Good customization tutorials for Dynamics CRM that are NOT sales driven - dynamics-crm-2011

I'm brand new to Dynamics CRM and have been asked to see if this is a viable replacement for the employee tracking software we're using now (AlexSys Team 2 Pro). We're not so much of a sales based company as the tutorials i see for CRM focus on. I know CRM is more for customer relations and sales tracking but i also know it's highly customizable and can do what i need it to do. I need something that keeps track of how many new tasks have been created and how many have been done and to show a graph or a report with the results. I've looked at some PluralSight videos and some windows videos but they all seem to focus on and really push the use of its sales side usability. We do sell our product here (i work at a software development company) but we need something that isn't focused on sales and is usable to management for tracking progress. So for example, lets say im aksed to do 4 things(tasks), I do 2 of those things and am in the process of handling my 3rd. I'm not a sales agent, lets say im a programmer, I need CRM to be able to show my manager that I had 4 new tasks, completed 2, and if possible to show that im in the process of working on the 3rd. AlexSys Team gives you different options for what state the task is in, such as In-Process and Completed but it does poorly when it comes to reporting. Are there any good places to learn how to do that in CRM, we are not using a partner and will not have someone coding this or changing this for us, i will possibly be the one working on that so i need something that can help show me how to customize it without constantly talking about sales. Im off to watch more PluralSight videos but maybe a user here knows of somewhere better to learn from or maybe just a specific PluralSight video i may have missed. Thanks for any input.

Dynamics CRM is as you've discovered very customisable and will almost certainly meet the requirements you've described. Whether it is the correct choice only you can decide.
YouTube is a really good resource for CRM videos, you can also take a look at the CRM 2011 Technical Training Videos on Channel 9 produced when the product was first released. These give a high level overview of CRM 2011 technical capabilities.
You may want to look at the basics of Activities ( in particular Tasks ) and Queues. Make sure you're clear on the usage of Status and Status Reason and how you can customise them. For reporting you can either use the built-in dashboard capabilities or create your own SSRS reports using BIDS that can be hosted within CRM. The process of producing these reports whilst subtlety different will be easily understood by anyone with some some basic SSRS skills.
I'd recommend enlisting the help of a partner in the first instance even if it's to just verify your initial design. The overall cost of their time in relation to the install and running costs of CRM won't be too significant and they may even be able to save you some money.

I'm not sure of a better place for videos, but I can speak to CRM's ability to serve as a rapid application development platform and the areas it excels. It allows you to create new fields and entities (think Database Tables) without touching a database, as well as customize forms, roles, and security with 0 code. You can also sign up for a free months trial online to setup a quick Proof of Concept.
There is so much that it can do, and do quickly, that your company may be better served to seek outside help, resulting in a better product, delivered quicker, with less overall costs than trying to do everything "in-house".


SharePoint Strategy

This is more general question - I was asked to come up with a document called "SharePoint Strategy", which should descibe (or maybe it's better to say suggest) general company strategy for handling SharePoint in the future. And by handling I mean mainly:
how we manage and support current instance (which is SharePoint Online custom solution provided by external company)
how we evolve current instance with new solutions / features (we have some development skills in the company - 1 dev), so I think the question is how we manage, develop, deploy and support custom solutions
I would be grateful if you can share your experience in this kind of work (if you've had chance to write documents like this or you were part of the discussions). Any idea where I should start?
Your question is not a good fit for this site for "enthusiast programmers", but you raise an important issue that I'd rather try to address than shut down.
What you are after is called a SharePoint Governance Plan.
Nobody can tell your company how your company should be using SharePoint. You will need to work that out amongst yourselves. If you have been asked to come up with a document, you've really drawn the short straw. Because you won't be able to write that document on your own. But you can look at SharePoint governance guidance and sample governance plans and work out from there what decisions your company needs to make, what your company wants to achieve and where your company wants to go.
The Governance Plan helps to document where you are now, where you want to be in the near future, and maybe a few tactical steps to map out how to get there.
The samples and articles you can discover when you google SharePoint Governance Plan sample will only be a starting point. The hard bit comes after you realize that your company needs to make a few decisions, which are above your pay grade, but you may not know who should make them. You will need to collect representatives of the business in a Governance Committee, and they will contribute to the SharePoint road map and the governance plan.
If you work in IT, chances are that you will find it very hard to get the commitment from the business to contribute time and effort to this whole Governance spiel. They just want SharePoint to work and expect the IT department to magically mind-read and automatically apply whatever they need without spending time to detail the requirements.
A SharePoint Governance plan is a little bit like a business plan. It includes vision, goals, strategy and tactics and it cannot be written by one person's efforts alone. It has to be a team exercise.
Try this article for a start:
Edit: If the document is supposed to shed light on difficult decisions, you can present different approaches for each of the scenarios along with pros and cons for the approach.
For example:
Challenge: Developing custom solutions in SharePoint
Option 1: hire external developers
Pros: no need to recruit and/or
train in-house staff
Cons: more expensive, also hard to tell if externals have the knowledge to do the job
Option 2: employ developers
Pros: working full time in-house, easy to manage, cheaper
Cons: hard to recruit, difficult to judge applicant skills in advance
Option 3: do nothing
Pros: don't have to make a decision, phewww!!
Cons: Nothing gets done, arghh!
Again, the point here is that it is not you who has to make the decision. You present options and the business representatives evaluate the options and make a decision, which will then be documented in the next version of the governance plan. The governance plan is not set in stone. It changes all the time. It is a living document about how the business wants to use SharePoint.
Things change. That's a given.
The Governance Plan tries to define how things should be handled with the current information.
The Governance Committee meets regularly to review the Governance Plan and they can change the plan.
The whole idea here is that the Plan comes from what the business wants, not what a poor single soul in IT has been tasked to dream up.

Can Hotel management done in sharepoint?

My question is
Can I use sharepoint 2013 to make a hotel management program ??
if there is a way could you please tell me where to begin ?
I expect that it could. However, I wouldn't recommend it unless it is the ONLY tool available and you have no budget for anything more suitable.
I would expect there to be many options for dedicated Hotel Management suites but SharePoint is a GENERAL tool for business information management and is difficult to bend into any specific shape.
If you absolutely have to use SP. I would start by looking at what information you need to capture and manage to help run the hotel. Prioritise the information so that you know where to begin first.
Then see if there are any elements that lend themselves to being managed in fairly simple lists. As a rule of thumb, if you are reaching for a spreadsheet to manage information lists then you can readily transfer that to one or more custom lists in SharePoint.
Be warned though that you will very quickly be wishing hard for a SharePoint developer and these don't come cheap.
Alternatively, a quick google for "Hotel Management Suite" turned up a number of cloud-based systems specifically for doing that.
Either way, the first thing to do is to carefully document the business requirements needed to successfully run a hotel. Don't look for a technical solution first as that rarely works well. Know what you need first. That way you will be less likely to be led astray by "shiny things" or clever marketing.

Replacement or Migration strategy for Excel/Access

Is there a way of offering the flexibility of Excel/Access development that end users love while instilling centralised IT management so data and logic is secure, backed up, version controlled etc. The common options are to re-write in C#/ASP.Net/Java/Python/Your Choice, but that takes away control from the users. Is there a better way, and what do you do at your site?
There is a universal issue of users creating fantastically useful Excel/Access mini-apps that the IT department would like to bring under control. Users love the flexibility that Excel affords, especially on the fly changes, graphing and data import/export. In Access we have brilliant QBE. The downside is that after a short while there are legions of out of control spreadsheets/mdbs which are mission critical, with lots poorly understood business logic, and brittle code, they're a pain to support especially as staff move on.
This puts the IT dept in an awkward spot, they'd like to support these apps, but don't know enough about them. This is made more difficult as they are typically insecure with zero documentation.
Having been of both sides of the fence I would go after the root cause of the problem. Why do uses make their own little apps? Because it is too hard/expensive/time consuming/never turns out right when they go through the “proper” channels.
The other thing is they tend to know the business very well so whilst their coding might not be very good their knowledge of what needs doing is very good.
So what can we do to combat this problem? I personally think their should be a small team of people within IT whose job (or one of their jobs) is to develop these small applications. They should work very closely with the end users and not be locked in the ivory tower of IT.
In my current role I’m on the non-IT side of the fence, I have a few quite major applications that needed to be developed so I asked for an install of visual studio and some space on an SQL server. I had my request denied. So I just asked for SQL server space, again request denied (each request taking about a week to go through) So in the end I’m “stuck” in access.
Now these are very nice access apps with version control, comments in the (shock!) and all the other nice things but at the end of the day I was trying to do things the “right” way and ended up being forced down the access route. So when my apps try to get scaled up and I’m quoting a long time for a rewrite who is to blame?
Have you considered looking at SharePoint for department-level applications? Many professional developers will balk at the idea of using Sharepoint for "application development," but it truthfully can be a great way for "power users" to start putting their data and tools in a managed framework.
With SharePoint, you can manage the overall structure of the site and then set up users with elevated permissions within their respective departments. There are some great 3rd-party tools to help with keeping an eye on what's going on in your SharePoint site.
SharePoint is not a silver bullet by any means, but it is great for many multi-user applicatinos that need to keep up with a list of data.
(The following is not really related to my above answer, but your question really hit home and I thought I'd share my similar experiences and insights.)
Our company will be going through a similar process in the near future. I'm on the "end user" side of things and can sympathize with a lot of what Kevin Ross said. Sometimes Access and Excel are simply the best tools available for me to get the job done.
Here's an example: I was asked several years ago to come up with a system for creating Purchase Orders to a vendor in China for product for which there is a 3 month lead time. Our ERP software had a few features for procurement, but nothing that even came close to the complexity of the situation we were facing. Years later, after going through several iterations of the application in Excel (VLOOKUP was a lifesaver), Access ("So that is why people using relational databases. Awesome!), and back in Excel ("let's not make this so complicated"), I still find that these Micorosft Office apps are the best tools to get the job done.
What's the cost to not use these tools to get the job done?
Contract work to our ERP vendor to add a special feature for this ordering process: are you kidding me? We'd likely pay tens of thousands of dollars for an unflexible monolithic application with horrendous user experience...and we would still end up back in Excel.
Buy third party software designed for this exact process: I've seen an on-site demo of software that does exactly what I want for our procurement process. It starts at $100,000. There are probably other tools that we can get for a few thousand dollars, but at that price point, I've already emulated most of their features in my own application.
Try to finish the job "by hand." : Ha! I'm a programmer at heart, which means I'm lazy. If it takes a solid week of sitting at a desk to work up a purchase order (it actually did take this long), you can bet I'm going to work up a solution so that it only takes me a few hours (and now it does). Perhaps the guy after me will go back to doing most of it by hand, but I'll use the tools in my toolbox to save myself time and stress.
It's so hard to find the perfect application to allow for maximum creativity on the user end but still allow IT to "manage" it. Once you think you've found a solution for one thing, you realize it doesn't do something else. Can I write I printable report in this solution like I used to do in Access? Can I write complicated Excel formulas that tie multiple data sources together from different sheets ("You want me to learn what? No, I've never heard of a "SQuirreL query" before. VLOOKUP is just fine thankyouvermuch)? Can I e-mail the results to the people in my department? Can it automatically pull data from our back-end database like I do in Excel and Access? Can I write my own code, VBA or otherwise, to make my job easier? The list goes on.
In the end, the best advice I can give to any IT manager in your situation is to respect the other workers at your company. Let them know their work is important (even if it's only useful to them and the guy at the next desk over). Let them know you are not trying to make their job harder. Don't assume they are morons for creating mission-critical applications in office productivity software; they are just trying to get the job done with the tools at hand and are usually quite capable and intelligent people. Invite them to explore different solutions with you instead of just removing the tools they currently have in their toolbox and then replacing them with ones they don't know how to use.
At the end of the day, if you have users who are smart enough to shoot themselves in the foot by creating complicated apps in Excel and Access, they are probably smart enough to learn to use the appropriate tools to accomplish the same tasks. Invest the time and energy to involve them in the process and you will have a solution that works for everyone at the end.
You could try a hybrid approach: Allow your users to use Excel/Access to home-brew their own, specialized tools, but take the mission-critical stuff and put it under IT control. There are a few strategies that could help you with this:
Make sure that your IT department is firm on VBA. Not the "yeah-everybody-can-write-a-few-lines-of-basic" type of knowledge, but in-depth training, just like you would if it were a less simple programming language. Although "real programmers" will tell you otherwise, it is possible to write large, stable applications in VBA.
If you currently have the data in Access databases, move away from that and migrate it to an SQL Server. This allows you to do centralized backup and management, while still giving your power users the flexibility to "link" these SQL Server tables to their Access frontend.
Commonly used business logic should be under control of your IT department. This can be done either with VBA, by creating an Access library that is linked by your users, or in any of the .net languages, using COM interop. The latter sounds more complicated than it is, and it will increase the satisfaction of your IT department, since developing in .net is just much more rewarding than VBA (version control possible, etc.).
I would second one of Kevin Ross's main points:
I personally think their should be a
small team of people within IT whose
job (or one of their jobs) is to
develop these small applications. They
should work very closely with the end
users and not be locked in the ivory
tower of IT.
I think any IT department that has a lot of users using Access/Excel should have at least one properly trained and experienced specialist in developing apps on those platforms. That person would be the go-between to make sure that:
IT's priorities and policies get properly implemented in the home-grown apps.
the end users get expert help in converting their home-grown efforts into something more stable and well-designed.
I would second Tony's point that whoever works with the end users in revising these apps to meet IT standards should work side-by-side with the users. The Access/Excel specialist should be an advocate for the end users, but also for the IT policies that have to be followed.
I also think that an IT department could have a specialist or two on staff, but should also have a full-time professional Access and/or Excel developer as a consultant, since the on-staff people could probably handle day-to-day issues and management of the apps, while the professional consultant could be called in for planning and architecture and for the implementation of more complex feature sets.
But all of that would depend on the size of the organization and the number of apps involved. I don't know that it would be desirable to have someone on salary who is nothing but an Access/Excel specialist, precisely because of the problem you get with all salaried employees compared to consultants -- the employees don't see as wide a variety of situations as an active consultant with the same specialization is likely to see and thus the consultant is going to have broader experience.
Of course, I recognize that many companies do not like to outsource anything, or not something that important. I think that's unwise, but then again, I'm the person that gets hired by the people who decide to do it!
If it's mission critical, and it's in Access or Excel, is built poorly, and no one understands it, it is probably time to rebuild it properly.
When the 'users' are in control it usual means one particular person is in control of the architecture, design, coding and documentation... except they normally omit the documentation step. Source control and bug reporting, the touchstone of software development, is usually absent. Few instances of code reuse, due to the nature of Office apps (code modules usually embedded into documents) and VBA (little OOP, most VBA coders don't use Implements, etc). All this means that the resulting applications are not subject to get proper scrutiny and quality can suffer, meaning there are likely to be maintenace issues, escpecially when that one user leaves. I know because I used to be that person ;)
So in order to satisfy the IT department, the proper process needs to be applied. That one 'power' user can continue to own the design and coding but will get peer review, perhaps the serivces of a technical author and a dedicated tester, be required to use source control, perhaps consider integrating with enterprise systems, etc.
There is no getting around the use of Excel/Access. It's what's available, and still very powerful and flexible. The best thing to do is offer some guidelines as to how files should look and be set up. If everyone is using similar standards then the files will live longer and more productive lives, beyond the creator's tenure at the company.
You've got some excellent answers regarding dealing with the folks and the business side of things. So my response will be more technical.
If you are going to redesign the app have the developers work in the same offices as the users. Given the users updates every day or two. If the users have any minor suggestions give those to the users within a day or two. Ultra Frequent Application Deployment
Give the power users an Access MDB/ACCDB linked to the tables with a bunch of starter queries. Let them create the queries they need to export the data to Excel for their own purposes and distribution to clients.

Need technology recommendation/suggestion

My company is in need of a task management system to handle scenarios as simple as "Purchase a computer for X" to "Relocate a person to another country". The simple scenarios are a single tasks handled by a single person, whereas bigger tasks can be broken down into multiple sub tasks delegated to multiple people during the workflow. Additionally the clients and vendors need their own views into the process.
We are evaluating different solutions from a custom application built on Workflow Foundation to SharePoint to BPM products like Metastorm and BPM.Net.
Here's my current understanding of these solutions:
Workflow Foundation - Low level workflow designer and/or library with no host environment. It seems we would have to reinvent some wheels if we went this route such as fault tolerance and document management. Some of the answers on stack also cause concerns such as the lack of versioning and a complete overhaul for VS10/.NET 4.0
SharePoint - Built for document management and collaboration but trying to create advanced workflows and tasking on top of that seems like a hack. Plus all workflows have to be tied to either documents or lists. I cant envision how a list (or list of lists) can address this issue.
BPM products - Mature workflow engine at a seemingly high price. BPM.Net is the only solution for which I could find some level of technical detail but im still not sure how different developing against this product would be from developing against Workflow Foundation.
Are there any workflow engines dedicated to solving all the workflow pains that can be easily deployed with their own hosting environment and initiated through a webservice?
Are there any other options I am missing?
Thanks in advance.
To answer the questions below the workflow needs are pretty light. Basic routing of tasks to approvers and subcontractors.
Whats driving us too look deeper than PM software is the nature of the business not the need for advanced workflow. We are basically in the business of procuring goods and services through subcontractors for our clients which can also include full employee relocation. The interface of the package should reflect this by being customer branded as well as intuitive for this line of business.
Basically if im moving my family to the other side of the world Im not sure i'd want to interface with Jira or Sharepoint or any other PM software to facilitate this.
If you are on Microsoft stack I would definitely recommend SharePoint for this scenario. As it seems to be very simple you can go with Windows SharePoint Services edition because it is free and it has everything you need.
You are right when you say that ShartePoint workflow are bit limited. IMHO the best way to overcome that limitation is to purchase Nintex workflow to create your workflows. It is cost effective solution that can help you design workflows you need.
You can find workflow samples inside the product (as workflow templates) and on the web site.
Nothing you mentioned has much to do with workflow. You're just doing project management. If that's the case, a simple bug tracker (like FogBugz! ;) would work - but if you're going to show it externally, it may not be the most professional presentation.
The closest off the shelf solution I can think of would be Project Server - though, depending on the number of projects and project managers, the desktop Project with a sync to a webserver for client views may be enough.
If that's overkill - because your projects don't require a lot of resource scheduling, Gantt charts, or other PM artifacts - you can take something like Trac and replace "bug" with "task". ;) (Seriously though, that'd probably get you 90% of the way there.....)
Have you looked at RT? I believe it can handle all your requirements, including that it's designed to let customers interact with the system by email, rather than having to log into the website. If you've emailed IT support desks then you've probably interacted with it without knowing... You can also completely customise the web interface and allow customer access.
Can't vouch for the quality as I haven't used it, but I did watch an online-demo video of Intalio, which has BPM and workflow capabilities.
We use Basecamp to control this sort of "task management" stuff. I'm not sure if it fits your needs totally, as it's a little light on the document management side, but it has a web service (REST) API, customer / vendor facing components, and basic interaction / chat capabilities.
The best part about it is that the API is simple enough where you can offload a lot of the "management" for it to admin support personnel, like assistants and interns, by providing custom scripts. If you've got people who aren't programmers using it you'll probably have better luck with it than even something like Trac or FogBugz.
I have/am going through a similar process. We wanted a lightweight workflow for internal use by our sales team. Most of the third party apps we looked at ,K2 and Skelta BPM.Net in particular, looked way over the top for what we needed. I'm now 2 months into working with Windows Workflow Foundation 3.0 and I have to say it isn't the most pleasant coding experience I've had.
If your workflows will truely be simple then it is pretty easy to build a workflow and hook it up to some web pages for the UI. But if you need to be able to change it on the fly, or do versioning (ie the user says we want another step added, then its a whole lot of hacking to get it to work - and it only works if you limit your workflow to being really simple), then you are in for a fair bit of work. And forget about it if you use an Oracle database.
The next version of windows workflow will have it's own runtime environment, code name dublin, with will provide a WCF interface into the workflows.
If your timeframe allows you could use that.
For information on Dublin and the next version of WF see:
My vote is for FogBugz. Unless I am missing something in your requirements, why would you want to reinvent the wheel by using a code based workflow solution where you have to code up the flows yourself when you can use a perfectly good project dependency solution like FB or even MS Project Server - which lets you create nice dependencies for resources and people.
Check FileNet
FileNet is expensive but makes a good job with content and process management, but I guess is not what you are looking for.
We use Captaris Workflow, it is pretty good but it may be expensive for your needs.

Best practices when using Sharepoint as a Scrum communication tool [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Right now, our teams are using a combination of a bulletin board and an excel spreadsheet to keep track of tasks and to draw a burndown chart. Backlogs are keep on index cards in envelopes.
This works well when the stakeholders are in the same location. However, we will soon have Scrum teams in two geographically distant locations and I am looking for best practices on how we can leverage Sharepoint to help us communicate around Scrum artifacts (backlog, burndown chart, velocity, etc.).
How did you leverage Sharepoint for that purpose, what are the best practices and the potential pitfalls?
We actually use Sharepoint for our Agile development and have found it works pretty well for project management/collaboration.
There are 2 things we do which I found particularly useful, metrics tracking and automated testing. We use the document library and infopath to add all of our stories for the project to the site. The infopath form should contain all the information you need for a story: points, estimated time, developer, tester, story tasks, test cases.
For metrics, we create web parts for: burn down charts, velocity, points per iteration, etc.
This is especially nice for Managers or customers to see that progress being made on the project and will help them make decisions regarding features vs. release time.
For testing we have a simple SEND-RECV-ASSERT language which runs the tests nightly by scraping the XML for automated tests. The we have a little Green/Red webpart on the main page which tells you the stat of the tests.
This can be done pretty simply with some XML parsing since the backend of the document library is XML. (We currently use some simple ActiveX and javascript)
The metrics are pretty easy to set up (just some xml parsing and html charting). The automated testing takes some time to set up a test runner, but once its in place, and easy enough, you can even have customers/managers write acceptance tests! Agile! :)
If you have SharePoint in house already,along with a user base that is comfortable using it I think it would be fairly easy to get started with using it for SCRUM. I would start with the following:
A site collection to hold 1 scrum site per project
A scrum site should contain:
Document library for the electronic files (add columns for categorization as appropriate)
List of team members
Discussion board
The site can be built from a Wiki site template if its necessary.
Once you get the scrum site "feeling right" save it as a template so its easy to spin up a new one.
This solution may not be designed for SCRUM to the nth degree, but it should be enough to get you started. It seems a lot easier than having the entire team learn a new tool when it sounds like you are undergoing some other pretty radical changes.
my $0.02
You really should consider something like Trello, VersionOne, Rally, or even Basecamp for this. They all have hosted solutions and offer free community versions that you can try out to get started. My experience with SharePoint is that it takes a lot of resources to maintain. If you were using Team System and had a lot of the stuff pre-built for you, that might be different -- although I have Team System and still choose to use a Wiki for my project management tasks. If you already have an investment in SharePoint as an intranet and all of the support staff, then it might be a viable solution in that case, too.
SharePoint is not the tool I would think of first for agile development. YMMV.
You need to try and keep the tool from getting in the way of working. In an ideal world the team will all be sat in a single room with big white boards, however often this is not the case and teams are distributed, or theres a push for some form of backup for the post-its.
I'm a big SharePoint fan and where you have this in house already, your already doing collaboration and team work on the platform. Adding another tool, with unique login's can work but the team need to really want to use them.
I've tried getting SharePoint out of the box to do what I wanted but it fell short. I've tried using Version One (on a number of occasions over many years, with many teams) but I find the tool is too much, there are too many otpions and things that need to be done that it gets in the way - it is a long way from the Whiteboard.
So I decided to develop what I needed for my projects. I needed a simple tool, and using the 37signals (creators of basecamp) approach I needed something with less features than the competition.
21Scrum is a simple scrum tool built on SharePoint that uses the platform, add the things that you need (white board, burndown charts) and leave you to get on with the project.
Perhaps this may be the best option for people who already have and use SharePoint - at least thats the goal.
We've setup a SharePoint workspace with lists for Release/Sprint planning, Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog.
Central element is this Task Board for SharePoint - we can drag & drop stories and tasks - even if we are not at the same location.
A burndown report visualises the progress automatically.
Works great!
AFAIK, Sharepoint is with free goodies. It is not designed for agile project management.. so you'd have to roll your own site.
IMHO instead of trying to bend the job to the tool you have.. switching to a better tool for the job would be a better option. Check this thread out to see if there is something more lightweight that fits your bill.
Also personally I'm a big fan of not digitizing the development activities.. So I'd use a spreadsheet for the backlog and post its and Big Visible charts. Use a digicam to persist diagram/design discussion snapshots (google whiteboard photo for tools) or for reports. I find that most of the "project management" tools are just excuses for generating instant status updates.. it gets in the way of software development (which is the main goal) and inhibits social interaction way too often.
(disclaimer: absolutely 0 experience with sharepoint.. except what I've read in the last 2 days so may be totally off track)
