How to distribute .bar files through my website? - web

Is it possible to provide distribution of bar files like in previous versions?
I distributed cod files within my webpage/website by clicking on single link to download. How can i distribute the application in similar way (without contacting blackberry app world)
I cant find the respective mime type for distribution and I can not find any relevant links to distribute the bar files. I have gone through this link, but it deals with the app world.
Is there a way to distribute the bar file to my client without submitting my app to blackberry app world?

If you provide a singed BAR file to customers or beta testers they can 'side load' the BAR file to their devices using either the official development tool sets from BlackBerry, or one of a number of utilities developed by the side loading community. The devices have to be placed in developmer mode to install the BAR, but if the BAR is fully signed they can be taken out of developer mode afterwards.
There is no equivalent to downloading a JAD/COD file set from BBOS


How to add another directory list into ZAP for force browsing

I'm using ZAP for pen testing. I would like to add another directory list directory-list-2.3-big.txt into ZAP to solve the Premium Wall Challenge for Juice Shop. How would I go about doing this?
Btw I have checked the marketplace, it did not show directory-list-2.3-big.txt, only Directorylist V1.0.
The directory-list lists are available as add-ons for ZAP. Just hit up the marketplace and install them.
You can get details on available add-ons here:
Of course you can also use any text file with the Fuzzer or Forced Browse functionality.

How to permanently display the Touch Bar from one specific app when running?

I've developed an app based on NodeJS with Electron for a web agency and try to extend it to the touch bar functionality of the MacBook Pro.
Developers launch the app once, which then automatically starts various processes in the background, such as compiling SASS files, optimizing images, etc.
Typically, these developers work with programs such as SublimeText or Atom. However, it often happens that the app expects user input during programming or inserts hints to optimize the code. I would like to display these things in the Touch Bar so that the user does not have to switch between the apps during programming. Unfortunately, the touch bar view of my app is hidden when switching to SublimeText or another app and replaced by the current app in the foreground.
Is there a way to display an app's specific touch bar while the app is running (even hidden) permanently without replacing it? I wonder if that is at least natively possible?
I couldn't find any information about this on the Electron documentary or somewhere elseā€¦
Thank you in advance!

multi monitor public information display (4 monitor / each with one chrome/firefox window)

I've 4 monitors connected to a pc running CentOS 7. Each physical monitor/display should show a website in full screen and auto refresh it every x seconds.
I've tried:
opening from bash and moving with xdotool -> how can I distinguish between the 4 chrome or firefox windows? If I don't do it and apply to the last active this might become unreliable with other programs open.
researched devilspie, seems it has the same problem (can't distinguish between multiple chrome/firefox windows)
using DISPLAY variable -> does only find one display 0.0 -> does not work with extended workspace, contacted developer
I've only a xrandr bash script to rearrange the displays when they become connected (three of four may be switched off to save power).
I would use a firefox/chrome add on for the auto refresh functionality.
Maybe someone can give me a hint how to reliably do this?
In addition to the "easy auto refresh" chrome plugin. I have another idea for you, why not use a chrome extension for handling the positioning.
It is of course, only for chrome(maybe thats fine for you).
Background: We had related difficulties. Internal webapp that opens multiple documents in windows, and need to be placed in other monitors.
The javascript does not support this, for security reasons and only a native extension can properly work with the tabs/windows objects.
Therefore, we have created an open source chrome extension for doing exactly that: flexible windows position across multi-monitor setups.
In your case you can define for each monitor a website-rule that the window would appear there.
The chrome extension is called "MultiWindow Positioner" and its complete free. You can get it at the chrome store here
The actual source code you find in github in the project chrome-multiwindow-positioner
Disclaimer: I am the maintainer of the open source (MIT) github project. If there any interesting idea, or comments feel free to share them here.

Localhost code editor in Google Chrome tab - like Notepad++?

I looked into very many Google Chrome extensions and apps in order to find one that matches the following requirements:
runs in a Google Chrome tab
editor for any code, PHP, CSS, HTML
can load and save files (on my computer) and create new ones
works with local files on my computer
Is there any? kodingen, cloud9, shiftedit does not seem to make it on the localhost.
Maybe SourceKit will do?
SourceKit is an extension to your Google Chrome browser which runs in a separate tab. The files are stored in your Dropbox account, so not only can you access the files from your computer - you can access them from anywhere! It uses syntax highlighting like Notepad++ for a limited number of languages (you said php, css, and html - they are all supported). It can load, save, and edit text files locally on your computer if you install the Dropbox Desktop Application. This will also synchronize the files with your online account and thereby make them accessible from anywhere in the world.
That sounded more like a salesman's advertisement than intended.
Both Dropbox and SourceKit are free.
There are four catches as far as I can see:
Dropbox "only" offers 2GB for free, however, you can upgrade at any time if you're willing to pay.
Dropbox Desktop will only synchronize one folder (and all of its contents), but that's really not any different from a web site.
SourceKit will not debug your code, but will it highlight wrong syntax(only for certain languages).
EDIT Does not work offline.
I've tried it out, and it works well.
Sympathy Editor
Sympathy uses the npapi-file-io plugin mentioned in an answer above to allow you to edit local files.
Allows you to edit local files
Full syntax highlighting
Bookmark local files for easy access
Uses npapi plugin to read files, which means it has access to all your data
Unavailable on Chrome Webstore
Still under development
Only works on linux/windows as of the moment (not in mac)
If you are interested, you can see the README, or Manual on github.
Disclosure: I'm the primary developer of the extension.
Don't any of these extensions you have mentioned work with the file:/// protocol? They will work for the http:// protocol only if you are going to edit files inside your local webserver.
Instead of writing http://localhost/(...) you write file:///(...), where (...) is the full path.
In UNIX systems it is file:///home/jens/file.txt. In Windows it should be file:///C:\(...).
#Berk Demirkir may be right.
Here are the resources I found that may be of use;
32 Google Chrome Extensions For Smart Designers
Chrome Web Developer Tools No. 7 on the above list
There's no extension for editing local files.
But you can write one!
Acesses to local filesystem cannot be done using Chrome's Extension API.
But you can use HTML5's File API (which is draft) or Local Storage. If none of these storage methods sufficient for you, you can build a NPAPI Plugin. Chrome supports NPAPI Plugins. There's also a project called npapi-file-io in Google Code which aims to access local files from Google Chrome Extension context.
Now, there's one usable editor, Symphaty. You can use Capt.Nemo's Symphaty editor.
Edit 2:
NPAPI plugins are phased out from Chrome since version 42. The only alternative would be to use a wrapper native app and communicate using Native Messaging API.
ShiftEdit can be used to work locally, you will need to have XAMPP or equivalent installed.

Lauch external program in firefox or chrome

We have a custom web app in our intranet that allow users to browse and search our shared file system in a way more appropriate for our organization. as compared to windows explorer/mac finder. However, when the users click on, for example, a link pointing to a word document the document is downloaded by the browser and then opened. I am trying to provide a better way, namely that the file is opened directly from the shared folder that each user has mapped in his own computer. This will make things faster and will not pollute the browser download folder.
I was planning to create a chrome or firefox extension that recognizes certain css class attached to a link, remaps the link to the shared file system and and launch an external process. Any idea how to achieve this? Is there a better solution?
If you want the URL to be handled by a custom program you could create special URLs using a custom Protocol (ex: MyApp:// instead of http://) and then register that protocol to be opened via a custom program. The links would only work on computers that have your program installed and where the protocol has been registered to be handled by your application.
