Scheduling cronjobs at specified time - cron

I have scheduled some jobs in crontab which are to be run one by one, at some specific time. My script for crontab is :
15 10 * * * /Users/sri/files/
45 11 * * * /Users/sri/files/
15 13 * * * /Users/sri/files/
45 14 * * * /Users/sri/files/
15 16 * * * /Users/sri/files/
45 17 * * * /Users/sri/files/
These scripts ideally should start at 10:15, 11:45, 13:15, 14:45, and so on.
But the scripts are not starting as expected, rather they start at 10:15, 10:15, 10:16, 10:16, 10:17, 10:17.
These scripts are writing some log files also.
I am running it in Apple McBook Air, with OS X 12.4.0 Darwin


Elixir: Scheduled jobs not running Mix task after the first call

I'm using Quantum to handle cron jobs. The setting is the following:
def start
children = [
worker(MyApp.Scheduler, [])
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
config :My_app, MyApp.Scheduler,
jobs: [
{"*/5 * * * *", fn -> "first_mix_task" end},
{"*/5 * * * *", fn -> "second_mix_task" end},
{"*/5 * * * *", fn -> "third_mix_task" end},
{"*/5 * * * *", fn -> "fourth_mix_task" end}
The problem is, for some reason, Mix tasks run only the first time after cron jobs are added. Later, although I can see in the logs crons are started and ended (according to Quantum), Mix tasks are never triggered.
I'm not including the mix tasks here because they work fine the first run and also when called from console. So I think the issue has to be in the settings I'm including here. But if you have a good reason to look there just let me know. only executes a task the first time it's called, unless it is re-enabled.
Runs a task with the given args.
If the task was not yet invoked, it runs the task and returns the
If there is an alias with the same name, the alias will be invoked instead of the original task.
If the task or alias were already invoked, it does not run them again
and simply aborts with :noop.
You can use Mix.Task.rerun/1 instead of to re-enable and invoke the task again:
{"*/5 * * * *", fn -> Mix.Task.rerun "first_mix_task" end},

How to run cron scheduler only once?

My scheduler looks like this:
#Scheduled(cron = "* 30 11 * * *")
That's nice. Every 11:30 it runs! works great! but if the scheduler will finish working on 11:30:10, scheduler runs again. How can I add seconds here? Is it true?
#Scheduled(cron = "0 30 11 * * *")
#Scheduled(cron = "0 30 11 * * *")

ignore incoming logstash entries that are older than a given date

I want Logstash, when it's processing input entries, to simply drop entries that are older than N days.
I assume I'll use the date module and obviously drop, but I don't know how to connect them.
The only way that I know to do date level comparison is via Ruby code. You need the date filter to parse the timestamp (that's its own issue).
Once you parse the date into a field (e.g., event["#timestamp"]), then you can use it to determine if you want to ignore it or not:
ruby {
code => "event.cancel if ( - event.get('#timestamp').to_f) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 5)"
ruby {
code => "event.cancel if ( - event['#timestamp'].to_f) > (60 * 60 * 24 * 5)"
In this case, 5 is N.
Also, it's worth pointing out that this is relative to the machine time where Logstash happens to be running. If it's inaccurate, then it will impact date math. Similarly, if the source machine's system clock is wrong, then it too can be a problem.
Drawing on Alain's good point, you could use this store the lag time, in addition to just dropping based on it.
ruby {
code => "event.set('lag_seconds', - event.get('#timestamp').to_f))"
# 5 represents the number of days to allow
if [lag_seconds] > (60 * 60 * 24 * 5) {
drop { }
ruby {
code => "event['lag_seconds'] = - event['#timestamp'].to_f)"
# 5 represents the number of days to allow
if [lag_seconds] > (60 * 60 * 24 * 5) {
drop { }
Using this approach, you would then be indexing lag_seconds, which is a fractional amount, thereby allowing you to analyze lag in your index if this goes into ES or some other data store.

Cron expression with initial delay - Quartz

I am just can figure out how to configure a Cron job in Quartz with initial delay.
So i need something that runs every hour with an initial delay of 10 min.
"* * 0/1 * * ?"
Here's a late answer, hopefully this helps others. I solved the issue by having 2 scheduled functions in my service class:
public class DeviceService {
#Scheduled(initialDelayString = "${devices.update.initial}", fixedDelay = 2592000000L)
public void initialUpdateDevices() {
#Scheduled(cron = "${devices.update.cron}")
public void cronUpdateDevices() {
private void updateDevices() {
The initial delay and the cron expression are set in The fixedDelay is there because Spring doesn't allow initialDelay alone. I set it to 2592000000ms, which is 30 days. In our application, the potential extra update doesn't do any harm.
devices.update.initial = 600000
devices.update.cron = 0 30 1 * * *
Initially run after 10 minutes (60000ms) and then every night at 01:30.
In for unit testing:
devices.update.initial = 86400000
devices.update.cron = 0 30 1 24 12 *
None of our unit tests take 1 day to execute so 86400000 milliseconds is a safe bet. The cron "0 30 1 24 12 *" is set to Christmas Eve's night when people should be dreaming of nice things.

setup a cron expression from 7.30 to 18.30 every 10 mn with one born included

Is it possible to write one expression in order to have this behavior:
fire at 7.30 every 10 mn until 18.30
result : 7.40, 7.50, 8.00, 8.10 ........ 18.10, 18.20, 18.30
Three entries-:
0,10,20,30,40,50 8-17 * * * command
30,40,50 7 * * * command
0,10,20,30 18 * * * command
