Form into a form with Tizen - layout

I started using Tizen SDK to develop a native app. And I have to make a form into a form. Actually, it works, but I've some bugs with it. I mean, the footer bar is bugged, when I click on an item from the footer. The app crash immediatly...
Do you know how to resolve it ?

I don't think it a good choice to make a Form into a Form. If you want reuse UI form, it's better to use Panel instead.
Here is description of Panel from dev guide.
Tizen::Ui::Controls::Panel class is a general rectangular container that you can use to group UI controls, or even other panels. Panels can be used to create a custom background for a defined area, or for organizing and aligning UI controls. However, by default, the look-and-feel of a panel does not differ from its surrounding Tizen::Ui::Controls::Form control.


XPages templating dialog boxes

I am currently on a project redesigning an existing traditional domino web application to XPages. This application contains a web form with quite a lot of helper dialog boxes. Also notifications and validation and confirmation is done through dialogboxes.
I know I can create a custom control for each dialog box and add it to the Xpage and call the show. I even managed to load it dynamically using a dynamic content control with a facet for each dialog. Since the dialog cc contains a show() in the onClientLoad. It is easy to open a dialog by switching the content of the dynamic content control.
Still, adding all these custom controls to my XPages feels inefficient and really clutters the design tab. What's your take?
I would prefer setting the content of the dialog dynamically (Like in traditional domino you would define a form for each dialog). Is that possible?
If not is it possible to load a custom control dynamically (Like using a computed subform)?
Also for confirmation boxes I need the OK button to execute different code for each confirm. What would be the best way to implement that? Add custom parameter "functionOnOk" to the "dlgConfirm" custom control and evaluate that in the submit button?
PS: I am still using panels with dojoType=dijit.DialogBox, but will change those to extlib dialog boxes. For the confirm and messageboxes I am now using client side dijit.Dialogs with mark-up in code, but I would like the markup in XPages as well.
I know there are issues with panels with dijit.Dialog, because Dojo moves the dialog in the DOM, which prevents any SSJS in the dialog running. I don't know if that's also an issue with dijit.DialogBox, but I suspect it could be. Jeremy Hodge did some code to workaround that.
However, I would strongly recommend using the Extension Library control. Client-side dijit.Dialogs are likely to be much more difficult to code and will not allow any SSJS interaction. I'm not aware of any Dojo properties not available in the Extension Library control, and the Extension Library control also allows you to open or close the dialog both in CSJS or SSJS. It also allows you to specify an area to refresh on close.
In terms of the properties, preload is there purely to speed up showing. Are you using the refreshOnShow property? This ensures the URL or content is refreshed each time the dialog is shown. The Extension Library chapter on dialogs has a table covering all the properties. You can set the URL to point to another XPage or another web page. This may allow you to use the Dynamic Content control to pass parameters to switch the content that should appear.
In terms of the code behind the OK button, if you use the Extension Library dialog, you have all the functionality you would have outside the dialog.

Metro UI as a XPages theme

I would like to present XP application with Metro style UI.
I think of three unique styles:
1) App launcher (aka Navigator from LN client) showing boxed "links", what is common image of Metro:
2) List (aka View) - scrollable bars representing documents in view:
3) Form - sorry, images of metro theme are not very common for this kind of usecase.
Wait for Dojo framework to include Metro styled mobile components (no signs of this plan at Dojo site).
Wait for IBM to include Metro on Extlib mobile themes (probably not going to happen).
Make own theme definition and/or controls (lot of work...)
Forget it, it is just waste of time.
Did any of you think about making metro.theme for XPages?
If I where you I would try to create it yourself. Its not that difficult. Its actualy a bunch of boxes ;) which is perfectly possible with html/css ( and thus with xpages ). The only thing you need to take or of is what to do after a user clicked on a box. I dont see the problem in creating it yourself...

Using an Outline with XPages Extension Library Mobile Controls

I am using the XPages Extension Library mobile controls to create a mobile web interface for an existing Notes app.
When displaying a document with a large number of fields I would like to use an accordion type UI so that parts of the page can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide the fields in each pane (similar to sections in a traditional Notes client app).
Having looked at the "Accordion Outline" in the Ext Lib demo app I started to build the page using the Outline control. Within each entry (node) of the Outline I, ideally, want to place a rounded list and then put my fields & controls inside that.
But it looks like the nodes in the Outline can't contain this type of content - unless I'm missing something?
Any suggestions as to which controls I can use this type of UI?
You can any time use an xp:panel and assign it the dijit.accordeon (look up the exact name please) dojo type. Then you can put anything inside including repeat controls etc. I would guess it might make sense to build your own CC to hold the content for each accordeon panel

How can a graphic be placed in the OneUI .lotusBanner area using the Application Layout Control

I am using the Extension Libraries Application Layout Control and need to have a banner graphic placed in the .lotusBanner div on the right. How can this be done as it seems that the Application Layout Control can't be modified.
You could use the utilityLinksFacet on the extended control that Steve Pridemore did.
or you could use onload javascript to add it.
I was able to place a graphic in the upper right of the Application Layout Control in the Banner area by doing the following:
In the control under the Banner > Utility links I added a Basic node. For the node I specified the href and image. This worked and placed the image n the correct spot.
Artifacts of this were the location of the Banner Application links. To remedy this I used some CSS for the .lotusBanner ul.lotusLinks {margin-top: 45px;position:absolute;}
The margin-top was to push the links down so I could enlarge the logo that is used by the Application Layout Control.
The applicationLayout control in ExtLib is, as you have found out, locked down to only allow certain aspects of the configuration to be changed by the developer. You can add links to different sections of the applicationLayout but nothing beyond that.
One possible alternative is to NOT use the applictionLayout control itself but create your own approximation of it in a custom control, You would need to add all the necessary panels/divs with the special oneUI2 classes in all the correct places and then add editable areas and callbacks within these panels for the parts that you would want to customize throughout the application. All of the other sections in the applicationLayout control, like the bannerUtilityLinks are created using the ListofLinks control that is also found in the Extension Library.

Winforms c# outlook like Interface

I have already asked the same question but in regards with MDI Application design. Now just for R&D purpose so that we can go with 2 solutions to our user. Can somebody plz help me out...
We are developing an OutLook Style Application using C# Winforms. In that application we are using Microsoft Table Control. Which is what we need to show our UI. In the left hand pane we have menu and in the right hand we are displaying our UserControl. Like CustomerManager. This UserControl is doing Adding, Updating, Deleting ect etc but we want to put the common action buttons, Like Add,Delete,Save on the top toolbar.
So far so good, Now what we need to acheve is regardless of UserControl. What ever UserControl is loaded in the MainForm's TableControl. When the save button is clicked it should process the data on that UserControl. Obviously we will write the logic of the Save Action on each UserControl.
Please help...
I may advice you the Krypton Toolkit. You will write an Outlook style app in seconds.
For all who ended up here like me in search of a free toolkit: As Vulkanino suggested to use Krypton, I loooked it up.
This is now open source Freeware and can be found unter: Krypton Toolkit
Create a Base user control that contains your Add, Delete, Save methods and events. Then create every other functional control that inherits from the Base control.
When you action the main toolbar buttons, you can safely cast each user control in your given container, to the Base user control.
Some MSDN links you might want to read up on:
