VIM Background - Terminal left a Border? - vim

when i running Terminal-VIM in fullscreen-mode with a Colorscheme there are still a small border from the standard terminal background color.You can see right and down.
Is there a easy way to fix this that there are always the background color from the scheme i use? Or a easy way with the vimrc ?
best regards

The only fix is to have your terminal and vim's background use the same color. Or make vim not have a background color.
Some terminals like urxvt allow you to define the width of that gutter, maybe your terminal does too.


Vim using wrong colors

I have a problem with my vim and terminal configurations.
I am on Fedora Linux 27, run i3 and the gnome-terminal. I want to use the srcery color scheme (GH page). On GVim it works perfectly, right out the box. However, on the terminal it doesn't look as good. Srcery isn't the only color scheme with this issue, virtually all Base16 color schemes and all others that use 256 colors suffer from the same problem.
What I find bizarre, is that my $TERM variable is set to xterm-256color, tput colors gives out 256, and even vim itself claims to have a t_Co set to 256. I can do things like make the background of vim transparent, which then works properly.
you can see the color scheme working properly in GVim
a comparison to normal vim.
I have my gnome-terminal colors set to the srcery colors as well, there's a script on the GH page to create a srcery profile, which i am using. Alas, that does not help with my issue either.
Currently, I don't know how i could enable vim to correctly display my color scheme
Any help you could provide would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

How to solve the conflict with the color of dark solarized and some output?

I really like the solarized and use it as the color scheme of my iTerm and Vim.
But recentlly, I start using Node.js. The problem has been bothering me for weeks.
The color of the result of mocha and pm2 seems the same the background of dark cheme,
I do not want to change to other color scheme.
So what should I do?
Finally the setting of Contrast of iTerms fixed it for me.
This patch from iTerm2 Color Schemes leaves the rest of the Solarized Dark theme unchanged while patching the unfortunate issue with the background being set to bright-black.
If someone have the same problem, please use this patch for solarized.

Use arbitrary colors in Vim and terminator

I am working on terminal Vim colorscheme (for 256-color terminal) and I need a few dark colours that I could use as backgrounds. I'm not satisfied with ones available in standard palette - for example, color 22 (#005f00), the darkest shade of green, is still too bright.
I've read that terminal Vim does not allow specifying colors as RGB, so - to get arbitrary colors - I would have to tweak terminal emulator's color palette. Is there a way to tweak full 256-color palette in gnome-terminal / terminator? Preferences window only allows editing basic 16.
BTW, Chrome's hterm allows this via 'color-palette-overrides' preference (but has its own drawbacks).
Gnome-terminal doesn't offer a UI to alter the colors (apart from the first 16), but you can use escape sequences, e.g.:
echo -ne '\e]4;22;#004f00\a'
As you've mentioned, sometimes these colors get reset to their default values. This was a bug in the underlying VTE library, and got fixed in version 0.36.
As far as I know, you won't find a single terminal emulator that gives you that kind of control over the whole standardized xterm palette.
So, if you ever intend to share that colorscheme you are stuck with the default palette.
On the other hand, if that colorscheme is only meant for your usage or if you are OK with forcing a hard dependency on your users, you can use japh's colorcoke to generate an alternate palette more suited to your needs. See the repo's wiki for examples)

How to remove border around terminal vim

I'm using terminal vim with the solarized-light theme for both vim and my terminal. If I try and use for example a dark colour scheme for my terminal a dark border appears around my vim window as shown in the image below.
Is there a setting I can change to remove this border, or reduce its width to 0?
You can't do that from Vim and your terminal emulator doesn't expose an option for that either.
So… use the same background color.
Nothing to do with vim it's a terminal background. There's no simple solution. Use the same background color or change a font. Some fonts with certain sizes ideally fit into terminal width and height. Bitstream font works for me.

Why do all my MacVim color schemes look wrong?

I am having a problem with my MacVim color schemes. I have 'syntax on' in my .vimrc and I work mostly with Python.
As an example, I have attached a screenshot of what the "default" color scheme looks like in MacVim to me. I am having this problem with varying degrees of color differences for all the different schemes. Whenever I find a scheme I like online, it never looks like it does in the screenshot.
Any ideas on what the problem is?
Many themes provide modes for both dark background colors and light background colors. If you'd like to keep using this theme, try running:
:set background=light
Most of the themes I've seen were designed with a dark background and lighter text in mind -- I personally find a mostly-black screen easier on my eyes than a mostly-white screen -- so perhaps you just need to change the background color to something dark. In which case, you'd then want to run:
:set background=dark
The problem seems to be in ~/.gvimrc, look at what it does with the highlights (such as highlight NonText guibg=grey80). I've just placed them in an if !exists("stupid_colors").
