values not getting passed from datatable to dialog box - jsf

<p:commandButton id="selectButton" update="#(form)" oncomplete="" icon="ui-icon-search" title="View">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{book}" target="#{CreateBookBean.selectedUser}" />
<p:dialog header="User Detail" modal="true" widgetVar="userDialog" width="200" height="175">
<h:panelGrid columns="2" cellpadding="5">
<h:outputLabel for="fname" value="First Name: " />
<h:outputText id="fname" value="#{CreateBookBean.selectedUser.fname}" />
<h:outputLabel for="lname" value="Last Name: " />
<h:outputText id="lname" value="#{CreateBookBean.selectedUser.lname}" />
<h:outputLabel for="mobileno" value="mobile no: " />
<h:outputText id="mobileno" value="#{CreateBookBean.selectedUser.mobileno}" />
i came across this example recently.
the datatable is properly getting updated with the values i enter. but when i want to display it in the dialog box its not displaying anything.
and i actually don understand why value="#{CreateBookBean.selectedUser.fname}" is used instead of value="#{CreateBookBean.fname}".
here is my java code
public class CreateBookBean {
private Book book = new Book();
private List<Book> books = new ArrayList<Book>();
private Book selectedUser;
public String reinit() {
book = new Book();
return null;
setters and getters are included here

Lets split this question in two parts.
When you want to display updated values (e.g. with a h:outputText), you need to update this element. Updating this element means, it will fetch the current value of it's backing bean.
Do it like this:
<p:commandButton ... update="idToUpdate1, idToUpdate2, ..." >
In order to get the idToUpdate check Naming Container in JSF2/PrimeFaces.
If you have many components which need an update, I would recomment grouping them into one NamingContainer (e.g. p:outputPanel). So you only have to update the NamingContainer, and not every single component.
#CreateBookBean.selectUser.fname means: "Fetch the CreateBookBean, fetch it's property selectUser and fetch the property of selectUser called fname".
In this case you would have these class layouts:
public class CreateBookBean {
private Book selectedUser;
public Book getSelectedUser() {
return this.selectedUser;
public class Book {
private String fname;
public String getFname() {
#CreateBookBean.fname means: "Fetch the CreateBookBean, fetch it's property fname".
In this case you would have this class layout:
public class CreateBookBean {
private String fname;
public String getFname() {
return this.fname;
According to this code you posted, i guess that the CreateBookBean has a property called selectedUser (the code reveals it: target="#{CreateBookBean.selectedUser}"), and the selectUser has a property fname.

Use the Update attribute in the button your using to display the dialog box, for example, <p:commandButton update="dialogBoxId" . . ./> in order to display the items from your datatable.


jsf inputText only displayed value when is readonly true or outputText

I have a h:inputText with valueChangeListener, when the user type some code another h:inputText display data from MySQL about that code, the valueChangeListener works but the second h:inputText not displayed the value and only do it when I set the readonly attribute or I change the component to h:outputText
my facelets page is:
<h:form id="idFacturacion">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="FACTURACION AL CLIENTE" />
<h:panelGrid columns="4">
<h:outputText value="Cedula: " />
<h:inputText value="#{facturaBean.encFactura.cedula}" onchange="submit();" valueChangeListener="#{facturaBean.processValueChange}" />
<h:outputText value="Nombre: " />
<h:inputText value="#{facturaBean.encFactura.nombre_cli}" />
facturaBean is:
public class FacturaBean {
private EncFactura encFactura = new EncFactura();
//getter and setter
public void processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event){
String ced = event.getNewValue().toString();
//do the database thing
}catch(SQLException error){
facesContext.addMessage(null, new FacesMessage("Hubo un error SQL."));
Please see
Change inputText value from listener method… and
Possible to execute `valueChangeListener` for `p:inputText` without hitting `enter` key?
May I suggest using ajax?
Here is a primefaces example but you could apply to richfaces..
<h:inputText value="#{facturaBean.stringOne}" >
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{facturaBean.processValueChange}" update="strTwo"/> </h:inputText> <h:outputText value="Nombre: " />
<h:inputText id="strTwo" value="#{facturaBean.stringTwo}" />
private String stringOne= "";
private String stringTwo= "";
public void processValueChange(){
stringTwo = stringOne;
With getters etc.. basically on change, fires off to ajax, you do your database call etc, then it returns the response and updates your other input field, it's a much cleaner way than trying to submit forms etc..
Also are you sure you want session scope?

Primefaces <f:selectItems> attribute got set several times with or without values

I have a problem debugged for all half day. I still could not figure it out. Basically, I use datatable expandable feature to show some extra options for each row. User could check some or none of them, then user click on update button to update database. So one row will have many options.
<f:selectItems value="#{adminBean.allTabNames}" /> is to use collect users' selected options, then managed bean will save them into database once user clicks update.
Then problem is that public void setSelectedTabsNames(List<String> selectedTabsNames) {
this.selectedTabsNames = selectedTabsNames;
} method is called several times with expected values or null values(empty list). The values are passed randomly, sometimes there are no values.
<ui:composition xmlns=""
<h:form id="form1">
<p:growl id="growl" showDetail="true"/>
<p:dataTable var="user" value="#{adminBean.users}" scrollable="false"
<p:ajax event="rowToggle" listener="#{adminBean.onRowToggle(}" update=":form:tabView:form1:growl" />
<f:facet name="header">
All Users
<p:column style="width:2%">
<p:rowToggler />
<p:column headerText="First Name">
<h:outputText value="#{user.firstname}" />
<p:column headerText="Last Name">
<h:outputText value="#{user.lastname}" />
<p:column headerText="Password">
<h:outputText value="#{user.password}" />
<p:column headerText="Active">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<p:column headerText="Last Login">
<h:outputText value="#{user.timestamp}" />
<p:column headerText="Notes">
<h:outputText value="#{user.notes}" />
<h:panelGrid id="display" columns="1" cellpadding="4">
<h:outputText value="Tabs: " />
<p:selectManyCheckbox id="grid" value="#{adminBean.selectedTabsNames}"
layout="pageDirection" >
**<f:selectItems value="#{adminBean.allTabNames}" />**
<p:commandButton value="Update" id="submit" actionListener="#{adminBean.updateTabsForUser(}" ajax="true" />
Managed Bean:
setSelectedTabsNames(List selectedTabsNames)
package org.userlogin.view;
import java.util.List;
import javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean;
import javax.faces.bean.SessionScoped;
import javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped;
import org.userlogin.db.entity.FopsUser;
import org.userlogin.service.UserService;
public class AdminBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -9002632063713324598L;
private List<FopsUser> users;
private List<String> selectedTabsNames;
private List<String> allTabNames;
private UserService us;
public AdminBean() {
us = new UserService();
users = us.getAllUsers();
allTabNames = us.getAllTabs();
public List<FopsUser> getUsers() {
return users;
public void setUsers(List<FopsUser> users) {
this.users = users;
public void setSelectedTabsNames(List<String> selectedTabsNames) {
this.selectedTabsNames = selectedTabsNames;
public List<String> getSelectedTabsNames() {
return selectedTabsNames;
public List<String> getAllTabNames() {
return allTabNames;
public void setAllTabNames(List<String> allTabNames) {
this.allTabNames = allTabNames;
public void updateTabsForUser(Long uid) {
public void onRowToggle(Long uid) {
//set current selected user
this.selectedTabsNames = us.getTabNamesByUserId(uid);
Remove the nested 'form', but still not working. I found the the issue is not affecting the last row of data table. Suppose I have three rows in data table, the setters are called multiple times and set to null at last time when I manipulate the first two rows. But for the last row, the setter is still called multiple times. The last call sets the expected value. Now I just add
public void setSelectedOptions(List<String> selectedOptions) {
if (selectedOptions == null || selectedOptions.size() == 0) {
this.selectedOptions = selectedOptions;
It is still ugly ...
<p:selectManyCheckbox id="grid" value="#{user.selectedTabsNames}"
layout="pageDirection" >
**<f:selectItems value="#{adminBean.allTabNames}" />**
Should design like this: put selectedTabsNames into User object. But still not working. since I have this ajax submit button, this requests each selectedTabsNames got called with empty list passed in.
<h:panelGrid id="display" columns="1" cellpadding="4">
<h:outputText value="Tabs: " />
<p:selectManyCheckbox id="grid" value="# {user.selectedTabsNames}"
layout="pageDirection" >
<f:selectItems value="#{adminBean.allTabNames}" />
<p:commandButton value="Update" id="submit" ajax="true" />
----------------update with my own solution (not graceful one, but works) -----
Every time an ajax buttom has been clicked, the whole data table is updated. That means each setSelectedItem method will be called with expected value or empty value. I don't know how to change that.
So I modify my save() method called from ajax button with following logic:
public void save(Long userId, List<String> selectedItem) {
for (User user: users) {
if (user.getId() == userId) {
//update selectedItem in db for this user.
} else {
// read selectedItems in db
// update selectedItem in user object.
When the ajax event is fired, all the input elements in the form are sent. That means that all the selectManyCheckbox (one for each row) are sent. That's why setSelectedTabsNames is called several times.
You have to change how you have designed your implementation. One way woud be to store the selected options in the FopsUser object, so you could do value="#{user.selectedTabsNames}":
<p:selectManyCheckbox id="grid" value="#{user.selectedTabsNames}"
layout="pageDirection" >
**<f:selectItems value="#{adminBean.allTabNames}" />**
This way the selected tabs for each row are stored separately.
I may be wrong, but I don't think rowToggle event is the kind of ajax event that can handle row-level parameters. Think about it this way: var="user" is a row-iteration level variable, available for each row in the datatable. The rowToggle event on the other hand is a single level tag, applicable to the entire table as one component. So there probably isn't a reliable way for the datatable to know which row you're referring to when you use
adminBean.onRowToggle(, it'll just select the last row that was rendered
A more effective way to get hold of the details of the row that was toggled is using the ToggleEvent listener in the backing bean, where you don't have to pass a variable:
public void onRowToggle(ToggleEvent te){
User theSelectedUser = (User)te.getData();
int id = theSelectedUser.getId();
In your view, you'll now have:
<p:ajax event="rowToggle" listener="#{adminBean.onRowToggle}" update=":form:tabView:form1:growl"/>

JSF Cannot save change to datatable row to the database

I have a primefaces datatable. I populate it from the database. One of the fields is a boolean represented by a checkbox. I want that if I check or uncheck the checkbox, that I can save the change back to the database.
I have tried passing the current value of the row to the managed bean to save, but the new value of the checkbox isn't reflected in the current row object. How can I get the change into the current row object so I can successfully save the change to the DB?
Here is what I am doing now... I have tried to provide just what is needed. If it is too much information or too little, let me know. Thanks.
#ManagedBean(name = "itemManagerBean")
public class ItemManagerBean implements Serializable {
public ArrayList<Item> getAllItemsForUser() {
List list = ecf.findByPartyId(user.getPartyId());
ArrayList<Item> itemList = new ArrayList<>(list);
return (itemList);
public String saveItem(Item item){
return (null);
//item class
public class Item {
private BigInteger itemId;
private String name;
priave boolean saleable; //database column is not null
//getters and setters
<p:dataTable id="id_itemList"
value="#{itemManagerBean.allItemsForUser}" >
<p:column headerText="ID">
<h:outputText value="#{item.itemId}" />
<p:column headerText="Name">
<h:outputText value="#{}" />
<p:column headerText="Saleable" >
<p:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{item.saleable}" />
<p:column width="15" >
<p:commandButton id="id_saveRowButton" icon="ui-icon-disk"
title="Save" action="#{itemManagerBean.saveItem(item)}"/>
You need to create a selectedItem property in ItemManagerBean and update its value when the user clicks on the commandButton:
In ItemManagerBean
private Item selectedItem;
// getter and setter
In the xhtml page
<p:column width="15" >
<p:commandButton id="id_saveRowButton" icon="ui-icon-disk"
title="Save" action="#{itemManagerBean.saveItem}">
<f:setPropertyActionListener value="#{item}" target="#{itemManagerBean.selectedItem}" />
(Note that you don't need to pass item through saveItem method. Modify saveItem in the managed bean in order to make it work with selectedItem instead of accepting an input item).
example in the PrimeFaces showcase
Passing parameter to JSF action
BalusC blog

JSF Cannot set the current variable entity in the managed bean in order to understand which entity has been selected by the user

Im trying to implement the modification of an entity in JSF using Primefaces.
My main view, which lists the users is the following:
<p:growl id="growlEditUnit" showDetail="true" life="12000" />
<p:dialog id="dialogEditUnit" header="Edit Unit" widgetVar="editUnitDialog" showEffect="fade" hideEffect="fade" resizable="false" >
<ui:include src="editUnit.xhtml" />
<h:form id="form2">
<p:dataTable id="units" var="unit" value="#{unitController.unitsOfLoggedInUser}" >
<f:facet name="header">
Click Edit or Delete after selecting a unit to modify or remove it
<p:column headerText="Code">
<p:column headerText="Name">
<p:column headerText="Semester" >
<p:column headerText="Academic Year">
<p:column headerText="Twitter Username">
<p:column headerText="Actions">
<p:commandButton id="editButton" value="Edit" action="#{unitController.setCurrent(unit)}" update=":dialogEditUnit" oncomplete"" />
This view lists all the data correctly. However, when I press the current, my aim is to set the current attribute of the managed bean (code listed below) with the unit based on the button clicked. After this I try to update the edit dialog, so it will be filled with the values of that unit, and then make it visible using the oncomplete attribute. However, it seems that the managed been method setCurrent(unit) is never called when clicking the edit button. Subsequently the dialog is shown empty. Can someone help me with what am I doing wrong?
I am posting the managed bean code too.
#ManagedBean(name = "unitController")
public class UnitController implements Serializable {
private Unit current;
private List<Unit> unitsOfLoggedInUser;
private Lecturer lecturer;
private web.effectinet.ejb.UnitFacade ejbFacade;
private web.effectinet.ejb.LecturerFacade lecturerFacade;
public UnitController() {
public void init(){
if (lecturer.getLecturerId() == null)
unitsOfLoggedInUser = null;
unitsOfLoggedInUser = (List<Unit>) lecturer.getUnitCollection();
public List<Unit> getUnitsOfLoggedInUser() {
return unitsOfLoggedInUser;
public void setCurrent(Unit current) {
this.current = current;
public Lecturer getLecturer() {
return lecturer;
public void setLecturer(Lecturer lecturer) {
this.lecturer = lecturer;
The action attribute of the commandButton is rendered without information on the value of the unit variable.
To pass the unit to the action method of your managed bean, then you need to pass the ID of unit in an <f:param> child tag of commandButton.
<p:commandButton action="#{managedBean.actionMethod}" ........>
<f:param name="unitid" value="#{}" />
From your action method you can get the request parameter by the name from the ExternalContext and this will give you the ID of the unit that the commandButton was pressed for in your dataTable.

How to maintain/save row values when generating a new row?

i have the following bean:
public class MyBean {
public ArrayList<ReportRow> getReportRows()
return reportRows;
private final ArrayList<ReportRow> reportRows =
new ArrayList<ReportRow>(Arrays.asList(
new ReportRow("","")
public ArrayList<ReportRow> getOrderList() {
return reportRows;
public String addAction() {
ReportRow row = new ReportRow("", "");
return null;
public class ReportRow{
String reportColumnName;
String reportColumnDesc;
public ReportRow(String reportColumnName,String reportColumnDesc) {
public String getReportColumnName()
return reportColumnName;
public void setReportColumnName(String reportColumnName)
this.reportColumnName = reportColumnName;
public String getReportColumnDesc()
return reportColumnDesc;
public void setReportColumnDesc(String reportColumnDesc)
this.reportColumnDesc = reportColumnDesc;
jsf page:
<t:dataTable value="#{myBean.reportRows}" var="o"
id="reportColumnsTable" styleClass="standardTable" headerClass="standardTable_Header"
<t:outputLabel value="Column name:"></t:outputLabel>
<t:inputText id="ReportColumnName" value="#{o.reportColumnName}" required="true">
<t:outputLabel value="Column Desc:"></t:outputLabel>
<t:inputText id="ReportColumnDesc" value="#{o.reportColumnDesc}" >
<h:outputLink value="#add"><h:outputText value="Add"/>
<a4j:support ajaxSingle="true" event="onclick" action="#{rprtBean.addAction}"
reRender="reportColumnsTable,msgPanel" />
problem is that when i click on add, it generates a new row, and clear the old one, and i want to maintain the values of old row, any ideas ?
You're using a <h:outputLink> instead of a <h:commandLink>. The <h:outputLink> doesn't submit the form at all, it fires a plain GET request. The <a4j:support> won't work properly inside a <h:outputLink>. Replace it by a <h:commandLink>:
<h:commandLink value="Add" action="#{rprtBean.addAction}">
<a4j:support reRender="reportColumnsTable,msgPanel" ajaxSingle="true" />
Then, you need to ensure that you preserve the data model for subsequent request in case that your bean is request scoped. There are several ways to achieve this:
Set either Tomahawk datatable's preserveDataModel to true:
<t:dataTable preserveDataModel="true">
Or save the bean state in the view scope. Add the following tag somewhere in the page:
<t:saveState value="#{myBean}" />
or since you're also using RichFaces/Ajax4jsf:
<a4j:keepAlive beanName="myBean" />
i just used the a4j command link and everything worked fine.
