website does not work without www [closed] - iis

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on iis8 for the first time, but my website is php, but i dont think the issue is within php, because:
if i enter:
it does not load the image, just timed out page.
but if i enter:
it works fine.
also, i can ping but not
the answer might be very simple, so kindly dont give me negative votes :)

Have you setup a binding for "" in addition to ""?
To setup a binding, select your website in ISS, select "Bindings" from the "Actions" menu (or right click and choose "Edit Bindings". Then click "Add" to setup the additional binding.

You need to make another alias in your DNS server.


How to enter a custom address to a dns file? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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in the /var/www/html directory I have many folders which contain websites like 'store/', and to access a website through my LAN I enter in the address bar 'myserveripaddress/store'.
I created a DNS file to access the website with a custom name but I don't know what to put in the file, I tried:
customname A myserveripaddress/store
but it didn't work, the only one that works is:
customname A serveripaddress
but it doesn't take me to the website under 'store/' directory for example.
Is there a solution?
DNS does not work this way. In this instance, DNS points domain at a server, but it is to the server how it responds to that request.
to get this to work, you would need to create separate web server configs for each of the "sub-websites" and then point the DNS record at domain name listed in that config.

How to make it so that when I type it will open the files from [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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We have two servers (with different IPs) which are hosting two different websites on them. We have the first site as the apex domain ( and the second is a subdomain (
Right now and are completely different websites. How can I change this so that when I got to it shows the same contents as current shows?
So I guess this depends on what you're trying to achieve. I am assuming that because you have that is supposed to be the new "beta" site that you are now wanting to go live with.
If you want to swap to the new site then you should update the DNS A record for to point at the same IP that is pointing at.
This is one approach but I would recommend adding more detail to your question so that we can be more clear about what you're trying to achieve 👍

What DNS requirements do I need to map one domain to another? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have my first site at which queries a database.
I would like to display the exact content for each quiz under my second site: http://www.mysecondsite.example/quiz.php?qid=My-quiz
I am new to DNS so I know this is probably a simple question. What do I need to do on both domains to make this work?
You cannot solve this issue solely with DNS. With DNS all you can say that the IP address for is the same as that for www.mysecondsite.example.
Your webserver has to understand that any requests for www.mysecondsite.example are actually the same as that for and has to fulfil or redirect those requests appropriately. Depending on your webserver, search the manual for the topic on redirecting/forwarding requests.

Your Connection is not private just in my websites (privacy Error) - Page Gets Stuck in Security Page [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Chrome gets stuck in security error page: Does not display the advanced tab(/button/paragraph) to proceed.
Attention, Attention
I have found that the best (and only) way to override Chrome is to type the phrase thisisunsafe at the Chrome generate webpage that blocks you. We have servers on an internal network which use SSL but which are not externally signed and this is the only way to get to them.
enjoy it ;)
enter chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost in chrome browser
imp: change your earlier url eg: if you have used
change it to testweb.test
now restart the server go to http://testweb.test

Apache2 webserver not displaying pages [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have this strange problem that happens whenever I go to visit any of my websites hosted on my Apache2 server. When I visit a site, chrome just downloads this file named 'download' and just displays a blank page. I opened the the file named 'download' in notepad++ and it displays the html source code to the website. Anyone know what is going on here?
You misconfigured your server: it's returning the wrong mime-type. Go find the config which came with your Apache installation and compare it with the current state to find the stuff which is broken.
