DoS Attack my localhost tomcat - security

I'm using tomcat 6 on localhost and running an application site.
I want to stress test using DoS from cmd prompt.
Can any one help me with this?
that's my url.

Since you are using Tomcat, you are living in the Java world. The best Java-based tool I know of to perform load-testing is Apache JMeter.
It is honestly really great. You can set up complete workflows for a particular "user" to run-through, and then run lots of them in parallel. You can set up a bunch of different workflows to represent your various users and then launch an arbitrary number of them to run against your test site. You want 1 admin user and 5000 "regular" users? You got it. You want some users to be creating accounts and exploring the site while others continuously buy items in their shopping carts? No problem. Handles session-tracking, etc. You can even set the time interval between requests (or just go as fast as possible).
Unfortunately, JMeter is GUI-based, so not command-line. I'm not sure if you can use the GUI to create a testing profile and then launch it from the command-line.
If you want to stick with Apache, you can use ApacheBench (aka "ab") which comes with Apache httpd. It's pretty simple, and has some shortcomings due to its primitive threading-model: you can easily max-out ab's connection-making capabilities before you exhaust the server's resources.


Security minecraft server mods containing Java code

I am running a Java minecraft server on my Linux server. I have been asked to install some mods (e.g. data packs) on the server which appear to contain Java code written by a third party other than Mojang.
Is this Java code restricted in what it can do, or can it run any arbitrary code it likes (e.g. read /etc/passwd, open TCP ports, claim huge amounts of memory, etc.)?
In other words, how risky are minecraft mods containing Java code?
This is a very good question. I actually was wondering that too. I have spent a bit of time looking at the binaries of minecraft and the minecraft server spigot. I assume we both use the Java Edition.
First of all, the Java code, once you run it on a host, can do anything. The only mechanism that can prevent that and protect the user from the developer in Java, is the security manager. Once you turn on the security manager (which is an opt-in mechanism) you have the ability to define a set of rules that Java will obey like e.g. it will not write into directories you don't allow it too.
So the question is: is minecraft using the security manager per default. I am 99% sure it does not. No one is using the security manager because it is a pain to configure it right and things stop working every time you get it wrong (you know that an applications uses the security manager because you face problems with policy misconfiguration every now and then).
Running minecraft is made by running an exe. I would not now where to turn the security manager on even if I would like too. There is a bit of hope with the spigot server. You can install the security manager with and input your policy with But getting the policy right will be pain. I will try to look into it though when I have a free week or so.
Minecraft mods can act with the full permissions of the user running Minecraft. If you don't trust the author of a mod, then there's basically two approaches to safely use it:
Audit the source code yourself, and then compile the mod yourself so you know it matches the binary
Run Minecraft in a sandbox such as a VM, or as a heavily restricted user.

Interactive website for linux server

creation of a website through which can access Linux server and where can execute some operations like executing scripts, firing up some commands. need some expert guidance with some concepts.just guide me how can i achieve through, i have goggled a lot unable to get the proper concepts or methods. or is it even possible.
Have you considered using something along the lines of VNC or SSH? As JNevill pointed out, either of these methods would be infinitely more secure. Also, consider using something like cron for scheduled jobs.
However, sometimes a webpage for running a program on a server may be acceptable. e.g. IoT project. To do this, you would setup an API page using a back-end language like PHP (recommended if you're using Linux). In the back-end language you would check your user credentials, and then run the command.
Some guidelines in doing this:
Never allow commands to be entered on the webpage, only allow tasks to be completed using controlled inputs like buttons, selectboxes and sliders. i.e. a button to get an Arduino to close your garage door, or a slider to dim/brighten a light bulb, or a button to start a program to index something, etc.
None of these "command buttons" should ever do anything harmful. i.e. delete a folder or file.

run cgi script as a different user

I have a tool written in perl which is used by different users in my company. Each user has his/her own disk space allocated to them and they run the tool in their diskspace. This is working fine without any issues. As a next step, I wanted to enable the tool through web and created a web application through which users can run this tool, the issue that i have is, the tool is always run as a single user. I know the user name through authentication, is there a way by which i can run the tool as the user who is running the web application?
Yes, suexec.
Also see questions tagged suexec.

Nodejs on Nearlyfreespeech?

I'm looking at an existing website, deployed on an NFS server. I'd like to rewrite some portions of it to run on nodejs. As far as I can tell, nodejs isn't supported by the NFS folk, but I am constrained to using their servers.
So, is there a way to shoe-horn nodejs onto a nearlyfreespeech server? Has anyone tried this successfully?
As of 24/September/2014 NFS now support persistent processes:
Intro and overview - More power, more control, more insight, less cost
Official example - How-To: Django on NearlyFreeSpeech.NET
3rd party example - Run node.js on NearlyFreeSpeech.Net
To summarise the process described in's third-party example:
1) In NFS.N's admin UI, select your site's domain shortname under Sites, then change that site's "Server Type" to "Custom" instead of PHP / Apache.
2) Put your Node server code somewhere in /home/protected/
3) Create a shell script (eg file somewhere in /home/protected/ that contains the command(s) to start your server (eg npm run start or node server.js). NFS.N will automatically run this script as a continuous process using a "Daemon", which we'll configure in the next step.
4) Select "Daemons" in your site's NFS.N admin UI, and enter your server's startup shell script path in the "command line" field. Complete the other fields as you see fit.
5) NFS.N will now ensure that your custom server process will run indefinitely. Your web server will now be available at the port your server listens at. However, NFS.N doesn't give root access for your server to communicate through the normal "low-level" internet ports (eg :80 and :443), so if you want to serve those, you must use NFS.N's "Proxy" feature described in the next step.
6) If you need to listen on low-level ports: select "Add a Proxy" in your site's NFS.N admin UI and enter the relevant settings, checking the "Bypass Apache entirely" option and giving the port your server is listening on for the "Target Port" option.
That's it! You can now stop/restart the server's continuous process (the shell script that the Daemon is maintaining) in the Daemon's configuration page. have a new "NFGI" architecture that may open the possibility to this:
NFGI can be made to work with other languages as well, making them first-class citizens of our service, just as fast and integrated as PHP currently is. This paves the way for making all sorts of frameworks viable that have traditionally been too slow when run through CGI. Rails. Catalyst. Django. We also believe it can be leveraged to make node.js work on our service, but we’re not 100% sure about that.
If you want this feature you can vote for it in their feature request system at
Although to be honest, I concur with earlier answers, using Node via CGI would lose some of the benefit...but would not be without its charms. Something like for would be an interesting JavaScript replacement for PHP.
The problem is not that will not support NodeJS. The thing is that you can't have "long running processes", i.e. servers. Since you can't run servers, you can't run Node.
In fact, the only way you can have anything dynamic there is by using CGI. There's no reason why Javascript engine could not be used to generate pages in response to requests, but I am not sure that can be done with node.

Securing a linux webserver for public access

I'd like to set up a cheap Linux box as a web server to host a variety of web technologies (PHP & Java EE come to mind, but I'd like to experiment with Ruby or Python in the future as well).
I'm fairly versed in setting up Tomcat to run on Linux for serving up Java EE applications, but I'd like to be able to open this server up, even just so I can create some tools I can use while I am working in the office. All the experience I've had with configuring Java EE sites has all been for intranet applications where we were told not to focus on securing the pages for external users.
What is your advice on setting up a personal Linux web server in a secure enough way to open it up for external traffic?
This article has some of the best ways to lock things down:
Some highlights:
Make sure no one can browse the directories
Make sure only root has write privileges to everything, and only root has read privileges to certain config files
Run mod_security
The article also takes some pointers from this book:
Apache Securiy (O'Reilly Press)
As far as distros, I've run Debain and Ubuntu, but it just depends on how much you want to do. I ran Debian with no X and just ssh'd into it whenever i needed anything. That is a simple way to keep overhead down. Or Ubuntu has some nice GUI things that make it easy to control Apache/MySQL/PHP.
It's important to follow security best practices wherever possible, but you don't want to make things unduly difficult for yourself or lose sleep worrying about keeping up with the latest exploits. In my experience, there are two key things that can help keep your personal server secure enough to throw up on the internet while retaining your sanity:
1) Security through obscurity
Needless to say, relying on this in the 'real world' is a bad idea and not to be entertained. But that's because in the real world, baddies know what's there and that there's loot to be had.
On a personal server, the majority of 'attacks' you'll suffer will simply be automated sweeps from machines that have already been compromised, looking for default installations of products known to be vulnerable. If your server doesn't offer up anything enticing on the default ports or in the default locations, the automated attacker will move on. Therefore, if you're going to run a ssh server, put it on a non-standard port (>1024) and it's likely it will never be found. If you can get away with this technique for your web server then great, shift that to an obscure port too.
2) Package management
Don't compile and install Apache or sshd from source yourself unless you absolutely have to. If you do, you're taking on the responsibility of keeping up-to-date with the latest security patches. Let the nice package maintainers from Linux distros such as Debian or Ubuntu do the work for you. Install from the distro's precompiled packages, and staying current becomes a matter of issuing the occasional apt-get update && apt-get -u dist-upgrade command, or using whatever fancy GUI tool Ubuntu provides.
One thing you should be sure to consider is what ports are open to the world. I personally just open port 22 for SSH and port 123 for ntpd. But if you open port 80 (http) or ftp make sure you learn to know at least what you are serving to the world and who can do what with that. I don't know a lot about ftp, but there are millions of great Apache tutorials just a Google search away.
Bit-Tech.Net ran a couple of articles on how to setup a home server using linux. Here are the links:
Article 1
Article 2
Hope those are of some help.
#svrist mentioned EC2. EC2 provides an API for opening and closing ports remotely. This way, you can keep your box running. If you need to give a demo from a coffee shop or a client's office, you can grab your IP and add it to the ACL.
Its safe and secure if you keep your voice down about it (i.e., rarely will someone come after your home server if you're just hosting a glorified webroot on a home connection) and your wits up about your configuration (i.e., avoid using root for everything, make sure you keep your software up to date).
On that note, albeit this thread will potentially dwindle down to just flaming, my suggestion for your personal server is to stick to anything Ubuntu (get Ubuntu Server here); in my experience, the quickest to get answers from whence asking questions on forums (not sure what to say about uptake though).
My home server security BTW kinda benefits (I think, or I like to think) from not having a static IP (runs on DynDNS).
Good luck!
Be careful about opening the SSH port to the wild. If you do, make sure to disable root logins (you can always su or sudo once you get in) and consider more aggressive authentication methods within reason. I saw a huge dictionary attack in my server logs one weekend going after my SSH server from a DynDNS home IP server.
That being said, it's really awesome to be able to get to your home shell from work or away... and adding on the fact that you can use SFTP over the same port, I couldn't imagine life without it. =)
You could consider an EC2 instance from Amazon. That way you can easily test out "stuff" without messing with production. And only pay for the space,time and bandwidth you use.
If you do run a Linux server from home, install ossec on it for a nice lightweight IDS that works really well.
As a side note, make sure that you do not run afoul of your ISP's Acceptable Use Policy and that they allow incoming connections on standard ports. The ISP I used to work for had it written in their terms that you could be disconnected for running servers over port 80/25 unless you were on a business-class account. While we didn't actively block those ports (we didn't care unless it was causing a problem) some ISPs don't allow any traffic over port 80 or 25 so you will have to use alternate ports.
If you're going to do this, spend a bit of money and at the least buy a dedicated router/firewall with a separate DMZ port. You'll want to firewall off your internal network from your server so that when (not if!) your web server is compromised, your internal network isn't immediately vulnerable as well.
There are plenty of ways to do this that will work just fine. I would usually jsut use a .htaccess file. Quick to set up and secure enough . Probably not the best option but it works for me. I wouldn't put my credit card numbers behind it but other than that I dont really care.
Wow, you're opening up a can of worms as soon as you start opening anything up to external traffic. Keep in mind that what you consider an experimental server, almost like a sacrificial lamb, is also easy pickings for people looking to do bad things with your network and resources.
Your whole approach to an externally-available server should be very conservative and thorough. It starts with simple things like firewall policies, includes the underlying OS (keeping it patched, configuring it for security, etc.) and involves every layer of every stack you'll be using. There isn't a simple answer or recipe, I'm afraid.
If you want to experiment, you'll do much better to keep the server private and use a VPN if you need to work on it remotely.
