How can I add InputScope property to PasswordBox in WinRT? - user-controls

How can I add Input Scope property to my User Control's PasswordBox?
Could you explain it to me, please?

according to the information i have PasswordBox does not have Input Scope Property in winrt so you can't set it directly. if you want do it you have to make your separate custom control. For defining your own Custom control you have read it on Windows Development Center..or simply google it..hope it helps you..
you can use this link..


Can we conditionally hide "Help" menu options in Maximo start center?

Is it possible to hide help menu options conditionally in Maximo start center. I have tried by associating sigoption and condition to a help menu item in MENUS.xml but it doesn't work.
Personally, I don't think it makes sense to do this particularly since the Maximo help is available online anyway but that being said, if you're intent on going ahead with your requirement, one option is to use the help grid control in place of the help menu.
You could add help grid controls to the application screen(s) you wish to provide help for and set the HTML Content property of the control to some relevant help text then use the More Information property of the control to link to the Out of the Box help file, for example:,company/c_companies_application.html
You can get the appropriate text for the More Information property for the Help Grid control from the existing Application Help property value of the Application's Presentation properties. By removing the Application Help property value the Help menu item for the application will no longer function.
The help grid control can also have a Signature Option and conditional properties.

Orbeon Forms - How to use result-dialog

Can some one please tell me how to use the result dialog mentioned in the
I want to know if this is a predefined dialog and if not where exactly I should define it, any coding samples and how to display it when a button is clicked? Where do I need to put the code? Is it in properties-local.xml file?
Please help. Thank you
You can't pass the message to be shown to the result-dialog. If you just use one of those dialogs, you could define a property to override the default message.
The value of the*.* property is an XPath expression. If you have a static URL you want to take users to, you can set it to that URL inside single quotes, say ''.

Passing a POJO to a custom control property

I'm refactoring an XPages application which has five nested repeat controls repeating basically the same thing (an xp:panel). I thought, aha, here comes a custom control with properties!
I'm looping my repeat controls around properties of a managed bean, and I was hoping I could have set a property for the custom control to just accept the POJO I'm sending it (and then access it with EL within the custom control).
What should I do? Make the custom control receive only strings, numbers, etc and have the whole nested-control logic outside? Or is there a trick?
A custom control can easily accept a java object that's passed in via the custom properties. Just use the type: java.lang.Object
All the answers were correct, but only David put it as an answer - thanks to all!
I've noted my code here for anyone later: I defined node to be of Type java.lang.Object. Notice the syntax to get the object into the custom control:
panelStyleWhenActive="panelLevel1 active bold"
And once you're in the custom control, you access the property with CompositeData.YourObject.
<xp:this.rendered><![CDATA[#{not compositeData.node.hasChildren}]]></xp:this.rendered>

Acumatica T100(Setting ComboBox at Runtime) enable property not available for edstatus

I'm having an issue following this lesson exercise here's an image of the instructions. When I have the edStatus field selected the enable property is not available for me to change.Here is an image of the layout editor with edStatus selected. Other fields have the enable ExtProperty but this specific field I can't locate it to complete the exercise. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Just realized that you can set the enabled property even if not listed via the layout editor through the source code. Hopes this helps anyone else stuck on this issue.

libary control for Xpages and using ssjs for defaultvalues/validators

I' working on a libary control for Xpages and need some help in creating.
I would create an control wich reads a configuration file and creates controls in a table, controls like Editboxes, checkboxgroups and so on.
Ive Build my control like Keith Strickland
in his Bolg entry
so and now to my queststion:
I would store in my configuration ssjs code for computing a defaultvalue or an validation
but how could I compute the ssjs?
the automatic generated code from the Designer uses a PageExpressionEvaluator Object but I couldent create one by my self.
someone an Idea?
You can use the ExpressionEvaluatorImpl class instead: facesContext )
