Memory management scenario with MongoDB & Node.JS - node.js

I'm implementing a medium scale marketing e-commerce affiliation site, which has following estimates,
Total Size of Data: 5 - 10 GB
Indexes on Data: 1 GB approx (which I wanted to be in memory)
Disk Size (fast I/O): 20-25 GB
Memory: 2 GB
App development: node.js
Working set estimation of Query: Average 1-2 KB, Maximum 20-30 KB of text base article
I'm trying to understand whether MongoDB would be right choice for database or not. Index is going to be fairly downsize of Memory but I have noticed that after querying that MongoDB, it has occupied the memory (size of result set) for caching query. In 8 hours I'm expecting that all queries' depth would cover almost 95% of data, in that scenario how will MongoDB manage limited memory scenario also app instance of node.js running on same server.
Would a MongoDB a right choice for this scenario or I should go for other JSON based no-SQL Databases.


Abnormally high memory consumption MongoDb

Comrades. There is a problem. Short description: there is an application on NodeJS (cluster is used, sits on 2 protsah). There is MongoDB (replicated). The total value of all bases is ~ 5 gig. For the day of work, the monga exceeds the limit of 8GB and hangs. There are not many requests to the application, about 5000 per hour ... The question is how to limit the mongo and do it so that it does not fall.

Couchdb views crashing for large documents

Couchdb keeps crashing whenever I try to build the index of the views of a design document emitting values for large documents. The total size of the database is 40 MB and I guess the documents are about 5 MB each. We're talking about large JSON without any attachment.
What concerns me is that I have 2.5 GB of free ram before trying to access the views but as soon as I try to access them, the CPU usage raises to 99% and all the free RAM gets eaten by erl.exe before the indexing fails with exit code 1.
Here is the log:
[info] 2016-11-22T22:07:52.263000Z couchdb#localhost <0.212.0> -------- couch_proc_manager <0.15603.334> died normal
[error] 2016-11-22T22:07:52.264000Z couchdb#localhost <0.15409.334> b9855eea74 rexi_server throw:{os_process_error,{exit_status,1}} [{couch_mrview_util,get_view,4,[{file,"src/couch_mrview_util.erl"},{line,56}]},{couch_mrview,query_view,6,[{file,"src/couch_mrview.erl"},{line,244}]},{rexi_server,init_p,3,[{file,"src/rexi_server.erl"},{line,139}]}]
Views skipping these documents can be accessed without issue. Which general guidelines could you provide me to help with this kind of situation? I am using couchdb 2.0 on windows.
Many thanks
Update : I tried to limit the number of view server instances to 1 and vary the max RAM allowed for couchjs, but it keeps crashing. Also I noticed that even though CouchDb is supposed to pass only one document at a time to the view server, erl.exe keeps eating all the available RAM (3GB used for three 5mb docs to update...). Initially I thought this could be because of the multiple couchjs instances but apparently this isn't the case.
Update : Made some progress, now it looks like the indexing is progressing well for just less than 10 minutes then erl.exe crashes. I have posted the dump here (just to clarify "well" means, 99% CPU usage and computer screen completely frozen).

YCSB low read throughput cassandra

The YCSB Endpoint benchmark would have you believe that Cassandra is the golden child of Nosql databases. However, recreating the results on our own boxes (8 cores with hyperthreading, 60 GB memory, 2 500 GB SSD), we are having dismal read throughput for workload b (read mostly, aka 95% read, 5% update).
The cassandra.yaml settings are exactly the same as the Endpoint settings, barring the different ip addresses, and our disk configuration (1 SSD for data, 1 for a commit log). While their throughput is ~38,000 operations per second, ours is ~16,000 regardless (relatively) of the threads/number of client nodes. I.e. one worker node with 256 threads will report ~16,000 ops/sec, while 4 nodes will each report ~4,000 ops/sec
I've set the readahead value to 8KB for the SSD data drive. I'll put the custom workload file below.
When analyzing disk io & cpu usage with iostat, it seems that the reading throughput is consistently ~200,000 KB/s, which seems to suggest that the ycsb cluster throughput should be higher (records are 100 bytes). ~25-30% of cpu seems to be under %iowait, 10-25% in use by the user.
top and nload stats are not ostensibly bottlenecked (<50% memory usage, and 10-50 Mbits/sec for a 10 Gb/s link).
# The name of the workload class to use
# There is no default setting for recordcount but it is
# required to be set.
# The number of records in the table to be inserted in
# the load phase or the number of records already in the
# table before the run phase.
# There is no default setting for operationcount but it is
# required to be set.
# The number of operations to use during the run phase.
# The offset of the first insertion
core_workload_insertion_retry_limit = 10
core_workload_insertion_retry_interval = 1
# The number of fields in a record
# The size of each field (in bytes)
# Should read all fields
# Should write all fields on update
The key was increasing native_transport_max_threads in the casssandra.yaml file.
Along with the increased settings in the comment (increasing connections in ycsb client as well as concurrent read/writes in cassandra), Cassandra jumped to ~80,000 ops/sec.

Better performance on Azure Websites with 2 Small Instances or 1 Medium

With Azures recent introduction of the Basic Tier, I have a question on performance:
I run a small website that receives around 30 000 hits a month. It runs great on Azure Websites with a SQL Azure DB.
Assuming it is similarly and my generous MSDN credits can afford it: (i.e. free)
Basic and Standard appear to be the same in terms of CPU size and memory etc. (this is down to the size of the Instance that you select, eg. Small/Medium/Large). I don’t need 50 gigs of space and the extra features such as Staging/Backups so I have dropped to Basic. This means I can now afford to either:
1) Upgrade to 2 Small Instances (2 x 1 Core, 1.75 GB)
2) Upgrade to 1 Medium Instance (1 x 2 Cores, 3.5 GB)
Which will be more performance (in terms of average responsiveness for the user when they browse the site)? I have tried both and they appear about the same. I would guess that 2 instances would handle more load better and 1 medium would handle more CPU processing better?

Solr Indexing Time

Solr 1.4 is doing great with respect to Indexing on a dedicated physical server (Windows Server 2008). For Indexing around 1 million full text documents (around 4 GB size) it takes around 20 minutes with Heap Size = 512M - 1G & 4GB RAM.
However while using Solr on a VM, with 4 GB RAM it took 50 minutes to index at the first time. Note that there is no Network delays and no RAM issues. Now when I increased the RAM to 8GB and increased the heap size, the indexing time increased to 2 hrs. That was really strange. Note that except for SQL Server there is no other process running. There are no network delays. However I have not checked for File I/O. Can that be a bottleneck? Does Solr has any issues running in "Virtualization" Environment?
I read a paper today by Brian & Harry: "ON THE RESPONSE TIME OF A SOLR SEARCH ENGINE IN A VIRTUALIZED ENVIRONMENT" & they claim that performance gets deteriorated when RAM is increased when Solr is running on a VM but that is with respect to query times and not indexing times.
I am bit confused as to why it took longer on a VM when I repeated the same test second time with increased heap size and RAM.
I/O on a VM will always be slower than on dedicated hardware. This is because the disk is virtualized and I/O operations must pass through an extra abstraction layer. Indexing requires intensive I/O operations, so it's not surprising that it runs more slowly on a VM. I don't know why adding RAM causes a slowdown though.
