Open source search written in Go [closed] - search

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone know of any open source search projects written in Go?
I want to implement a simple site search for my site and am looking for a web crawler, but more specifically, a search algorithm written in Go.
Any ideas, projects, or suggestions?

For the web crawler part, there`s gocrawl:
Disclaimer: I'm the author.

You could try the suffixarray implementation in Go's standard library:
Take a look at godoc how it can be used.


Python 3 how can i structure files? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm very new to pyhton so forgive me.
My question it how I can structure a file. For example I want to save multiple cooking recipes in a file. The program then should find the whole recipe with the ingerdients just by knowing its name.
I have tried to find answers in the internet but I seem not to find the right search term. So my question is just for what term do I have to google to find something that helps me?
You are looking to convert a text file into a dictionary. I would recommend using a JSON structure. See this page. If scope of your project is bigger than yourself using it, you would be better off using a database. Check out MongoDB.

How generically extract comments from different websites? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to extract comments from as well as from from any article. The way I'm extracting comments is, to target the class <div class="comment__body cf"> on Dawn while class="content" on
How can I do it generically? It means, There is no similar pattern on these websites through which this can be achieve by one class.
Shall I write separate code for each website?
All web sites use different html to represent the views and their comments.
You have to implement different crawlers for each site. You may also create a library file to keep there generic functions and not repeat some trivial functions.

What would be the best code comparison tool in Linux? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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When I worked for my previous company, I used BeyondCompare to compare directories containing codes. After switching to a new company, I became to use Linux. For the same code comparison purpose, I started using tkdiff. But, the GUI of tkdiff is not as good as BeyondCompare, and it seems that tkdiff cannot compare directories with multiple files. Could anyone suggest what would be the best free source comparison tool I can use in Linux environment?
in my work , I use Meld (
best Regards!

This edit resolves the original close reason and the question should be considered for reopening [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This edit resolves the original close reason and the question should be considered for reopening.
To be honest, just do it, you don't have to "look" for anything just make apps, make better and better apps, start with a simple MySql login app, then manipulate data from database make a forms app that displays something, make a simple text editor etc etc and put it on Github, so you can show it on a interview simple as that.
Good luck!

How to query Google programmatically? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a way to query Google programmatically and then read the "clean text" inside every URL. What is the best way to do it or if any tools already exists?
Programming language: preferably Java, Python or C#
You can use a Web Crawler to do this. Most programming languages have some sort of library that does this. For example if you use python, you can use Scrapy.
