How to hide video.js player - hide

I am using video.js player and I am having some troubles with it.
I would like to hide the player when a button is clicked. Currently, I simply hide the video object (identified by its id) with JS by modifying the CSS property, the problem is that the controls bar stays visible, which is not proper.
So, what can I do to hide the player (and the control bar) after cliking on a button ?

You can hide control bar with this css
.vjs-control-bar { display:none!important; }
and click button for hide the player
<input type="button" id="hidevideo" onclick="hideVideo();" value="hide video">
javascript code
function hideVideo()
var videoid =document.getElementsByClassName("vjs-control-bar");
videoid[0].style.setProperty("display", "none", "important");
Code on JSFiddle


Add Nav buttons on left hand side of Navigation bar

I have a Xamarin page with a Navigation bar at the top.
I keep changing the views on the page with some button clicks, but the page remains the same.
What I need is, when I load a new view (say View A) on this page, I want to add a Back button on the top Nav bar of the page.
I saw some forums where they are using Custom page renderers to add Back button.
But here, the page remains the same. Only the view changes. So, I guess I need to use the custom view renderer to add the Navigation button.
How can I achieve this, as NavigationController which I need to add a Nav button is present in Page renderers, not View renderers.
I need some help.
UIBarButtonItem customButton = new UIBarButtonItem(
(sender, e) =>{
NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = customButton;
this.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem.TintColor = UIColor.Orange;

align magnific popup to the top of the page

On a PC my Magnific popup works perfectly. However, on smaller screens the popup displays in the middle of the screen forcing the user to have to scroll down to find displayed image. Is there a way of aligning the image in the popup to the top of the page?
Have you tried the alignTop config property?
alignTop : true,
items : { /*your items here*/ }

jqModal popup does not opens

I'm using drupal 6 form, and ahah for ajax form submit. On form submit I perform some validation and allows user to choose options that display on jqModal popup.
JS script that I'm using for jqm popup is:
$(document).ready(function() {
and uses tag to open the jqm popup
Choose option
<div class="jqmWindow" id="dialog">
<h2 id="modalHeading">Select one</h2>
<form> form values</form>
Instead of opening popup window, it changes the url by adding # at the end.
Same code is working fine on the other page of my website.
jqModal.js file is included to the page on pageload.
The default trigger is any element with a class of "jqModal", so your anchor element (Choose option) is correct and ought to show the modal when clicked.
Is anything showing up in the javascript console of the page?
Perhaps there's another javascript function that's preventing the click event from bubbling? The .click() events are assigned in a FILO (first-in, last-out) manner, so if another click event return false, the jqModal assigned event may never get called.
You can also be explicit and try;
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#dialog").jqm({trigger: false});

How can I scroll the browser window?

I am validating my form using an extension pages dialog box. I popup the dialog box with the error message when the user needs to correct input.
The dialog box has an OK button that closes the dialog box and sets focus to the field that needs to be corrected.
var ef = dojo.byId(errorField);
This is working great except......
I have a group of buttons and a bunch of other components that float to the top of the form.
They are inside a panel with the following CSS.
.PNCToolBar2 {
What is happening is that if the failing field is scrolled up under the "button bar" then the browser scrolls a bit to try to get the button into focus but not enough. Depending on how the user had their browser scrolled on the form, all or part of the field in error might still be hidden by the button bar.
Is there a way to first know if the field is at the top of the browser window under the bar and then scoll a bit if it is to make the field appear? If so how?
If the DOM node represented by ef is not currently on the screen, Dojo will scroll just enough so that it will be.
More info on this method
using javascript you can use the scrollTo() method

How do I move a widget around on the screen?

I have a Menu widget that I want to display whenever the user clicks on specific dom elements, but I don't want a MenuBar. What's the best way to do this? I've tried attaching click handlers to the relevant DOM elements and having the click handler display the Menu, but I can only get it to display the Menu in the area where the original declarative markup would have been rendered. I can't get it to move at all. I'm attempting to use, 'top', calculatedTop) (and the equivalent with 'left'). What (obvious thing) am I missing?
Since you are using the dijit's default menu widget, I would think that you just need to specify the property targetNodeIds on the Menu Widget (reference) to define where the context menu is relevant:
targetNodeIds (Defined by dijit.Menu)
Array of dom node ids of nodes to attach to. Fill this with nodeIds upon widget creation and it becomes context menu for those nodes.
To get the popup showing on left click I believe you'd want to use the property leftClickToOpen:
// leftClickToOpen: [const] Boolean
// If true, menu will open on left click instead of right click, similiar to a file menu.
//defaults to false
leftClickToOpen: false,
Specifying this declaratively would look like:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.Menu" data-dojo-props="targetNodeIds: ['nodeId1','nodeId2','nodeId3'], leftClickToOpen:true"
style="display: none;">
<!-- Your content here -->
