Winjs background process conflict - winjs

my windows 8 app works in the following way:-I have a background process which sends the data which is stored in indexdb to the database.This background process runs every 5 mins automatically.When I am editing or changing any value saved in my list this background method is conflicting with the same value which I am editing and this shows the list in an incorrect manner.I want a solution where I can stop the data which I am editing from conflicting with the background process.


Autorefresh opened figure when updated in Linux OS (e.g. displayed on Image Magick)

When plotting figures (e.g. python), without showing them within the program (i.e. not using show()), is it possible to keep the figure displayed (X11) and automatically updated when modified in Linux? Having this function saves a lot of time from reopening the figure.
Use display -update 1 file.jpg on ImageMagick's display, and it will check for updates once per second.
qiv (another Linux image visualizer) checks the file for updates without the 1 second delay, when run with qiv -T file.jpg

jupyter lab script to set up view layout

I have some python functions to create graphical interface components in jupyter (lab) using ipywidgets. For my specific application, it's very useful to create different views for different cell outputs containing different widgets. I do this manually with "right click / create new view for output". However, sometimes this process gets annoying when I close everything and come back to work on it later, because I have to redo this layout manually every time and I was wondering if there's a way to write a single script (that I can run from some command line interface) that basically sets this up automatically, i.e. run commands in a jupyter lab session, get specific output cells and send them to different views, etc. Is there a way to do this?

Automatically run data connections in XLSM

I have an XLSM file which contains 2 Web Query connection. When I go to "Connections" in the "Data" tab I am presented with the two connections I have.
For each of these I can edit some properties, one which says "Update every X minutes". I've set this to 1 minute and also ticked "Activate background update".
This, however, won't work as the web query connections aren't run anyway.
Ultimately what I need is to run these connections automatically once every hour. Preferably without any user interaction and without the document being open.
Is this possible?
You can't refresh a connection without the file being open. You can run queries on opening the file or create a VBA routine that opens the file, then uses the RefreshAll and saves over the original file every hour.
You can use VBS too.
The final solution by OP:
I ended up making a little VBS script to handle the open, refresh,
close. Then a batch script wrapper to handle running the VBS script
and logging. Finally Windows Task Scheduler to run the batch script

What does the linux make command do?

I created a database and a table inside it.I insert records manually and then run a python script which reads the records and updates them in the table. I was just trying
the make &>1.txt command to redirect the output when the unexpected happened.
Even when I am not running the script and insert the record manually from mysql, the script is
running somewhere as it updates the records , but I am not running it any tab
What is the reason ??
The script just starts running by itself!!!
If it's running in the background (which could have happened if you typed make & >1.txt with a space, not what you showed above) then the jobs command will show it is running, and fg will bring it to the foregound, so you can kill it with Ctrl-C
(You can also kill it with the jobspec shown by jobs e.g. kill %1 but if you don't know what you're doing it's simpler to bring it to the foreground and interrupt it)

Get the number of times a user kills the browser window

Is there any way to get the number of times a user kills a particular window?
We open a window using in JavaScript. I need to count the number of time it gets open and store it in a database.
