Display image in table - javafx-2

I am trying to insert an image into table view in JavafX. Here is how I set up my table view:
TableColumn prodImageCol = new TableColumn("IMAGES");
prodImageCol.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Product, Image>("prodImage"));
// setting cell factory for product image
prodImageCol.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn<Product,Image>,TableCell<Product,Image>>(){
public TableCell<Product,Image> call(TableColumn<Product,Image> param) {
TableCell<Product,Image> cell = new TableCell<Product,Image>(){
public void updateItem(Product item, boolean empty) {
ImageView imageview = new ImageView();
imageview.setImage(new Image(product.getImage()));
return cell;
viewProduct.getColumns().addAll(prodImageCol, prodIDCol, prodNameCol, prodDescCol, prodPriceCol, col_action);
private SimpleObjectProperty prodImage;
public void setprodImage(Image value) {
public Object getprodImage() {
return prodImageProperty().get();
public SimpleObjectProperty prodImageProperty() {
if (prodImage == null) {
prodImage = new SimpleObjectProperty(this, "prodImage");
return prodImage;
And this is how I retrieve the image from database:
Blob blob = rs.getBlob("productImage");
byte[] data = blob.getBytes(1, (int) blob.length());
bufferedImg = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
image = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(bufferedImg, null);
However I am getting error at the setting up of table view: imageview.setImage(new Image(product.getImage()));
The error message as:
no suitable constructor found for Image(Image)
constructor Image.Image(String,InputStream,double,double,boolean,boolean,boolean) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
constructor Image.Image(int,int) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
constructor Image.Image(InputStream,double,double,boolean,boolean) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
constructor Image.Image(InputStream) is not applicable
(actual argument Image cannot be converted to InputStream by method invocation conversion)
constructor Image.Image(String,double,double,boolean,boolean,boolean) is not applicable
(actual and formal argument lists differ in length)
constructor Image.Image(String,double,double,boolean,boolean) is not applicab...
I did managed to retrieve and display an image inside an image view but however, I can't display it in table column. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

The problem that's causing the exception is that your method product.getImage() is returning an javafx.scene.Image. There's no need to do anything else at this point: You have an image, so use it (before you were trying to construct new Image(Image) - which is not even possible). This is what you want to be using:
Your second problem is that while you're creating an ImageView every time you update the cell, you're not doing anything with it. Here's your original code:
TableCell<Product,Image> cell = new TableCell<Product,Image>(){
public void updateItem(Product item, boolean empty) {
ImageView imageview = new ImageView();
imageview.setImage(new Image(product.getImage()));
return cell;
Like #tomsontom suggested, I'd recommend using setGraphic(Node) to attach your ImageView to the TableCell. So you might end up with something like this:
//Set up the ImageView
final ImageView imageview = new ImageView();
//Set up the Table
TableCell<Product,Image> cell = new TableCell<Product,Image>(){
public void updateItem(Product item, boolean empty) {
imageview.setImage(product.getImage()); //Change suggested earlier
// Attach the imageview to the cell
return cell;
The first point #tomsontom was making is that your method of creating an Image is a little roundabout. Sure, it seems to work... but there's a simpler way. Originally you were using:
bufferedImg = ImageIO.read(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
image = SwingFXUtils.toFXImage(bufferedImg, null);
But a better way of doing it would be switching those lines with:
image = new Image(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));

why are not creating the Image directly from the data new Image(new ByteArrayInputStream(data)) no need to rewrap it our use Swing stuff
I don't see a public Image(Object) constructor in FX8 - why passing it anyways if you are already have an image instance?
you need to set the ImageView on the cell with setGraphic()


LWUIT Custom expandable component in list item

In my project I use lwuit List(main), with a custom renderer.
I`m following the purpose of implementing the expandable list item, that expands/collapses another List (wrapped).
Initially, I'd created Container with Button and List (without collapse/expand behaviour), but when I used it in main list, I faced problem with inability to select Items in wrapped list.
So, I will happy if you helps me with two problems:
Can I fix it using standard lwuit tools?
How can I hide my wrapped list by clicking HeaderBar (visibility just hides the content, but leaves a big gap)?
Images for clarity (ListItem - item of main List, which does not display on image):
private void fillForm() {
mF = new Form();
private void fillList() {
mList = new CList();
mList.setRenderer(new CRenderer());
private void fillList1() {
c1 = new Container();
b1 = new Button();
b1.getUnselectedStyle().setBorder(Border.createLineBorder(2, 0x000000));
mList1 = new List();
mList1.setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer());
private void fillList2() {
c2 = new Container();
b2 = new Button();
b2.getUnselectedStyle().setBorder(Border.createLineBorder(2, 0x000000));
mList2 = new List();
mList2.setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer());
mList2.addItem("больше чем");
mList2.addItem("любит родину");
private class CRenderer extends DefaultListCellRenderer {
public Component getListCellRendererComponent(List list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected) {
return (Container)value; //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
Can this component solve your issue?

Text representation of the content of a TableView

For testing purposes (using JemmyFX), I want to check that the content of a TableView is appropriately formatted. For example: one column is of type Double and a cell factory has been applied to show the number as a percent: 20%.
How can I verify that when the value is 0.2d, the cell is showing as 20%?
Ideally I am looking for something along those lines:
TableColumn<VatInvoice, Double> percentVat = ...
assertEquals(percentVat.getTextualRepresentation(), "20%");
Note: I have tried to use the TableCell directly like below but getText() returns null:
TableCell<VatInvoice, Double> tc = percentVat.getCellFactory().call(percentVat);
assertEquals(tc.getText(), "20%"); //tc.getText() is null
The best I have found so far, using JemmyFX, is the following:
public String getCellDataAsText(TableViewDock table, int row, int column) {
final TableCellItemDock dock = new TableCellItemDock(table.asTable(), row, column);
return dock.wrap().waitState(new State<String>() {
#Override public String reached() {
return dock.wrap().cellWrap().getControl().getText();
You can try editing the cell factory.
tc.setCellFactory(new Callback<TableColumn, TableCell>(){
public TableCell call(TableColumn param){
return new TableCell(){
public void updateItem(Object item, boolean isEmpty){
//...logic to format the text
assertEquals(getText(), "20%");

GXT 3.x EditorGrid: choose cell editor type on a cell by cell basis

Is there anyway to define the editor type on a cell by cell basis in GXT 3.0?
I need to create a transposed table; the column become the row and the row is the column. That being the case, a column (from a normal table point of view) will have various editor type, whereby a row will have identical editor type.
I am trying to use following approach - It seems to be working fine, and allow to open up editors based on data type but when i click out; it doesn't close/hide editor.
I would really appreciate if someone can please point me in right direction.
final GridInlineEditing<MyModel> editing = new GridInlineEditing<MyModel>(mygrid){
#Override public <O> Field<O> getEditor(ColumnConfig<MyModel, ?> columnConfig) {
if(valueColumnName.equals(columnConfig.getHeader().asString())) {
MyModel myModel = tree.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if(MyModelType.STRING.equals(myModel.getMyModelType())) {
TextField textField = new TextField();
return (Field<O>) textField;
else {
TextArea textField = new TextArea();
return (Field<O>) textField;
return super.getEditor(columnConfig);
This is similar to question below; but answer is specific to post GXT 3.0. I am new to stackoverflow and it seems recommendation was to create new question instead of adding new post to old thread.
GXT EditorGrid: choose cell editor type on a cell by cell basis
After playing around all day; my colleague(Praveen) and I figured it out. So instead of trying to override GridInlineEditing's getEditor() method override startEditing() method. Also, you will need converters if you have data like Date, List etc. Below is sample code; hope this help others.
final GridInlineEditing<MyModel> editing = new GridInlineEditing<MyModel>(tree){
#Override public void startEditing(GridCell cell) {
MyModel myModel= tree.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if(MyModelType.TEXT.equals(myModel.getContextVariableType())) {
TextArea textField = new TextArea();
super.addEditor(valueColumn, textField);
else if(MyModelType.BOOLEAN.equals(myModel.getContextVariableType())) {
SimpleComboBox<String> simpleComboBox = new SimpleComboBox<String>(new StringLabelProvider<String>());
super.addEditor(valueColumn, simpleComboBox);
else if(MyModel.INTEGER.equals(myModel.getContextVariableType())) {
SpinnerField<Integer> spinnerField = new SpinnerField<Integer>(new IntegerPropertyEditor());
Converter<String, Integer> converter = new Converter<String, Integer>(){
#Override public String convertFieldValue(Integer object) {
String value = "";
if(object != null) {
value = object.toString();
return value;
#Override public Integer convertModelValue(String object) {
Integer value = 0;
if(object != null && object.trim().length() > 0) {
value = Integer.parseInt(object);
return value;
super.addEditor(valueColumn, converter, (Field)spinnerField);
else {
TextField textField = new TextField();
super.addEditor(valueColumn, textField);
I think the reason you are not seeing the fields not closing is because you are not actually adding them to the GridInlineEditing class.
In the parts where you have the following return statements;
return (Field<O>) textField;
Those textfields are never added to the grid.
I would try substituting the following code for your first two return statement;
super.addEditor(columnConfig, (Field<O>) textField;
This adds the editor to some maps used by AbstractGridEditing. Specifically, the AbstractGridEditing.removeEditor(GridCell, Field<?>) method, which is used in GridInlineEditing.doCompleteEditing() and GridInlineEditing.cancelEditing() needs the field to be in the map so it can be detached from its parent.

Is there a way to set a default image for ImageLoader?

I am using MonoTouch.Dialog in my app; however, the form in question is implemented using a UIViewController to which which I added a TableView (so I can also add a UIToolbar).
I love the ImageLoader that comes in MonoTouch.Dialog.Utilities and am trying to use it in the GetCell() method of the DataSource for the TableView to render an image from a URL.
var callback = new ImageLoaderCallback(controller, cell.ImageView, indexPath); // ImageLoaderCallback implements IImageUpdated
cell.ImageView.Image = ImageLoader.DefaultRequestImage(new Uri(picFV.Value), callback);
The problem is that until the URL is downloaded, the space for the ImageView is collapsed (so that the text to the right of the image is actually anchored on the left of the table).
What I'd like to do is display a temporary local image which has the same dimensions as the downloaded image, so that when the ImageLoader is done retrieving and rendering the image, the user experience isn't as jarring.
I tried to do the following in the GetCell() call... cell.ImageView.Image is set to some other image (not shown below), and then I get a reference to what comes back from ImageLoader.DefaultRequestImage.
var image = ImageLoader.DefaultRequestImage(new Uri(picFV.Value), callback);
callback.Image = image;
the last line stuffs the image reference returned by ImageLoader into the callback's state, and the callback will replace the cell's ImageView.Image when the ImageLoader is done (see below):
// callback class for the MonoTouch.Dialog image loader utility
private class ImageLoaderCallback : IImageUpdated
private ListViewController controller;
private UIImageView imageView;
private NSIndexPath indexPath;
public ImageLoaderCallback(ListViewController c, UIImageView view, NSIndexPath path)
controller = c;
imageView = view;
indexPath = path;
public UIImage Image { get; set; }
void IImageUpdated.UpdatedImage(Uri uri)
if (uri == null)
if (Image != null)
imageView.Image = Image;
// refresh the display for the row of the image that just got updated
controller.TableView.ReloadRows(new NSIndexPath [] { indexPath }, UITableViewRowAnimation.None);
However, this doesn't work because it appears that the ImageLoader needs to be "pulled" by the TableView when it tries to render its ImageView (i.e. the ImageLoader callback never gets invoked because no one is pulling on the URL).
How do I accomplish this scenario?
I know this is an old question now, but I came across it when searching for the same thing and have seen the following blog post which states how to accomplish this. I haven't yet tried it out but hopefully it might help you or anyone else coming across this in the future: http://yusinto.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/background-image-downloading-with.html

Creating ring shape in Android code

I have the following shape XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:a="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
<!-- some other stuff goes here -->
I would like to use code instead to create this shape, since some things need to be calculated on the fly before I do it, so static pre-defined layout doesn't cut it.
I'm new to Android and can't quite figure out how XML translates to code, and there's no RingShape class inheriting from Shape.
In addition to answering just this question, if there's a guide somewhere that details relation between XML and Java code and how XML gets processed in order to end up on the screen I would appreciate a link too. Thanks.
Reuben already pointed out most the most useful observations, so I'll just focus on the implementation side of the story. There's multiple approaches using reflection that'll probably give you what you're looking for.
First one is to (ab)use the private GradientDrawable constructor that takes a GradientState reference. Unfortunately the latter is a final subclass with package visibility, so you can't easily get access to it. In order to use it, you would need to dive further in using reflection or mimic its functionality into your own code.
Second approach is to use reflection to get the private member variable mGradientState, which fortunately has a getter in the form of getConstantState(). This'll give you the ConstantState, which at runtime is really a GradientState and hence we can use reflection to access its members and change them at runtime.
In order to support above statements, here's a somewhat basic implementation to create a ring-shaped drawable from code:
public class RingDrawable extends GradientDrawable {
private Class<?> mGradientState;
public RingDrawable() {
this(Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, null);
public RingDrawable(int innerRadius, int thickness, float innerRadiusRatio, float thicknessRatio) {
this(Orientation.TOP_BOTTOM, null, innerRadius, thickness, innerRadiusRatio, thicknessRatio);
public RingDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation orientation, int[] colors) {
super(orientation, colors);
public RingDrawable(GradientDrawable.Orientation orientation, int[] colors, int innerRadius, int thickness, float innerRadiusRatio, float thicknessRatio) {
this(orientation, colors);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// fail silently - change to your own liking
public void setInnerRadius(int radius) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field innerRadius = resolveField(mGradientState, "mInnerRadius");
innerRadius.setInt(getConstantState(), radius);
public void setThickness(int thicknessValue) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field thickness = resolveField(mGradientState, "mThickness");
thickness.setInt(getConstantState(), thicknessValue);
public void setInnerRadiusRatio(float ratio) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field innerRadiusRatio = resolveField(mGradientState, "mInnerRadiusRatio");
innerRadiusRatio.setFloat(getConstantState(), ratio);
public void setThicknessRatio(float ratio) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
if (mGradientState == null) mGradientState = resolveGradientState();
Field thicknessRatio = resolveField(mGradientState, "mThicknessRatio");
thicknessRatio.setFloat(getConstantState(), ratio);
private Class<?> resolveGradientState() {
Class<?>[] classes = GradientDrawable.class.getDeclaredClasses();
for (Class<?> singleClass : classes) {
if (singleClass.getSimpleName().equals("GradientState")) return singleClass;
throw new RuntimeException("GradientState could not be found in current GradientDrawable implementation");
private Field resolveField(Class<?> source, String fieldName) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException {
Field field = source.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
return field;
Above can be used as follows to create a RingDrawable from code and display it in a standard ImageView.
ImageView target = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageview);
RingDrawable ring = new RingDrawable(10, 20, 0, 0);
This will show a simple, opaque blue ring in the ImageView (10 units inner radius, 20 units thick). You'll need to make sure to not set the ImageView's width and height to wrap_content, unless you add ring.setSize(width, height) to above code in order for it to show up.
Hope this helps you out in any way.
Ring and other shapes are GradientDrawables.
If you look at the source code for GradientDrawable, you'll see it looks like certain properties (like innerRadius) can only be defined through XML... they are not exposed through accessor methods. The relevant state is also unhelpfully private to the class, so subclassing is no help either.
You can do something like this:
private ShapeDrawable newRingShapeDrawable(int color) {
ShapeDrawable drawable = new ShapeDrawable(new OvalShape());
return drawable;
It is possible to do it from code:
int r = dipToPixels(DEFAULT_CORNER_RADIUS_DIP); // this can be used to make it circle
float[] outerR = new float[]{r, r, r, r, r, r, r, r};
int border = dipToPixels(2); // border of circle
RectF rect = new RectF(border, border, border, border);
RoundRectShape rr = new RoundRectShape(outerR, rect, outerR);// must checkout this constructor
ShapeDrawable drawable = new ShapeDrawable(rr);
drawable.getPaint().setColor(badgeColor);// change color of border
// use drawble now
For me it works as follow: (also for Android version > lollipop)
ImageView target = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageview);
GradientDrawable shapeRing = new GradientDrawable();
shapeRing.setColor(centerColor); // transparent
shapeRing.setStroke(stroke, strokeColor);
shapeRing.setSize(width, width);
