Sharepoint Custom List Preview Pane not displaying information past Title and Date - sharepoint

My preview pane has all the items down the left side as it should, and it has all of my column selections as rows down the right side.
However, when hovering over the titles, only Date and Title are being filled out on the right side.
If I change the view style to boxed or anything then it displays all the information.
It just appears that preview pane is having some weird difficulty correlating the hovered over item to the information on the right, Any suggestions?
Using Sharepoint 2013. I don't have Sharepoint Designer though. There's roughly 15 columns of information that needs to be displayed in rows because there's not enough room along the columns bar otherwise. Boxed style worked for a moment but then I realized there was no way to make it 1 box wide instead of default 2 boxes wide.
EDIT: I created a calendar view to add onto my page and chose to display Title. This might be where the problem is coming from. It says the title of all of my items are (no title).

I figured out that in InfoPath in the Fields pane on the right, you have to go to 'Show Advanced View'. Then there is a group called queryFields. The title inside queryFields was never being injected with same information as dataField. I saw later in the view option that my sort by setting was [Title]. I don't know if it's relevant, but putting it out there for future readers.

Solution: If you have an email user/group field that is not completed, it will not display any details beyond that field for each record. Either remove that email column, or ensure they are filled out.


Are there any negative consequences of giving ‘Title’ field a default value of ‘View’ and making it a hidden field?

When I create a list, I have gotten into the habit of doing the following:
Change Title field name to Item
Give it the default value of View
Go to Advanced Settings
Allow management of content types > Yes
Click Save
Then in Settings, click on the Item type
Then click on the Item field and select Hidden
Then go back to Advanced Settings
Allow management of content types > No
Click Save
The result of this is that:
The Title field (now called Item) is hidden in the form
I have a column called Item, which has the link View in each row (which opens up the item)
I can’t remember why I started doing this (possibly one of the reasons outlined in this video), but the use case must have demanded it and I just kept doing it.
However, lately I have been having troubling thoughts about whether it negatively effects indexing or has any other undesired outcomes.
For example, I did a search in a list the other today, and in the drop down search results that were displayed, I just got multiple rows of the value View.
I also read just before posting this question that list items in the recycle bin will be identified by the value that was in the Title column. So if they all say View it will be impossible to differentiate one from the other.
So I just thought I would see if there is any authoritative, definitive best practice around the Title column, and ask if my convention is bad and if so what I should replace it with.
Thank You.
(Edit: I also hide the Title column in document libraries, as it doesn’t seem to serve a purpose, as clicking on the value in the Name column opens up the document anyway - therefore the ‘link’ action of the Title field is not required).

SSRS - Merge Cells of Same Data Vertically

Please see attached screenshot as I think this will help show better. I have an SSRS report, in that one column can have the same value across many rows. For this report, you can see Site column has a value of "JAC-FL". How can I "merge" this so it only appears once (See screen shot of "Excel Layout" as I know how to do this in Excel). For the life of me, I cannot seem to get this.
I already have a rowgroup defined for the data (see Row Group screenshot) (Please note, there is data for Username, but I removed it so it wouldn't appear in the screen shot).
Site = lvl_2_value, UMFullName = User Name, stream_3_Stream = Stream
I cannot seem to get my Site (I plan on doing this to the other columns as well, but thought if I get the first to work, I can do it to the others) to appear like the Excel layout. Would anyone be able to help?
You'll want to split out the rows into child groups, instead of grouping on all of them at once. Take a look at the bottom left of your first screenshot, you can see the "row groups" section there.
If all you see in that box is a line that says "(Details)", then you will need to start by right-clicking that and adding a parent group. Then you can add a child to that parent, and so on, going from most inclusive to least inclusive. So for example, if we were working with locations, we could do something like Country > State/Province > City).
It may be easiest to start a new tablix (keep your old tablix until you're done though so you can copy and paste expressions and get the formatting right again!), as things tend to get shifted around when you add groups to an existing tablix.

SharePoint Webpart dropdownlist autopostback isn't functioning correctly

I have built a webpart that basically displays all the items in a SharePoint list based on a set of criteria.
One of these criteria's is a date, a year specifically. The user is supposed to select the date from a dropdown list in the web part and the view area below will populate with all the items from that specific year.
That part works. The SPQuery grabs the data just fine and displays it in the format desired. The issue I am having is with the autopostback option on the dropdownlist.
It doesn't remember the current selectedindex, it remembers the PREVIOUS selected index. If I chooes 2014, the page loads but nothing changes, if I then choose 2013, the 2014 stuff appears, if I then choose 2010, the 2013 items appear, if I go back and then select the 2014, the 2010 stuff appears. It's always 1 behind and I have no idea why.
I've tried assigning a ViewState variable in the SelectedIndexChange to remember what was selected, but that too always seems to be one step behind. I can't seem to get the CURRENT selected index.
Does anyone know what's going on here?
Your question is more ASP.NET problem than SharePoint. Check MSDN to see page life-cycle. New values of controls are available after the onLoad event of Page. So just move your code to onPrerender event.

XPages newbie - view columns in discussion database

I'm a traditional domino developer just beginning XPages. I'm working on modifying the standard 8.5.3 Domino discussion database. I've added some fields on the Main Topic and response forms, one called category. I've added a categorised column in the ($xpAllDocuments) view to the left of "Topic" for the category field. This works fine in Notes as you'd expect, but when the view is rendered in the All Documents xpage, the category twiste displays without any label. I'm not sure how to modify the column data for the xpage, as it seems to use a repeat? instead of a view?
Any help greatly appreciated, and apologies for the presumably basic enquiry!
You have to add the categories column to custom control allDocumentsView which renders the view for browser.
How to find out where to set the new categorized column? A good way is to look at the "All properties" of a certain element. For that, open the Source pane of custom control allDocumentsView, position cursor on <xe:dataView and look at "All Properties". If you hover over the properties' labels you get a helper window with a short explanation.
In your case, property categoryColumn is what you are looking for. Assuming you added a categorized column Categories to view ($xpAllDocuments) then you would have to put into property categoryColumn:
With that, your source code gets expanded by
and you will see the added categorized column in your rendered XPage.
I don't know the discussion template in detail, but when the All Documents Xpage is using a repeat control, then you cannot expect an automatic category expand/collapse feature as in a Notes view.
If you want that, you need a View control on the Xpage.

Unexpected behaviour in a Lotus Notes programmable table

I'm designing a workflow database in Lotus Notes 6.0.3 (soon upgrading to 8.5), and my OS is Windows XP.
I have recently tried converting a tabbed table into a programmable one. This was so that I could control which tab was displayed to the user when it was opened, so that they were presented with the most appropriate one for that document's progress through the workflow. That part of it works!
One of the tabs features a radio button that controls visibility of the next tab, and a pair of cascading dialogue boxes. One contains the static list "Person":"Team", and the other has a formula based on the first:
view:=#If(PeerReview = "Team"; "GroupNames"; "GroupMembers");
#Unique(#DbColumn(""; ""; view; 1))
The dialogue boxes have the property "Refresh fields on keyword change" selected.
The behaviour that I wasn't expecting is this. If the radio button is set to "Yes" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the table opens the next tab. If the radio button is set to "No" and a value is selected in one of the dialogue boxes, the entire table is hidden.
I can duplicate the latter by switching off the "Refresh fields on keyword change" property on the dialogue boxes and instead pressing F9 after selecting a value. I have no idea why the former occurs, though. The table is called "RFCInfo", and I have a field on the form called "$RFCInfo" which is editable, hidden from all users who aren't me and initially set by a Postopen script, which I can post if necessary - it's essentially a Select Case statement that looks at a particular item value and returns the name of the table row relating to that value.
Can anyone offer any pointers?
Hide-when formulas in table cells in Notes R5 and R6 were notorious for breaking in unpredictable ways when you edited the table cells. Even in R7, I think they were still a little bit funky, but by R8 they were finally really solid. You haven't shown the hide-when's but my first guess is that you are simply a victim of the bad behavior.
Please don't shoot the messenger, but the usual way we addressed this sort of problem was to painstakingly re-create the entire table from scratch, and hope we never have to edit it again. I.e., make a copy of the table in a scratch form and clear all the hide-whens -- one by one. Then create a brand new empty table in a second scratch form and get all the cells set up exactly like the original table, including nested tables, merged cells, and other settings -- but skip the hide-whens for now. Then copy each cell's content from the first scratch form to the corresponding cell of the second scratch form. Then, referring to the hide-whens in the original form, re-create each hide-when on the paragraphs in the cells on the second scratch form. Finally, delete the original table from your original form and then copy/paste the table from the second scratch from back into your original form.
Once you have R8.5, move to XPages in Notes, it's almost a no-brainer to implement your tabs. And in return, you get many other interesting issues to solve!
