How do I open the root.disk in linux? - linux

When doing a wubi install of linux from windows, the place/file where all linux info is saved is inside a "root.disk" file.
I am intending on formatting my laptop to run linux only and I can't seem to find a way to open this root.disk file from linux itself (to extract some of the files from my previous installation). Of course, it does and is able to open in windows using a certain software, but because I will only have linux on my system now, does anybody know how to open this file in linux itself? It's kind of strange that it isn't able to open with the default linux tools.
I am using Linux Mint 12 (via wubi install). Intending on moving to a 'lighter' version of linux.

You need to mount this image before you can access it, try the following:
mkdir olddisk
sudo mount -o loop /path/to/root.disk olddisk
You should now be able to access the data inside this container.


Run a linux executable on windows

I got an executable file created with linux. I also have the files and libraries that created this exe linux file.
Two questions:
Is there a way to run this linux exe in windows or it has to be done with linux?
The files are from around 15 to 18 years ago. If can't run it from windows, would linux be able to run it even if the files are somewhat old?
Could someone advice? Thanks
You can use WSL available on Windows 10 and 11.
You can also setup a Linux virtual machine using Virtual Box, Hyper-V, VMware Workstation Player, or any other virtualization solution, copy your files to the VM and execute there.
Another option is to install and use Docker. With docker you could run a command like this: docker run -it --rm -v $PATH_TO_EXE_DIRECTORY:/app ubuntu:latest /app/name_of_your_exe from command line.
Will it actually run if it's old? Your mileage may vary. It depends if it's a statically linked executable or dynamically linked executable. Statically linked executable may run, or may complain about incompatible kernel version (I've seen it once). Dynamically linked executable may fail to run due to missing dependent libraries or incompatible versions.
To check if the file is dynamically linked you can use Linux file command file name_of_your_exe, it will print the information regarding the data in the file, including whether it's dynamically or statically linked. To investigate the dependencies you can use Linux command ldd name_of_your_exe which will print the list of libraries (.so extension per Linux convention) your executable is dependent upon.
Your best option to ensure that it will run is to try and figure out which Linux distribution and version it was intended for and find its VM image or installation media online (it should still be possible, IMO), setup a VM and try to run it there.

How to open a VS Code IDE from Linux subsystem on Windows?

I'm running a Linux subsystem with an Ubuntu terminal inside Windows 10 - I wanted to make use of the functionalities of both operating systems without partitions or virtual machines.
In an Ubuntu terminal on Linux, I use the command 'code .' to open up the VS Code IDE but it doesn't seem to work when the terminal is part of a subsystem on Windows.
I can open up the IDE from Windows 10 and set my path into the Linux system but I remember reading some guidance that it's okay to save files from the Linux onto the Windows side but not vice versa.
Any solutions are much appreciated, thanks in advance!
If you wish to invoke windows binaries from WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) like for the example you want to run visual-studio-code, you can do so by setting your visual-code's installation directory into your %PATH% system variable and invoking it using this way
$ [application-name].exe notice the .exe is important.
And this interoperability is added in the Fall Creator Update of windows.
You can follow this documentation from Microsoft for more help.

Why is the debian installer an exe file

I recently downloaded the debian installer iso to use with virtualbox. For security reasons, I mounted it to ensure it was legit. I noticed a file labeled setup.exe. Why would a linux installer be a windows file, and how would the computer be able to run it?
I then decided to look throught the microsoft windows installer. It too used an exe file. How could it run the exe to install windows without windows instlled?
The Debian project has an installer for Microsoft Windows that provides a UI for installing GNU/Linux beginning on a MS Windows platform.
The Windows kernel can be loaded from disk and once it is loaded, like on install, it can start running a .exe file. For similar reasons Linux is an elf format binary. This is how a "Live" disk works, it loads the kernel and then loads up the entire OS including window manager from disk.
To your first question :
I bet you are running VirtualBox on a Windows client right? So there is nothing wrong with using a windows file :)

Installing software while running bootable usb

I am new to Linux so I have created a bootable usb drive with Linux Mint on it so that I can play around with it for a while before deciding if I want to install Linux on my harddrive.
I have created the pendrive with persistence so that I should have the ability to install software on it. However I can't seem to install anything.
I have downloaded the graphical linux postgresql installation file, given it execution permissions and then get the following error when I try to run it:
There has been an error
Error changing ownership of
/tmp/postgresql_installer_120403f9ba/lib/postgresql to root
I also downloaded the 7zip tar file, extracted it and tried to run the file. But nothing happens. Im just trying to see if I can get anything to install.
Im guessing either there's something with permissions that im not doing correctly, or it has something to do with the fact that im running linux from a usb drive.
As mentioned, im brand new to linux.
I have figured out what was required. I was trying to double click the install file from the GUI which wasn't working. I had to run it using sudo from the command line. Looks good now.

Installing a .bundle file in Fedora linux

So I am using Ozone OS which is basically just fedora with a cool theme, and a lot less crap installed. I tried installing VMWare Horizon view client from here:
and then i renamed the file to vmware.bundle, when i make it runnable with:
chmod +x vmware.bundle
i ran the file using:
this is what happens in my terminal
VMWare Horizon Client is an x86 application but you are trying to install it to an x64 Linux.
To run this installation, you may need to install 32-bit runtime libraries. Do you want to proceed? (yes/no)yes
Extracting VMware Installer...done.
but when i try going to the application menu, I can find VMware anywhere
There is really no such thing as ".bundle" files on Fedora. The only format for installable software on Fedora are RPM files.
All that this ".bundle" file appears to be, is the vendor's custom installation script, that's all. It's not any kind of a standard packaging format, of any kind.
You will be able to find a newly-installed application on your application menu only if the application correctly installed a .desktop file in the right location. If this installation script did not do so, you won't get anything in the application menu.
It is the application script's responsibility to install a .desktop file in order for the application to appear in the application menu.
try running /bin/vmware
that is the default install location
