how to make the silverlight page to wait for few seconds - multithreading

I build silverlight application in that I am showing progress bar before the content is loaded and I need to pass the progress bar for few seconds and then I need to close..
I am using system.threading.thread.sleep(1000) but it makes the UI to freeze.
I need alternative in silverlight where in it should not freeze the UI and process should wait for some time...

By default everything is on the UI thread, so any time-consuming task will block the UI. To prevent this, push the execution to a background thread -- one way to do that is Task.Factory:
Task.Factory.StartNew( () => {
Note that, if you then want to do anything with the UI (which I suppose you would), then you'll need to get back to the UI thread. (If a background thread tries to change the UI, the runtime will throw an exception.) Do that by using a Dispatcher:
Task.Factory.StartNew( () => {
// sleep on a background thread
// when complete, return to the UI thread to prevent access violation
Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke( () => {
// do UI stuff here


How to initialize Chrome extension context menus under Manifest V3 service workers? [duplicate]

I'm working on a simple link sharing extension (pinboard, readability, delicious, etc), and have a question about how to properly deal with a context menu item. In my non-persistent background page I call chrome.contextMenus.create and chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener to setup/respond to the context menu.
The context menu entry works as expected. But the background page is showing the following error (right after it starts and before I've used the entry) :
contextMenus.create: Cannot create item with duplicate id id_share_link at chrome-extension://.../share.js:52:30 lastError:29 set
This made me realize that at no point do I remove the item or the listener. Knowing little about javascript and extensions, I'm left wondering if I'm doing everything correctly. I'm assuming this top-level code is going to re-execute every time the background page is invoked. So there are going to be redundant calls to create and addListener (and hence the error I see being logged).
I clearly can't do cleanup in response to suspend, as these calls need to be present to wake up the background script.
Should I be handling things differently?
If you want to use an event page, ie a non-persistent background page, as you call it, you should register a context menu via contextMenus.create in the event handler of runtime.onInstalled, as these context menu registrations ”persist“ anyways.
You have to add the listener-function for the contextMenus.onClicked event every time the event page gets reloaded, though, as the registration of your wish to listen on that event persists, while the handler callback itself does not. So generally don't call contextMenus.onClicked.addListener from runtime.onInstalled, but from top level or other code, that is guaranteed to be executed each time the event page loads.[1]
You can handle it one of two ways:
You can add the context menu and the listeners on install using:
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() {
/* Add context menu and listener */
You can remove the context menu and listener, and then re-add it each time the file is called.
[solution may no longer be the case, read comment]
runtime.onInstalled is not triggered if you disable/enable your extension.
My solution is to always add menu items and swallow errors:
'use strict';
let seqId = 0;
const createMenuLinkEntry = (title, tab2url) => {
const id = (++seqId).toString();
id: id,
title: title,
contexts: ['browser_action'],
}, () => {
const err = chrome.runtime.lastError;
if(err) {
console.warn('Context menu error ignored:', err);
createMenuLinkEntry('Go to Google', (tab) => '');
createMenuLinkEntry('Go to GitHub', (tab) => '');
} // namespace

Why in this code, await is not blocking ui in flutter

In the default example app whenever you create new fultter project I just added the following code.
initState() {
loop() async {
while (true) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 10));
print("count now:$_counter");
Why is the app UI is not getting blocked? I am able to click + button and the counter increases smoothly. Even if I change the delay to 10 sec, the UI is resposive.
Is the loop() runnning in different thread?but I know dart is single thread. How is it possible?
Where the loop function is running?
Can I use this technique to run background task for example checking id my sqflite table rows are synced with cloud etc???
Await calls are non-blocking.
The way this works is, while Dart is single-threaded, some Dart code delegate their implementation to the Dart VM.
Things like file reads or HTTP requests are performed outside of Dart (either by the browser or in c++), in a different thread.
So while Dart is single-threaded, it is still able to perform multiple tasks simultaneously without locking the UI.

How to handle watchOS CoreData background save correctly?

My watchOS app uses core data for local storage. Saving the managed context is done in background:
var backgroundContext = persistentContainer.newBackgroundContext()
backgroundContext.perform {
let saveError = self.saveManagedContext(managedContext: self.backgroundContext)
func saveManagedContext(managedContext: NSManagedObjectContext) -> Error? {
if !managedContext.hasChanges { return nil }
do {
return nil
} catch let error as NSError {
return error
Very rarely, my context is not saved. One reason I can think of is the following:
After my data are changed, I initiate a background core data context save operation.
But before the background task starts, the watch extension is put by the user into background, and is then terminated by watchOS.
This probably also prevents the core data background save to execute.
My questions are:
- Is this scenario possible?
- If so, what would be the correct handling of a core data background context save?
PS: On the iOS side, I do the same, but here it is possible to request additional background processing time using
var bgTask: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier = application.beginBackgroundTask(expirationHandler: {
By now, I think I can answer my question:
If the watch extension is put by the user into background, the extension delegate calls applicationDidEnterBackground(). The docs say:
The system typically suspends your app shortly after this method
returns; therefore, you should not call any asynchronous methods from
your applicationDidEnterBackground() implementation. Asynchronous
methods may not be able to complete before the app is suspended.
I think this also applies to background tasks that have been initiated before, so it is actually possible that a core data background save does not complete.
Thus, the core data save should be done on the main thread. My current solution is the following:
My background context is no longer set up using persistentContainer.newBackgroundContext(), since such a context is connected directly to the persistentContainer, and when this context is saved, changes are written to the persistent store, which may take relatively long. Instead, I now set up the background context by
var backgroundContext = NSManagedObjectContext.init(concurrencyType: .privateQueueConcurrencyType)
and set its parent property as
backgroundContext.parent = container.viewContext
where container is the persistent container. Now, when the background context is saved, it is not written to the persistent store, but to its parent, the view content that is handled by the main thread. Since this saving is only done in memory, it is pretty fast.
Additionally, in applicationDidEnterBackground() of the extension delegate, I save the view context. Since this is done on the main thread, The docs say:
The applicationDidEnterBackground() method is your last chance to
perform any cleanup before the app is terminated.
In normal circumstances, enough time should be provided by watchOS. If not, other docs say:
If needed, you can request additional background execution time by
calling the ProcessInfo class’s
performExpiringActivity(withReason:using:) method.
This is probably equivalent to setting up a background task in iOS as shown in my question.
Hope this helps somebody!

What happens to background thread if timers are stopped or UI is reloaded c++ winrt

I have some timers as member :
Windows::UI::Xaml::DispatcherTimer^ m_pollingTimer;
I create the timer as below and on timer tick i execute some async task :
m_pollingTimer = CreateAndStartDispatcherTimer(500ms, &MainPage::OnPollingTick);
While reloading/suspending application i stop the timers as below :
Stop all timers :
for (auto timer : {m_pollingTimer})
if (timer)
What happens to background tasks if I stop the timer itself?
- Does it stop the background tasks as well or waits for the task to finish?
Reload Application :
bool MainPage::Reload(Platform::Object^ param)
auto rootFrame = dynamic_cast<Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Frame^>(Window::Current->Content);
// Do not repeat app initialization when the Window already has content,
// just ensure that the window is active
if (rootFrame == nullptr)
// Create a Frame to act as the navigation context and associate it with
// a SuspensionManager key
rootFrame = ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::Frame();
auto type = rootFrame->CurrentSourcePageType;
return rootFrame->Navigate(type, param);
catch (Platform::Exception^ ex)
throw ex;
After stopping the timers i reload the UI.
Will the background thread keep running or stopped already?
Existing threads will be suspended with the rest of the application. As noted in the comments, no new timer events will be raised since you manually called Stop on them.
If you have work that you want to complete before your app is suspended, you should take a Deferral on the Suspending event and then only Complete it once your background work is complete.
That ensures you won't freeze a background thread half-way through its work and then wake it up again later whilst simultaneously running your reload code. That could easily cause race conditions. Also your background work should poll periodically to see if suspension is pending and thus it should try to terminate early.

Persistent background page on demand or an event page that doesn't unload?

I want to build a extension that behaves like a timer. It should count down the seconds when activated, but should do nothing with inactive.
The chrome.alarms API is interesting, but does not have enough precision nor granularity. It only fires at most once per minute, and it may fire late. If I want something to execute more often than that, I can't use this API.
Then, the next natural solution is to use a background page and use setTimeout or setInterval in there. However, background pages are persistent, and they take up resources (e.g. memory) even when idle. So they are not ideal.
The best solution seems to be an event page to run the timer. However, the documentation says:
Once it has been loaded, the event page will stay running as long as it is active (for example, calling an extension API or issuing a network request).
Once the event page has been idle a short time (a few seconds), the runtime.onSuspend event is dispatched. The event page has a few more seconds to handle this event before it is forcibly unloaded.
If your extension uses window.setTimeout() or window.setInterval(), switch to using the alarms API instead. DOM-based timers won't be honored if the event page shuts down.
Unfortunately, having an active setInterval is not enough to consider an event page active. In fact, from my tests, an interval up to 10 seconds is short enough to keep the event page running, but anything greater than 10 or 15 seconds is too far apart and the event page will get unloaded. I've tested this on my crx-reload-tab project.
I believe what I want is a middle ground:
I want a background page that I can load and unload on demand. (Instead of one that keeps loaded all the time.)
I want an event page that stays persistent in memory for as long as I say; but otherwise could be unloaded. (Instead of one that gets unloaded automatically by the browser.)
Is it possible? How can I do it?
Background pages cannot be unloaded on demand, and Chrome decides Event page lifecycle for you (there is nothing you can do in onSuspend to prevent it).
If your concern is timers, you could try my solution from this answer, which basically splits a timer into shorter timers for a "sparse" busy-wait. That's enough to keep the event page loaded and is a viable solution if you don't need to do that frequently.
In general, there are some things that will keep an event page loaded:
If you're using message passing, be sure to close unused message ports. The event page will not shut down until all message ports are closed.
This can be exploited if you have any other context to keep an open Port to, for example a content script. See Long-lived connections docs for more details.
In practice, if you often or constantly need precise, sub-minute timers, an Event page is a bad solution. Your resource gains from using one might not justify it.
As mentioned in Xan's answer we can abuse messaging. There's nothing wrong about it either in case you want to temporarily prevent the event page from unloading. For example while displaying a progress meter using chrome.notifications API or any other activity based on setTimeout/setInterval that may exceed the default unload timeout which is 5-15 seconds.
It creates an iframe in the background page and the iframe connects to the background page. In addition to manifest.json and a background script you'll need to make two additional files bg-iframe.html and bg-iframe.js with the code specified below.
manifest.json excerpt:
"background": {
"scripts": ["bg.js"],
"persistent": false
function preventUnload() {
let iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
if (!iframe) {
iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
document.body.appendChild(iframe).src = 'bg-iframe.html';
function allowUnload() {
let iframe = document.querySelector('iframe');
if (iframe) iframe.remove();
chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(() => {});
<script src="bg-iframe.js"></script>
Usage example in bg.js:
chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((message, sender, sendResponse) => {
if (message === 'start') doSomething();
function doSomething() {
// do something asynchronous that's spread over time
// like for example consecutive setTimeout or setInterval calls
let ticks = 20;
const interval = setInterval(tick, 1000);
function tick() {
// do something
// ................
if (--ticks <= 0) done();
function done() {
I use this function:
function _doNotSleep() {
if (isActive) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
But the problem with such approach is that Devtools network tab polluted with this http stub.
