Can't open Xpages Dialog from a client-side included script - xpages

It seems the only way to open a client-side dialog is from within an embedded control which doesn't work for me. Most of my coding to populate the dialogs is contained in an external script library, yet when I try to XSP.openDialog(id) I receive a jumbled javascript error on Firebug.
I have tried
Accessing the object (an extension library dialog) directly from a button on the xpages. It opens without a problem
Calling a script function from an embedded button and passing the id of the dialog. Error.
Created a global variable containing the id of the dialog and called directly from a button. WORKS
Same global variable, but called in a javascript function. ERROR
from within script created variable with dojo.byId. ERROR
Is there something else I need to configure? Many of the buttons I will be using are also dynamically generated from a JSON-supplied feed.


Xpages - Custom property using method binding option is not showing the content

I have a custom control with around 20 custom properties. However, some of these properties need to contain code logic. This is fine, as I create the property as Type: javax.faces.el.MethodBinding and Editor: Method Binding Editor which works fine.
However, once I close the editor, click somewhere else, then click back to the custom properties of my custom control, the code has disappeared. If I look at the source code however, the logic is visible. Its a little frustrating, as whenever I want to use the editor, I need to copy my code from the source and paste back into the editor (to help with formatting, showing errors as I type etc)
Has anyone else come across this and know how to fix it, or is this just another quirk of designer?
This image shows the empty property
This image shows the property has logic in the source code

Is it possible to save a file using client side javascript in xpages

I customize my confirmation prompt using sweetAlert, I did it, now my problem is using a customize confirmation prompt, I cannot use SSJS code but I need to save a document with a file upload.
I need Help with this thanks!
My workaround for this is an XPoages button that contains the required SSJS code for saving the document. The button resides in a hidden normal DIV (style="display:none"). When executing you CSJS just refer to the clientId of that button and fire the event click() like in
function csjsAction(){

Open and pass data to a popup (new tab) from content script

I'm writing a chrome extension and have a question.
My extension has some .html page in it, let it be 'popup.html'. I inject a content script into some page and this script opens a 'popup.html' in a new tab with something like 'var p ='/popup.html'), "popup")', which works perfectly. Next, I need to pass some data to this window and I can't figure how to do it in a simple way.
For some reason I can't call child window's function from a content script with
var p ='/popup.html'), "popup");;
In the console I see Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'foo' of undefined message.
I can't pass data in a query string, because the data is simply too big.
Is there an elegant and simple way to pass data to such kind of window? I thought about messaging, but how do I effectively get tab ID of a newly opened window w/out using a background page?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I tried to inverse the logic and get a data from parent window with '' but in a newly opened tab window.opener returns null.
Ok, I found two solutions to my problem.
1) Add a background page, which opens a popup with chrome.tabs.create(). Then send a message from a content script to a background page, which re-sends it to a corresponding tab via chrome.tabs.sendMessage(). It looks a little ugly, but works.
2) A better one, w/out background page. Extension (popup) page creates a listener for long-lived connection. Then content script sends a message to this connection. A problem here is that a listener is not created right after the page is opened, so there should be a mechanism for a content script to wait until popup is loaded. It can be a simple setTimeout or a notification from popup via same long-lived connection.
If anyone has a better solution I'd gladly check it out as well.

switch to chrome extension page without the tabs permission

I'm writing an extension for chrome that shows a results page when a user enters a query from the popup.
I would like subsequent queries to use the existing results page rather than opening new ones.
I used chrome.extension.getViews({'type':'tab'}) to get the currently opened extension pages and to pass the query to a javascript function in the open page.
The issue I'm having is switching to that page without requiring the 'tabs' permission.
This snippet of code works well from the background page.
chrome.tabs.update(, {selected: true});
However, tabs.getCurrent requires the 'tabs' permission. Is there a way to do this without the tabs permission?
I could use chrome.tabs.update but I don't know how to get the tab id from the view object returned from chrome.extension.getViews.
I'm fairly certain this can't be done without the tabs permission. You have correctly identified that chrome.tabs.update is the function you need, but without the tabs permission, it can only operate on the currently selected tab by provifing a null tab ID argument. Since you can't supply tab IDs in chrome.tabs.update without permission, switching between tabs is not possible.
/edit: As appsilers mentioned, not really doable.
If you can instead use chrome.tabs.create() to open the required tab, it will also return its tab id upon creation.
Otherwise the only way is to plast a global inside the target context and use chrome.extension.getViews() to identify the target and call a focus-stealing function, like alert(). But I'd advise against, since it's more like a hack and there isn't really a guarantee this functionality will keep stable between builds.

Custom Control datasource use in Xpage

How can I use a custom control datasource (named doc) in XPage Application layout?
I need to control read mode and edit mode through the basic node of the place bar.
When I put the code doc.isEditable() in the rendered property, the following error is display in the browser:
Error while executing JavaScript computed expression
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=6: [ReferenceError] 'doc' not found
JavaScript code
I am new to Xpage.
Can you post some code? not entirely sure what you mean.
Generally the best place to define a data source is at the top of the XPage so that every control beneath it has access to it. If your defining a data source after your trying to query it you would get an error like this
