How to display website in SWF files - browser

I would like to create a shockwave file that can display a website with an internal webbrowser or something similar. The final target to display the website in a pdf file, but I think the only way to do this, is the swf trick.
I tried to find resources for this on the web, but found nothing.
I am looking for a way to display a website in a downloadable pdf file. The website is only one html file fuelled by jquery and css.

Download SWF template for your website and edit it in macro media flash editor.

I would use a PHP script to create a PDF file (my choice for this kind of stuff is TcPDF, which has many example/how to scripts ready to use), and I'd put a captured image of my website in it; there are several websites offering this service for free, just google it, for example
Disclaimer: I'm not linked to TcPDF nor in any way, they are just the first examples that came into my mind.


How can I grab this website content without losing javascript content

I want to download this website
Abd i tried idm and httrack but didn't work for javascript content
Anyone can help me to download this frequency streaming content,
Thank you
In order to capture the javascript actions, you'll need Selenium. It's a browser automation tool, used for Automated testing and data parsing from webpages.
Downloading an entire site is possible only if the website has static pages (HTML, CSS, Img). But Javascript-based content is loaded dynamically, which would be difficult to download.

Loading dynamic websites on sharepoint online

I have a couple of HTML files, some styles, scripts, images and videos. Is there a way to move them to Sharepoint online and have them work the same way they were working as an independent website?
YOu can Use the modern Script editor web part to embed the ASPX file (as I tested HTML files get downloaded as well), or add the HTML source code directly.
To embed a images and videos to a modern page, see this: How to Embed a Video to SharePoint Online Modern Pages?

How do I get my google chrome extension to interact with pages outside the extension?

So I've built the main functionality for an extension already, and have it uploaded as a web page on my server. I'd like to have it interact with any page a visitor goes to though and not just my page on the server. It's just the HTML/CSS/Javascript and jQuery.
I've been reading the documentation, and it says/implies I need to use a content script. I do have this script included as a content script as well though, however I'm probably doing it wrong. Mainly looking for some guidance/direction as to where to go on this.
The extension is to be one that removes all images from a page.
The site is
This is the manifest file:
This is the .crx file:
You should supply the extension as a .crx file.
Also it seems you should specify desired urls for content scripts in permissions of manifest

Need to catalog a large web application

We have a web application with over 560 pages. I would like a way to catalog the site somehow so that I can review the pages (without having to find each on in the menu or enter the URL). Be very glad for ideas on the best way to go about this.
I'd be happy to end up with 560 image files or PDFs, or one large PDF or whatever. I can easily put together a script with all the URLs, but how to pull those up and take a snapshot of some sort and save that to a file or files is where I need help.
The site is written in Java (server) and javascript (client).
I found a great plugin for Firefox that made this relatively painless. The plugin is called Screenshot Pimp (hate the name, love what it does). It takes a snapshot of your browser contents and immediately saves it to a file on your hard drive.
So then I wrote a script that would pull each page up in an IFrame with the URL showing above that, and took snapshots of each page. It took a couple hours to cycle through the whole set of 560+ pages, but it worked great, and now I have a catalog of all the pages.

word document viewer browser plugin

Is there a browser plugin or an extension that allows the user to view .doc files in browser?
I need to embed in my application, a document viewer. So far, I tried using services like google docs, but this solution doesn't work for our application, because of some security problems.
Do you know about the Office Web Apps? Microsoft developed something similar to Google Docs and you can use the Word Web Application to view Word files. It will pretty much display anything - a lot of editing functions from the offline version are not available though.
If you are just looking for a viewer search for "Word ActiveX Viewer" and you will find plenty (commercial) viewers.
To have IE open the .doc within the browser and not in a separate winword.exe, you need to define the association at client end.
As .doc file is an external resource to HTML, it would download the file into its temp, and then attempt to launch it. It would launch it using the default program that it is associated with.
To control this behavior, please have a look at:
I thought Internet Explorer + Microsoft Office used to do this by default?
I can for sure tell you that other than converting the doc to html you won't get a cross-browser, cross-platform solution.
Since you are saying it's for viewing only, that would seem like the way to go.
