How can i convert a char* filename to a string type in C++ .
I'm working on file handles .One instance is of process and other one is a filename .
For comparison purpose i need to convert both to String Type.
if(_stricmp(pEntry32.szExefile,filename) ==0)
{ //HANDLE stuff
this module wOrks fine on DEV C++ but not on VS 2008 .
The std::string class has a constructor that takes a c string.
std::string process_str = std::string(pEntry32.szExefile);
std::string filename_str = std::string(filename);
I would like to ask how can I get a text input from TEdit control and cast it to std::string (not AnsiString).
For example, if I have a TEdit control with the name User, I get the text from it with the User->Text command. What I want to do is to assign that value to a std::string, for example string my_str = User->Text;.
I would like to ask, how can I do this in C++ Builder? Is there some sort of a ToString() method or sort of, because I was not able to find one.
In C++Builder 2007 and earlier, TEdit::Text is an 8-bit AnsiString in the user's default ANSI locale. It is very straight forward to convert an AnsiString to a std::string - just use the AnsiString::c_str() method to get a null-terminated char* pointer to the AnsiString data, and then you can assign that to the std::string, eg:
std::string my_str = User->Text.c_str();
/* or:
System::AnsiSystem text = User->Text;
std::string my_str(text.c_str(), text.Length());
If you want the std::string data to be in another character encoding, such as UTF-8, then you will have to convert the AnsiString data accordingly, such as with MultiByteToWideChar()/WideCharToMultiByte(), UTF8Encode(), etc, before assigning it to the std::string.
In C++Builder 2009 and later, TEdit::Text is a 16-bit UnicodeString in UTF-16 format. The easiest way to convert a UnicodeString to a std::string is to first convert to an AnsiStringT<CP> (where CP is the desired ANSI codepage - AnsiString uses CP=0, UTF8String uses CP=65001, etc), and then convert that to std::string, eg:
std::string my_str = AnsiString(User->Text).c_str(); // or UTF8String, etc...
/* or:
System::AnsiString text = User->Text; // or UTF8String, etc...
std::string my_str(text.c_str(), text.Length());
Alternatively, in C++11 and later, you can convert the UnicodeString to a std::wstring first, and then use std::wstring_convert, eg:
#include <locale>
std::wstring my_wstr = User->Text.c_str();
/* or:
System::UnicodeString text = User->Text;
std::wstring my_wstr(text.c_str(), text.Length());
// System::Char may be either wchar_t or char16_t, depending
// on which platform you are compiling for...
std::string my_str = std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<System::Char>>{}.to_bytes(my_wstr);
I had a lot of those to migrate from Borland to Embarcadero Rio. So I created a method to do it.
#include <cwchar.h> //std::wcslen
char* __fastcall AnsiOf(wchar_t* w)
static char c[STR_CONV_BUF_SIZE];
memset(c, 0, sizeof(c));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, w, std::wcslen(w), c, STR_CONV_BUF_SIZE, NULL, NULL);
return c;
std::string my_str = AnsiOf((User->Text).c_str());
I am trying to change the text of a label in a C++ CLI program. I need to take a value the the user entered in a textbox, insert that into a short string, then change a label to that string. I have no problem constructing the string, but I am having trouble setting the label to the new string. Here is my code...
std::string v1str = "Phase A: ";
v1str.append(vt2); //vt2 is type str::string
v1str.append(" Vac");
label->Text = v1str;
This is the error message that I'm getting...
Why am I not allowed to pass v1str as the label text setter? How can I pass the string I've constructed to the label text setter?
Label::Text has a type of System::String^, which is a managed .Net string object. You cannot assign a std:string to a System::String^ directly becuase they are different types.
You can convert a std::string to a System::String. However you most likely just want to use the System::String type directly:
System::String^ v1str = "Phase A: ";
v1st += vt2; // or maybe gcnew System::String(vt2.c_str());
v1str += " Vac";
label->Text = v1str;
C++/CLI is not C++, you can't use std::string in there. But you can use C++ within C++/CLI, and convert std::string to and from System::String
//In C++/CLI form:
#include <vcclr.h>
System::String^ clr_sting = "clr_sting";
//convert strings from CLI to C++
pin_ptr<const wchar_t> cpp_string = PtrToStringChars(clr_sting);
//convert strings from C++ to CLI
System::String^ str = gcnew System::String(cpp_string);
std::string std_string = "std_string";
System::String^ str2 = gcnew System::String(std_string.c_str());
I am trying to store some contents into a string variable by passing it as a parameter in various types of Windows API functions which accepts variable like char *.
For example, my code is:-
std::string myString;
GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, myString );
Now how do I convert the string variable to LPSTR in this case.
Please see, this function is not meant for passing the contents of string as input, but the function stores some contents into string variable after execution. So, myString.c_str( ) is ruled out.
Edit: I have a workaround solution of removing the concept of string and replacing it with something like
char myString[ MAX_PATH ];
but that is not my objective. I want to make use of string. Is there any way possible?
Also casting like
GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, ( LPSTR ) myString );
is not working.
Thanks in advance for the help.
Usually, people rewrite the Windows functions they need to be std::string friendly, like this:
std::string GetCurrentDirectoryA()
char buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, buffer );
return std::string(buffer);
or this for wide char support:
std::wstring GetCurrentDirectoryW()
wchar_t buffer[MAX_PATH];
GetCurrentDirectoryW( MAX_PATH, buffer );
return std::wstring(buffer);
LPTSTR is defined as TCHAR*, so actually it is just an ordinary C-string, BUT it depends on whether you are working with ASCII or with Unicode in your code. So do
LPTSTR lpStr = new TCHAR[256];
ZeroMemory(lpStr, 256);
//fill the string using i.e. _tcscpy
const char* cpy = myString.c_str();
_tcscpy (lpStr, cpy);
//use lpStr
See here for a reference on _tcscpy and this thread.
Typically, I would read the data into a TCHAR and then copy it into my std::string. That's the simplest way.
Can anyone help me with a way of converting String to double in vc++?
I can't use atoi, since it converts char to double. But I am using istringstream.
std::istringstream stm;
double d;
String name = "32.67";
stm >>d;
It will give a compilation error:
error C2664: 'void std::basic_istringstream::str(const std::basic_string &)' :
cannot convert parameter 1 from 'System::String ^' to 'const std::basic_string &'
Please help with different solution or correct this.
std::stringstream str() accepts a std::string as an argument. You're passing it a System::String, wherever that comes from. Given the funky ^ symbol you must be using C++/CLI, using .NET strings.
Use std::string unless you are for some reason required to use the .NET library, in which case you need to either use .NET conversion functions, or convert to a std::string (or char* c-string and use the << operator).
As the other responder has suggestion, you are probably using C++/CLI. In that case:
String ^ name = "32.67";
double d;
d = Double::Parse(name);
Note that if the string cannot be parsed into a double, an exception will be thrown. Use Double::TryParse if you want to avoid that (it returns false if the string cannot be parsed).
I think it is very simple in vc++/CLR programming.
String ^name = "32.56";
String ^no = "56";
Double number_double = Convert::ToDouble(name); // convert String to double
Int number_int = Convert::ToInt32(no); // convert String to integer
I found this really nice piece of code that converts a string to a System:String^ as in:
System::String^ rtn = gcnew String(move.c_str()); // 'move' here is the string
I'm passing rtn back to a C# program. Anyways, inside the function where this code exists, I'm passing in a System::String^. I also found some code to convert a System:String^ to a string using the following code:
pin_ptr<const wchar_t> wch = PtrToStringChars(cmd); // 'cmd' here is the System:String
size_t convertedChars = 0;
size_t sizeInBytes = ((cmd->Length + 1) * 2);
errno_t err = 0;
char *ch = (char *)malloc(sizeInBytes);
err = wcstombs_s(&convertedChars,ch, sizeInBytes,wch, sizeInBytes);
Now I can use 'ch' as a string.
This, however, seems to be alot more work than converting the other way using the gcnew. So, at last my question is, is there something out there that will convert a System::String^ to string using a similar fashion as with the gcnew way?
Use VC++'s marshaling library: Overview of Marshaling in C++
#include <msclr/marshal_cppstd.h>
// given System::String^ mstr
std::string nstr = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::string>(mstr);
this could be useful:
wchar_t *str = "Hi StackOverflow"; //native
String^ mstr= Marshal::PtrToStringAnsi((IntPtr)str); // native to safe managed
wchar_t* A=( wchar_t* )Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(mstr).ToPointer(); // return back to native
don't forget using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;