Chaining IndexedDB in WinJS - winjs

I'm writing a Windows 8 app in HTML / JS and have a button on a form with a click event handler. When clicked the first thing the button does is this:
WinJS.Promise.then(openDB()).done(console.log("PROMISE DONE"));
The openDB function looks like this:
function openDB() {
var req ="MyDB", 1);
req.onsuccess = function(evt) {
var data =;
console.log("openDb DONE");
(I also have onerror and onupgradeneeded callbacks on the req object but have left these out for brevity).
I'm clearly misunderstanding how promises are supposed to work but I thought that I could chain multiple THEN calls on a promise, and the final call DONE would only fire when all the THEN calls have executed. Problem is that the console shows 'openDb ...', followed by 'PROMISE DONE', followed by 'OpenDb done'. So the DONE call is being executed before the THEN call. Can anyone explain why this is happening?

Your fundamental issue here is that the "then" method returns a new promise. If the function you called returns a promise, that's the promise that's returned (and thus chained off). If your function does not return a promise, a new (already completed) promise is returned that give you the value that's returned.
Looking at your openDB function, what does it return? Actually, it returns undefined. And more importantly, it kicks off async work and then returns immediately; the async operation doesn't complete until later. Thus, you get the behavior you're seeing.
So what you need to do is get openDB to return a promise that doesn't complete until the database open operation completes. WinJS promises are really bad at this, so the API is ugly. Hopefully they'll fill in the missing piece in Win8.1.
So, you need to create a new promise, and complete it when the async work's done. That looks something like this:
function openDB() {
var complete;
var = new Promise(function (c, e, p) {
complete = c;
var req ="MyDB", 1);
req.onsuccess = function(evt) {
var data =;
console.log("openDb DONE");
return p;
The new Promise(function (c, e, p) { ... }) call creates a new promise object. The function you pass is itself passed three functions - one to call on successful completion of the object (c for complete), one to call if the promise unsuccessfully completes (e for error), and one to call to report progress (p for progress). We sock away the completion callback into a variable here for use later.
Now, in the success callback from indexedDB, note that we invoke the complete callback, passing the data we got. This will set the promise to completed state.
Finally, we return the created promise. Note that this return happens synchronously; the function returns before the onsuccess handler gets called.
This should get you what you want - it'll hold off the promise chain until the database open completes. You should probably hook up the error handler to something as well.
Now, having done this, the call to WinJS.Promise.then() is also incorrect, or at least unnecessary. You should instead just do:
openDB().done(function () { console.log('Promise Done'); });
Since openDB itself returns a promise, you don't need the extra wrapping in another promise you're doing.


What return this function in typescript?

When I hover on the keyword 'function' the description says:
"(local function)(this: any, next: (err?: mongoose.CallbackError | undefined) => void): Promise<void>"
So does It return a Promise<void> or a simple <void>? I can't even understand what does this function returns? And to be honest I don't understand really well the concept of Promise<void>...
userSchema.pre('save', async function (next) {
let user = this as UserDocument;
return next();
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(config.get<number>('saltWorkFactor'));
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt);
user.password = hash;
return next();
This question is really interesting. Your function returns a Promise<void>, which is compatible with the void return type that pre is expecting, but Mongoose is quietly smart enough to know what to do with your Promise so you don't even have to call next at all.
First some background:
void has a special meaning in TypeScript to mean that the return value could be any value; the value is frequently undefined (because that's what a function returns without a return statement) but it doesn't have to be. As in the TypeScript FAQ, this makes it convenient to accept or pass functions that return a value by indicating the return value is unused. If you need to supply a function with return type void, you could pass back a function that returns a string, Promise<void>, Promise<SomeObject>, null, undefined, or anything else.
All async functions return Promises, and this is no exception. A Promise<number> is a Promise that says that its then function will receive a number; a Promise<void> is a Promise that doesn't tell you anything about what its then function receives. The then function will still be called, unless it has an error to catch; you just don't know much about its argument.
In Mongoose's types, pre takes a PreSaveMiddlewareFunction<T> function, which is the type of the function you wrote. It accepts a function called next and returns void: Mongoose claims not to care what you return. Your middleware function is allowed to be asynchronous; when you're done you're expected to call next (with an error object, if you have one), and that call to next also returns void.
Your function passed to pre returns type Promise<void>: The function is async so it absolutely returns a promise, and your return next(); means that the Promise resolves to whatever next returns, which is defined as void. You don't know what next returns and shouldn't care about it. You don't even need to return next(), you just need to call it: It's just a callback so you can tell Mongoose your middleware is done and report any errors.
So your async function returns Promise<void>, but that works with the definition of pre: pre doesn't care what kind of return value your function has (void) as long as you call next to indicate you're done.
But wait! Reporting that your asynchronous function is done and whether or not there were errors is exactly the problem that Promises were designed to solve, and the next callback pattern is exactly the kind of pattern that Promises were designed to replace. If you're returning a Promise, why would you need to call next at all when Mongoose can just watch the promise you return?
In fact, in Mongoose 5.x or later, that's exactly what happens: If the function you pass into pre returns a Promise, then you can use that instead of calling next. You can still call next manually for compatibility's sake, but in your case you could delete return next() and everything would keep working. See the middleware docs:
In mongoose 5.x, instead of calling next() manually, you can use a function that returns a promise. In particular, you can use async/await.
schema.pre('save', function() {
return doStuff().
then(() => doMoreStuff());
// Or, in Node.js >= 7.6.0:
schema.pre('save', async function() {
await doStuff();
await doMoreStuff();
The docs further explain why return next() is a pattern at all:
If you use next(), the next() call does not stop the rest of the code in your middleware function from executing. Use the early return pattern to prevent the rest of your middleware function from running when you call next().
const schema = new Schema(..);
schema.pre('save', function(next) {
if (foo()) {
console.log('calling next!');
// `return next();` will make sure the rest of this function doesn't run
/*return*/ next();
// Unless you comment out the `return` above, 'after next' will print
console.log('after next');
In summary, the expected return type of void is compatible with the fact that you're returning a Promise<void>, but it hides the fact that recent versions of Mongoose are smart enough to check whether you're returning a Promise and do the right thing without needing a call to next. They're two different styles that both work.
Long answer short: It return a Promise<void>
To understand why, here are some details.
First one must understand Callbacks in node.js. Callbacks are one of the basic structure/feature of how node.js works.
You could say that node.js is basically an Event-Driven Programming "framework" (most people will frown to the framework word...). That means that you tell node that in the event of a certain thing happening, it should do a certain action/function (callback).
For node to understand us, we normally give the callback function as a parameter to another function that will do the work of "listening to the event" and executing the callback that we give it. So it is not "us" that execute the callback, it is the event listener.
In your case,
userSchema.pre('save', async function (next) {
pre is the function (a method in Mongoose's userSchema), save is the event that one must react to, async function (next) { is the callback or what must be done after the event.
You will note that your callback is returning next(), but next() returns void, which mean that your callback is returning void.
So why is it returning Promise<void>?
The fact is that in your case, your callback is an async function. And every async functions will return a promise. It is an async function because it is awaiting another promise (two promises even) inside of it. They are hidden because of the await
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(config.get<number>('saltWorkFactor'));
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt);
Note: The bcrypt methods are very expensive in terms of CPU and time (also a security feature among other things).
It also means that normally in your code
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(user.password, salt);
user.password = hash;
you couldn't have available "right away" the hash value for the user.password and, worse, you couldn't even know when it would come. Will your program stop and wait until bcrypt finish its business?
If you have many async functions, your program will be a great favourite for the slowest champion in the Olympics.
What is going on with those promises and how can we not be labelled as a geriatric program?
Here is a quick/long comment to try to explain the concept of promises.
In "normal" code, each lines of code is executed and "finished" before the next one. Ex: (with cooking)
Combine the Butter and Sugar,
Add Eggs One at a Time, etc.
Or in your code:
let user = this as UserDocument;
return next();
A promise is a certain code that is executed but not finished before the next line of code. Ex:
while the cake is in the oven (promise),
you prepare the frosting,
but you can't put it until the cake in baked (the "then" action of promises).
Note: Your code is using await so there is no "explicit" then method.
You will have many example of "promises" things in everyday life. you may have heard of asynchronous code = not one after the other, not in sync, ...
Turning on an alarm to wake you in the morning, then you make the promise that you will not ignore it;
putting a reminder on the calendar then you make the promise that you will go to that job interview; etc.
All the while, you continue with your life after making those promises.
In code, a function that returns a promise will have a then method where you tell the computer what to do when when the "alarms goes off".
It is usually written like this
const continueWithMyLife = true
In this way the then method is very similar to the callback of node.js. It is just expressed in a different way in the code and is not specific to node (callbacks are also not specific to node...).
One very important difference between them is that callbacks are something that the listener "do" and promises is something that resolves (hopefully) to a returning value.
Nowadays it is common to use async/await. Fortunately/unfortunately it basically hides the asynchronous behaviour. Better flow of reading the code, but also much worse understanding of promises for new programmers.
After a await, there is no then method (Or you could say that the following line of code is the then action). There is no "continuing with your life". There is only "waiting until the alarms goes off", So the next line after the await is essentially the "get out of the bed action".
That is why, in your code, the hash value is available in the next line. Basically in the "old way" to write promises
user.password = hash;
would be inside the then function.
And that is also why it is returning Promise<void>
But still, all these analogies won't really help. The best is to try it in everyday code. There is nothing like experience to understand anything.

Promise function not returning results

I'm using instagram-scraping module to display all posts with a specific hash tag but I get an issue using a function to return finded items.
// in my middleware
function getInstagramPostsByHashTag(hashtag) {
return ig.scrapeTag(hashtag).then(result => {
console.log(result); // all posts are displayed in my console
return result;
// in my ejs template i send the function getInstagramPostsByHashTag()
<%=getInstagramPostsByHashTag("instagram")%> // nothing is displayed
You can't return the posts from the function because the function has already returned at this point. That's because .then() is asynchronous. It executes the provided callback when the work (fetching the posts) is done, but the function continues to run after the call to .then(), and because you return nothing, you get nothing.
If you want a function to return the result of an asynchronous operation, you have to return a promise from the function itself. To help developers with that, there's the async function that automatically returns a promise. In an async function, you can wait for other promises with the await keyword. Your function would look like this as an async function:
async function getInstagramPostsByHashTag(hashtag) {
return await ig.scrapeTag(hashtag)
But this is redundant because it returns exactly the same as a direct call to ig.scrapeTag(hashtag) would do. I don't really know ejs but I think the best thing you could do is something like this (only pseudocode, again, I don't know how rendering with ejs works):
posts = insta.scrapeTag("blablabla")
ejs.render("<%=posts%>", {posts})

Store result from a promise in a variable

Hey there so I'm trying to store the result of a promise in a variable because I have some code that doesn't work inside of the promise.
(I'm pretty new to node.js so a bit of explanation would be awesome!)
And how would I use a async await?
Heres my current code:
const rbx = require("noblox.js")
var myblurb;
rbx.getBlurb(166962499).then(function (blurb) {
myblurb = blurb;
The function that sets your variable will get called after your function completes, not during it. Therefore your variable is still undefined after calling rbx.getBlurb because it returns a promise that will complete later on.
Using async/await:
One way to get what you're after is to use await. This can only be done within a function that is declared as async, and that will mean the function now will also return a Promise. If you're okay with that, then you can do it like this:
async function doStuff() {
var myblurb;
myblurb = await rbx.getBlurb(166962499);
This tells your function to stop and wait until the promise from calling getBlurb has resolved, and assign the resolved value to your local variable.
Note that if there's an error (either a promise rejection or a thrown exception) then your function will pass that along. You could surround it all with a try/catch to handle that if you need.
Operating Within then
If you don't want to make your function return a promise then you could alternately do this:
rbx.getBlurb(166962499).then(function (blurb) {
const myblurb = blurb;
// myblurb is only useful within this 'then' resolve function
It just means that you have to do the rest of your functionality that relies on the myblurb variable within that resolve function of the then.
Note that whoever is calling this code needs to understand that it will be asynchronous, so it should either use a callback function or Promise to give its results back to the caller (if needed)
Your callback function where assignment is happening will be called after promise is called. Console.log will be executed before that. So it will always log undefined.
You have to do console.log inside function of you can also use async await so solve this.

How to stop class/functions from continuing to execute code in Node.js

I have made a few questions about this already, but maybe this question would result in better answers(i'm bad at questions)
I have one class, called FOO, where I call an async Start function, that starts the process that the class FOO was made to do. This FOO class does a lot of different calculations, as well as posting/getting the calculations using the node.js "requets" module.
-I'm using electron UI's (by pressing buttons, that executes a function etc..) to create and Start the FOO class-
class FOO {
async Start(){
await this.GetCalculations();
await this.PostResults()
async PostResults(){
const response = {statusCode: 200} //Request including this.Cal
//Send with IPC
//ipc.send("status", response.statusCode)
async GetCalculations(){
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++){
await this.GetCalculation()
async GetCalculation(){
const response = {body: "This is a calculation"} //Since request module cant be used in here.
if(!this.Cal) this.Cal = [];
var F1 = new FOO();
Now imagine this code but with A LOT more steps and more requests ect. where it might take seconds/minutes to finish all tasks in the class FOO.
-Electron got a stop button that the user can hit when he wants the calculations to stop-
How would I go about stopping the entire class from continuing?
In some cases, the user might stop and start right after, so I have been trying to figure out a way to STOP the code from running entirely, but where the user would still be able to create a new class and start that, without the other class running in the background.
I have been thinking about "tiny-worker" module, but on the creation of the worker, it takes 1-2 seconds, and this decreases the purpose of a fast calculation program.
Hopefully, this question is better than the other ones.
Applying the logic behind the different answers I came up with this:
await Promise.race([this.cancelDeferred, new Promise( async (res, req) => {
var options ={
uri: ""
const response = await request(options);
But even when the
this.cancelDeferred.reject(new Error("User Stop"));
Is called, the response from the request "statuscode" still gets printed out when the request is finished.
The answares I got, shows some good logic, that I didn't know about, but the problem is that they all only stop the request, the code hanlding the request response will still execute, and in some cases trigger a new request. This means that I have to spam the Stop function until it fully stops it.
Framing the problem as a whole bunch of function calls that make serialized asynchronous operations and you want the user to be able to hit a Cancel/Stop button and cause the chain of asynchronous operations to abort (e.g. stop doing any more and bail on getting whatever eventual result it was trying to get).
There are several schemes I can think of.
1. Each operation checks some state property. You make these operations all part of some object that has a aborted state property. The code for every single asynchronous operation must check that state property after it completes. The Cancel/Stop button can be hooked up to set this state variable. When the current asynchronous operation finishes, it will abort the rest of the operation. If you are using promises for sequencing your operations (which it appears you are), then you can reject the current promise causing the whole chain to abort.
2. Create some async wrapper function that incorporates the cancel state for you automatically. If all your actual asynchronous operations are of some small group of operations (such as all using the request module), then you can create a wrapper function around whichever request operations you use that when any operation completes, it checks the state variable for you or merges it into the returned promise and if it has been stopped, it rejects the returned promise which causes the whole promise chain to abort. This has the advantage that you only have to do the if checks in one place and the rest of your code just switches to using your wrapped version of the request function instead of the regular one.
3. Put all the async steps/logic into another process that you can kill. This seems (to me) like using a sledge hammer for a small problem, but you could launch a child_process (which can also be a node.js program) to do your multi-step async operations and when the user presses stop/cancel, then you just kill the child process. Your code that is monitoring the child_process and waiting for a result will either get a final result or an indication that it was stopped. You probably want to use an actual process here rather than worker threads so you get a full and complete abort and so all memory and other resources used by that process gets properly reclaimed.
Please note that none of these solutions use any sort of infinite loop or polling loop.
For example, suppose your actual asynchronous operation was using the request() module.
You could define a high scoped promise that gets rejected if the user clicks the cancel/stop button:
function Deferred() {
let p = this.promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.resolve = resolve;
this.reject = reject;
this.then = this.promise.then.bind(p);
this.catch = this.promise.catch.bind(p);
this.finally = this.promise.finally.bind(p);
// higher scoped variable that persists
let cancelDeferred = new Deferred();
// function that gets called when stop button is hit
function stop() {
// reject the current deferred which will cause
// existing operations to cancel
cancelDeferred.reject(new Error("User Stop"));
// put a new deferred in place for future operations
cancelDeferred = new Deferred();
const rp = require('request-promise');
// wrapper around request-promise
function rpWrap(options) {
return Promise.race([cancelDeferred, rp(options)]);
Then, you just call rpWrap() everywhere instead of calling rp() and it will automatically reject if the stop button is hit. You need to then code your asynchronous logic so that if any reject, it will abort (which is generally the default and automatic behavior for promises anywa).
Asynchronous functions do not run code in a separate thread, they just encapsulate an asynchronous control flow in syntactic sugar and return an object that represents its completion state (i.e. pending / resolved / rejected).
The reason for making this distinction is that once you start the control flow by calling the async function, it must continue until completion, or until the first uncaught error.
If you want to be able to cancel it, you must declare a status flag and check it at all or some sequence points, i.e. before an await expression, and return early (or throw) if the flag is set. There are three ways to do this.
You can provide a cancel() function to the caller which will be able set the status.
You can accept an isCancelled() function from the caller which will return the status, or conditionally throw based on the status.
You can accept a function that returns a Promise which will throw when cancellation is requested, then at each of your sequence points, change await yourAsyncFunction(); to await Promise.race([cancellationPromise, yourAsyncFunction()]);
Below is an example of the last approach.
async function delay (ms, cancellationPromise) {
return Promise.race([
new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
function cancellation () {
const token = {};
token.promise = new Promise((_, reject) => {
token.cancel = () => reject(new Error('cancelled'));
return token;
const myCancellation = cancellation();
delay(500, myCancellation.promise).then(() => {
}).catch(error => {
setTimeout(myCancellation.cancel, Math.random() * 1000);

Node.js: serial operations with branching

I'm new to node.js and using it for a backend that takes data from syslog messages and stores it to a database.
I've run into the following type of serial operations:
1. Query the database
2. If the query value is X do A. otherwise do B.
A. 1. Store "this" in DB
2. Query the database again
3. If the query value is Y do P. otherwise do Q.
P. Store "something"
Q. Store "something else"
B. 1. Store "that" in the DB
2. Store "the other thing" in the DB
The gist here is that I have some operations that need to happen in order, but there is branching logic in the order.
I end up in callback hell (I didn't know what that is when I came to Node.. I do now).
I have used the async library for things that are more straight forward - like doing things in order with async.forEachOfSeries or async.queue. But I don't think there's a way to use that if things have to happen in order but there is branching.
Is there a way to handle this that doesn't lead to callback hell?
Any sort of complicated logic like this is really, really going to benefit from using promises for every async operation, especially when you get to handling errors, but also just for structuring the logic flow.
Since you haven't provided any actual code, I will make up an example. Suppose you have two core async operations that both return a promise: query(...) and store(...).
Then, you could implement your above logic like this:
query(...).then(function(value) {
if (value === X) {
return store(value).then(function() {
return query(...).then(function(newValue) {
if (newValue === Y) {
return store("something");
} else {
return store("something else");
} else {
return store("that").then(function() {
return store("the other thing");
}).then(function() {
// everything succeeded here
}, function(err) {
// error occurred in anyone of the async operations
I won't pretend this is simple. Implemented logic flow among seven different async operation is just going to be a bit of code no matter how you do it. But, promises can make it less painful than otherwise and massively easier to make robust error handling work and to interface this with other async operations.
The main keys of promises used here are:
Make all your async operations returning promises that resolve with the value or reject with the failure as the reason.
Then, you can attach a .then() handler to any promise to see when the async operation is finished successfully or with error.
The first callback to .then() is the success handler, the second callback is the error handler.
If you return a promise from within a .then() handler, then that promise gets "chained" to the previous one so all success and error state becomes linked and gets returned back to the original promise state. That's why you see the above code always returning the nested promises. This automates the returning of errors all the way back to the caller and allows you to return a value all the way back to the caller, even from deeply nested promises.
If any promise in the above code rejects, then it will stop that chain of promises up until an actual reject handler is found and propagate that error back to that reject handler. Since the only reject handler in the above code is at the to level, then all errors can be caught and seen there, no matter how deep into the nested async mess it occurred (try doing that reliably with plain callbacks - it's quite difficult).
Native Promises
Node.js has promises built in now so you can use native promises for this. But, the promise specification that node.js implements is not particularly feature rich so many folks use a promise library (I use Bluebird for all my node.js development) to get additional features. One of the more prominent features is the ability to "promisify" an existing non-promise API. This allows you to take a function that works only with a callback and create a new function that works via a promise. I find this particularly useful since many APIs that have been around awhile do not natively return promises.
Promisifying a Non-Promise Interface
Suppose you had an async operation that used a traditional callback and you wanted to "promisify it". Here's an example of how you could do that manually. Suppose you had db.query(whatToSearchFor, callback). You can manually promisify it like this:
function queryAsync(whatToSearchFor) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
db.query(whatToSearchFor, function(err, data) {
if (!err) {
} else {
Then, you can just call queryAsync(whatToSearchFor) and use the returned promise.
queryAsync("foo").then(function(data) {
// data here
}, function(err) {
// error here
Or, if you use something like the Bluebird promise library, it has a single function for promisifying any async function that communicates its result via a node.js-style callback passed as the last argument:
var queryAsync = Promise.promisify(db.query, db);
