are currently using vertx and hazelcast as its clustering implementation. For it to work as per the docs hazelcast is embedded inside our application meaning it will join as a member of the cluster. We would like our application to be independent of Hazelcast. The reason is when ever Hazelcast cache becomes inconsistent we are bringing down all our servers and restarting. Instead we would like to keep Hazelcast to its own server and connect vertx as a client so we restart hazelcast independent of our application server. Zookeeper cluster implementation does exactly how we would like but we don't want to maintain another cluster for just this purpose because we are also using Hazelcast for other cache purposes internal to our application. Currently we are doing some thing like this to make vertx work.
Config hazelcastConfig = new Config();
GroupConfig groupConfig = new GroupConfig();
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("hazelcast.mancenter.enabled", "false");
properties.setProperty("hazelcast.memcache.enabled", "false");
properties.setProperty("", "false");
properties.setProperty("hazelcast.wait.seconds.before.join", "0");
properties.setProperty("hazelcast.logging.type", "jdk");
NetworkConfig networkConfig = new NetworkConfig();
InterfacesConfig interfacesConfig = new InterfacesConfig();
JoinConfig joinConfig = new JoinConfig();
MulticastConfig multicastConfig = new MulticastConfig();
TcpIpConfig tcpIpConfig = new TcpIpConfig();
List<String> members = Arrays.asList(hzNetworkMembers.split(","));
//Finish Network
clusterManager = new HazelcastClusterManager(hazelcastConfig);
VertxOptions options = new VertxOptions().setClusterManager(clusterManager);
options.setMaxWorkerExecuteTime(VertxOptions.DEFAULT_MAX_WORKER_EXECUTE_TIME * workerVerticleMaxExecutionTime);
options.setBlockedThreadCheckInterval(1000 * 60 * 60);
Vertx.clusteredVertx(options, res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
vertx = res.result();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to launch Vert.x");
********* Alternate Solution **********
we actually changed our distributed caching implementation from hazelcast to Redis (Amazon ElastiCache).
We coudnt rely on hazelcast for 3 reasons.
1) because of its inconsistency during server restarts 2) we were using embedded hazelcast and we ended up restarting our app when hazelcast data in inconsistent and we want our app to be independent of other services 3) memory allocation (hazelcast data) now is independent of application server
Vertx 3.2.0 now supports handing it a preconfigured Hazelcast instance for which to build a cluster. Therefore you have complete control over the Hazelcast configuration including how and where you want data stored. But you also need a bug fix from Vert.x 3.2.1 release to really use this.
See updated documentation at
Note: When you create your own cluster, you need to have the extra Hazelcast settings required by Vertx. And those are noted in the documentation above.
Vert.x 3.2.1 release fixes an issue that blocks the use of client connections. Be aware that if you do distributed locks with Hazelcast clients, the default timeout is 60 seconds for the lock to go away if the network connection is stalled in a way that isn't obvious to the server nodes (all other JVM exits should immediately clear a lock).
You can lower this amount using:
// This is checked every 10 seconds, so any value < 10 will be treated the same
System.setProperty("", "9");
Also be aware that with Hazelcast clients you may want to use near caching for some maps and look at other advanced configuration options for performance tuning a client which will behave differently than a full data node.
Since version 3.2.1 you can run other full Hazelcast nodes configured correctly with the map settings required by Vertx. And then create custom Hazelcast clients when starting Vertx (taken from a new unit test case):
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig().setGroupConfig(new GroupConfig("dev", "dev-pass"));
HazelcastInstance clientNode1 = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
HazelcastClusterManager mgr1 = new HazelcastClusterManager(clientNode1);
VertxOptions options1 = new VertxOptions().setClusterManager(mgr1).setClustered(true).setClusterHost("");
Vertx.clusteredVertx(options1, ...)
Obviously your client configuration and needs will differ. Consult the Hazelcast documentation for Client configuration:

Cassandra 2.1, Datastax Java driver 2.1.1 - Custom authentication/authorization plugin causes NoHostAvailableException

Environment is Red Hat, Cassandra 2.1, Datastax Java driver 2.1.1.
I have developed custom authentication/authorization plugins for Cassandra, and they work beautifully when I try them with cqlsh - I can see my plugins being called, users are authenticated/authorized accordingly, etc. - bottom line, everything works exactly as expected.
Then I tried to test using the Datastax driver. I'm connecting to Cassandra with:
public class CassandraConnection {
private final Cluster cluster;
private final Session session;
public CassandraConnection(final String node, final int port) {
this.cluster = Cluster.builder()
.withCredentials("someuser", "somepassword")
this.session = cluster.connect();
// Etc....
The call to cluster.connect() generates an exception:
Exception in thread "main" com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: localhost/ (com.datastax.driver.core.TransportException: [localhost/] Cannot connect))
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.reconnectInternal(
at com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection.connect(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster$Manager.init(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.init(
at com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.connect(
at com.<company...packages...>.CassandraConnection.<init>(
Here is the puzzling part: although I can see my plugins being called when I test them using cqlsh, they are never accessed when I use the Datastax driver - I have added log messages in the beginning of each method, and they are never called. There are no errors in the logs indicating any sort of initialization problem, and I do see a message indicating that my plugins will be used.
That exact same client code works with no problem when:
I don't have my plugin running.
I use Cassadra's PasswordAuthenticator.
So, it looks like there is some problem with my plugins, but how can that be if 1) they work fine with cqlsh and 2) none of their methods are being called when the datastax driver is being used?
A couple of additional points - if I try to connect using Datastax's DevCenter, I see the same behavior as my client, with the exact same exception, so that rules out my (very simple) client code. I have also tried to:
before calling connect() as suggested in other posts, but that didn't help either - when I step through the client with the debugger, I see the error as soon as I call cluster.connect(), so it's not a time out issue either.
Any help is appreciated.

Getting UnsupportedOperationException when i do HazelcastInstance.getConfig() from remote client

I Am using a Hazelcast java client(on node1), and creating Hazelcast maps on the different node(different laptop--node2).
My setup:
on node2 - Hazelcast is running.
on node1 - Stand -alone java program which acts like a Hazelcast java client.
ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
HazelcastInstance inst = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(config);
//Creating a mapconfig
MapConfig mcfg = new MapConfig();
//creating a mapstore config
MapStoreConfig mapStoreCfg = new MapStoreConfig();
MyMapStore is my implementation of Hazelcast MapStore. This class resides on
I am getting "UnsupportedOperationException" when i run this code.. When i do inst.getConfig(), getting this exception.. Can anyone please let me know what is work around for this!
Stacktrace is:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
at com.hazelcast.client.HazelcastClient.getConfig(
at ClientClass.main(
Hazelcast clients can not access cluster nodes' configuration. This operation is unsupported.
Also you should not update/change configuration after cluster is up.
UnsupportedOperationException, when doing HazelcastInstance.getConfig() from hazelcast client
Client do not store data, so it does not use MapStore, so you should configure mapstore not on client, but the other hazelcast server instances. Like that:
Config config = new Config();
HazelcastInstance node1 = Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(cfg);
