how to decrypt Dreamweaver site passwords? - dreamweaver

When I set a site on the Dreamweaver and configure a server ftp for the site, many times I forgot the passwords so that I want to find a way to recover it.

The Dreamweaver just gives you the option to export the site manager data.
Site=>Manage Sites=>select the site=>export
this will save on your computer a readable xml file with extension .ste
Just open it in word-pad or any other application to read the xml and search for the needed server password and get the value of the attribute pw in the tag server
Then use this javascript function to decrypte the password from this value
function decodeDreamWaverPass(hash){
var pass = '';
for (var i=0 ; i<hash.length ; i+=2){
return pass;
Hope that it will be helpful for you...

To decode the Dreamweaver password you break the password into pairs of hexadecimal (0-9, A-F) digits then subtract from each hex digit based on it's position in the string, starting with 0, then convert back to ascii.
Example on this stackoverflow post - Encode and decode an Adobe Dreamweaver password in *.ste file
We also have a page on our website you can use to convert the passwords...

Sorry to wake up an old thread but thought I'd post my solution. It's a single HTML5 page that can load and parse Dreamweaver STE files, decoding the password as part of that. I wanted something simple, offline/local (so details aren't transmitted when decoding) that I could to just load an STE file in to and it would give me all the FTP details:
Blog Post:
Decoder Page:
Hope it's useful to someone!


Charset of Lotus Domino Server

I've a Java agent (running on Linux server) that manage document attachments, but something wrong with accented chars in their names (ò,è,ù ecc..).
I wrote this code to display the charset used:
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream());
String enc = writer.getEncoding();
System.out.println("CHARSET: " + enc);
This display
In a server where everything works fine, same line print:
Servers have same configuration (works with "Internet sites", where "Use UTF-8 for output" is set to "Yes").
Any idea about parameter to set (Domino/Linux)?
I'll try to explain better...
I call an agent through Ajax call.
In parameter, i pass "ààà" string. When i try to decode in UTF-8 inside agent, string is resolved with
instead of
This is what System.out.println() shows in console.
On another Domino server, everything works. I don't understand if it is a matter of server settings or OS settings.
Just a suggestion, but you could change the first line in your example to be:
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new ByteArrayOutputStream(),
That will force the OutputStreamWriter to UTF8, and your sample code will show consistent output on both servers. Without knowing more details, I can't say for sure if that's relevant to the real problem.
Although this might not directly answer your question, maybe you might be interessted in this article about encoding.

Using a nodejs server to load files with Unicode names

I want to load audio files with names like здраво.mp3, using a NodeJS server. (That's "zdravo" or "hello" in Serbian, if you were wondering).
However, NodeJS makes a request for %D0%B7%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BE.mp3 instead, which results in the file not being found.
If I drag the file into a browser window from my desktop, the browser is happy to load it as file///path/здраво.mp3, so the issue is not with the way the browser is treating the Unicode string
The HTML page containing the link to the file has this meta tag in the head section...
<meta charset="utf-8" />
... and it is quite happy to display the text "Здраво" on the page, so the Unicode strings are properly formed within the browser.
I am guessing that the browser is converting the name to ISO-8859-1 before sending the request, and that the NodeJS server somehow needs to convert it back to Unicode before looking for it in the file system.
My question is: is there already a module that I can use to do this conversion, and are there examples of how to use it?
SOLUTION: Following the reply from Edwin Dalorzo, here is the one-line fix that I made to my handleRequest() function:
function handleRequest(request, response) {
request.url = decodeURIComponent(request.url) // the fix
var pathname = url.parse(request.url).pathname
It is not clear how you are receiving the encoded string, but for sure you can decode by simply doing:
And this will give you back your string "здраво"

How to encode a PHP file with base64

I have one ridiculously silly question and most of you would like to reffer me to Google right away, but that didn't helped me out within the first hour. I suppose I didn't knew how to look for. I'm having a PHP file and I'd like to have it in base64 yet I can't get it to work anyhow.
1) I encoded my PHP script to base64(and included the PHP tags). It'll look as following : JTNDJTNGcGhwJTIwVGhpcyUyMGlzJTIwdGhlJTIwUEhQJTIwY29kZSUyMCUzRiUzRQ==
This kind of base64 won't execute so I added the PHP tags to it although the encoded file already had it. Still didn't worked out. Removed the tags from the base64 and tried again, but still didn't worked. Then I tried adding the PHP tags and inside of them added :
eval(gzinflate(base64_decode('base64 here')));
Still didn't worked out anyhow. Is anyone here kind enough to tell the kiddo how to run a base64 encoded PHP file properly?
Would be really appreaciated. :)
A simple code:
$code = base64_decode($source);
or even shorter:
Do you want to encrypt your code? If so, this is not the right way. Use a accelerator like this one or this one. They will crypt your codes and make them even faster!
If you are going to use base_64 to encode your php file then the encoded text need to seat in between the php tags including the base_64 tag.
If your code is:
Then your code should look like:
<?php eval("?>".base64_decode("JTNDJTNGcGhwJTIwVGhpcyUyMGlzJTIwdGhlJTIwUEhQJTIwY29kZSUyMCUzRiUzRQ")); ?>
Basically your basic code will look like this:
<?php eval("?>".base64_decode("Code Goes here")); ?>
There are more simple tools that can give you this option
Check this out: PHP Encoder & Decoder with Domain Lock

Is it safe to change the 'Security.salt' line to a more lengthy string {64 hex key}

I have changed the Configure::write('Security.salt', '############'); value in the file
file to a '256-bit hex key'. Is it safe or a good practice to change these lines for every different installation of cakephp application or shall I revert back to the original ?
I also changed the Configure::write('Security.cipherSeed','7927237598237592759727'); to a different one of more length.
Please throw some light on this.
It is absolutely necessary that you change the salt values. When you do a clean install of CakePHP the default home page will give a warning if you have not changed the salt value.
On the salt length, see this discussion: What is the optimal length for user password salt?

What is the encoding of an .eml file from IIS's SMTP server?

I need to write a program that read the .eml files from IIS's mail drop box, but I can't find a definitive source that tells me the encoding of the .eml files. Is there a specification somewhere that tells me the encoding of the files, or do I just have to guess/assume one?
You need to read the Content-Transfer-Encoding header. This value will tell you how the email is encoded. The most common are 7-Bit (no encoding), Quoted-Printable (where you see a lot of =HEX pairs), and base64 (which is base 64 encoding).
Based upon that header value, you decode the following body part using the specified routine.
I found my answer at "The basic Internet e-mail transmission protocol, SMTP, supports only 7-bit ASCII characters... "
Though it's too late to answer but eml file format nothing but a plaintext MIME (rfc822) file format for storing emails.
