File Upload To Confluence With Groovy? - groovy

I want upload a file with a Groovy script to Confluence.
As this Pythonscript example!
I started to translate the code into groovy,
// Groovy
def server = new XMLRPCServerProxy("http://confluence:8090/rpc/xmlrpc")
def spaceKey = "Area"
def pageTitel = "FileUpload"
def contentType = "application/pdf"
def token = server.confluence2.login("UserName","Password")
def page = server.confluence2.getPage(token, spaceKey, pageTitel)
def fileName = "D:\\datamodel.pdf"
def file = new File (fileName)
//Up to this point it works!!!
but i found nothing in groovy for the last steps!
//Python Script from Examplelink above
attachment = {};
attachment['fileName'] = os.path.basename(filename);
attachment['contentType'] = contentType;
server.confluence1.addAttachment(token, page['id'], attachment, xmlrpclib.Binary(data));
I think, i must have an object for the attachments and a method to store the attachment on the given page in the server.
def server = new XMLRPCServerProxy("http://confluence:8090/rpc/xmlrpc")
def spaceKey = "Area"
def pageTitel = "FileUpload"
def fileName = "D:\\datamodel.pdf"
def contentType = "application/pdf"
def token = server.confluence2.login("UserName" , "Password")
def page = server.confluence2.getPage(token, spaceKey, pageTitel)
def file = new File (fileName)
server.confluence2.addAttachment( token,, [ fileName:, contentType:contentType ], file.bytes )

Looking at the docs, it looks like you should be able to do:
server.confluence2.addAttachment( token,,
[ fileName:,
contentType:'application/pdf' ],
file.bytes )


How to get all data certain website with Scrapy?

I'm currently learn scraping using scrapy, so I want to scrape data from this: or
if you go to the link you will see the show more button at the bottom data so im confuse about this because if i scrape that right now im only get 50 of data that, not what i want, so i decided to look up the show more button but its only a href=#
[UPDATE] USING Scrapy+playwright
def start_requests(self):
yield scrapy.Request(
meta= dict(
playwright = True,
playwright_page_coroutines = [
PageMethod('wait_for_selector','//a[#class="AnchorLink loadMore__link"]'),
PageMethod('click','//a[#class="AnchorLink loadMore__link"]'),
async def parse(self, response):
page = response.meta['playwright_page']
button = response.meta['playwright_page_coroutines'][0]
if button:
resp = response.body
player_list = sel.xpath(
"//table[#class='Table Table--align-right Table--fixed Table--fixed-left']//tbody//tr")
stats_list = sel.xpath(
"//div[#class='Table__ScrollerWrapper relative overflow-hidden']/div[#class='Table__Scroller']/table/tbody/tr")
await page.wait_for_selector(player_list)
sel = Selector(text=resp)
for player, stat in zip(player_list, stats_list):
player_name = player.xpath(".//a/text()").get()
position = stat.xpath(".//td/div/text()").get()
team_name = player.xpath(".//span/text()").get()
game_played = stat.xpath(".//td[2]/text()").get()
minutes_per_minute = stat.xpath(".//td[3]/text()").get()
points_per_game = stat.xpath(".//td[4]/text()").get()
fields_goal_made = stat.xpath(".//td[5]/text()").get()
fields_goal_attempted = stat.xpath(".//td[6]/text()").get()
field_goal_percentage = stat.xpath(".//td[7]/text()").get()
three_point_goal_made = stat.xpath(".//td[8]/text()").get()
yield {
"player_name": player_name,
"player_position": position,
"team_name": team_name,
"game_played": game_played,
"minutes_per_minute": minutes_per_minute,
"points_per_game": points_per_game,
"fields_goal_made": fields_goal_made,
"fields_goal_attempted": fields_goal_attempted,
"field_goal_percentage": field_goal_percentage,
"three_point_goal_made": three_point_goal_made,
When only using scrapy
def start_requests(self):
yield scrapy.Request(
def parse(self, response):
sel = Selector(text=response.body)
player_list = sel.xpath("//table[#class='Table Table--align-right Table--fixed Table--fixed-left']//tbody//tr")
stats_list = sel.xpath("//div[#class='Table__ScrollerWrapper relative overflow-hidden']/div[#class='Table__Scroller']/table/tbody/tr")
for player,stat in zip(player_list,stats_list):
player_name = player.xpath(".//a/text()").get()
position = stat.xpath(".//td/div/text()").get()
team_name = player.xpath(".//span/text()").get()
game_played = stat.xpath(".//td[2]/text()").get()
minutes_per_minute= stat.xpath(".//td[3]/text()").get()
points_per_game = stat.xpath(".//td[4]/text()").get()
fields_goal_made = stat.xpath(".//td[5]/text()").get()
fields_goal_attempted = stat.xpath(".//td[6]/text()").get()
field_goal_percentage = stat.xpath(".//td[7]/text()").get()
three_point_goal_made = stat.xpath(".//td[8]/text()").get()
yield {
"player_name": player_name,
"team_name": team_name,
"game_played": game_played,
"minutes_per_minute": minutes_per_minute,
"points_per_game": points_per_game,
Am i doing it wrong here? also if you click show more it will show the api like down bellow, i can scrape from that api but for now i want it from html with xpath it self.

extract signature from SignatureField in Django

here i am using python3 and Django 3.0
Here am i saving the signature into my database and now i need to display this signature in my pdf file
But i am not able to display it in the pdf file
here is my
def jobspecific_view_1(request, pk):
form = CustomerSignatureForm(request.POST or None)
if form.is_valid():
customer_signature_1 =
if customer_signature_1!=None:
job = AddJob.objects.get(id=pk)
job.customer_signature_1 = customer_signature_1
here is my for generating the pdf
def render_to_pdf(template_src, context_dict, pdf_title):
template = get_template(template_src)
context = Context(context_dict)
html = template.render(context_dict)
result = BytesIO()
pdf = pisa.pisaDocument(BytesIO(html.encode("UTF-8")), result,
if not pdf.err:
response = HttpResponse(result.getvalue(), content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = "attachment; filename={0}".format(
',', '').replace(
';', '').replace(' ', '_')))
logger.debug('Content-Disposition: {0}'.format(response['Content-Disposition']))
return response
return HttpResponse('We had some errors<pre>%s</pre>' % cgi.escape(html))
def generate_pdf_view(request, pk):
client = request.user.client
job_id = AddJob.objects.filter(id=pk)
viewed_job = get_object_or_404(AddJob, id=pk, created_by__client=client)
for val in job_id:
job_data['job_id'] = pk
job_data['title'] = val.title
job_data['job_number'] = val.job_number
job_data['customer_signature_1'] = val.customer_signature_1
pdf_title = u'{0}_{1}_{2}.pdf'.format(
job_data['title'], job_date.strftime('%d_%m_%Y'),
return render_to_pdf('jobs/jobpdf.html',
'pagesize':'A4', 'job_data': job_data,
'viewed_job': viewed_job,
'request': request,
}, pdf_title)
Here is my
class CustomerSignForm(forms.ModelForm):
customer_signature_1 = SignatureField(required=False,label="Customer Signature")
class Meta:
model = AddJob
fields = ['customer_signature_1']
Here is my jobspdf.html
<img src="data:image/png;base64,{{job_data.custmer_signature_1}}"/>
Please help me so that i can display the signature in my pdf view at present it not displaying anything in my pdf

Uploading images to a Flask API using FlaskClient

I have the following endpoint in my Flask API:
#api.route("/files", methods=Method.POST)
def upload_file() -> str:
enquirer_id = request.get_json()['id']
uploaded_file = request.files['image']
except KeyError:
abort(HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Please provide image to upload")
if uploaded_file.content_type != ContentType.JPEG:
abort(HttpStatusCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Only JPEG images are allowed")
filename = str(enquirer_id)
destination_file = os.path.join(current_app.config[AppCfg.DIRECTORY], filename)
return f'Successfully upload file {filename}.'
But I am unable to test this endpoint using the FlaskClient:
class APITestUploadDownload(APITestBase):
url = '/api/v1/files'
my_file = 'some_picture.jpg'
def setUp(self):
self.client =
def test_upload(self):
with open(file=self.my_file, mode='rb') as file:
data = {
'image': io.BytesIO(,
'id': 1
response =, data=json.dumps(data), headers={}, content_type='multipart/form-data',)
self.assertEqual(response.status_code, HttpStatusCode.OK)
But this fails with the error message TypeError: Object of type BytesIO is not JSON serializable.
If i make the request without using json.dump(data) using response =, data=data, headers={}, content_type='multipart/form-data', ) I get another error which tells me is None.
So how can I fix my file upload endpoint and the correspondig test?

Asserting object count in a JSON response using groovy script

I have a question on how to assert the element_count equals to the number of objects from response.
The link to the API is*******
I tried using the below code but did not have any luck trying to count the objects from the JSON response using grrovy script.
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def ResponseMessage = messageExchange.response.responseContent
def response = new JsonSlurper().parseText(ResponseMessage)
def elementCount = response.element_count
def idCount = response.count { it.equals('neo_reference_id') }
I was trying to count the number of neo_reference_id which should equal element_count. Any help would be great.
def url = new URL('***')
def response = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse( url )
def neo_references = response.near_earth_objects.collectMany{date,objects-> objects.collect{it.neo_reference_id} }
println neo_references
println neo_references.size()
assert response.element_count == neo_references.size()

How to stream video (motion jpeg) using falcon server?

Desired output
Input: Camera feed using OpenCV or from a REST camera url. (Not a concern for this question)
Output: Streaming jpeg images after doing some OpenCV processing
So far I have done the following based on Falcon tutorial
Input: Image file as a POST request
Output: GET request endpoint with the path to the image
import mimetypes
import os
import re
import uuid
import cv2
import io
import falcon
from falcon import media
import json
import msgpack
class Collection(object):
def __init__(self, image_store):
self._image_store = image_store
def on_get(self, req, resp):
# TODO: Modify this to return a list of href's based on
# what images are actually available.
doc = {
'images': [
'href': '/images/1eaf6ef1-7f2d-4ecc-a8d5-6e8adba7cc0e.png'
} = msgpack.packb(doc, use_bin_type=True)
resp.content_type = falcon.MEDIA_MSGPACK
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
def on_post(self, req, resp):
name =, req.content_type)
# Unnecessary Hack to read the saved file in OpenCV
image = cv2.imread("images/" + name)
new_image = do_something_with_image(image)
_ = cv2.imwrite("images/" + name, new_image)
resp.status = falcon.HTTP_201
resp.location = '/images/' + name
class Item(object):
def __init__(self, image_store):
self._image_store = image_store
def on_get(self, req, resp, name):
resp.content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0], resp.stream_len =
class ImageStore(object):
_IMAGE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(
def __init__(self, storage_path, uuidgen=uuid.uuid4,
self._storage_path = storage_path
self._uuidgen = uuidgen
self._fopen = fopen
def save(self, image_stream, image_content_type):
ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(image_content_type) # Issue with this code, Not returning the extension so hard coding it in next line
ext = ".jpg"
name = '{uuid}{ext}'.format(uuid=self._uuidgen(), ext=ext)
image_path = os.path.join(self._storage_path, name)
with self._fopen(image_path, 'wb') as image_file:
while True:
chunk =
if not chunk:
return name
def open(self, name):
# Always validate untrusted input!
if not self._IMAGE_NAME_PATTERN.match(name):
raise IOError('File not found')
image_path = os.path.join(self._storage_path, name)
stream = self._fopen(image_path, 'rb')
stream_len = os.path.getsize(image_path)
return stream, stream_len
def create_app(image_store):
api = falcon.API()
api.add_route('/images', Collection(image_store))
api.add_route('/images/{name}', Item(image_store))
api.add_sink(handle_404, '')
return api
def get_app():
storage_path = os.environ.get('LOOK_STORAGE_PATH', './images')
image_store = ImageStore(storage_path)
return create_app(image_store)
The response is something like this:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Connection: close
Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 13:08:14 GMT
Server: gunicorn/19.7.1
content-length: 0
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
location: /images/e69a83ee-b369-47c3-8b1c-60ab7bf875ec.jpg
There are 2 problems with the above code:
I first get the data stream and save it in a file and then read it in OpenCV to do some other operations which is pretty overkill and should be easily fixed but I don't know how
This service does not stream the JPGs. All I have a GET request url which I can open in browser to see the image which is not ideal
So, how can I read data as numpy array? And more importantly what changes I need to make to stream images from this service?
P.S. Apologies for a long post
I have found a solution which works perfectly fine. For more on this check out this beautiful code.
def gen(camera):
while True:
image = camera.get_frame()
new_image = do_something_with_image(image)
ret, jpeg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', new_image)
yield (b'--frame\r\n'
b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + jpeg.tobytes() + b'\r\n\r\n')
class StreamResource(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
labeled_frame = gen(VideoCamera())
resp.content_type = 'multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame' = labeled_frame
def get_app():
api = falcon.API()
api.add_route('/feed', StreamResource())
return api
