How to redirect ubuntu terminal output to a file? - linux

I have tried redirecting the terminal output to a file using tee and > as in the examples here and the question. It worked for echo test | tee log.txt or ls -l | tee log.txt
But It does not work (does not add anything to the log.txt) when I run a command like divine verify file.dve | tee log.txt
where divine is an installed tool. Any ideas or alternatives?

Try divine verify file.dve 2>&1 | tee log.txt. If the program is outputting to stderr instead of stdout, this redirects stderr to stdout.

works on ffmpeg output too
{ echo ffmpeg -i [rest of command]; ffmpeg -i [rest of command]; } 2>&1 | tee ffmpeg.txt
and tee -a to append if file already exists
also if you want to see mediainfo on all files in a folder and make sure command is also visible in mediainfo.txt
{ echo mediainfo *; mediainfo *; } 2>&1 | tee mediainfo.txt
NB: { echo cmd; cmd; } means the command is kept in the txt file ; without this it is not printed


Redirecting tail output into a program

I want to send a program the most recent lines from a text file using tail as stdin.
First, I echo to the program some input that will be the same every time, then send in tail input from an inputfile which should first be processed through sed. The following is the command line that I expect to work. But when the program runs it only receives the echo input, not the tail input.
(echo "new" && tail -f ~/inputfile 2> /dev/null | sed -n -r 'some regex' && cat) | ./program
However, the following works exactly as expected, printing everything out to the terminal:
echo "new" && tail -f ~/inputfile 2> /dev/null | sed -n -r 'some regex' && cat
So I tried with another type of output, and again while the echoed text posted, the tail text does not appear anywhere:
(echo "new" && tail -f ~/inputfile 2> /dev/null | sed -n -r 'some regex') | tee out.txt
This made me think it is a problem with buffering, but I tried the unbuffer program and all other advice here ( without results. Where is the tail output going and how can I get it to go into my program as expected?
The buffering problem was resolved when I prefixed the sed command with the following:
stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0
Much more preferable to using unbuffer, which didn't even work for me. Dave M's suggestion of using sed's relatively new -u also seems to do the trick.
One thing you may be getting confused by -- | (pipeline) is higher precedence than && (consecutive execution). So when you say
(echo "new" && tail -f ~/inputfile 2> /dev/null | sed -n -r 'some regex' && cat) | ./program
that is equivalent to
(echo "new" && (tail -f ~/inputfile 2> /dev/null | sed -n -r 'some regex') && cat) | ./program
So the cat isn't really doing anything, and the sed output is probably buffered a bit. You can try using the -u option to sed to get it to use unbuffered output:
(echo "new" && (tail -f ~/inputfile 2> /dev/null | sed -n -u -r 'some regex')) | ./program
I believe some versions of sed default to -u when the output is a terminal and not when it is a pipe, so that may be the source of the difference you're seeing.
You can use the i command in sed (see the command list in the manpage for details) to do the inserting at the beginning:
tail -f inputfile | sed -e '1inew file' -e 's/this/that/' | ./program

Shell script to log output of console

I want to grep the output of my script - which itself contains call to different binaries...
Since the script has multiple binaries within I can't simply put exec and dump the output in file (it does not copy output from the binaries)...
And to let you know, I am monitoring the script output to determine if the system has got stuck!
Why don't you append instead?
mybin1 | grep '...' >> mylog.txt
mybin2 | grep '...' >> mylog.txt
mybin3 | grep '...' >> mylog.txt
Does this not work?
exec 11>&1 12>&2 > >(exec tee /var/log/somewhere) 2>&1 ## Or add -a option to tee to append.
# call your binaries here
exec >&- 2>&- >&11 2>&12 11>&- 12>&-

What is meant by 'output to stdout'

New to bash programming. I am not sure what is meant by 'output to stdout'. Does it mean print out to the command line?
If I have a simple bash script:
wget -q -O - | grep -m 1 'Hello'
it outputs a string to the terminal. Does this mean it's 'outputting to stdout' ?
Yes, stdout is the terminal (unless it's redirected to a file using the > operator or into the stdin of another process using |)
In your specific example, you're actually redirecting using | grep ... through grep then to the terminal.
Every process on a Linux system (and most others) has at least 3 open file descriptors:
stdin (0)
stdout (1)
stderr (2)
Regualary every of this file descriptors will point to the terminal from where the process was started. Like this:
cat file.txt # all file descriptors are pointing to the terminal where you type the command
However, bash allows to modify this behaviour using input / output redirection:
cat < file.txt # will use file.txt as stdin
cat file.txt > output.txt # redirects stdout to a file (will not appear on terminal anymore)
cat file.txt 2> /dev/null # redirects stderr to /dev/null (will not appear on terminal anymore
The same is happening when you are using the pipe symbol like:
wget -q -O - | grep -m 1 'Hello'
What is actually happening is that the stdout of the wget process (the process before the | ) is redirected to the stdin of the grep process. So wget's stdout isn't a terminal anymore while grep's output is the current terminal. If you want to redirect grep's output to a file for example, then use this:
wget -q -O - | grep -m 1 'Hello' > output.txt
Unless redirected, standard output is the text terminal which initiated the program.
Here's a wikipedia article:

Command output redirect to file and terminal [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to redirect output to a file and stdout
(11 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I am trying to throw command output to file plus console also. This is because i want to keep record of output in file. I am doing following and it appending to file but not printing ls output on terminal.
$ls 2>&1 > /tmp/ls.txt
Yes, if you redirect the output, it won't appear on the console. Use tee.
ls 2>&1 | tee /tmp/ls.txt
It is worth mentioning that 2>&1 means that standard error will be redirected too, together with standard output. So
someCommand | tee someFile
gives you just the standard output in the file, but not the standard error: standard error will appear in console only. To get standard error in the file too, you can use
someCommand 2>&1 | tee someFile
(source: In the shell, what is " 2>&1 "? ). Finally, both the above commands will truncate the file and start clear. If you use a sequence of commands, you may want to get output&error of all of them, one after another. In this case you can use -a flag to "tee" command:
someCommand 2>&1 | tee -a someFile
In case somebody needs to append the output and not overriding, it is possible to use "-a" or "--append" option of "tee" command :
ls 2>&1 | tee -a /tmp/ls.txt
ls 2>&1 | tee --append /tmp/ls.txt

How do I write standard error to a file while using "tee" with a pipe?

I know how to use tee to write the output (standard output) of to bbb.out, while still displaying it in the terminal:
./ | tee bbb.out
How would I now also write standard error to a file named ccc.out, while still having it displayed?
I'm assuming you want to still see standard error and standard output on the terminal. You could go for Josh Kelley's answer, but I find keeping a tail around in the background which outputs your log file very hackish and cludgy. Notice how you need to keep an extra file descriptor and do cleanup afterward by killing it and technically should be doing that in a trap '...' EXIT.
There is a better way to do this, and you've already discovered it: tee.
Only, instead of just using it for your standard output, have a tee for standard output and one for standard error. How will you accomplish this? Process substitution and file redirection:
command > >(tee -a stdout.log) 2> >(tee -a stderr.log >&2)
Let's split it up and explain:
> >(..)
>(...) (process substitution) creates a FIFO and lets tee listen on it. Then, it uses > (file redirection) to redirect the standard output of command to the FIFO that your first tee is listening on.
The same thing for the second:
2> >(tee -a stderr.log >&2)
We use process substitution again to make a tee process that reads from standard input and dumps it into stderr.log. tee outputs its input back on standard output, but since its input is our standard error, we want to redirect tee's standard output to our standard error again. Then we use file redirection to redirect command's standard error to the FIFO's input (tee's standard input).
See Input And Output
Process substitution is one of those really lovely things you get as a bonus of choosing Bash as your shell as opposed to sh (POSIX or Bourne).
In sh, you'd have to do things manually:
out="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/out.$$" err="${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/err.$$"
mkfifo "$out" "$err"
trap 'rm "$out" "$err"' EXIT
tee -a stdout.log < "$out" &
tee -a stderr.log < "$err" >&2 &
command >"$out" 2>"$err"
./ 2>&1 | tee -a log
This simply redirects standard error to standard output, so tee echoes both to log and to the screen. Maybe I'm missing something, because some of the other solutions seem really complicated.
Note: Since Bash version 4 you may use |& as an abbreviation for 2>&1 |:
./ |& tee -a log
This may be useful for people finding this via Google. Simply uncomment the example you want to try out. Of course, feel free to rename the output files.
### All output to screen
### Do nothing, this is the default
### All Output to one file, nothing to the screen
#exec > ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
### All output to one file and all output to the screen
#exec > >(tee ${LOGFILE}) 2>&1
### All output to one file, STDOUT to the screen
#exec > >(tee -a ${LOGFILE}) 2> >(tee -a ${LOGFILE} >/dev/null)
### All output to one file, STDERR to the screen
### Note you need both of these lines for this to work
#exec 3>&1
#exec > >(tee -a ${LOGFILE} >/dev/null) 2> >(tee -a ${LOGFILE} >&3)
### STDOUT to STATUSFILE, stderr to LOGFILE, nothing to the screen
#exec > ${STATUSFILE} 2>${LOGFILE}
### STDOUT to STATUSFILE, stderr to LOGFILE and all output to the screen
#exec > >(tee ${STATUSFILE}) 2> >(tee ${LOGFILE} >&2)
#exec > >(tee ${STATUSFILE}) 2>${LOGFILE}
#exec > ${STATUSFILE} 2> >(tee ${LOGFILE} >&2)
echo "This is a test"
ls -l sdgshgswogswghthb_this_file_will_not_exist_so_we_get_output_to_stderr_aronkjegralhfaff
ls -l ${0}
In other words, you want to pipe stdout into one filter (tee bbb.out) and stderr into another filter (tee ccc.out). There is no standard way to pipe anything other than stdout into another command, but you can work around that by juggling file descriptors.
{ { ./ | tee bbb.out; } 2>&1 1>&3 | tee ccc.out; } 3>&1 1>&2
See also How to grep standard error stream (stderr)? and When would you use an additional file descriptor?
In bash (and ksh and zsh), but not in other POSIX shells such as dash, you can use process substitution:
./ > >(tee bbb.out) 2> >(tee ccc.out)
Beware that in bash, this command returns as soon as ./ finishes, even if the tee commands are still executed (ksh and zsh do wait for the subprocesses). This may be a problem if you do something like ./ > >(tee bbb.out) 2> >(tee ccc.out); process_logs bbb.out ccc.out. In that case, use file descriptor juggling or ksh/zsh instead.
To redirect standard error to a file, display standard output to the screen, and also save standard output to a file:
./ 2>ccc.out | tee ./bbb.out
To display both standard error and standard output to screen and also save both to a file, you can use Bash's I/O redirection:
# Create a new file descriptor 4, pointed at the file
# which will receive standard error.
exec 4<>ccc.out
# Also print the contents of this file to screen.
tail -f ccc.out &
# Run the command; tee standard output as normal, and send standard error
# to our file descriptor 4.
./ 2>&4 | tee bbb.out
# Clean up: Close file descriptor 4 and kill tail -f.
exec 4>&-
kill %1
If using Bash:
# Redirect standard out and standard error separately
% cmd >stdout-redirect 2>stderr-redirect
# Redirect standard error and out together
% cmd >stdout-redirect 2>&1
# Merge standard error with standard out and pipe
% cmd 2>&1 |cmd2
Credit (not answering from the top of my head) goes here: Re: bash : stderr & more (pipe for stderr)
If you're using Z shell (zsh), you can use multiple redirections, so you don't even need tee:
./cmd 1>&1 2>&2 1>out_file 2>err_file
Here you're simply redirecting each stream to itself and the target file.
Full example
% (echo "out"; echo "err">/dev/stderr) 1>&1 2>&2 1>/tmp/out_file 2>/tmp/err_file
% cat /tmp/out_file
% cat /tmp/err_file
Note that this requires the MULTIOS option to be set (which is the default).
Perform implicit tees or cats when multiple redirections are attempted (see Redirection).
Like the accepted answer well explained by lhunath, you can use
command > >(tee -a stdout.log) 2> >(tee -a stderr.log >&2)
Beware than if you use bash you could have some issue.
Let me take the matthew-wilcoxson example.
And for those who "seeing is believing", a quick test:
(echo "Test Out";>&2 echo "Test Err") > >(tee stdout.log) 2> >(tee stderr.log >&2)
Personally, when I try, I have this result:
user#computer:~$ (echo "Test Out";>&2 echo "Test Err") > >(tee stdout.log) 2> >(tee stderr.log >&2)
user#computer:~$ Test Out
Test Err
Both messages do not appear at the same level. Why does Test Out seem to be put like if it is my previous command?
The prompt is on a blank line letting me think the process is not finished, and when I press Enter this fix it.
When I check the content of the files, it is ok, and redirection works.
Let’s take another test.
function outerr() {
echo "out" # stdout
echo >&2 "err" # stderr
user#computer:~$ outerr
user#computer:~$ outerr >/dev/null
user#computer:~$ outerr 2>/dev/null
Trying again the redirection, but with this function:
function test_redirect() {
echo "$ outerr"
(outerr) > >(tee "$fout") 2> >(tee "$ferr" >&2)
echo "# $fout content: "
cat "$fout"
echo "# $ferr content: "
cat "$ferr"
Personally, I have this result:
user#computer:~$ test_redirect
$ outerr
# stdout.log content:
# stderr.log content:
No prompt on a blank line, but I don't see normal output. The stdout.log content seem to be wrong, and only stderr.log seem to be ok.
If I relaunch it, the output can be different...
So, why?
Because, like explained here:
Beware that in bash, this command returns as soon as [first command] finishes, even if the tee commands are still executed (ksh and zsh do wait for the subprocesses)
So, if you use Bash, prefer use the better example given in this other answer:
{ { outerr | tee "$fout"; } 2>&1 1>&3 | tee "$ferr"; } 3>&1 1>&2
It will fix the previous issues.
Now, the question is, how to retrieve exit status code?
$? does not work.
I have no found better solution than switch on pipefail with set -o pipefail (set +o pipefail to switch off) and use ${PIPESTATUS[0]} like this:
function outerr() {
echo "out"
echo >&2 "err"
return 11
function test_outerr() {
local - # To preserve set option
! [[ -o pipefail ]] && set -o pipefail; # Or use second part directly
local fout="stdout.log"
local ferr="stderr.log"
echo "$ outerr"
{ { outerr | tee "$fout"; } 2>&1 1>&3 | tee "$ferr"; } 3>&1 1>&2
# First save the status or it will be lost
local status="${PIPESTATUS[0]}" # Save first, the second is 0, perhaps tee status code.
echo "==="
echo "# $fout content :"
echo "<==="
cat "$fout"
echo "===>"
echo "# $ferr content :"
echo "<==="
cat "$ferr"
echo "===>"
if (( status > 0 )); then
echo "Fail $status > 0"
return "$status" # or whatever
user#computer:~$ test_outerr
$ outerr
# stdout.log content:
# stderr.log content:
Fail 11 > 0
In my case, a script was running command while redirecting both stdout and stderr to a file, something like:
cmd > log 2>&1
I needed to update it such that when there is a failure, take some actions based on the error messages. I could of course remove the dup 2>&1 and capture the stderr from the script, but then the error messages won't go into the log file for reference. While the accepted answer from lhunath is supposed to do the same, it redirects stdout and stderr to different files, which is not what I want, but it helped me to come up with the exact solution that I need:
(cmd 2> >(tee /dev/stderr)) > log
With the above, log will have a copy of both stdout and stderr and I can capture stderr from my script without having to worry about stdout.
The following will work for KornShell (ksh) where the process substitution is not available,
# create a combined (standard input and standard output) collector
exec 3 <> combined.log
# stream standard error instead of standard output to tee, while draining all standard output to the collector
./ 2>&1 1>&3 | tee -a stderr.log 1>&3
# cleanup collector
exec 3>&-
The real trick here, is the sequence of the 2>&1 1>&3 which in our case redirects the standard error to standard output and redirects the standard output to file descriptor 3. At this point the standard error and standard output are not combined yet.
In effect, the standard error (as standard input) is passed to tee where it logs to stderr.log and also redirects to file descriptor 3.
And file descriptor 3 is logging it to combined.log all the time. So the combined.log contains both standard output and standard error.
Thanks lhunath for the answer in POSIX.
Here's a more complex situation I needed in POSIX with the proper fix:
# Start script main() function
# - We redirect standard output to file_out AND terminal
# - We redirect standard error to file_err, file_out AND terminal
# - Terminal and file_out have both standard output and standard error, while file_err only holds standard error
main() {
# my main function
mkfifo "$pfout_fifo" "$pferr_fifo"
trap 'rm "$pfout_fifo" "$pferr_fifo"' EXIT
tee -a "file_out" < "$pfout_fifo" &
tee -a "file_err" < "$pferr_fifo" >>"$pfout_fifo" &
main "$#" >"$pfout_fifo" 2>"$pferr_fifo"; exit
Compilation errors which are sent to standard error (STDERR) can be redirected or save to a file by:
gcc temp.c &> error.log
C shell (csh):
% gcc temp.c |& tee error.log
See: How can I redirect compilation/build error to a file?
