Symlinking files with specific extension into another folder in linux - linux

I currently have a number of drives mounted under "/media/" I want to recursively scan all the drives mounted looking for files with a specific extension "*.foo". Once found I want to symlink these files into a directory elsewhere. One requirement is that I keep the basename of the file the same when creating the symlink. I wasn’t able to come up with a an easy solution using "find -exec" on my own. Is there an easy way to do this?

find /media/ -name *.foo | xargs ln -s -t DIRECTORYYOUWANTLINKSIN


Copy files within multiple directories to one directory

We have an Ubuntu Server that is only accessed via terminal, and users transfer files to directories within 1 parent directory (i.e. /storage/DiskA/userA/doc1.doc /storage/DiskA/userB/doc1.doc). I need to copy all the specific files within the user folders to another dir, and I'm trying to specifically target the .doc extension.
I've tried running the following:
cp -R /storage/diskA/*.doc /storage/diskB/monthly_report/
However, it keeps telling me there is no such file/dir.
I want to be able to just pull the .doc files from all the user dirs and transfer to that dir, /storage/monthly_report/.
I know this is an easy task, but apparently, I'm just daft enough to not be able to figure this out. Any assistance would be wonderful.
EDIT: I updated the original to show that I have 2 Disks. Moving from Disk A to Disk B.
I would go for find -exec for such a task, something like:
find /storage/DiskA -name "*.doc" -exec cp {} /storage/DiskB/monthly_report/ \;
That should do the trick.
rsync -zarv --include="*/" --include="*.doc" --exclude="*" /storage/diskA/*.doc /storage/diskB/monthly_report/

Automatically assign permissions to any file copied into directory

I have a directory and I'd like for any file added to that directory to automatically have chmod performed with a specific set of permissions.
Is there a way to do this?
Reacting to filesystem events (in linux) can be done using inotify.
There are many tools built on inotify which allow you to call commands in reaction to file system events. One such tool is incron. You might like it since it can be configured in a way similar to the familiar cron daemon.
Files moved into a monitored directory generate an IN_MOVED_TO event.
So the incrontab file would contain an entry like
/path/to/watch IN_MOVED_TO /bin/chmod 0644 $#
You can create a cron that checks/chmods files in that directory.
Something like this will work:
find /path/to/directory -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644
(Of course you have to edit the path and set the permissions you need)
The question is too unspecified and it is dangerous to give any answer as it is.
Who (/what) creates files in aforementioned directory? What rights do you want to set and why do you think this is needed? Why whatever creates them cannot put expected rights on its own?
For instance, all these "find | chmod" or inotify watchers and other tools mentioned in other comments are a huge security hole if this is a directory everyone can put files to and such a chmoding command would be run with root privs, as it can be tricked into a following a symlink and chmoding stuff like /etc/shadow.
This /can/ be implemented securely of course, but chances are the actual problem does not require any of this.

use ls command to find some *.app files on macos

There are some .app files in the folder, such as
Then i want to use ls command to check if there are any .app files under folder_A, i can use ls -R folder_A to list all the files under "folder_A" and sub folder "subF", but on Macos, the app file is also considered as an directory that ls will list all the files contained in, and so on.
For example, contains some .png,.txt; then ls -R folder_A will return all the png and txt files, not the itself. But i want to list all the app files under folder_A and its sub folder without list all the files included in .app.
The trick is to use the right tool for the job.
find folder_A -name '*.app'
The find command is better suited for traversing a directory hierarchy.
find folder_A -name '*.app'
Find can be easily used to search on specific files
find folder_name -name "*.app" -print
folder_name can be an absolute path or a relative path.

Find folders with specific name and no symlink pointing to them

I'm trying to write a shell script under linux, which lists all folders (recursively) with a certain name and no symlink pointing to it.
For example, I have:
Now I want to go through all subdirectories of /home/htdocs and find those folders typo3_*, that are not pointed to from somewhere.
Should be possible with a shellscript or a command, but I have no idea how.
Thanks for you help
I think none of the common file systems store if there are symlinks pointing to this file in the file node, so you would have to scan all other files to see if it is a symlink to this one. If you don't limit your depth of search to a certain level, this might take a very long time. If you want to perform that search in /home/htdocs, for example, it would work something like this:
# find specified folders:
find /home/htdocs -name 'typo3_*' -type d | while read folder; do
# list all symlinks pointing to $folder
find -L /home/htdocs -samefile "$folder"|grep -v "$folder\$"

Is there a way to check if there are symbolic links pointing to a directory?

I have a folder on my server to which I had a number of symbolic links pointing. I've since created a new folder and I want to change all those symbolic links to point to the new folder. I'd considered replacing the original folder with a symlink to the new folder, but it seems that if I continued with that practice it could get very messy very fast.
What I've been doing is manually changing the symlinks to point to the new folder, but I may have missed a couple.
Is there a way to check if there are any symlinks pointing to a particular folder?
I'd use the find command.
find . -lname /particular/folder
That will recursively search the current directory for symlinks to /particular/folder. Note that it will only find absolute symlinks. A similar command can be used to search for all symlinks pointing at objects called "folder":
find . -lname '*folder'
From there you would need to weed out any false positives.
You can audit symlinks with the symlinks program written by Mark Lord -- it will scan an entire filesystem, normalize symlink paths to absolute form and print them to stdout.
There isn't really any direct way to check for such symlinks. Consider that you might have a filesystem that isn't mounted all the time (eg. an external USB drive), which could contain symlinks to another volume on the system.
You could do something with:
for a in `find / -type l`; do echo "$a -> `readlink $a`"; done | grep destfolder
I note that FreeBSD's find does not support the -lname option, which is why I ended up with the above.
find . -type l -printf '%p -> %l\n'
Apart from looking at all other folders if there are links pointing to the original folder, I don't think it is possible. If it is, I would be interested.
find / -lname 'fullyqualifiedpathoffile'
find /foldername -type l -exec ls -lad {} \;
For hardlinks, you can get the inode of your directory with one of the "ls" options (-i, I think).
Then a find with -inum will locate all common hardlinks.
For softlinks, you may have to do an ls -l on all files looking for the text after "->" and normalizing it to make sure it's an absolute path.
To any programmers looking here (cmdline tool questions probably should instead go to nowadays):
You should know that the Linux/BSD function fts_open() gives you an easy-to-use iterator for traversing all sub directory contents while also detecting such symlink recursions.
Most command line tools use this function to handle this case for them. Those that don't often have trouble with symlink recursions because doing this "by hand" is difficult (any anyone being aware of it should just use the above function instead).
