Vagrant host port ignored - web

In my Vagrantfile I have the definition of my development machine with a private network ip of and a forwarded port of "guest=80, host=8888", but when a run my vagrant enviroment and I try to run curl -i I get an error saying 'Failed connect to; connection refused', but when I try to connect to everything it's ok.
My Vagrantfile is:
Vagrant::configure("2") do |config| = "precise32"
config.vm.define :web do |www|
www.vm.hostname = "apache"
www.ssh.max_tries = 10 :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8888 # Apache port :private_network, ip: ""
www.vm.synced_folder "www", "/var/www", :extra => 'dmode=777,fmode=777'
Why this happens? is vagrant ignoring the forwarded port?

By default Vagrant Boxes use NAT mode, it means that the guests are behind a router (VirtualBox Networking engine between the host and the guest) which maps traffic from and to the virtual machine transparently. The guests are invisible and unreachable from the host.
That's why we need port forwarding. Otherwise services running on guest wont' be accessible.
In your case, you are using Private Network, the guest will be assigned a private IP address that ONLY the host can access, which is
The proper way to access web hosted on the guest is => from the host.
You have the port forwarding part in the Vagrantfile :forwarded_port, guest: 80, host: 8888 # Apache port
It is forwarding guest port 80 to your host's 8888. Because you are NOT using NAT mode I am pretty sure it will be ignored. Try to curl -Is http://localhost:8888.
NOTE: even if it still work somehow, you should be accessing web by => http://localhost:8888/ from your host.


Can't connect to azure linux VM on port 9200, but ssh works

Installed ElasticSearch on a linux VM in Azure, put in on a Vnet with a public IP and a security group with ports 9200 and ssh 22 open.
I can ssh into the VM. On the VM itself, I can reach port 9200.
But on my PC, when I try to hit the {public IP}:9200, I get a 502 bad gateway? Anyone know why?
Ok, needed to set the following line in the /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml file;
# [_local_, _site_]

setting up testing environment with Vagrant Virtual Machine and Nginx

I'm trying to set up a local web testing environment with Vagrant on a centos/6 virtual machine
In the vagrant configuration I set: "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080
Inside of the vagrant box if I type: hostname -I it gives me a result of
In the vagrant box, nginx is already set and I do have a SSL certification and HTTPS connection set up:
server {
listen 443;
...(other configurations including ssl_certificate,
ssl_certificate_key,protocols and cipher)
...(other values that I think its not relevant)
location / {
if ($http_host != {
return 444;
And then I have:
server {
listen 80 default;
server_name ~^;
return 302$request_uri;
In my vagrant box, if I use curl to get the content at curl, I'm able to successfully get the expected content
From my host operating system, when I'm using chrome to request access to, it simply says The connection was reset. and the error exception code is ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
My best guess is this has to deal with my SSL configuration?
Not sure if this will help, I run vagrant and use Virtualbox as my hypervisor. You will need to check what the vagrant box is doing for NAT. On mine, out of the box it is and that will get to my dev box. Assumes port forwarding is set right and no firewall.
What does do?

Vagrant box can't ping host

I have a Vagrant box with public network configured.
What I can do:
from vbox ping another machine on the network
from another machine on the network ping the vbox
from host ping another machine on the network
from another machine on the network ping the host
What I can't do:
from vbox ping the host
from host ping the vbox
This is my Vagrantfile network part: "public_network", auto_config: false
config.vm.provision "shell",
run: "always",
inline: "ifconfig eth1 netmask up"
Not sure what I did wrong here...
That's weird, it should work with that. Anyway if that doesn't work perhaps the error is somewhere else in your Vagrantfile. Try manually setting the ip. "public_network", ip: ""
This is how I do in my vagrant box and works fine. Hope this help you.

telnet to azure vm port from outside

I want to telnet virtual machine on port 1234. I have server.exe running on vm which listens to port 1234.
When I run telnet within virtual machine cmd "telnet 1234" response is
However when I run telnet from outside using "telnet publicIP 1234" response is
Connecting To publicIP...Could not open connection to the host, on
port 1234: Connect failed
I have added endpoints in azure portal and tried switching off the firewall from both virtual machine and my local machine.
Can anyone please suggest?
Two things to consider:
Make sure that your server.exe listens also the VM network adapter, but not only on
Make sure that your ISP( Internet Provider) does not block outgoing ports - very common issue.
To avoid (2) change the public port for the VM Endpoint to 80 and try with telnet publicIP 80
To make sure you comply with (1), while on the VM try telnet **localIP** 1234

Vagrant port forwarding 80 to 8000 with Laravel Homestead

My Problem:
I can only access my sites through port 8000, but not 80, which makes me think it is not redirecting 80 to 8000 as it says it should be. I want to simply type into my browser and it loads the site, which I read was port 80 by default. I am using curl to check it and it returns:
curl ''
curl: (7) Failed connect to; No error
However if I add :8000 to the url then it works; it returns my index.php which simply prints 'test':
curl ''
My Details:
I am using Laravel Homestead and Vagrant with Oracle VM VirtualBox.
In the Homestead.rb it has the port forwarding. I haven't edited it at all: "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8000 "forwarded_port", guest: 3306, host: 33060 "forwarded_port", guest: 5432, host: 54320
I also have Microsoft IIS installed for my work stuff. I obviously stop that service whenever I need vagrant to use the localhost.
"vagrant up" shows:
My Homestead.yaml file:
ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
authorize: /Users/Tyler/.ssh/
- /Users/Tyler/.ssh/id_rsa
- map: C:\DEV\Linux
to: /var/www/
- map:
to: /home/vagrant/Code/Laravel/public
- map:
to: /var/www/kujif
- key: APP_ENV
value: local
You should continue to use ports above 1024 since they are non-privileged ports, BUT if you do want you can run as port 80 on the Homestead VM, as long as you don't have anything holding on to that port on the host machine. Just tried it and it worked, with a few gotchas. First, you change that line in the .rb file from: "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8000
to "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 80
When you fire your VM up after saving you will get a warning from vagrant:
==> default: You are trying to forward to privileged ports (ports <= 1024). Most
==> default: operating systems restrict this to only privileged process (typically
==> default: processes running as an administrative user). This is a warning in case
==> default: the port forwarding doesn't work. If any problems occur, please try a
==> default: port higher than 1024.
==> default: Forwarding ports...
default: 80 => 80 (adapter 1)
But it worked for me. Now, to actually get to the VM I had to use it's private IP instead of the localhost name:
But sure enough my site was there and everything was working. If you decide to keep it that was you can add that IP address to your hosts file to give it a nice short name.
Hope this helps.
I see there is an accepted answer, but this alternative may also help someone.
If I understand correctly you really dislike the port "8000"!
Have you tried setting a private network?
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
/*other config stuff here */ :private_network, ip: ""
This way you can simply use that IP address, or edit you hosts file to map the local domain to that IP.
Take a look at the Vagrant docs:Vagrant Private Networks
BTW, You shouldn't need to shutdown your IIS local server as that is running on a totally different IP range. I have Apache running locally while also accessing the VM server. This allows you to use tools like composer (to pull in laravel) on your local if needed.
I'm not sure what the confusion is - this is the way it's supposed to work.
The web server on the VM listens on port 80. Vagrant/VirtualBox forwards that port from 80 (on the VM) to 8000 (on localhost) so that you can access the site at http://localhost:8000.
Port 80 on the VM's domain name is not going to be available - that domain name probably resolves to localhost.
Try the following: dig (or nslookup or even ping - I don't know what tools are available on Windows) to find out what IP address that name is resolving to. You will probably find that it's (localhost).
You could try using the IP address set in the homestead file instead: - this might work, but it will depend on how networking is configured in the VM.
Ideally, you need to set networking to "bridged" in the VM - this will make the VM look (to your network) like any other device on the network. Other networking options in the VM (sorry, I'm not familiar with the options in VirtualBox) will set the VM up with its own network that is not accessible outside the VM - this is why port forwarding is used to expose network services on the VM.
You can disable the default port forwarding completely by adding the following to the Homestead.yaml:
default_ports: false
Or configure however you like by adding something like:
- send: 80
to: 80
