Jscript to check defined array - jscript

My code gathers all categories from a CSV file, sorts and grabs top 10 categories and the top 10 result are displayed on a chart. The code works fine if the gategory found is 10, but if it is less than 10 no chart is displayed..basically code dies.
I am a newbie when it comes to coding and the code was passed on to me by someone else who is not available. What I would like to add is an if cases that checks:
Gather all category, sort
Set category to 1 to 10
if category is null, stop. Chart has no value
if category=1 ===> Display found value
if category=2 ===> Display found value
if category=3 ===> Display found value
if category=3 ===> Display found value
So on, so on..untill it reaches to 10
//collect top 10 cat from array
catArray.sort(sort_by("count", false, function (a) {
return parseInt(a)
var categorytop10 = new Array(catArray[0]["tier3"], catArray[1]["tier3"], catArray[2]["tier3"], catArray[3]["tier3"], catArray[4]["tier3"], catArray[5]["tier3"], catArray[6]["tier3"], catArray[7]["tier3"], catArray[8]["tier3"], catArray[9]["tier3"]);
var categorytop10Count = new Array(catArray[0]["count"], catArray[1]["count"], catArray[2]["count"], catArray[3]["count"], catArray[4]["count"], catArray[5]["count"], catArray[6]["count"], catArray[7]["count"], catArray[8]["count"], catArray[9]["count"]);
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Based on the limited info provided, here is what I can suggest.
//collect top 10 cat from array
catArray.sort(sort_by("count", false, function (a) {
return parseInt(a)
var categorytop10 = new Array();
var categorytop10Count = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 10 && i < catArray.length; ++i)
categorytop10.push( catArray[i]["tier3"] );
categorytop10Count.push( catArray[i]["count"] );
EDIT: You can also try this
//collect top 10 cat from array
catArray.sort(sort_by("count", false, function (a) {
return parseInt(a)
var categorytop10 = new Array();
var categorytop10Count = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
if (i < catArray.length)
categorytop10.push( catArray[i]["tier3"] );
categorytop10Count.push( catArray[i]["count"] );
else {
categorytop10.push( "?" );
categorytop10Count.push( "0" );


How get Lot/Serial number in Netsuite SuiteScript 2.0 for Inventory Adjustment Transaction?

I'm trying to get the serial numbers from a inventory adjustment in a user event script. The following code works very well for me when the amount to adjust is positive, but not when it is negative.
var invDet = transaction.getSublistSubrecord({sublistId:'inventory',
for(var y = 0; y = invDet.getLineCount('inventoryassignment'); y++) {
var lotNumber = invDet.getSublistValue({sublistId:'inventoryassignment',
log.debug('lotNumber', lotNumber);
When adjust quantity is negative, receiptinvetorynumber is empty
I have tried using field id equal to 'issueinventorynumber' or 'binnunber' but the returned value is empty.
I found the following comment in a NetsuiteHub forum...
In 2.0 the getValue call returns the internal ID of the serial/lot number and the getText equivalent does not work. Depending on the exact logic you need to execute for the obtained numbers you might need to call a subsequent saved search to obtain the actual serial/lot numbers and not internal IDs (an 'inventorynumber' search will do the trick).
I tried this...
var internalId = invdet.getSublistValue({sublistId:'inventoryassignment',fieldId:'internalid', line:y});
search.create({type:'inventorynumber', filters:[
['internalid', 'is', internalId]
], columns:['inventorynumber']}).run().each(function (result) {
binText = result.getValue('inventorynumber');
log.debug('binText', binText);
} catch(e) {
log.debug('Error', e.message);
throw e.message;
I am too inexperienced to make this work. I appreciate any help you can give me.
The challenge is that this area of the NetSuite API is not well documented. However, I pushed through it through trial and error and search hours.
var invDet = transaction.getSublistSubrecord({sublistId:'inventory',
for(var y = 0; y = invDet.getLineCount('inventoryassignment'); y++) {
var Qty = invdet.getSublistValue({sublistId:'inventoryassignment',
var lotNumber = '';
if(Qty < 0)
var ivnNumId = nvdet.getSublistValue({sublistId:'inventoryassignment',
if(ivnNumId !== '')
var invNum = record.load({type: 'inventorynumber',id:ivnNumId});
lotNumber = invNum.getValue({fieldId: 'inventorynumber'});
lotNumber = invdet.getSublistValue({sublistId:'inventoryassignment',
log.debug('lotNumber', lotNumber);
This information was very helpful in ss1.0
I hope it is useful to someone

Kendo grid how do i auto-size an excel export row height?

I have a custom excel output class that I'm using to parse the grid, and in some cases replace the data in the grid with template data. In this particular instance, the data i want to output is multi-line. I have it working to that point but the exported sheet is one line high so you can't see lines two thru-seven in the field.
desired result:
actual result:
Here's a relevant section of my code. It's the parsing loop that applies the templates and strips html, but adds line breaks first.
if (me.ColumnTemplates && $.isArray(me.ColumnTemplates)) {
for (let c = 0; c < me.ColumnTemplates.length; c++) {
let ct = me.ColumnTemplates[c];
if (ct.template(dr).includes("</br>")) {
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].wrap = true;
me.elem.innerHTML = ct.template(dr).replace(/<\/br>/g, "\n");
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].value = me.elem.textContent || me.elem.innerText || "";
any help would be appreciated. I would like to either have a setting that makes this "just work" or have a way to compute the needed height and set it manually. Either is fine.
I'm not aware of a way to auto-size it, but you can set row height it via sheets.rows.height:
var workbook = new kendo.ooxml.Workbook({
sheets: [{
rows: [{
cells: [{ value: "this row is 100px high" }],
height: 100
}, {
cells: [{ value: "this row is 200px high" }],
height: 200
example found here
Updating your code to utilize each in the template html you can do something like the following:
if (me.ColumnTemplates && $.isArray(me.ColumnTemplates)) {
for (let c = 0; c < me.ColumnTemplates.length; c++) {
let ct = me.ColumnTemplates[c];
if (ct.template(dr).includes("</br>")) {
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].wrap = true;
sheet.rows[r + 1].height = (ct.template(dr).match(/<\/br>/g) || []).length * 20 + 20; //20 was default row height.
me.elem.innerHTML = ct.template(dr).replace(/<\/br>/g, "\n");
sheet.rows[r + 1].cells[ct.cellIndex - 1].value = me.elem.textContent || me.elem.innerText || "";
Set column width to auto
Solution 1
When kendo grid bound to data source in JavaScript/jQuery
excelExport: function(e) {
var columns = e.workbook.sheets[0].columns;
// also delete the width if it is set
delete column.width;
column.autoWidth = true;
more details
Solution 2
When kendo grid is taking data source from action controller not bound to data source in jQuery then add event to call a JavaScript function on excel export
function exportToExcelSheetColumnWidthChange(e) {
var columns = e.workbook.sheets[0].columns;
columns.forEach(function (column) {
delete column.width;
column.autoWidth = true;
Add event to the kendo grid control
.Events(e => e.ExcelExport("exportToExcelSheetColumnWidthChange"))

Write to json file in increments of 50

I am currently looping through a json object with the purpose of writing certain key value pairs to a new json file. I can write all the elements in the newVideos array to a new file. However, I need to get the first 50 and write it to a file, then the next 50 and so on... Can anyone point me in the right direction?
async function GetVideos(videoData) {
var videos = videoData.videos;
var newVideos = [];
for (var i = 0; i < videos.length; i++) {
var o = videos[i];
newVideos[i] = {
ID: o.ID,
Videos: o.Videos

Inventory Assignment Sublist doesn't react to Suitescript

I'm currently having some trouble with Client-Side Scripting of an Inventory Detail Subrecord on an Assembly Build. As you know, Assembly Builds have two Inventory Details. The one in the top right corner works as expected, and I can access every field with Suitescript.
I'm having trouble with the bottom Inventory Detail though. I'm able to access it and use nlapiGetFieldValue() just fine. However, when I access the sublist, I am only able to look up the value of 'id'.
These are the fields that are supposed to exist, along with a less documented one called "receiptinventorynumber".
Here is my code:
//get the line items in the bottom inventory details
var bottom_line_items = [];
for(var line_index = 0; line_index < nlapiGetLineItemCount("component"); line_index++)
var bottom_inv_detail = nlapiViewLineItemSubrecord("component", 'componentinventorydetail', line_index+1);
if(bottom_inv_detail != null)
var bottom_line_count = bottom_inv_detail.getLineItemCount('inventoryassignment');
for(var index =0; index < bottom_line_count; index++)
bottom_inv_detail.selectLineItem('inventoryassignment', index+1);
var sn = bottom_inv_detail.getCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'receiptinventorynumber');
Here is the result of executing it in the browser console:
As you can see, 'id', and 'internalid' work. 'receiptinventorynumber' does not. Neither do any of the other fields.
Because of my use case, I cannot wait for the record to be saved on the server. I have to catch this client side. Any suggestions are appreciated.
It has been a long time since I have worked with Inventory Detail subrecord, but I think there is another field called 'assigninventorynumber'. Have you tried using that?
Just was able to answer my own question, but it did end up involving a server-side search. I'm pretty sure it works as I wanted it to, but I am still involved in testing it. In essence, I grabbed the field 'issueinventorynumber', which had an id. That id was the internalid of a 'Inventory Serial Number', which I was able to perform a search for to get the actual number. Here's the resulting code:
//get the line items in the bottom inventory details
var bottom_line_ids = [];
for(var line_index = 0; line_index < nlapiGetLineItemCount("component"); line_index++)
var bottom_inv_detail = nlapiViewLineItemSubrecord("component", 'componentinventorydetail', line_index+1);
if(bottom_inv_detail != null)
var bottom_line_count = bottom_inv_detail.getLineItemCount('inventoryassignment');
for(var index =0; index < bottom_line_count; index++)
bottom_inv_detail.selectLineItem('inventoryassignment', index+1);
var sn = bottom_inv_detail.getCurrentLineItemValue('inventoryassignment', 'issueinventorynumber');
//do search to identify numbers of bottom serial numbers
var columns = [new nlobjSearchColumn('inventorynumber')];
var filters = []
for(var index = 0; index < bottom_line_ids.length; index++)
filters.push(['internalid', 'is', bottom_line_ids[index]]);
//remove the last 'or'
if(filters.length > 0)
var search = nlapiCreateSearch('inventorynumber', filters, columns);
var results = search.runSearch().getResults(0,1000);
bottom_line_items = []
if(results.length != bottom_line_ids.length)
//if you get to this point, pop an error as the 'issueinventorynumber' we pulled is associated with multiple serial numbers
//you can see which ones by doing a 'Inventory Serial Number' Saved Search
//this is a serious problem, so we'd have to figure out what to do from there
for(var index = 0; index < results.length; index++)

Get records by page wise in Netsuite using RESTlet

i want to get all the records in particular record type , but i got 1000 only.
This is the code I used.
function getRecords() {
return nlapiSearchRecord('contact', null, null, null);
I need two codes.
1) Get whole records at a single time
2) Get the records page wise by passing pageindex as an argument to the getRecords [1st =>0-1000 , 2nd =>1000 - 2000 , ...........]
function getRecords(pageIndex) {
Thanks in advance
you can't get whole records at a time. However, you can sort results by internalid, and remember the last internalId of 1st search result and use an additional filter in your next search result.
var totalResults = [];
var res = nlapiSearchRecord('contact', null, null, new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid').setSort()) || [];
lastId = res[res.length - 1].getId();
copyAndPushToArray(totalResult, res);
while(res.length < 1000)
res = nlapiSearchRecord('contact', null, ['internalidnumber', 'greaterthan', lastId], new nlobjSearchColumn('internalid').setSort());
copyAndPushToArray(totalResult, res);
lastId = res[res.length - 1].getId();
Beware, if the number of records are high you may overuse governance limit in terms of time and usage points.
If you remember the lastId you can write a logic in RESTlet to take id as param and then use that as additional filter to return nextPage.
You can write a logic to get nth pageresult but, you might have to run search uselessly n-1 times.
Also, I would suggest to use nlapiCreateSearch().runSearch() as it can return up to 4000 records
Here is another way to get more than 1000 results on a search:
function getItems() {
var columns = ['internalid', 'itemid', 'salesdescription', 'baseprice', 'lastpurchaseprice', 'upccode', 'quantityonhand', 'vendorcode'];
var searchcolumns = [];
for(var col in columns) {
searchcolumns.push(new nlobjSearchColumn(columns[col]));
var search = nlapiCreateSearch('item', null, searchcolumns);
var results = search.runSearch();
var items = [], slice = [], i = 0;
do {
slice = results.getResults(i, i + 1000);
for (var itm in slice) {
var item = {};
for(var col in columns) { item[columns[col]] = slice[itm].getValue(columns[col]); } // convert nlobjSearchResult into simple js object
} while (slice.length >= 1000);
return items;
