user-data (cloud-init) script not executing on EC2 - linux

my user-data script
set -e -x
echo `whoami`
su root
yum update -y
touch ~/PLEASE_WORK.txt
which is fed in from the command:
ec2-run-instances ami-05355a6c -n 1 -g mongo-group -k mykey -f -t t1.micro -z us-east-1a
but when I check the file /var/log/cloud-init.log, the tail -n 5 is:
[CLOUDINIT] 2013-07-22 16:02:29,566 - cloud-init-cfg[INFO]: cloud-init-cfg ['runcmd']
[CLOUDINIT] 2013-07-22 16:02:29,583 -[DEBUG]: restored from cache type DataSourceEc2
[CLOUDINIT] 2013-07-22 16:02:29,686 - cloud-init-cfg[DEBUG]: handling runcmd with freq=None and args=[]
[CLOUDINIT] 2013-07-22 16:02:33,691 - cloud-init-run-module[INFO]: cloud-init-run-module ['once-per-instance', 'user-scripts', 'execute', 'run-parts', '/var/lib/cloud/data/scripts']
[CLOUDINIT] 2013-07-22 16:02:33,699 -[DEBUG]: restored from cache type DataSourceEc2
I've also verified that curl returns my file as intended.
and no other errors or the output of my script happens. how do I get the user-data scrip to execute on boot up correctly?

Actually, cloud-init allows a single shell script as an input (though you may want to use a MIME archive for more complex setups).
The problem with the OP's script is that the first line is incorrect. You should use something like this:
The reason for this is that, while cloud-init uses #! to recognize a user script, the operating system needs a complete shebang line in order to execute the script.
So what's happening in the OP's case is that cloud-init behaves correctly (i.e. it downloads and tries to run the script) but the operating system is unable to actually execute it.
See: Shebang (Unix) on Wikipedia

Cloud-init does not accept plain bash scripts, just like that. It's a beast that eats YAML file that defines your instance (packages, ssh keys and other stuff).
Using MIME you can also send arbitrary shell scripts, but you have to MIME-encode them.
$ cat my-boothook.txt
echo "Hello World!"
echo "This will run as soon as possible in the boot sequence"
$ cat my-user-script.txt
print "This is a user script (rc.local)\n"
$ cat my-include.txt
# these urls will be read pulled in if they were part of user-data
# comments are allowed. The format is one url per line
$ cat my-upstart-job.txt
description "a test upstart job"
start on stopped rc RUNLEVEL=[2345]
console output
echo "====BEGIN======="
echo "HELLO From an Upstart Job"
echo "=====END========"
end script
$ cat my-cloudconfig.txt
ssh_import_id: [smoser]
- source: "ppa:smoser/ppa"
$ ls
my-boothook.txt my-include.txt my-user-script.txt
my-cloudconfig.txt my-upstart-job.txt
$ write-mime-multipart --output=combined-userdata.txt \
my-boothook.txt:text/cloud-boothook \
my-include.txt:text/x-include-url \
my-upstart-job.txt:text/upstart-job \
my-user-script.txt:text/x-shellscript \
$ ls -l combined-userdata.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 smoser smoser 1782 2010-07-01 16:08 combined-userdata.txt
The combined-userdata.txt is the file you want to paste there.
More info here:
Also note, this highly depends on the image you are using. But you say it is really cloud-init based image, so this applies. There are other cloud initiators which are not named cloud-init - then it could be different.

This is a couple years old now, but for others benefit I had the same issue, and it turned out that cloud-init was running twice, from inside /etc/rc3.d . Deleting these files inside the folder allowed the userdata to run correctly:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 22 Jun 5 02:49 S-1cloud-config -> ../init.d/cloud-config
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jun 5 02:49 S-1cloud-init -> ../init.d/cloud-init
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Jun 5 02:49 S-1cloud-init-local -> ../init.d/cloud-init-local

The problem is with cloud-init not allowing the user script to run on the next start-up.
First remove the cloud-init artifacts by executing:
rm /var/lib/cloud/instances/*/sem/config_scripts_user
And then your userdata must look like this:
echo "hello!"
And then start you instance. It now works (tested).


Script command: separate input and output

I'm trying to monitor command execution on a shell.
I need to separate the input command, for example:
ls -l /
total 76
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug 11 10:25 bin -> usr/bin
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Aug 11 11:18 boot
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 3200 Oct 11 11:10 dev
Also, I want to do the same if I open another shell, for example, after connection through ssh to another server.
I've been using script command to do this and it works just fine!
It logs all command input and output even if the shell changes (through ssh, or entering a msfconsole, for example).
Nevertheless, I found two main issues:
For my project, I need to separate (using a decoder) each command from the rest, also it would be awesome to be able to separate command input and output, for example:
cmd1. pwd ---> /var/
cmd2. echo "hello world" ---> "hello world"
Sometimes the script command could generate an output with garbage due to shell special characters (for colors, for example) which I would like to filter out.
So I've been thinking about this and I guess I could create a simple script that read from the file written by "script" command and processed the data.
Nevertheless, I'm not sure about what could be the best approach to do this.
I'm evaluating different solutions and I would like to know different proposals from the community.
Maybe I'm losing something and you know a better tool rather than script command or have some idea I've not considered.
Best regards,
A useful util for distinguishing stdout from stderr is annotate-output, (install the "devscripts" package), which sends stderr and stdin both to stdout along with helpful little prefixes. For example, let's try counting characters of a file that exists, plus one that doesn't exist:
annotate-output wc -c /bin/bash /bin/nosuchshell
00:29:06 I: Started wc -c /bin/bash /bin/nosuchshell
00:29:06 E: wc: /bin/nosuchshell: No such file or directory
00:29:06 O: 1099016 /bin/bash
00:29:06 O: 1099016 total
00:29:06 I: Finished with exitcode 1
That output could be parsed separately using sed, awk, or even a tee and a few greps.

How to run command during Docker build which requires a tty?

I have some script I need to run during a Docker build which requires a tty (which Docker does not provide during a build). Under the hood the script uses the read command. With a tty, I can do things like (echo yes; echo no) |
Without it I get strange errors I don't completely understand. So is there any way to use this script during the build (given that its not mine to modify?)
EDIT: Here's a more definite example of the error:
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN echo yes | read
which fails with:
Step 0 : FROM ubuntu:14.04
---> 826544226fdc
Step 1 : RUN echo yes | read
---> Running in 4d49fd03b38b
/bin/sh: 1: read: arg count
The command '/bin/sh -c echo yes | read' returned a non-zero code: 2
RUN <command> in Dockerfile reference:
shell form, the command is run in a shell, which by default is /bin/sh -c on Linux or cmd /S /C on Windows
let's see what exactly /bin/sh is in ubuntu:14.04:
$ docker run -it --rm ubuntu:14.04 bash
root#7bdcaf403396:/# ls -n /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx 1 0 0 4 Feb 19 2014 /bin/sh -> dash
/bin/sh is a symbolic link of dash, see read function in dash:
$ man dash
read [-p prompt] [-r] variable [...]
The prompt is printed if the -p option is specified and the standard input is a terminal. Then a line
is read from the standard input. The trailing newline is deleted from the line and the line is split as
described in the section on word splitting above, and the pieces are assigned to the variables in order.
At least one variable must be specified. If there are more pieces than variables, the remaining pieces
(along with the characters in IFS that separated them) are assigned to the last variable. If there are
more variables than pieces, the remaining variables are assigned the null string. The read builtin will
indicate success unless EOF is encountered on input, in which case failure is returned.
By default, unless the -r option is specified, the backslash ``\'' acts as an escape character, causing
the following character to be treated literally. If a backslash is followed by a newline, the backslash
and the newline will be deleted.
read function in dash:
At least one variable must be specified.
let's see read function in bash:
$ man bash
read [-ers] [-a aname] [-d delim] [-i text] [-n nchars] [-N nchars] [-p prompt] [-t timeout] [-u fd] [name...]
If no names are supplied, the line read is assigned to the variable REPLY. The return code is zero,
unless end-of-file is encountered, read times out (in which case the return code is greater than
128), or an invalid file descriptor is supplied as the argument to -u.
So I guess your script is start with #!/bin/bash or something else but not /bin/sh.
Also, you can change your Dockerfile like below:
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN echo yes | read ENV_NAME
Short answer : You can't do it straightly because docker build or either buildx didn't implement [/dev/tty, /dev/console]. But there is a hacky solution where you can achieve what you need but I highly discourage using it since it break the concept of CI. That's why docker didn't implement it.
Hacky solution
FROM ubuntu:14.04
RUN echo yes | read #tty requirement command
As mentioned in docker reference document the RUN consist of two stage, first is execution of command and the second is commit to the image as a new layer. So you can do the stages manually on your own where we will provide tty to first stage(execution) and then commit the result.
cat >> << EOF
echo yes | read ## Your command which needs tty
rm /home/
docker run --interactive --tty --detach --privileged --name name1 ubuntu:14.04
docker cp name1:/home/
docker exec name1 bash -c "cd /home && chmod +x && ./ "
docker commit name1 your:tag
Your new image is ready.
Here is a description about the code.
At first we make a bash script which wrap our tty to it and then remove itself after fist execute. Then we run a container with provided tty option(you can remove privileged if you don't need). Next step we copy wrapped bash script inside container and do the execution & commit stage on our own.
You don't need a tty for feeding your data to your script . just doing something like (echo yes; echo no) | as you suggested will do. also please make sure you copy your file first before trying to execute it . something like COPY
Most likely you don't need a tty. As the comment on the question shows, even the example provided is a situation where the read command was not properly called. A tty would turn the build into an interactive terminal process, which doesn't translate well to automated builds that may be run from tools without terminals.
If you need a tty, then there's the C library call to openpty that you would use when forking a process that includes a pseudo tty. You may be able to solve your problem with a tool like expect, but it's been so long that I don't remember if it creates a ptty or not. Alternatively, if your application can't be built automatically, you can manually perform the steps in a running container, and then docker commit the resulting container to make an image.
I'd recommend against any of those and to work out the procedure to build your application and install it in a non-interactive fashion. Depending on the application, it may be easier to modify the installer itself.

slurm script gives "command not found"

I am trying to submit a script to slurm that runs m4 on an input file. m4 is installed on our cluster, and if I run the script by itself, everything works as expected. But when I submit a run to slurm via a slurm script, I get an error.
Here is the script I would like to run (named
[Note that I'm printing PATH and SHELL in an attempt to debug.]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Beginning"
echo "PATH=$PATH"
m4 file.m4 > fileout.txt
and here is my slurm script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
#SBATCH --job-name=m4it
### Account name (req'd)
#SBATCH --account=MyAccount
### Redirect .o and .e files to the logs dir
#SBATCH -o m4it.out
#SBATCH -e m4it.err
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=125
echo "PATH=$PATH"
echo "running"
which submits successfully to slurm via
sbatch m4it.slurm
When it executes, I get the following error in my m4it.err logfile:
./ line 8: m4: command not found
The PATH and the SHELL variables (printed to m4it.out by the m4it.slurm and by the scripts) are identical. The PATH contains my PATH when I login, and SHELL is /bin/bash, as expected.
Even if I include a symlink to the m4 executable from a directory in my PATH, I still get this error. Also, it is not just m4 that is the problem. The script will report the command "apropos" as an unknown command, even though it runs fine on the command line. The script can "cd" and "ls" just fine though.
I've checked read/write/execute permissions.
ls -ld / /usr /usr/bin /usr/bin/m4
yields the following:
dr-xr-xr-x. 30 root root 4096 Apr 8 11:11 /
drwxr-xr-x. 14 root root 4096 Feb 17 20:24 /usr
dr-xr-xr-x. 2 root root 36864 Apr 29 11:14 /usr/bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 212440 Jun 3 2010 /usr/bin/m4
It seems that the node the script executes on is different from the front node and that somehow information (environment variables or paths) are not coming across. I have also tried to export all my settings with the argument --export=ALL as follows:
sbatch m4it.slurm --export=ALL
but this didn't work either (same result).
Can anyone help here?
I was able to log in to the compute node in an interactive session. Indeed that node's /usr/bin is significantly different than the front node's, and m4 is not installed.
This also explains why the symlink from a directory in my PATH no longer worked. It was pointing to /usr/bin/m4, but as soon as the job was executed on that compute node, /usr/bin/m4 no longer existed, and thus the symlink was invalid.
If I want to use m4, the solution is to either ask the admins to install m4 on the compute nodes or, alternatively, copy a local version of the executable to somewhere in my home directory that exists in my PATH variable.

Bash Script works but not in when executed from crontab

I am new to linux and the script below is just an example of my issue:
I have a script which works as expected when I execute it however when I set it to run via crontab it doesn't work as expected because it doesn't read the file content into the variable.
I have a file 'test.txt' which has 'abc' in it. My script puts the text into a variable 'var' and then I echo it out to a log file:
echo "$var" >/home/pi/MyScripts/log.log
This works perfectly fine when I execute it and it echo's into the log file but not when I set it via crontab:
* * * * * /home/pi/MyScripts/
The cron job runs, and it sent me the following error message:
/bin/sh: 1: /home/pi/MyScripts/ Permission denied.
But I have given it 777 permissions:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 pi pi 25 Jun 10 15:31 test.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1 pi pi 77 Jun 10 15:34
Any ideas?
This happens when you run the script with a different shell. It's especially relevant for systems where /bin/sh is dash:
$ cat myscript
echo "$(< file)"
$ bash myscript
hello world
$ sh myscript
To fix it, add #!/bin/bash as the first line in your script.
Others have provided answers, but I will give you a big clue from your error message; emphasis mine:
/bin/sh: 1: /home/pi/MyScripts/ Permission denied.
Note how the cron job was trying to use /bin/sh to run the script. That’s solved by always indicating which shell you want to use at the top of your script like this.
echo "$var" >/home/pi/MyScripts/log.log
If your script is using bash, then you must explicitly set /bin/bash in some way.
Also, regarding permissions you say this:
But I have given it 777 permissions:
First, 777 permissions is a massive security risk. If you do that it means that anyone or anything on the system can read, write & execute the file. Don’t do that. In the case of a cron job the only entity that needs 7 permissions on a file is the owner of the crontab running that file.
Meaning if this is your crontab, just change the permissions to 755 which allows others to read & execute but not write. Or maybe better yet change it to 700 so only you—as the owner of the file—can do anything to the file. But avoid 777 permissions if you want to keep your system safe, stable & sane.
You have two options. In the first line of your file, tell what program you want to interpret the script
...more code...
Or in your crontab, tell what program you want to interpret the script
* * * * * bash /home/pi/MyScripts/
In this option, you do not need to make the script executable

Custom commands with git-shell

How to create custom commands for git-shell? According to the documentation:
When -c is given, the program executes non-interactively;
can be one of git receive-pack, git upload-pack, git
upload-archive, cvs server, or a command in COMMAND_DIR. The shell is
started in interactive mode when no arguments are given; in this case,
COMMAND_DIR must exist, and any of the executables in it can be
However, I'm not sure I'm understanding this correctly. I created a user called gituser, and gave him /usr/bin/git-shell as a shell. I created a directory called git-shell-commands, and put a script called 'testy' in it, but I can't make it run via git-shell.
Here is what I'm trying from an other machine:
$ ssh testy
fatal: unrecognized command 'testy'
Note that git-shell is working, and responding, it just can't find my custom command.
And here is the script:
:/home/gituser/git-shell-commands# ls -l -a
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 2 gituser gituser 4096 Jan 22 17:35 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 gituser gituser 4096 Jan 22 13:57 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 gituser gituser 26 Jan 22 13:58 testy
:/home/gituser/git-shell-commands# ./testy
:/home/sodigit/git-shell-commands# cat testy
echo "hello!"
What am I doing wrong? How to run custom commands with git-shell?
As it turned out, this feature has been introduced in git 1.7.4. I am using debian squeeze, wich contains an older version of git, so that was why it did not work.
If you experience this problem, check your git version.
However, as of git 1.7.10, the custom commands only work in interactive mode, and not with -c. I haven't tried the newest git though, so it is possible that this problem is unrelated to the version of the software.
To allow custom commands for pre-1.7.4 (and in non-interactive mode for 1.7.10), you can use a shell script wrapper for git-shell:
cmd=$(basename "${cmdline[0]}")
if [ -z "$cmd" ] ; then
exec git-shell
elif [ -n "$cmd" -a -x ~/git-shell-commands/"$cmd" ] ; then
~/git-shell-commands/"$cmd" "${cmdline[#]:1}"
exec git-shell -c "$1"
Wherever you would normally use "git-shell", refer to this script instead, though leave out any "-c" argument to this script.
As with git-shell, the above script requires that the entire command line be passed as the first argument. If you'd rather pass the command line as separate arguments:
cmd=$(basename $1)
if [ -z "$cmd" ] ; then
exec git-shell
elif [ -n "$cmd" -a -x ~/git-shell-commands/"$cmd" ] ; then
~/git-shell-commands/"$cmd" "$#"
exec git-shell -c "$*"
For example, this lets you invoke the restricted shell in authorize_keys as:
command="sshsh $SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND" ...
Note that neither script creates an interactive mode for pre-1.7.4 (attempting to start an interactive session will result in a "fatal: What do you think I am? A shell?" error from git-shell), but shouldn't interfere with interactive mode in 1.7.4 and newer.
Disclaimer: this has not been vetted for security holes. Use at your own risk. In particular, each command in ~/git-shell-commands is a potential security hole (though this is true of git-shell 1.7.4 and later, even without any of the above scripts).
