Masonry plugin: how to center items container - jquery-masonry

I'm using this Masonry plugin.
I'd like to center items container in page. Here's an image:
The first layout is aligned to the left, the second is centered. I want to center it but don't know how.


Flutter: Scrollable content to go underneath a blurred widget

I'm trying to build a screen where there is a fixed widget at the top of the screen and another widget which is fixed to the bottom of the screen and in between is a scrollable widget.
I want to have the content inside the scrollable widget scroll underneath the two fixed widgets (both with a transparent blur), to indicate that there is more content underneath.
Here is an image of what I am trying to do.
I am currently using a Stack for this, however I am having to manually adjust the padding in the SingleChildScrollView to offset for the top and bottom widgets, but I would like to have this be much more flexible and have the widgets be any size and not have to update the padding.
I've found other examples where the bottom widget is part of the scrollable content but that isn't quite what I am looking for.
Does anyone know of a way to do this, without having to manually provide the padding?

Auto scroll ScrollView when I touch on the bottom of the screen

I trying to create a view which have a scroll view. If I Touch to bottom or if I drag my finger to bottom ,then the Scrollview should scroll automatically in fixed speed. consider the below Image
I am using PanResponder class in react native to achieve this functionalities.
for scrolling I am using scrollTo() . But I am failed do this. I like to share my code but it was too bulky and not understandable.
So my question is Is anyone have any code to achieve this. or Is there any libraries available?
Please help me
Use scrollToEnd({animated: true}) to go the bottom of scrollView in react-native.
From doc.s of facebook
If this is a vertical ScrollView scrolls to the bottom. If this is a horizontal ScrollView scrolls to the right.
Use scrollToEnd({animated: true}) for smooth animated scrolling, scrollToEnd({animated: false}) for immediate scrolling. If no options are passed, animated defaults to true.

Drag and drop between different layouts

I have a page with p:layout tags ( left & center ) . In the left layout i have a list of elements which are draggable.In the center layout i have a panel which is droppable.The problem is that the draggable elements only drag( move) inside the left layout.I don't know how to drag the element into the center layout. Any ideas?
There are primefaces tags to support draggable and droppable as mentioned below
<p:draggable> and <p:droppable>
For example you can see the following prime faces example in the link click here to see the example

Horizontal button group inside anchor layout

There is a panel with anchor layout used for vertical sizing.
Inside the panel there is a horizontal buttongroup.
Is there a way to set fixed width or better make the width depend on buttons?
In my case it is always stretched to the size of the window.
There is the same problem with the grid inside the panel.
Thank you.
Making the width dependent on the buttons is handled by the layout itself. If you have an hbox layout, each of the items inside the container (say, buttons) will automatically occupy the width.

Refresh layout of dijit.layout.ContentPane

I have a dojo TabContainer that has a BorderContainer child, with a left region and a center region ContentPanes.
-ContentPane (left)
-dojox.layout.ContentPane (center)
I have it setup so that the left ContentPane is collapsible (by replacing it with a slimmer ContentPane) which works fine. However, the idea of this functionality is to make the center (dojox.layout.ContentPane) region wider but when the left pane is collapsed to the slim one, the center region stays the same width.
Now I know I can call refresh() on the center ContentPane but this also refreshes the content as the center ContentPane is retrieved via href - which I don't what as it loses changes to form data.
So how do I get the center ContentPane to refresh it's layout without manually figuring out the proper width and calling resize()?
Or could you use dojox.layout.ExpandoPane. It's a ContentPane that has a 'click to minimise' ability.
how are you replacing the left pane? Are you using addChild/removeChild methods? How about just changing the widthof the left pane rather than replacing it?
