How to dynamically change the TableLayout in 1.x -

I have an page containing a table built by TableLayout. It is similar with the example shown on the official demo site. (link) The only thing different is I have combo box, textbox inside those Cells, not just a bunch of panels.
Now, there is the need to dynamically hide some textboxes based on the selection of a combobox. What I have done is to set up the combobox to AutoPostBack="true" OnValueChanged="comboboxname_OnValueChanged" .
In that code-behind method comboboxname_OnValueChanged, I check the selected value and do a textboxname.Visible="false". Then I got the unexpected: the whole Cell that contains that textbox is removed. And my whole table is messed up!
Then my guess is that the Cell must remain in place to occupy the position. My next try is:
here, the index 5 is the table cell with the textbox I want to hide. and emptyLabel is an ext.Label which displays nothing. Unfortunately it does not work.
My third try is to build an empty cell first. then,
mytablelayout.Cells.Insert(5, emptyCell);
I found RemoveAt(5) can be successfully executed, which again messed up my table because the next cell just moves from its supposed place. But the Insert(5, emptyCell) just never did what I want.
Now I am really at my wit's end. Can any expert give some advice? How did you manipulate the Cells in a TableLayout?
Thank you for any helpful input.

make a CSS class with display none.
.myClass {
display: none;
set the textbox cls property to the CSS class made earlier
textboxname.cls = "myClass";


How to have content shown next to a table with hidden rows excel

I have a table with dropdowns that will hide certain rows. To the right of this table, I want to have some content, but can't do this as it will be hidden when these dropdowns are selected. I currently have the content to the bottom right of the sheet and have tried splitting the screen to have them both showing but this does not work either. Any ideas on how I can have the two showing side by side? Thanks!
I've gotten around this by using Text Boxes. After creating the text box, change the properties to "do not move or size".
In the picture below, there are two text boxes.
-- The first one is just static text that you copy/paste in there. This works fine as long as you have the same info displayed all the time.
-- The second one has the ability to be somewhat dynamic, where it references the contents of another cell. That cell can be anywhere (this sheet, another sheet, doesn't matter). So in this example...
Cell L1 formula: =TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10), TRUE,E1:E3)
Textbox formula: =Sheet4!L1
No matter how you filter/hide, those text boxes won't move.

When the all cells are editable, unable to select row

Neither select-row work nor row-click works when the cell are editable. Anyway to get row selected?
If I click inbetween the cells then it works but it's not practicle click small space inbetween cells.
You really need to show an example of what you are trying to do. A JSFiddle would be helpful. Still if I'm following correctly what you want to add to your table layout is:
"Row Handle
The handle formatter fills the cell with hamburger bars, to be used as a row handle
{title:"Example", field:"example", formatter:"handle"}"

excel show custom vlookup tooltip/popup/comment on over cell

Hope you could help, don't know if its possible.
I'm using Excel to create a layout with some ID's in that layout.
Since it's a layout, I can't just show all information needed as it's too much, so, I would like with a click in that cell or when mouse hover it shows a tooltip/comment with a custom vlookup that search that ID in another sheet. When the user click in a empty cell or takes mouse point to an empty cell the tooltip/comment disappear.
Already make some searches but couldn't find anything. Any suggestions in how to achieve this?

CKEditor: Tabletools doesnt remember my properties

ive installed CKEditor on my website with the tabletools Plugins from here: Everything but the tabletool dialog works well.
For example: I have edited my table cell width to 33.333% and hit ok. A few minutes later I wanted to set a background color on that table cell, but unfortunatly the width (and all the other changes ive made in that dialog) was empty. That means that i cant make any further changes to that cell if i dont want to fill all the other again. Does anyone knows if this is intended and if their are any solutions to get the fields filled again?
I'm pretty certain that next time you (unconsciously) select different table cells than previously. Unfortunately it's not visible, because browsers render selections in tables poorly. For example selection may be extended to contain beginning of next cell and in such case you will see only selection in the first cell.
To make sure that on right click selection won't overflow current cell make sure to click in the middle of the text. Or, if you mistakenly opened dialog for two table cells (then width of first cell won't be loaded into the dialog), just set the values you want to change and editor won't reset those values which you haven't filled.

Default look of editable table cells in JavaFX

I would like to have first column in my table editable. That works fine. However table looks normal and only when I click on the editable cell, it looks like input box. I would like to have this look of inputbox as default on every editable column in my table, so user knows right away which cell he is able to modify and which one he cannot. I figured I will have to modify caspian.css, but I couldn't find anything there. Is there easier, programmatic way to do this?
You need to set the cellFactory of your column, inside it you can specify what you want by default on your cell by setting is graphics
and here
