Why does this work? Exploring the VLOOKUP formula - excel

I have an excel 2010 spreadsheet with 4 columns.
Column A: A list of UPC codes for products I sell. Around 300 lines.
Column B: Formula (more on this later)
Column C: Another list of UPC codes. These UPC codes are around 10,000 lines.
Column D: An inventory count which corresponds to UPC codes in Column C.
The formula:
The idea is to match up my UPC codes with my supplier's UPC codes to retrieve the corresponding inventory count.
All data was pasted into a new spreadsheet from other spreadsheets and were pasted as values only to ensure no other characters or formatting was imported.
This formula was dragged down for all 300 lines.
I received the error #N/A in Column B until I inserted the following character before the values in Column A:
Note: the ' was inserted manually by clicking on the cell and typing ' in the box above.
Immediately after this was done, the #N/A would change to the corresponding inventory retrieved from Column D.
My question is why does this work? Why does the method without the ' not work? Is there a way to quickly add the ' before all values in Column A? Note: CONCATENATE("'",A2) does not work for some reason.

raphael you've got it there - your number is stored as text in one of the lookup tables, and as a number in the other. Adding a ' to each line will fix it, but it's pretty horrible task. Clicking the green arrow can also fix it, but excels default method can be really slow for big tables (And it also changes your source data, which for me is a no-no, as when you update the data, you'll have to do it again). Changing the formatting rarely helps in this situation.
If the table contains numbers and lookup value is number-stored-as-text, you can multiply the lookup value by 1:
If the table contains "text" and lookup value is number, you can convert it to text like this:

Here's my theory. In VLOOKUP, if the lookup value (A2) is smaller than the smallest value in the looked-up table (C:D) then it returns N/A. When you prepend the quote sign (') you make A2 a string, not a number. So for example a UPC of 1002 is no longer treated as the number one-thousand-and-two but as the string sequence one-zero-zero-two. That lets VLOOKUP do the comparison differently and avoid the N/A.
You might try Ctrl-1 in column A and get it to treat them all as text.


Using two values in a sheet to filter and return values from a table in another sheet

I'm fairly new to coding and i've been googling around for the last few hours trying to solve this problem but it seems to be a little beyond what i'm able to do so i would be very grateful for some help
In Sheet1, I have a table which has columns between M - CV (175 columbs). For each column, i have an "ID number" value in row 3. From Row 6 to the end of the table, i have several "search terms" separated by commas in the column CV
In Sheet2, the corresponding "ID Numbers" are in column B. Column AN contains strings.
For each ID Number value in sheet1, i'm looking to find find all the corresponding cells in sheet2 where the ID number in Column B is the same, and Column AN of sheet2 contains at least one of the "search terms" in column CV
For each ID number, i'm hoping to join the entries in Column AN of sheet2 which match the criteria above and paste them into Row 5 of the respective column in Sheet1
I've gone around in quite a few circles trying to do this and i'm back to square 1 with no code to show for it.
I've tried to research both the autofilter function, and using for loops. The research i've done indicates that for loops are rather slow to run for a large data set.
I'm hoping to find a solution which is as easy to read and understand as possible
I hope i've given enough information for everyone to understand and help
THank you in advance
My Excel subscription has expired an I've started using Google Sheets for most of my spreadsheet work, so I tested this there. Some conversion may be required. I did this using formulas, not VBA also, not sure if that changes things for you.
If I understand correctly, you have two sheets with a shared key column, sheet 1 contains search terms across multiple columns, and sheet 2 contains search terms comma delimited in a single column.
With this setup we want to bring the search term column of sheet 2 into the correct row of sheet 1 by key using VLOOKUP. I made a named range in sheets which contained all my data on sheet 2 and called it "dst". My formula was then =VLOOKUP(A2, dst, 7, true) since my key in sheet 1 was in column A, dst was the range I was searching, my column with my delimited search terms was column 7 in relation to dst, and I had ordered sheet 2 by key. I pasted this formula relatively down all rows as needed.
We want to construct a regex string using our search terms across multiple columns in sheet 1, into a single cell. I used =JOIN("|", B2:E2) on sheet 1 since my search terms were in columns B:E, and this resulted in a regex that looked like this for me: alligator|dog|rabbit|lizard where alligator, dog, rabbit, and lizard, were all search terms in that row. Paste down relative as needed.
We want to run our regex against our search target cell containing the comma delimited search terms. I ran =REGEXMATCH(F2, G2) where F2 was my delimited search terms from sheet 2, and G2 was my constructed regex for the row. Paste down relative as needed.
A screenshot of my completed sheet 1:
Once you know which cells have matches you can do whatever you want.

Updating Price List in Excel with vlookup or Index/Match

I'm a book wholesaler and need to update my price and stock list constantly to share with some customers in excel format; also to use in importing to websites.
As in the image above, what I need is a formula for Column D to search for SKU in C2 in A-column for an exact match; return the value from B to the corresponding cell in D column.
I have searched countless topics, even found a solution in previous weeks but every time I use the same formula I get N/A or REF error.
Welcome to SO. Yor formula is good, but you are mixing numbers with text. In column A, the codes you are listing are stored as TEXT (note that they are left aligned inside cell), but the values you have in column C are stored as NUMBERS (note that they are right aligned insided cell). So Excel is looking for that NUMBER, but it finds no NUMBER in column A that matches, and returns N/A.
So before searching, let's convert the number in column C to a text, and let's see what happens. Try something like this:
Hope you can adapt this to your needs.

VBA code required to loop through different sized rows of data and return MAX value

I am currently automating a dashboard creation and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I need some code that will go through about 7000 rows of data and return the highest value in a certain column for each specific item. The data is copied from a pivot table and so is broken down into row sections, I have attached a mock of what it looks like.
I need the highest value in Column G for each portfolio, and will need to use the portfolio code (e.g. XY12345 - They are always 7 characters) to map that value to the dashboard.
My issue is, each portfolio has a different number of rows for the values, and some have blank cells between them, and therefore I am stumped. I was hoping to use Column J to count the number of rows for each portfolio (as there are no breaks for the portfolios in this column) and then use a loop to loop through each portfolios rows of values, based off the Column J count, and then return the highest row value for each portfolio. Problem is I'm new to VBA and have been teaching myself as I go, and I've yet to use a loop.
Many thanks,
If I understand correctly, you're looking for the largest value in Column G.
I'm not sure why you think you would need VBA for this.
Get the maximum value of a column
You mentioned that you're concerned about each column not having the same number of cells but that's irrelevant. as SUM ignores blank cells, so just "go long", or - find the maximum of the entire column.
To return the largest number in Column G you could use worksheet formula :
The only catch is that you can't place that formula anywhere column G or else it would create a circular cell reference (trying to infinitely add a number to itself). let's pit that formula in cell F1 for now (but anywhere besides column G would do fine).
Find the location of a value
Now that you know the largest value, you can determine where it is using a lookup function such as MATCH or VLOOKUP. Like with so many things in Excel, there are several ways to accomplish the same thing. I'll go with MATCH.
Replace the formula from above (in F1) with:
This will return the row number of the first exact match of the maximum value of Column G.
As for the third part of question: returning the code like X12345 where the value exists, will be a little tricky since your data is not organized in a logical tabular style (tabular meaning, "like a table").
Your data is organized for humans to look at, not for machines to easily read and manipulate it. (See: Office Support: Guidelines for organizing and formatting data on a worksheet)
Basically, when organizing data in rows, all relevant information should be on the same row (not a subjective number of rows behind). Also, you have the number combined with other information.
My suggestion for a quick fix:
Right-click the heading of Column C and choose Insert to insert a blank column.
In C2 enter formula: =IF(B2="",C1,LEFT(B2,7))
Copy cell C2
Select cells in column C all the way to the "end" of your data, where ever that is (not the end of the worksheet). For example maybe you would select cells B2:B1000)
Paste the copied cell into all those cells.
Now, you can again modify the formula in F1:
This will return the value from Column C in the same row that the maximum value of Column G is located.
This is known as an INDEX/MATCH formula.
Hopefully this works for you in the interim until you can organize your data more logically. There's lots of related information and tutorials online.

Excel - Find all identical cells, sum separate cell in row for matches, output in other sheet

So, I've searched for an answer to this, but I can't find anything. Hopefully some Excel guru out there has an easy answer.
I have a sheet that has two columns; a list of airport codes (Col A) and a list of fuel gallons (Col B). Column A has a bunch of duplicate entries, column B is always different. It's basically a giant list of fill-up events for aircraft over time at different airports. The airports can be the same, because it's one row per fill-up event.
What I want to do is have a formula that takes the enter data set, finds all identical entries in Col A, sums the Col B values for the matches, and spits out the result on a separate sheet with one entry for every set/match.
I do not have a reference list for Column A and I would rather not create one since there are thousands of entries. I would like to just write a formula that does all this at once, using the data itself as the reference.
All the answers I find are "create a reference list on a separate sheet", and it's driving me crazy!
Thanks in advance for any help!
Sounds that you need a formula version of remove duplicated for column A, and a simple sumif for column B.
Column A
Array Formula so please press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to complete it. After that you might see a {} outside the formula.
Column B
Just change the range for your data.
Reminders: The formula in columnA should starts from Row#1, or you have to add some offset constant for adjustments.
Since the returning value of MATCH() represents the position of the key in the given array. If we wanted it to be equal to its row number, we have to add some constant if the array is not started from ROW#1. So the adjustment of data in Range(B3:B1000) is below.
=IFERROR(INDEX('Event Data'!B$3:B$1000,SMALL(IF(
MATCH('Event Data'!B$3:B$1000,
'Event Data'!B$3:B$1000,0)+2=ROW('Event Data'!B$3:B$1000),
ROW('Event Data'!B$3:B$1000)),ROW())-2),"")
Further more, the range should exactly the same as the data range. If you need it larger than the data range for future expandability, an IFERROR() should added into the formula.
'Event Data'!B$3:B$1000,'Event Data'!B$3:B$1000,0)+2
=ROW('Event Data'!B$3:B$1000),
ROW('Event Data'!B$3:B$1000)),FALSE),ROW())-2),"")
Lastly, I truly recommended that you should use the Remove Duplicated built in excel since the array formula is about O(n^2) of time complexity and memory usage also. And every time you entered any data in even other cells, it will automatically re-calculate all formulas once the calculation option in your excel is automatic. This will pull down the performance.

Return last date something was entered into one column with criteria from another column

I'm working with a set of data in excel. Data is entered into rows for items specified in columns. The first column contains a date. A cell in the same row of one of the columns contains the name of a person and in another cell in the same row but different column may contain a number larger than zero (or it may be empty).
I need to create a formula which returns the date when a number larger than zero was last entered into that column for a specific name. This is a "living list" which keeps on growing and the same names appear in different rows, sometimes with a number in the column a mentioned and sometimes not.
I found an old thread on this site on a similar subject which got me as far as knowing the date of the last entry containing the persons name but I'm still not able to configure it to show me when that specific person also had a number larger than zero in that column.
Here's the thread: How to get the newest value from a column with conditions
My current formula looks like this:
Column A contains the dates
Column G contains the names (and "Sheet7!C5" is a reference to a name)
The value column I need to add to the mix is column AY
I feel there must be a simple solution (a small add on to the formula) to solve this but I always end up with an error.
Thanks in advance :)
Edit: Here is a simplified example of the data entry and output list needed.
For this you need to sort the date DESCENDING and format the table as Excel Table
Edit: you can sort the date ascending. See explanation at the end.
Using your example, then the formula will be
=INDEX(TableData[Activity A], MATCH($B14, TableData[Employee initials], 0))
This works just like the usual VLOOKUP or INDEX MATCH, fetching the first date on an activity matching the employee initials.
You can use VLOOKUP, but you'll need to dynamically name the range of each columns.
Edit: Just today I found an interesting behavior of MATCH when it found multiple matching values. If you use 1 instead of 0, then it will fetch the last matching value on the list.
So, you can use this formula instead in ASCENDING table.
=INDEX(TableData[Activity A], MATCH($B14, TableData[Employee initials], 1))
