unix script sort showing the number of items? - linux

I have a shell script which is grepping the results of a file then it calls sort -u to get the unique entries. Is there a way to have sort also tell me how many of each of those entries there are? So the output would be something like:
user1 - 50
user2 - 23
user3 - 40

Use sort input | uniq -c. uniq does what -u does in sort -u, but also has the additional -c option for counting.

Grep has a -c switch to count the occurrence of each item..
grep -c needle haystack
will give the number of needles which you can sort as needed..

Given a sorted list, uniq -c will show the item, and how many. It will be the first column, so I will often do something like:
sort file.txt | uniq -c |sort -nr
The -n in the sort will parse numbers correctly, like 9 before 11 (though with the '-r', it will reverse the count, since I usually want the higher count lines first).


Am I using the proper command?

I am trying to write a one-line command on terminal to count all the unique "gene-MIR" in a very large file. The "gene-MIR" are followed by a series of numbers ex. gene-MIR334223, gene-MIR633235, gene-MIR53453 ... etc, and there are multiples of the same "gene-MIR" ex. gene-MIR342433 may show up 10x in the script.
My question is, how do I write a command that will annotate the unique "gene-MIR" that are present in my file?
The commands I have been using so far is:
grep -c "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | uniq
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort -u
The first command provides me with a count; however, I believe it does not include the number series after "MIR" and is only counting how many "gene-MIR" itself are present.
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/Y7EcD.png
Assuming all the entries are are on separate lines, try this:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
If the entries are mixed up with other text, and the system has GNU grep try this:
grep -o 'gene-MIR[0-9]*' myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
To get the total count:
grep -o 'gene-MIR[0-9]*' myfile.txt | wc -l
If you have information like this:
And you want to know the amount of "inf" kinds, you always need to sort it first. Only afterwards you can start counting.
I've created a similar file, containing the examples, mentioned in the requester's comment, as follows:
More nonsense
On that, I've applied both commands, as mentioned in the question:
grep -c "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | uniq
Which results in 6, just like the following command:
grep -c "gene-MIR" myfile.txt
Why? The question here is "How many lines contain the string "gene-MIR"?".
This is clearly not the requested information.
The other command also is not correct:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort -u
The result:
grep "gene-MIR" ... means: show all the lines, which contain "gene-MIR"
| sort -u means: sort the displayed lines and if there are multiple instances of the same, only show one of them.
Also this is not what the requester wants. Therefore I have following proposal:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
With following result:
2 gene-MIR2334
2 gene-MIR4232
2 gene-MIR93284
This is more what the requester is looking for, I presume.
What does it mean?
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt : only show the lines which contain "gene-MIR"
| sort : sort the lines, which are shown. Like this, you get an intermediate result like this:
| uniq -c : group those results together and show the count for every instance.
Unfortunately, the example is badly chosen as every instance occurs exactly two times. Therefore, for clarification purposes, I've created another "myfile.txt", as follows:
More nonsense
I've applied the same command again:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c
With following result:
3 gene-MIR2334
1 gene-MIR4232
2 gene-MIR93284
Here you can see in a much clearer way that the proposed command is correct.
... and your next question is: "Yes, but is it possible to sort the result?", on which I answer:
grep "gene-MIR" myfile.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
With following result:
1 gene-MIR4232
2 gene-MIR93284
3 gene-MIR2334
Have fun!

Difference between using the uniq command with sort or without it in linux

When I use uniq -u data.txt lists the whole file and when I use sort data.txt | uniq -u it omits repeated lines. Why does this happen?
uniq man says that -u, --unique only prints unique lines. I don't understand why I need to use pipe to get correct output.
uniq removes adjacent duplicates. If you want to omit duplicates that are not adjacent, you'll have to sort the data first.

How to display number of times a word repeated after a common pattern

I have a file which has N number of line
For example
How to get the below result using uniq command:
This/is/workshop/ =5
Okay so there are a couple tools you can utilize here. Familiarize yourself with grep, cut, and uniq. My process for doing something like this may not be ideal, but given your original question I'll try to tailor the process to the lines in the file you've given.
First you'll want to grep the file for the relevant strings. Then you can pass it through to cut, declaring the fields you want to include by specifying the delimiter and also the number of fields. Lastly, you can pipe this through to uniq to count it.
Contents of file.txt
Use grep, cut and uniq
$ grep "This/is/workshop/" file.txt | cut -d/ -f1-3 | uniq -c
5 This/is/workshop
To specify the delimiter in cut, you use the -d flag and the delimiter you want to use. Each field is what exists between delimiters, starting at 1. For this, we want the first three. Then just pipe it through to uniq to get the count you are after.

Pipelining cut sort uniq

Trying to get a certain field from a sam file, sort it and then find the number of unique numbers in the file. I have been trying:
cut -f 2 practice.sam > field2.txt | sort -o field2.txt sortedfield2.txt |
uniq -c sortedfield2.txt
The cut is working to pull out the numbers from field two, however when trying to sort the numbers into a new file or the same file I am just getting a blank. I have tried breaking the pipeline into sections but still getting the same error. I am meant to use those three functions to achieve the output count.
cut -f 2 practice.sam | sort -o | uniq -c
In your original code, you're redirecting the output of cut to field2.txt and at the same time, trying to pipe the output into sort. That won't work (unless you use tee). Either separate the commands as individual commands (e.g., use ;) or don't redirect the output to a file.
Ditto the second half, where you write the output to sortedfield2.txt and thus end up with nothing going to stdout, and nothing being piped into uniq.
So an alternative could be:
cut -f 2 practice.sam > field2.txt ; sort -o field2.txt sortedfield2.txt ; uniq -c sortedfield2.txt
which is the same as
cut -f 2 practice.sam > field2.txt
sort -o field2.txt sortedfield2.txt
uniq -c sortedfield2.txt
you can use this command:
cut -f 2 practise.sam | uniq | sort > sorted.txt
In your code is wrong. The fault is "No such file or directory". Because of pipe. You can learn at this link how it is used

does linux sort have incompatible arguments

I wanted to sort a file in numerical order as well as uniquify with the sort -nu [filename].
$ *** | sort -n | wc
$ *** | sort -nu | wc
$ *** | sort -un | wc
$ *** | sort -n | sort -u | wc
$ *** | sort -u | wc
Why there is a decrease in number of lines with sort -un ? So I tried running above commands on a small numeric file and see if there is any problem. It worked as expected.
Am I missing something obvious ? or
those options incompatible with each other ? I've checked man sort for this, no information was provided about this combination.
Thanks in advance.
How should I fix this ? (using the n and u options separately ?)
-u removes duplicates.
So yeah, obviously it will reduce lines if the key is repeated within the file.
The difference with
sort -n | sort -u
then is that the second sort -u pipe command considers the full line, not just the numeric key.
so you need understand what's the meaning of -u and -n.
man sort
-u Unique: suppresses all but one in each set
of lines having equal keys. If used with the
-c option, checks that there are no lines
with duplicate keys in addition to checking
that the input file is sorted.
-n Restricts the sort key to an initial numeric string,
consisting of optional blank characters, optional
minus sign, and zero or more digits with an optional
radix character and thousands separators (as defined
in the current locale), which is sorted by arithmetic
value. An empty digit string is treated as zero.
Leading zeros and signs on zeros do not affect order-
