How to write cm-1(cm^-1) as unit in the axis label of gnuplot - gnuplot

Can anyone suggest me how to write cm-1(cm^-1) as unit in the axis label.

Generally, you can use the enhanced text mode, which is supported by many terminals, e.g.:
set terminal wxt enhanced
set xlabel 'cm^{-1}'
plot x
For some terminals (e.g. epslatex) you can of course also use LaTeX to typeset all text.


Inkscape crops eps files generated with gnuplot

I have a script file to generate an eps file with gnuplot. The basics of this script are:
set terminal postcript enhanced color size 30,20 font 'Times-ew-Roman,40'
set xtics -.5,0.125
set ytics 0.1,0.1
set xrange [-0.5,.5]
set yrange [0.,1.6]
set cbrange [-0.5,.5]
set output "file.eps"
plot #whatever i plot
This script generates an eps file, which I can open in ubuntu and I can see is well printed. Now, I want to import this eps into inkscape, but when importing inkscape imports a big frame with only the top left drawn. The rest is blank. Do I have to change anyvalue in my gnuplot script or do something else with inkscape? I tried to open it in inskcape windows and ubuntu versions, and in both cases it happens the same with the same file.
The problem may be that you have not actually asked gnuplot to produce an eps image. Instead you produced a generic PostScript document with a page size that does not match the default. You need to put the keyword "eps" in your terminal command:
set term postscript eps color size 30,20 font "Times-New-Roman,40"

math latex font in postscript terminal

I know the epslatex terminal can be used to have fonts in latex style.
But how can I emulate math latex fonts in the postscript terminal?
set term postscript size 5,4
set out ""
pl [][-1.1:1.1] sin(x) t "sin {/Italics x}"
set out
In math latex
it would look like:
So it seems I want a serif font.
IMHO this is far more trouble than it is worth. But if you really want to you can download Adobe Type 1 versions of the standard TeX fonts for use in PostScript, specifically for use by the gnuplot postscript terminal. Here is a demo.
# Demonstrate use of TeX Computer Modern fonts in gnuplot PostScript terminal
# This demo requires Adobe Type 1 fonts that may not be installed on your system.
# If necessary you can download them from
set term post eps color fontfile 'cmr10.pfb' fontfile 'cmmi10.pfb' fontfile 'cmsy10.pfb'
set output 'cmfonts.eps'
set title "Use of TeX Computer Modern fonts in gnuplot PostScript terminal"
set label 1 'Times-Roman: {/Times-Roman abcdefghABCDEFGH}'
set label 2 'cmr10: {/cmr10 abcdefghABCDEFGH}'
set label 3 'cmmi10: {/cmmi10 abcdefghABCDEFGH} {/cmmi10 \013\014\015\016\042}'
set label 4 'cmsy10: {/cmmi10 abcdefghABCDEFGH} {/cmsy10 \013\014\015\016\042}'
set label 1 at graph 0.05,0.6 left
set label 2 at graph 0.05,0.5 left
set label 3 at graph 0.05,0.4 left
set label 4 at graph 0.05,0.3 left
set xlabel "{/cmmi10 \013}"
plot [0:2*pi] sin(x) title "{/cmr10 sin({/cmmi10 \013})}"
Serif (Times) in combination with Oblique (Italic) also emulates a bit the look of latex math.
set term postscript size 5,4
set out ""
set label 1 'Serif: {/Serif abcdefghABCDEFGH}' at graph 0.05,0.5 left
set label 2 'Serif Oblique: {/SerifOblique abcdefghABCDEFGH}' at graph 0.05,0.4 left
set label 3 'Symbol: {/Symbol abcdefgh}' at graph 0.05,0.3 left
set label 4 'Symbol-Oblique: {/Symbol-Oblique abcdefgh}' at graph 0.05,0.2 left
pl [0:2*pi] sin(x) t "{/Serif sin} {/SerifItalics x}"
set out
This does not fully look as I asked for, but may look even better in documents using Times anyway.
The credit for Oblique goes to

Is there a blind terminal in gnuplot to use for gathering x/y min/max without a screen plot

Using a flow where I do a 'scratch' plot first to then gather the 'GPVAL_DATA_Y_MIN / MAX' variables for framing the plot size. I then send the actual plot into PNG file. Still the 'scratch' plot command flashes up on screen which I want to avoid. I was doing a 'help set terminal' to see the available terminals (in my gnuplot session) and was looking for something like 'blind' or 'null' but couldn't find any like that. Is there such a terminal? And what is it's name? (Using gnuplot 4.6 patchlevel 7)
Since I don't know exactly, how you actually use those values, here are some different possibilities:
Gnuplot's "blind" terminal is called unknown:
set terminal unknown
plot "data.dat"
set terminal pngcairo
set output "output.png"
Variants of this would be to wrap the set terminal unknown call in set terminal push and set terminal pop to go back to the previous terminal.
Use the stats command:
f = "data.dat"
stats f using 2 nooutput
set yrange [STATS_min:STATS_max]
plot f
If you don't need the values for computations, but only to fit the yrange to your actual data range, then use
set autoscale yfix
set autoscale yfixmax
possibly combined with set offsets.
Try to send the output to the null device:
On Linux:
set terminal png
set output "/dev/null"
plot sin(x)
set output "real_output.png"
On Windows:
terminal png
set output "nul"
plot sin(x)
set output "real_output.png"
Read this SO question or this Wikipedia entry, especially for Windows details.

Gnuplot Postscript Special Characters Math Equation

I`d like to write the math stuff into a plot using gnuplot 5:
I am using the terminal postscript enhanced because as far as I know this terminal is the only only capable of doing such things.
I used this code:
set label 1 at 400,200 '{/Symbol=50\362#_{/=15 350}^{/=15\154}}' front
This gets me everything except the subscribed averageunder the lambda symbol.
I tried everything with {,}and so on but I think I missing the part where I can escape the /SymbolStyle.
Many terminals support enhanced text, not only the postscript terminal.
In order to use another font than /Symbol for the subscript you could change the font explicitely to a different one for this. However, a better approach is to change the nesting so that /Symbol affects only two parts:
set label 1 at 0,0 '{/=50{/Symbol \362}#_{/=15 350}^{/=15{/Symbol \154}_{/=10 average}}' front
plot x
Output with gnuplot 5.0 with wxt is
If you're using the postscript terminal anyway, you could give a try to the epslatex terminal (or cairolatex):
set terminal epslatex standalone color colortext
set output 'equation.tex'
set label 1 at -5,5 '$\displaystyle\int_{350}^{\lambda_{\mathrm{average}}}$'
plot x
set output
system('latex equation.tex')
system('dvips equation.dvi')

bold enhanced text in gnuplot

UPDATE: this issue has been resolved in newer versions (>5.0) of gnuplot; see #andyras' answer.
I am having difficulty getting gnuplot to create labels with bold and enhanced text in non-postscript terminals. The following script
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
set terminal pdfcairo enhanced color lw 3 size 3,2 font 'Arial-Bold'
set output 'output.pdf'
set tics scale 0
plot -x title 'normal text', \
-2*x t 'enhanced_{text}', \
-3*x t '{/Arial-Bold attempt to specify_{font}}'
set terminal pngcairo enhanced color lw 3 size 400,300 font 'Arial-Bold'
set output 'output.png'
set terminal postscript enhanced color lw 3 size 6,4 font 'Arial-Bold'
set output 'output.eps'
Produces the following eps (converted to png with convert output.eps -rotate 90 outputeps.png):
which is fine. However, when I use the pdf or png terminals the result looks like this:
Note that while all the label text should be bold, only the label without any enhanced text is bold. In addition, when I try to manually specify the font (last line title) the font is different (reverts to the default?).
Is this behavior I should expect when not using the postscript terminal? Is there another way to specify fonts (i.e. is the naming scheme different outside of postscript)?
Since version 5.0, gnuplot has a new syntax to handle this issue:
"normal text {/Times:Bold boldface-newfont} {/:Italic slanted-default-font } back to normal text"]
These brackets can also be nested.
For Better results in pdf format.
Plot the curves using enhanced eps terminal. Then use Imagemagic to convert your output to pdf format. using the commands
convert myPlot.eps myPlot.pdf
Default resolution with this commands generates a poor output. This can be overcome by using density option with a value of 300. Modified command looks like
convert -density 300 myPlot.eps myPlot.pdf
I found that this preserves all the text formatting of eps file in pdf file.
