prestashop 1.5 add cms page to top-bar menu - menu

I'm new to Prestashop. I installed the 1.5 version and I found how to create "CMS" pages.
Now I would like to add these newly created pages to the main menu and I cannot find a simple way to do it.
Is there a good tutorial on this?

At this date the above link is broken, so no reliable source there...
In my experience with Prestashop I've figured it's pretty hard to find good and straight to the point info (especially compared with WordPress for example). So here is my answer:
In back-end go to Modules and find the "Top horizontal menu"(blocktopmenu) module (it should be under "Front Office Features" category, or you can also use search).
If it's not installed just install and activate it.
After that you should go to "Configure" under plugin's administration links.
You should be able to add the pages from choosing the ones in the left panel and adding them to the right (which would add them to the Top Menu).
You can also add your custom links in this plugin's back-end in the lower section called "Add Menu Top Link" by clicking "Add" button and then adding the link from the left to the right as described above.
Hope this helps. Have Fun!


Gitlab: bookmark repo functionality - how and what?

Gitlab has little bookmark icons next to each repo (see screenshot below). However, clicking the icon (or anywhere in the row for that repo) takes you to the repo - the whole thing is a link, so clicking the icon doesn't bookmark the repo. I also can't find a way to bookmark a repo via its settings.
Furthermore, what does the bookmark functionality do? I was imagining that it pins it to the top of your list, or makes it available on a bookmarks page, both of which would be really useful for me ... but I'm not actually sure.
Weirdly enough, google really isn't helping me out with this one. Does anyone have some info about this functionality?
This is an example of a bit of a UX convention violation - you're right that icon is absolutely a bookmark and typically used for bookmarking something. However in this case it just signifies that row is a Project as opposed to a Group. If that icon is a bookmark, it's a Project. If that icon is a folder, it's a Group.
If you want to favorite Projects, you should star them by clicking on the Star icon in the upper right of the Project home screen, then when you click on "Projects" you can click on "Starred Projects" and see all your projects you've currently starred. You can also filter activity based on starred projects.

How can I delete a layer/item in Google Web Designer?

I have been working for a few days now making a simple web page to be a basic cv/bio. I started by making my headers for the page and some simple animations when switching window sizes. After playing with adding some different colors in, I noticed that an asset I added, wasn't transparent(as I had intended it to be).
That said, I have tried to delete the item from the assets Library to no avail. I've tried removing all relevant keyframes, as well as trying to delete it from the Master Rules. The program will not allow me to delete the item, except from the Library, which does not affect the item on the page whatsoever.
I may well be missing something completely obvious and shall feel a fool when this is answered. Thank you for your help in advance!
To delete a layer, click on it in the timeline so that it's highlighted and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
If the element is an asset imported by you, for example a picture, you must select it at the library collapsible menu and click the trash. If you can't find this menu, clic on Menu > Window > Library.
On Responsive window, click Edit base document. You can now delete it.

How to create a Multi-tab webpage

I'd like to create a webpage with menus at the top, using Dreamweaver. So far the help info I have found online talks about using the "Spry" option from the "Insert" menu within Dreamweaver. But the version of Dreamweaver I have (latest downloaded from Adobe) does not have "Spry" when I go to "Insert". I found "Tabs" under "jQuery UI" under "Insert", and that looks great but when I tested it with IE, there was a pop-up "Internet Explorer restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls" and the page looks all garbled up, unless I click "Allow blocked content". I cannot assume that end users will have the right setting on their IE to make this work and it may just look like the webpage is not well built.
Any advice on how I should proceed?
According to online help (, Spry widgets are replaced with jQuery widgets in Dreamweaver CC and later. While you can still modify existing spry widgets on your page, you cannot add new spry widgets.
Regarding the problem of the page looking garbled up if scripts are turned off in the browser, I guess the only way around it is to code in such a way that the page degrades gracefully in browsers that don't support JavaScript.
I found a workable solution here:

Joomla 2.5.6 Admin Menu Issues

Have used Joomla a fair bit, but have ending up taking over a site previously looked after by someone else. It had been recently updated to 2.5.6 from 1.6 and is sort of ok, but there are a few issues I'm finding particularly with the Admin Menus.
the extensions manager is missing its sub menu of 'update' 'discover' etc - does anyone have any idea to remedy this?!
a couple of components don't exist in the directory structure (admin or components) but are listed in the in the components menu in admin, so if I try to reinstall them it won't add the menu option...(get error saying menu item already exists). Does anyone know how to clear the menu options from admin so I can reinstall the components properly?
its a bit of a mess but I haven't the time to start from scratch on this site as its already been highly customised!
Any help much appreciated - as I say I'd be familiar enough with joomla but setting up from scratch without all the mess!
Many thanks
For question # 2 you need to use phpmyadmin, or a similar tool and remove the offending components from the xxxx_extensions table. xxxx is a random 3,4, or 5 character string which was created during installation.
Also check the xxxx_menu table for menu items from these components.
Usually admin menu items appear in the "menu" menus.
WARNING! be extremely careful when hand editing your SQL tables. You can completely destroy your site, if you make a mistake. NEVER do a "drop" nor an "empty" with the tool.
As to question #1, I have not seen this behavior. Have you tried an update? or reloading Joomla over your current site? (If you do this, be sure to backup your site! We use Akeeba backup to do this)

SharePoint 2010 - My Sites, modifications to navigation ribbon at the very top

After much online research and getting close to what I am looking for by hacking it together (ie. modifying templates and other files, exactly what every expert out there appears to advise against in terms of SharePoint customization) I have decided to go ahead and post my issue here to see if anybody has ever had any experience with this.
In essence, I start off with a plain My Sites host. I would like to keep the My Profile and My Content pages, and add a bunch of new content of top on that. For us, simplicity is of utmost importance and so when I created a new Web Part Page and noticed that it added an additional ribbon under the navigation menu, I decided that it had to go. This is what it looks like out of the box:
With ribbon
Notice that at this point I have already made a few modifications, such as removing the My Site link that by default appears all the way to the left of the other options. This sadly was accomplished in a very brute-force way.
Now, here is the ribbon-free navigation bar, which is just what I want to be able to design without making system changes that I will regret in the future (and that may be easily overwritten by a CU or hotfix)
Without ribbon
So I guess I should make this clear, I don't want the navigation gone, just customized (ie. no My Site string to the left of my options, no Site Actions drop-down for read-only users) and the Browse/Page ribbon that gets added by default everytime you create a new page, well that one just needs to be gone completely, as shown in the second screenshot.
I have read all about hiding ribbons (which just hides the whole thing, including navigation), customizing ribbons (no success in accomplishing this type of basic navigation after trying them out) and simply don't know what to do anymore.
Maybe I am just taking the wrong approach by modifying something instead of just creating it from scratch, at the end of the day it is nothing but a static navigation bar common to all the pages with the special current user drop-down all the way to the right, then if a user has write permissions, she would also get the Site Actions drop-down under Home, that's it.
Hopefully an answer to this question will help others as well who are looking to simplify their SharePoint My Sites host a bit, as out of the box the number of web components that users are presented with might be just a little too overwhelming for your everyday employee, at least in the industry that we operate in.
Anyway, thank you kindly in advance, I look forward to your replies. Do let me know if there is something that is not entirely clear from my explanation :)
If you take away user's Create Personal Site permission ( in your User Profile, the "My Site" link will go away.
