2checkout multiple notification problems - payment

We have been using 2checkout as one of a payment providers for a while now. We run a subscription based service that activate a set amount of time on the users account when we receive a notification.
For some reason in the past few days a number of users (not all) have been receiving notifications of Order Created 3 times, 1 every half an hour.
This is giving then 3 times their purchased time on our system.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
I originally thought it was a case of waiting for the fraud status as on one account, the status was 'wait' for the first 2 notifications. But I have now seen with other users that the fraud check has passed on all 3 notification.
Any help would be appreciated.

2Checkout INS notification will attempt to retry for a total of 3 attempts if a successful HTTP response is not returned by your server. You should be able to confirm that they are failing by checking the Failed logs in your 2Checkout account under the Notifications tab. Please contact 2Checkout tech support at techsupport#2checkout.com for assistance with troubleshooting the issue. They will be able to pull the logs to show the response from your server when the notification fails.


Microsoft Teams notification stops working intermittently

We have integrated MS Teams with Azure DevOps using below:
Pipelines have been subscribed to send notifications on failure. However they stop working randomly. We are unable to identify where the problem is. Could someone guide me on how to troubleshoot the issue?
Here is a troubleshoot advice:
Please go to your Project Settings -> General/Service hooks and check the sevice hook to Microsoft Teams.
If you find that the notification was failed to send, it will usually provide an error message for further investigation.
If you find that it doesn't send notifications when the pipeline fails, it is recommended to check your connection settings. And identify the scope of the problem, such as whether this problem is related to a particular pipeline.
If you find that the notification has been successfully sent but the Microsoft Teams have not received it, you can further check if the intermittent problem is time related. For example, whether the problem can be repeated over a certain period of time and whether there is a significant delay between the successful notification sent time and the actual delivery time.

Notification not received for some Gmail watched accounts

We use Google Pub/Sub service for being notified when our users receive emails on their Gmail accounts.
We use the Ruby Gmail client (https://googleapis.dev/ruby/google-api-client/latest/Google/Apis/GmailV1/GmailService.html) for watching the Gmail accounts of our user (connected with OAuth authorisation). We expose an endpoint in our Rails app for getting the posted notifications from Google.
It has worked for years without any problem for more than 1000 Gmail accounts. Since two weeks ago, we stopped receiving notifications for some accounts (I would say around 20).
Each account is re-watched once a day (with stop_user() and then watch_user()), so it's not a problem of expired subscription.
Once a notification is not received for an account when there is a new mail, we never receive a notification anymore until it's re-watched. Then, it works for several minutes/hours and then it's broken again. It always happens for the same accounts.
The quotas page on GCP shows that there is not quotas limit exceeded.
I don't know if it's directly related to the Pub/Sub service or if it's a Gmail issue...
Does someone already experienced the same issue ? How can it be investigated / fixed ?
Thank you in advance for your help !
As talked in the comments, this seems to be a bug. Adding it as an answer for visibility purposes. You can click on the star next to the issue number to give more priority to the report and to receive updates.
A bug has been created here on the Google issue tracker : https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/208369302

Xero Webhook not receiving events despite ITR status being OK

Good Day to all. I am trying out the Xero webhook in a local setup.
Node js backend
Using Ngrok for hosting the endpoint publicly
Xero Trial Account
I was able to successfully set up the webhook. My service received 3 unauthorized (401) calls and 1 successful (200) call, which made the ITR status OK.
However, after the ITR success, I tried creating a contact, updating an existing contact and updating an invoice and waited for nearly 10 to 15 minutes and I did not receive any events to the webhook endpoint.
Not sure if I have missed any steps? Any pointers to why I am not receiving the events?
Is there any way I can see if the events that are fired from the Xero side?
Does the webhook work only for Partner apps?
Not sure what I am missing here. Appreciate any help on this.
Can you confirm that your Trial organisation is connected to the app? If not, following the Postman tutorial will ensure that it is connected.

The listStatusChanges API call in the Docusign SDK is not returning recently delivered envelopes

We poll for envelopes utilising the listStatusChanges method from the Docusign SDK.
The listStatusChanges call is made with a From date to datetime.now - 10 days with no other parameters.
If we send and complete the envelope within 10 days the completed envelope is picked up.
If we sent an envelope say 10 months ago and it completed 2 days ago liststatuschanges-10 days will not pick up the completed envelope.
What is the determining factor the API uses to decide whether status changes are returned?
I'm sorry that I don't have an answer to your specific question. You may want to consider the alternative of using Connect (webhooks) to receive faster notifications of changes, and more consistent change notifications.
Using AWS, Azure, Google Cloud or other vendors, you can set up your app and receive notifications behind your firewall with no firewall changes or DMZ access needed.
See the code examples for a webhook listener and the behind-the-firewall worker.

Set trial date on stripe dashboard only refer to plans not create them in my app using stripe

Not sure if the title makes sense, I will say this question is very similar to the one I posted yesterday but no response on seen here. I have a user sign up and select a plan, once they are set to said plan there is a trial day limit set using the stripe dashboard. I am not creating the subscriptions via the API. Once the day 30 days are up, how can I tell? Only way I can think of telling is checking if their account is older than 30 days and doesn't have a stripe token/last 4 numbers of their CC. There has to be a better way that is more secure and prevents them from canceling their card and still being able to use the service. I know there is no code in this post and should be, but the only code I think is relevant is in the linked post you should check out.
I should add, where should I put this code in my routes? And I am using node.js, express, swig, and stripe.
What you are looking for is Stripe Events. When an action happens on your account, Stripe issues an "event". You should set up a webhook in your dashboard, and an endpoint on your site or app to capture Stripe Events and process the data that is sent.
Stripe issues two perfect events for what you need: customer.subscription.trial_will_end which fires three days before the trial ends , and customer.subscription.updated which fires in multiple cases, including when the status is changed from trialing to active.
Read through the Stripe docs here to learn more.
