Can't access my IIS site online - dns

I created a IIS site in my windows server 2012 virtual machine. I want to be able to access it online on my android phone. I can access it locally on the server. The ip address of the server is and for the IIS site its Also the server is a dynamic ip. I have tried using an online site called to make a domain. I created a domain and gave it the ip address I even installed the client program so it keeps my ip up to date. However when I visit it says it cannot be found.
Does anyone know what is wrong here?
Thanks. is your local IP address on your network. is your external IP address that your IPS assigned to your server (until it expires). I'm assuming you are doing this at home so you would need to make sure if you have a router, you need to configure it to set it up to port forward to your local IP address.
Set your '' ip address to and make sure your router (if you have one) is forwarding to


How do I ensure local iis access security?

I have windows 2008 R2 server. It is located behind a firewall called Fortigate.
I need to access an application on local iis from outside.
I opened a free account on cloudflare for this. I forwarded the A record of to my own ip address.
I opened a port in Firewall and forwarded it to my server.
My aim is only to be able to access the port on the server from, other than that, by typing the ip address, port scanning programs and so on. I don't want it to be accessed.
I thought of typing the cloudflare ip address from the server's firewall, but the cloudflare ip address is constantly changing. How can I do it?

How to redirect a HTTP request to localhost on windows?

I've created a node.js app. When it runs my mobile phone can connect to it using address In other words, when I open a browser on my phone and enter I get a welcome page served by the app running on my PC.
The problem is that the IP address is not human friendly. Is there a way to access my app by an alias? For example, http://myapp or something like this?
Yes, these aliases are provided by the domain name service (DNS). You need to set up a hostname on DNS to point to your machine's local address.
Put that IP address into a DNS server.
Here's a free way to do that.
Create a FreeDNS account by visiting
Click on Subdomains.
Click the Add link.
Create a subdomain hostname under one of FreeDNS's public domains. Maybe is a good choice
Put your machine's IP address into it.
Then, use to hit your development machine's nodejs app.
You can pay FreeDNS to register your own domain name and use that if you prefer.
There are all sorts of other ways to register a domain and then add address records to it, to translate from hostnames to IP addresses.
Edit If you were connecting to and from your desktop / laptop machine, you could add a hostname to your hosts file. The hosts file is itself a little DNS registry that's local to your machine. On windows it's at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. On *nix and mac it's at /etc/hosts.
But, you are connecting to your app from a mobile device. Editing the hosts file in a mobile device is unreasonably difficult.

Can not Access IIS site After IP Change

After publishing and hosting my asp net site to IIS server I am facing a problem with change of IP Address of the computer that I hosted the site on. Every time the computer on/off a new IP Address is given to the computer and I can't access the site unless I changes the binding of the site to the newly given IP Address. I tried changing the IpV4 to use static IP Address, this time the site works but I can't access the internet. How can I make the site work with the DHCP given IP Address with out changing bindings every time after on/off???

How to use iis with friendly name on local network

I make a web site to my local. I set bindings and I add hosts xml to
So, I can connet on my pc like,,
But another pc on my network can't conenct with friendly name,,
But same pc can connet with ip
How can that another pc connect with friendly name ?
IP Addresses are the numerical identification for each device on a computer network.
Named Addresses invented, because remembering each device Address's turned to a difficult job.
So someone must know's which names must be converted to which IP Address.
DNS Servers are responsible to do this translation. But you done that locally. Actually you don't have a DNS Server on your local System, So you can't tell to others that "WWW.Something.COM" is my Address.
If you didn't connected to the internet, you must establish a DNS Server or done this task manually in all clients:
Running a DNS Server is another task. you can search for DNS Server applications like or you can setup a DNS Server using Windows Server. for both scenarios you need to tell to your clients to add your DNS Server Address to their network Adapter settings.
or If you are connected to the Internet, you can Use a NoIP to register a free Address:
you then need to download an application (In to monitor IP changes, it will monitors your IP address and it changes and then tells to to translate your address into your current IP address.
Actually NOIP will registers your address globally around the Internet network and each one who can access to the internet is able to reach to your address.

Team City 9.1.3 and IIS 8.5 Win2k12 r2 URL Rewrite

I've successfully installed Team City 9.1.3 on a Win2k12 R2 server. I can get to TC by going to http://localhost:8080 - all works as it should and no issues.
However, I would like to access TC from any browser within my company. I don't want to remote desktop just to get to TC, so I followed the instructions Here, but I cannot get to TC through my domain. My domain is http://teamcity and is bound to a 10.* ip address since I don't want it public. I do get a reply when I ping "teamcity." Should it be a public ip?
The server is a fresh VM I created yesterday and there are no other sites on it. The server is on the domain and I can remote desktop into it.
Is there anything I need to do to associate http://teamcity or the ip address with the server?
As a test, I associated the default web site in iis with the new domain and ip address. If I navigate to either the ip address or the domain in a browser on the server, it does not take me to the default web site. Nor does that work if I do the same from my desktop.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sys Admin fixed the issue. The ip was not bound to the server. As soon as he fixed that issue, everything is working as it should now.
