Make the svg follow a hierarchical structure - svg

I'm new with d3 and I was wondering if it is possible to make the svg follow the hierarchical structure of a tree.
Let's say that I have a json like that :
"name": "root",
"children": [
"name" : "child1",
"children": [
"name": "child1_1"
"name": "child1_2"
"name": "child2",
"children": [
"name": "child2_1"
"name": "child2_2"
How can I have a svg structure like this :
<g class="root">
<g class="child1">
<g class="child1_1">
<g class="child1_2">
<g class="child2">
<g class="child2_1">
<g class="child2_2">
I've tried stuff like that :
var w = 960,
h = 2000,
i = 0,
var diagonal = d3.svg.diagonal()
.projection(function(d) { return [d.y, d.x]; });
var vis ="#chart").append("svg:svg")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
.attr("transform", "translate(40,0)");
function(json) {
json.x0 = 800;
json.y0 = 0;
update(root = json);
function update(source) {
var nodes = tree.nodes(root);
var child = vis.selectAll('g.child_node')
.data(nodes,function(d){return d.children;})
.attr("class", "child_node");
And I'm getting a tag for the children of the root node, but I don't know how to recursively create nested group for children of children.
Anyone have an idea ?

D3 doesn't natively handle recursion, and it looks like the standard hierarchical layouts don't, in general, create nested structures. Instead, you need to recurse in your own code. Here's one implementation:
// simple offset, just to make things visible
var offset = 0;
// recursion function
function addNode(selection, depth) {
// set the current children as the data array
var nodeGroup = selection.selectAll('g.child_node')
.data(function(d) { return d.children })
// add a node for each child
.attr("class", "child_node")
// very simple depth-based placement
.attr("transform", "translate(" + (depth * 30) + "," +
(++offset * 15) + ")");
.attr("dy", "1em")
.text(function(d) { return });
// recurse - there might be a way to ditch the conditional here
nodeGroup.each(function(d) {
if (d.children), depth + 1);
function(root) {
// kick off the recursive append
.datum({ children: [root] })
.call(addNode, 0);
See fiddle:


SVG : How to convert meters to points ratio

I have a building floor map in SVG whith these size attributes:
width="594.75pt" height="841.5pt"
The size of the map, is in meters : 40x52.
What is the correct way to convert meters to points ?
Here is what I've tried so far :
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(pathToSvg);
while (reader.Read() && string.IsNullOrEmpty(width) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(height))
switch (reader.NodeType)
case XmlNodeType.Element:
if (reader.Name == #"svg")
width = reader.GetAttribute(#"width");
height = reader.GetAttribute(#"height");
// Remove pt from width and height strings
width = width.Replace("pt", string.Empty);
height = height.Replace("pt", string.Empty);
// Convert to double values
double widthInPoint = double.Parse(width, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
double heightInPoint = double.Parse(height, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// compute the ratio meters/points in both dimensions <=== Is this section right ??
// 594.75pt => 40 meters
// 1pt => X meters
double ratioX = mapHorizontalMeterSize / widthInPoint;
double ratioY = mapVerticalMeterSize / heightInPoint;
// Compute the Beacon position in points
double radiusInPoint = Math.Round(radius / ratioX, 2);
double beaconXPositionOnMapInPt = Math.Round((customMapX / ratioX) - (radius / ratioX), 2);
double yPos = Math.Round((customMapY / ratioY) - (radius / ratioY), 2);
// SVG positioning is top left corner by default, we are bottom left (originCornerId == 0)
double beaconYPositionOnMapInPt = originCornerId == 0 ? heightInPoint - yPos : yPos;
string tmpPath;
var reaaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
reaaderSettings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Parse;
using (var svgReader = XmlReader.Create(path, reaaderSettings))
XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(svgReader);
var xmlns = doc.Root.GetDefaultNamespace();
var xlinkns = doc.Root.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("xlink");
// Add the circle
doc.Root.Add(new XElement(xmlns + "circle",
new XAttribute("stroke", "blue"),
new XAttribute("stroke-width", "3"),
new XAttribute("cx", $"{beaconXPositionOnMapInPt.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}pt"),
new XAttribute("cy", $"{beaconYPositionOnMapInPt.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}pt"),
new XAttribute("r", $"{radiusInPoint.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}"),
new XAttribute("fill-opacity", "0.1")
// Add the beacon image
//XNamespace xlinkns = "";
doc.Root.Add(new XElement(xmlns + "image",
new XAttribute("x", $"{beaconXPositionOnMapInPt.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}pt"),
new XAttribute("y", $"{yPos.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}pt"),
new XAttribute(xlinkns + "href", $"data:image/{iconFormat};base64,{icon}")
tmpPath = FileHelpers.NextAvailableFilename(path);
The result is absolutely not what I'm expecting.
The svg file is almost 3Mb in size and I can't show it here.
If you need to add new elements with dimensions specified in meters you could use a conversion helper function to find the right scaling multiplier/divisor
If your svg's dimensions are 594.8 × 841.5 user units
594.8 × 841.5 pt (real life print format - A4)
containing a map that is 40×52m in real life:
Meter to point multiplier: 2834.64388 (for converting meters to points/user units)
Scaling divisor: 40*2834.64388 / 594.8
Js example
I'm adding a rectangle at x/y=20m; width/height=10m; using my helper function
m2UserUnits('20m', scaleDivisor) that will convert meter to user units.
let svg = document.querySelector('svg');
let realWidth = '40m';
let userWidth = '594.8pt';
let m2PtMultiplier = 2834.64388;
let scaleDivisor = parseFloat(realWidth)*m2PtMultiplier / parseFloat(userWidth);
//append to svg
let ns ='';
let rect = document.createElementNS(ns, 'rect');
rect.setAttribute('x', m2UserUnits('20m', scaleDivisor) );
rect.setAttribute('y', m2UserUnits('20m', scaleDivisor) );
rect.setAttribute('width', m2UserUnits('10m', scaleDivisor) );
rect.setAttribute('height', m2UserUnits('10m', scaleDivisor) );
let circle = document.createElementNS(ns, 'circle');
circle.setAttribute('cx', m2UserUnits('5m', scaleDivisor) );
circle.setAttribute('cy', m2UserUnits('5m', scaleDivisor) );
circle.setAttribute('r', m2UserUnits('5m', scaleDivisor) );
//unit conversion
function m2UserUnits(val, scaleDivisor){
let valNum = parseFloat(val);
valNum *= 2834.64388;
return valNum/scaleDivisor;
border: 1px solid red;
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 594.8 841.5" >
<rect id="bg-A4" fill="#FFFFFF" width="594.8" height="841.5"/>
<rect id="map-40x52m" fill="#EEEEEE" width="594.8" height="773.2"/>
<text x="50%" y="90%" text-anchor="middle">Map area: 40×52m (real life)</text>
<text x="50%" y="98%" text-anchor="middle">svg viewport: 594.8 × 841.5 user units</text>

How to drag svgs inserted by button click?

What I'm trying to do is insert svg circles by clicking button to the workspace. Beside that, I want to free drag all those circles.
Can you help me the code?
document.getElementById('draw').addEventListener('click', function(){
document.getElementById('here').innerHTML =
'<svg height="100" width="100">' +
'<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="rgba(130,130,130,0.6)">' +
<button id="draw">Draw Circle</button>
<div id="here"></div>
I was amazed that creating an SVG like this would work, and it works! (on IE too). However it creates problems when trying to work with events. I prefer to create the SVG element and the circle element using createElementNS and use appendChild to append them to the DOM
const SVG_NS = '';
const SVG_XLINK = "";
/*let innerSVG = '<svg height="100" width="100">' +
'<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="1" fill="rgba(130,130,130,0.6)">' +
let svgdata = {width:100,height:100}
let circledata = {cx:50,cy:50,r:40}
// creating a new SVG element using the data
let svg = newSVG(svgdata);
// creating a new circle element using the data and appending it to the svg
let circle = drawCircle(circledata, svg);
// the offset between the click point on the SVG and the left upper corner of the SVG
let offset={}
// a flag to control the dragging
let dragging = false;
// the mouse position
let m;
document.getElementById('draw').addEventListener('click', function(){
// events
dragging = true;
offset = oMousePos(svg, evt);
m = oMousePos(here, evt); = (m.y - offset.y)+"px"; = (m.x - offset.x)+"px";
dragging = false;
function drawCircle(o, parent) {
var circle = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'circle');
for (var name in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
circle.setAttributeNS(null, name, o[name]);
return circle;
function newSVG(o) {
let svg = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'svg');
for (var name in o) {
if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
svg.setAttributeNS(null, name, o[name]);
return svg;
function oMousePos(elmt, evt) {
let ClientRect = elmt.getBoundingClientRect();
return {
x: Math.round(evt.clientX - ClientRect.left),
y: Math.round(evt.clientY -
svg{border:1px solid;position:absolute;}
#here{width:100%; height:100vh; background-color:#efefef;margin:0; padding:0; position:relative}
<button id="draw">Draw Circle</button>
<div id="here"></div>

Understanding state diagram editor

From the blog:
I want to understand about how connection line between circles are implemented. I tried to go through it but it just went over my head. There's not much documentation about the example I found on blog. I guess other new users like me would be facing the same challenge.
If any one can explain the below sample code, that would be great!
Here's the code I minified for my requirement:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>d3.js selection frame example</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%=request.getContextPath()%>/app.css" />
window.onload = function ()
var radius = 40;
window.states = [
{x: 43, y: 67, label: "first", transitions: []},
{x: 340, y: 150, label: "second", transitions: []},
{x: 200, y: 250, label: "third", transitions: []}
window.svg ='body')
.attr("width", "960px")
.attr("height", "500px");
// define arrow markers for graph links
.attr('id', 'end-arrow')
.attr('viewBox', '0 -5 10 10')
.attr('refX', 4)
.attr('markerWidth', 8)
.attr('markerHeight', 8)
.attr('orient', 'auto')
.attr('d', 'M0,-5L10,0L0,5')
.attr('class', 'end-arrow')
// line displayed when dragging new nodes
var drag_line = svg.append('svg:path')
'class': 'dragline hidden',
'd': 'M0,0L0,0'
var gTransitions = svg.append('g').selectAll("path.transition");
var gStates = svg.append("g").selectAll("g.state");
var transitions = function () {
return states.reduce(function (initial, state) {
return initial.concat( (transition) {
return {source: state, transition: transition};
}, []);
var transformTransitionEndpoints = function (d, i) {
var endPoints = d.endPoints();
var point = [
d.type == 'start' ? endPoints[0].x : endPoints[1].x,
d.type == 'start' ? endPoints[0].y : endPoints[1].y
return "translate(" + point + ")";
var transformTransitionPoints = function (d, i) {
return "translate(" + [d.x, d.y] + ")";
var computeTransitionPath = (function () {
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function (d, i) {
return d.x;
.y(function (d, i) {
return d.y;
return function (d) {
var source = d.source,
target = d.transition.points.length && d.transition.points[0] ||,
deltaX = target.x - source.x,
deltaY = target.y - source.y,
dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY),
normX = deltaX / dist,
normY = deltaY / dist,
sourcePadding = radius + 4, //d.left ? 17 : 12,
sourceX = source.x + (sourcePadding * normX),
sourceY = source.y + (sourcePadding * normY);
source = d.transition.points.length && d.transition.points[ d.transition.points.length - 1] || d.source;
target =;
deltaX = target.x - source.x;
deltaY = target.y - source.y;
dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
normX = deltaX / dist;
normY = deltaY / dist;
targetPadding = radius + 8;//d.right ? 17 : 12,
targetX = target.x - (targetPadding * normX);
targetY = target.y - (targetPadding * normY);
var points =
[{x: sourceX, y: sourceY}].concat(
[{x: targetX, y: targetY}]
var l = line(points);
return l;
var dragPoint = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function (d, i) {
console.log("transitionmidpoint drag");
var gTransitionPoint =;
gTransitionPoint.attr("transform", function (d, i) {
d.x += d3.event.dx;
d.y += d3.event.dy;
return "translate(" + [d.x, d.y] + ")"
// refresh transition path
gTransitions.selectAll("path").attr('d', computeTransitionPath);
// refresh transition endpoints
transform: transformTransitionEndpoints
// refresh transition points
transform: transformTransitionPoints
var renderTransitionMidPoints = function (gTransition) {
gTransition.each(function (transition) {
var transitionPoints ='circle.point').data(transition.transition.points, function (d) {
return transition.transition.points.indexOf(d);
'class': 'point',
r: 4,
transform: transformTransitionPoints
var renderTransitionPoints = function (gTransition) {
gTransition.each(function (d) {
var endPoints = function () {
var source = d.source,
target = d.transition.points.length && d.transition.points[0] ||,
deltaX = target.x - source.x,
deltaY = target.y - source.y,
dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY),
normX = deltaX / dist,
normY = deltaY / dist,
sourceX = source.x + (radius * normX),
sourceY = source.y + (radius * normY);
source = d.transition.points.length && d.transition.points[ d.transition.points.length - 1] || d.source;
target =;
deltaX = target.x - source.x;
deltaY = target.y - source.y;
dist = Math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
normX = deltaX / dist;
normY = deltaY / dist;
targetPadding = radius + 8;//d.right ? 17 : 12,
targetX = target.x - (radius * normX);
targetY = target.y - (radius * normY);
return [{x: sourceX, y: sourceY}, {x: targetX, y: targetY}];
var transitionEndpoints ='circle.endpoint').data([
{endPoints: endPoints, type: 'start'},
{endPoints: endPoints, type: 'end'}
'class': function (d) {
return 'endpoint ' + d.type;
r: 4,
transform: transformTransitionEndpoints
var renderTransitions = function () {
gTransition = gTransitions.enter().append('g')
'class': 'transition'
d: computeTransitionPath,
class: 'background'
dblclick: function (d, i) {
gTransition =;
if (d3.event.ctrlKey) {
var p = d3.mouse(this);
gTransition.classed('selected', true);
d.transition.points.push({x: p[0], y: p[1]});
renderTransitionMidPoints(gTransition, d);
d: computeTransitionPath
} else {
var gTransition =,
transition = gTransition.datum(),
index = transition.source.transitions.indexOf(transition.transition);
transition.source.transitions.splice(index, 1)
d: computeTransitionPath,
class: 'foreground'
var renderStates = function () {
var gState = gStates.enter()
"transform": function (d) {
return "translate(" + [d.x, d.y] + ")";
'class': 'state'
r: radius + 4,
class: 'outer'
mousedown: function (d) {
console.log("state circle outer mousedown");
startState = d, endState = undefined;
// reposition drag line
.style('marker-end', 'url(#end-arrow)')
.classed('hidden', false)
.attr('d', 'M' + d.x + ',' + d.y + 'L' + d.x + ',' + d.y);
// force element to be an top
mouseover: function () {"rect.selection").empty() &&"hover", true);
mouseout: function () {"rect.selection").empty() &&"hover", false);
//$( this).popover( "hide");
r: radius,
class: 'inner'
mouseover: function () {"rect.selection").empty() &&"hover", true);
mouseout: function () {"rect.selection").empty() &&"hover", false);
var startState, endState;
var drag = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function (d, i) {
if (startState) {
var selection = d3.selectAll('.selected');
// if dragged state is not in current selection
// mark it selected and deselect all others
if (selection[0].indexOf(this) == -1) {
selection.classed("selected", false);
selection =;
selection.classed("selected", true);
// move states
selection.attr("transform", function (d, i) {
d.x += d3.event.dx;
d.y += d3.event.dy;
return "translate(" + [d.x, d.y] + ")"
// move transistion points of each transition
// where transition target is also in selection
var selectedStates = d3.selectAll('g.state.selected').data();
var affectedTransitions = selectedStates.reduce(function (array, state) {
return array.concat(state.transitions);
}, [])
.filter(function (transition) {
return selectedStates.indexOf( != -1;
affectedTransitions.forEach(function (transition) {
for (var i = transition.points.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var point = transition.points[i];
point.x += d3.event.dx;
point.y += d3.event.dy;
// reappend dragged element as last
// so that its stays on top
selection.each(function () {
// refresh transition path
gTransitions.selectAll("path").attr('d', computeTransitionPath);
// refresh transition endpoints
transform: transformTransitionEndpoints
// refresh transition points
transform: transformTransitionPoints
.on("dragend", function (d) {
// needed by FF
drag_line.classed('hidden', true)
.style('marker-end', '');
if (startState && endState) {
startState.transitions.push({label: "transition label 1", points: [], target: endState});
startState = undefined;
mousedown: function () {
if ( == 'svg') {
if (!d3.event.ctrlKey) {
d3.selectAll('g.selected').classed("selected", false);
var p = d3.mouse(this);
mousemove: function () {
var p = d3.mouse(this);
// update drag line
drag_line.attr('d', 'M' + startState.x + ',' + startState.y + 'L' + p[0] + ',' + p[1]);
var state ='g.state .inner.hover');
endState = (!state.empty() &&[0]) || undefined;
mouseup: function () {
// remove temporary selection marker class
d3.selectAll('g.state.selection').classed("selection", false);
mouseout: function ()
if (!d3.event.relatedTarget || d3.event.relatedTarget.tagName == 'HTML') {
// remove temporary selection marker class
d3.selectAll('g.state.selection').classed("selection", false);
function update() {
gStates =, function (d) {
return states.indexOf(d);
var _transitions = transitions();
gTransitions =, function (d) {
return _transitions.indexOf(d);
Css file:
rect.selection {
stroke : gray;
stroke-dasharray: 2px;
stroke-opacity : 0.5;
fill : transparent;
g.state circle {
stroke : gray;
g.state circle.inner {
fill : white;
transition : fill 0.5s;
cursor : move;
g.state circle.inner.hover,
g.state circle.outer.hover {
fill : aliceblue;
g.state circle.outer.hover {
stroke-width : 1px;
g.state circle.outer {
stroke-width : 0px;
stroke-dasharray: 2px;
stroke-color : gray;
fill : transparent;
transition : all 0.5s;
cursor : pointer;
g.state.selected circle.outer {
stroke-width : 1px;
g.state text {
font : 12px sans-serif;
font-weight : bold;
pointer-events : none;
g.transition path,
path.dragline {
fill : none;
stroke : gray;
stroke-width: 1px;
g.transition path.foreground {
marker-end : url(#end-arrow);
g.transition.hover path.background {
stroke-dasharray: none;
stroke : aliceblue;
stroke-opacity : 1.0;
transition : all 0.5s;
g.transition path.background {
stroke-dasharray: none;
stroke-width: 8px;
stroke : transparent;
g.transition.selected path.foreground {
stroke-dasharray: 2px;
stroke-color : gray;
g.transition path {
cursor : default;
.end-arrow {
fill : gray;
stroke-width : 1px;
g.transition circle.endpoint {
display : none;
fill : none;
cursor : pointer;
stroke : gray;
stroke-dasharray: 2px;
g.transition circle.point {
display : none;
fill : aliceblue;
cursor : move;
stroke : gray;
g.transition.selected circle.endpoint,
g.transition.selected circle.point {
display : inline;
transition : all 0.5s;
g.transition:not( .selected).hover *,
path.dragline {
display : inline;
g.transition:not( .selected).hover {
transition : all 0.5s;
path.dragline {
pointer-events: none;
stroke-opacity : 0.5;
stroke-dasharray: 2px;
path.dragline.hidden {
stroke-width: 0;
/* disable text selection */
svg *::selection {
background : transparent;
svg *::-moz-selection {
svg *::-webkit-selection {
I understand the basics about d3 such as appending new circle and drag behaviors, but mainly the transitions part used to draw and connect lines to circle is holding me back.
There is quite a lot in there and actually, and looking at it it's not actually using typical css transitions as you might expect. I'll summarize the interesting parts and expand if you need. The interesting section is the following:
var dragPoint = d3.behavior.drag()
.on("drag", function( d, i) {
console.log( "transitionmidpoint drag");
var gTransitionPoint = this);
gTransitionPoint.attr( "transform", function( d, i) {
d.x += d3.event.dx;
d.y += d3.event.dy;
return "translate(" + [ d.x,d.y ] + ")"
// refresh transition path
gTransitions.selectAll( "path").attr( 'd', computeTransitionPath);
// refresh transition endpoints
gTransitions.selectAll( "circle.endpoint").attr({
transform : transformTransitionEndpoints
// refresh transition points
gTransitions.selectAll( "circle.point").attr({
transform : transformTransitionPoints
This is where all the hard work is taking place. This code basically says, whenever the drag event occurs (e.g. you move a circle) execute the code within this function.
You can see this splits into sections:
Move the point that was clicked by a d.x and d.y which is the amount dragged from the previous event. This is done using the translate transform.
Change the path, this is done by updating the d parameter, which is how you specify the shape of an SVG path. The code that calculates the path is within the comuteTransitionPath function.
Update the circle.endpoint - This is a hidden point on the line
Update the circle.point - These are points on the line that control the curve, they are hidden by default.

Moving svg markers around a rectangular shape in d3js

I am using d3 for visualizing gene networks using a fixed force-directed layout.
The graph contains rectangular / elliptic / round rectangular shaped nodes with markers at the end of links between those nodes. So far (and as I understand) those markers are positioned by refX and refX and thus follow a radial shape around the end of the path which links two nodes. Is there any way that I can define a "path" or marker in such a manner that the marker moves along the shape of the node instead of around this node with a fixed distance relative to the end of the path?
To illustrate my problem:
var graph = {
"nodes": [{
"name": "from",
"fixed": true,
x: 100,
y: 100,
w: 60,
h: 20
}, {
"name": "to",
"fixed": true,
x: 250,
y: 250,
w: 60,
h: 20
"links": [{
"source": 0,
"target": 1
var width = 960,
height = 500;
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height]);
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var defs = svg.append("svg:defs");
var marker = defs.selectAll("marker");
marker =[{
"type": "arrow",
"d": "M0,-5L10,0L0,5L2,0",
"view": "0 -5 10 10",
"color": "#000000"
.attr("id", function(d) {
return d.type;
.attr("viewBox", function(d) {
return d.view;
.attr("refX", 30)
.attr("refY", 0)
.attr("markerWidth", 5)
.attr("markerHeight", 5)
.attr("orient", "auto");
.attr("d", function(d) {
return d.d;
.style("fill", function(d) {
return d.color;
var link = svg.selectAll(".link")
.attr("class", "link")
.style("stroke-width", "5")
.attr("marker-end", "url(#arrow)");
var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("width", function(d) {
return d.w;
.attr("height", function(d) {
return d.h;
.style("fill", "blue")
.text(function(d) {
force.on("tick", function() {
link.attr("x1", function(d) {
return d.source.x + d.source.w / 2;
.attr("y1", function(d) {
return d.source.y + d.source.h / 2;
.attr("x2", function(d) {
return + / 2;
.attr("y2", function(d) {
return + / 2;
node.attr("x", function(d) {
return d.x;
.attr("y", function(d) {
return d.y;
.node {
stroke: #fff;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
.link {
stroke: #999;
stroke-opacity: .6;
<script src=""></script>
JsFiddle example:
I am really thankful for any advice!
There is no built in way. You can create the code to parameterize the location of the marker based on the mathematical definition of the shape. This is, fundamentally, what's going on when you set a marker to draw at X px from a node when that node is a circle, since mathematically it's just the radius. With a more complex shape, it's harder, though of course squares, rectangles and ellipses are still relatively easy to compute. With a complex svg:path shape, you could, I imagine, use some combination of path's built-in getPointAtLength and computing the angle from one node to another to do that, but I don't know of any implementations of any of the earlier examples, much less something like that.

Trimming text to a given pixel width in SVG

I'm drawing text labels in SVG. I have a fixed width available (say 200px). When the text is too long, how can I trim it ?
The ideal solution would also add ellipsis (...) where the text is cut. But I can also live without it.
Using d3 library
a wrapper function for overflowing text:
function wrap() {
var self =,
textLength = self.node().getComputedTextLength(),
text = self.text();
while (textLength > (width - 2 * padding) && text.length > 0) {
text = text.slice(0, -1);
self.text(text + '...');
textLength = self.node().getComputedTextLength();
text.append('tspan').text(function(d) { return; }).each(wrap);
One way to do this is to use a textPath element, since all characters that fall off the path will be clipped away automatically. See the text-path examples from the SVG testsuite.
Another way is to use CSS3 text-overflow on svg text elements, an example here. Opera 11 supports that, but you'll likely find that the other browsers support it only on html elements at this time.
You can also measure the text strings and insert the ellipsis yourself with script, I'd suggest using the getSubStringLength method on the text element, increasing the nchars parameter until you find a length that is suitable.
Implementing Erik's 3rd suggestion I came up with something like this:
//places textString in textObj, adds an ellipsis if text can't fit in width
function placeTextWithEllipsis(textObj,textString,width){
//ellipsis is needed
if (textObj.getSubStringLength(0,textString.length)>=width){
for (var x=textString.length-3;x>0;x-=3){
if (textObj.getSubStringLength(0,x)<=width){
textObj.textContent="..."; //can't place at all
Seems to do the trick :)
#user2846569 show me how to do it ( yes, using d3.js ). But, I have to make some little changes to work:
function wrap( d ) {
var self =,
textLength = self.node().getComputedTextLength(),
text = self.text();
while ( ( textLength > self.attr('width') )&& text.length > 0) {
text = text.slice(0, -1);
self.text(text + '...');
textLength = self.node().getComputedTextLength();
.text(function(d) { return d; })
.attr('width', 200 )
.each( wrap );
The linearGradient element can be used to produce a pure SVG solution. This example fades out the truncated text (no ellipsis):
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
<linearGradient gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" x1="0" x2="200" y1="0" y2="0" id="truncateText">
<stop offset="90%" stop-opacity="1" />
<stop offset="100%" stop-opacity="0" />
<linearGradient id="truncateLegendText0" gradientTransform="translate(0)" xlink:href="#truncateText" />
<linearGradient id="truncateLegendText1" gradientTransform="translate(200)" xlink:href="#truncateText" />
<text fill="url(#truncateLegendText0)" font-size="50" x="0" y="50">0123456789</text>
<text fill="url(#truncateLegendText1)" font-size="50" x="200" y="150">0123456789</text>
(I had to use linear gradients to solve this because the SVG renderer I was using does not support the textPath solution.)
Try this one, I use this function in my chart library:
function textEllipsis(el, text, width) {
if (typeof el.getSubStringLength !== "undefined") {
el.textContent = text;
var len = text.length;
while (el.getSubStringLength(0, len--) > width) {}
el.textContent = text.slice(0, len) + "...";
} else if (typeof el.getComputedTextLength !== "undefined") {
while (el.getComputedTextLength() > width) {
text = text.slice(0,-1);
el.textContent = text + "...";
} else {
// the last fallback
while (el.getBBox().width > width) {
text = text.slice(0,-1);
// we need to update the textContent to update the boundary width
el.textContent = text + "...";
There is several variants using d3 and loops for search smaller text that fit. This can be achieved without loops and it work faster. textNode - d3 node.
clipText(textNode, maxWidth, postfix) {
const textWidth = textNode.getComputedTextLength();
if (textWidth > maxWidth) {
let text = textNode.textContent;
const newLength = Math.round(text.length * (1 - (textWidth - maxWidth) / textWidth));
text = text.substring(0, newLength);
textNode.textContent = text.trim() + postfix;
My approach was similar to OpherV's, but I tried doing this using JQuery
function getWidthOfText(text, fontSize, fontFamily) {
var span = $('<span></span>');
'font-family': fontFamily,
'font-size' : fontSize
var w = span.width();
return w;
function getStringForSize(text, size, fontSize, fontFamily) {
var curSize = getWidthOfText(text, fontSize, fontFamily);
if(curSize > size)
var curText = text.substring(0,text.length-5) + '...';
return getStringForSize(curText, size, fontSize, fontFamily);
return text;
<script src=""></script>
Now when calling getStringForSize('asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdf', 110, '13px','OpenSans-Light') you'll get "asdfasdfasdfasd..."
