worklight adapters and Groovy - groovy

Has anyone had success implementing IBM Worklight 5.0.6 Adapters using the Groovy language? Ie. Instead of calling a Java class from the JS adapter call a Groovy class. We have tried this and it seems to work most of the time but randomly we will get strange errors when invoking an adapter procedure. Ie.
Failed to create DGM method proxy : java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.dgm$24.<init>(java.lang.String, org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass, java.lang.Class, [Ljava.lang.Class;)
FWLSE0101E: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.dgm$24.<init>(java.lang.String, org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass, java.lang.Class, [Ljava.lang.Class;)
Unit tests executing the Groovy code run fine within Eclipse and the Groovy code seems to be compiling fine down to .class files and included in the adapter package. We're wondering if this is an issue with Groovy itself or invoking Groovy within the Worklight server container. I believe Worklight is using Rhino behind the scenes which may also be a culprit?
We are using Groovy 2.1.5 and the Eclipse plugin 2.8

did you open the .war and check if all compiled classes and libraries are actually in there?
We had the case quite often that the WL Eclipse Plugin/Build did not compile and package our Java Classes for the Adapter in the "server" folder ... they were missing in the .war file that we deployed and we got all sorts of Rhino, ClassNotFound etc. errors.

In addition to previous answer. You can always force a rebuild by selecting the project in the Enterprise Explorer or Navigator views, then select menu Project -> Clean -> Clean Projects Selected Below (the only choice should be your project).
This will clean the binaries, then rebuild your entire project.


Jhipster does not run in eclipse using run as spring boot application

When I am using runAs inside eclipse I am always getting this error.
Error: Could not find or load main class com.xx.api.Application
How to fix this ?
It depends on your version of Eclipse, on what you have installed, on how you configured everything...
What you can do:
Install Spring Tool Suite : it's an Eclipse version with everything already set up, so you can get started quickly
Use JHipster's new Vagrant devbox which will give you a virtualized environment with everything pre-configured for you
Thanks for looking into this. I am using Spring Tool Suite. I am trying to use gradle eclipse plugin. This is where i was getting errors.
When i switched to import project as gradle project It started working. However I have generated DTO using the jhipster-uml.
This generate the mapper classes in build folder by default. Now when i run the application, It fails to find mapper classes.
I am able to make is work by generating the mapper classes into my source folder for now.
Thanks for help.

When using Groovy indy together with Intellij non Indy version is also on classpath

I have a Groovy-indy project running in Intellij 13 with Gradle.
dependencies {
compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.7:indy'
The problem is that I have two dependencies in my libraries. The indy version and the normal version.
How can I get rid of the non indy version.
Just removing it is not an option as it is back after restart or Gradle refresh or any other occasion.
Update Intellij 14:
Now with intellij 14 there is a different Problem:
Error:Groovyc: Cannot use invokedynamic, indy module was excluded from this build.
the dependency is the same.
So if you right-click your project in the Project pane (where you drill-down into folders and such), I had a context-menu option called "Add Framework Support", which allowed me to add Groovy (asked for a Groovy home and added it as a Global Library).
After that, go to Project Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Compiler -> Groovy Compiler. There you should see a checkbox called "Invoke dynamic support". I unchecked that and that removed this error for me.
If you actually ARE trying to use dynamic support, then unfortunately not sure what the deal is.
Project settings picture

Running Spring Boot application with Jersey and Groovy in IntellJ

I am using template Spring Boot application with servlets. When I add to the application latest Jersey (for jax-rs) and then add Groovy framework to the application (only for testing) I start having problems running the application from within IntelliJ.
It seems that some libraries on the Groovy classpath collide with the libraries coming from Jersey (servlet-api and ASM) but I am not yet 100% sure this is the problem. For sure the classpath IntelliJ builds is different from maven's
seems to be connected to the tricks that the spring-boot maven plug-in does, but that's only a suspicion. running via java -jar fails, while running via mvn spring-boot:run works (from the command line as well from IntelliJ).
I get this exception:
Caused by: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: A child container failed during start
looks like part of the problem was how I set-up my gmaven.
when I set it up like in this post the problem is gone and my application happily boots with java -jar in IntelliJ
I just solve this problem.
Groovy also includes the servlet-api lib which is conflict with the lib imported by spring boot.
You can just exclude the servlet-api from groovy.

Gradle fails to find JavaFX classes

I am on a Linux Mint machine where I installed the latest version of Java (HotSpot VM 1.7.0_45) and using Gradle 1.8.
I also have Groovy installed, version 1.8.6, but I think that does not matter as Gradle has its own groovy-all.jar.
My problem is that I could not compile my Groovy project using gradle because the JavaFX classes do not seem to be in the classpath. The errors are like this:
unable to resolve class javafx.scene.Node
# line 3, column 1.
import javafx.scene.Node
I finally fixed this by adding the following horrible hard-coded path into my dependencies:
compile files( "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre/lib/jfxrt.jar" )
Is there a better way to add JavaFX to Gradle's compilation classpath so that it is visible to all my projects without me having to add this to each one of them??
I have tried everything I could imagine:
added the jfxrt.jar to the standard JRE (I confirmed gradle is using my standard java to run) ext folder, so that I now can compile java classes with javac and run them with java (I know that in this version of Java the JavaFX jar should be already in the JDK's classpath, but I still couldn't RUN, as opposed to compile, my Java app before doing this).
also added a soft link to the same jar in the groovy classpath, so that I can do something like shown below from the groovy shell and it works:
import javafx.application.Application as A ; println A
This also works in the Groovy Console.
It only does not work in Gradle!
Thanks for any help.
Use the JavaFX Gradle Plugin.
The JavaFX Gradle Plugin should be able to work out where the JavaFX runtime is located without you having to perform manual, environment specific configuration.
For further information on JavaFX classpath resolution (not Gradle related), see:
Compile code using JavaFX 2.0 (using command line).
Also note, if you are using Oracle Java 8 or newer, JavaFX classes are now on the default runtime classpath for an Oracle Java implementation.
Incidentally, the build system for the entire JavaFX system is based on Gradle, so there is definitely no incompatibility between JavaFX and Gradle.

How to use groovy inside a Eclipse RCP project?

I have a Eclipse RCP project, and I want to use Groovy inside it. what I try to do is :
1) add "Groovy Nature"
2) create Groovy files under the "src" folder
3) call the groovy class from the "View"'s createPartControl() method.
But I got the “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: fly.island.jface.Test”, and the "fly.island.jface.Test" is a groovy class.
What should I do to use groovy inside the Eclipse RCP project?
Use the latest version of Groovy-Eclipse 2.1.0 (or one of the dev builds). Update site is here:
Additionally, there are some steps you need to do to compile the groovy plugins when you the PDE build. I'd recommend reading:
Essentially, you need to include the org.codehaus.groovy bundle in your rcp app, and then you need to make some changes to the file of your Groovy plugins (explained in detail on the blog post).
Are you using the latest Version of eclipse (3.6) and the groovy plugin? I recall occasionally having problems with the Java and Groovy compilers not finding each other's classes (in the first version of the plugin, it took a lot of fiddling and luck to get it to work at all). The most recent version seems to be pretty good in that regard, though I've been using it only for a few days myself.
