Close Any Dialog/MessageBox From C# applications - c#-4.0

We are working on .NET environment.
Mainly my applications having operation on microsoft files(open/close/save)
As there are many message box prompt comes while opening few microsoft files.
So user has to close this dialog manually and then it will start processing next file.
So is there any way, we can perform our process without any message box interruption ?
Or is there a way, we can close any dialog/messagebox from C# code ?


Reset office application state on start

I use squish for testing and it doesn't close the tested application correct always.
In that case office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) starts with some recovery options (previous documents getting restored, some dialog windows appear, etc) I need to reset the status of the application before the start of new test.
Isn't it better to close the Office application properly?
For example, you could automate Office application using Automation. The recovery options mean the host application was not closed gracefully or something unexpected happened with it (crash?). So, I'd recommend asking squish developers what is wrong with their software other than looking for a workaround to suppress evidences.

VBA for Window Lock and Login time

Is it possible to create a VBA for automatically capturing Windows Lock, I mean Window+L for the particular user logged in in the system and trigger the time and date of locking and logging in back to system in his login.
It is probably possible but certainly useless because VBA can only run when Excel is running which may not always be the case when Windows is. So, to make it useful you should auto-load Excel whenever Windows starts up. That could be done. But you wouldn't be able to force the user to shut down Windows whenever he exits Excel.
The procedure you are thinking of should run on Windows, which means it can't be VBA. VB could do the job or C#.

Outlook 2013 detected a slow addin

I developed an Addin which consists of Login and the data entry and retrieval functionality. The data entry and retrieval are accessed through REST URL's. The Outlook Startup doesnt has any code, except it checks the outlook version. I implement a plain form which show the user "loading message" initially and the rest of the logic will be handled by a thread. So i hope everything is followed according to the performance, but still i am receiving an addon error as "Outlook Detected an Addin Problem" The Add-in caused outlook to start slowly. I am able to overcome this problem and more and more i am able to get the time statistics for application start or shutdown events. couldany help me how do i resolve this?
Are you trying your AddIn in a debug mode or through an installer ?
First of all, make sure that it has been disabled because it is slow and not because it has errors.
If it has errors, it will cause Outlook to work slowly or even crash.
If it just working slowly, you can try to optimize your AddIn, go through your code again and see what you can do again in a less performance consuming way.
One other thing you can do is, when you will create a setup project for your AddIn to run an installer (instead of debug), you can set your Load Behavior to 16 in the registry.
This will cause the AddIn to load at Outlook startup on the first time after installation and to load on demand the other times. (Load on demand means when the user clicks on the AddIn icon).
This way, your AddIn won't slow Outlook down, except for the first time.

installshield custom action cancel event from exe

I am working in installshield 2012 spring express edition.
I have created exe custom action which call exe developed in,
that exe has cancel button in it. If user Clicks on cancel button error box pops up in installshield setup (error code 1722)
I know why this error is coming but i don't want user to see this error and want to cancel the installation without showing error message to user.
Tell me if anyone need more detail.
There's a number of things at play here:
Don't use EXE custom actions. They run out of process and don't have access to the MSI handle and have a variety of other failure points. See: Integration Hurdles for EXE Custom Actions
Use WiX DTF instead to write a managed code custom action that is presented to the windows installer as a standard C++ Win32 DLL. See: WiX and DTF: Using a Custom Action to list available web sites on IIS
Your Custom action shouldn't present any UI at all. It should be publishing messages up to windows installer to be displayed on the progress dailog. If your custom action is prompting the user for information, this is wrong also. It should have done that in the UI Sequence during the user interview stage of the installation.
As you pass messages to the progress dialog, MSI will give you a return code that indicates the user has pressed the cancel button. You should then use this button to interrupt the processing in your custom action. Windows Installer will then rollback and display the Setup Interupted dialog. See: Any tips on getting the cancel button working for a deferred custom action
InstallShield Express is a very limited tool and may not be able to directly do all the authoring you need it to do. There are ways to extend it. See: Augmenting InstallShield using Windows Installer XML - Certificates
What I've shown you is the correct and proper way to do it. Anything else is suboptimal from an MSI best practices perspective.

Async thread dies in SharePoint web part

I wrote a custom web part for SharePoint 2007 that loads an existing user control. One of the things the user control does is an asynchronous upload of a file via FTP. I'm using a third-party FTP library that has BeginUpload/EndUpload methods for async file transfer. I also have an update panel in the user control that I use to display a running total of the number of bytes that have been transferred, based on an event raised by the FTP library. I've added all the necessary AJAX settings to web.config.
Everything works great if I run the user control by itself from a separate project. But when I access the web part that hosts the control and try an upload, the FTP library transfers about 64 KB and then the thread it's running on dies. The message I get in the VS output window is:
The thread 'Win32 Thread' (0xf34) has exited with code 0 (0x0).
I get several of those and then the FTP library throws an exception (basically it times out), the IIS worker processes blow up, and the whole thing comes to a halt. Is there something special I need to do in my SharePoint configuration or the web part to make this work? It seems to be something about SharePoint since the same code works fine if SP is out of the picture.
I submitted this problem to Microsoft SharePoint developer support and they were able to reproduce the error with the FTP library I'm using, which comes from ComponentSpace. Normally what I'm trying to do is possible, but for some reason it just didn't want to work.
Their solution was to save the file on the web server by doing a Request.Files(0).SaveAs and then doing the FTP upload. Not ideal, but it gives me the progress indicators I wanted.
Chris Tybur, I have tried their FTP component and found many bugs. I would not recommend ComponentSpace's FTP
