How to align text after colon - text

I would like to align a few lines of text after the colon in each line, so it currently looks like:
Your Membership Number is: 123456789
Your temporary PIN for website access is: 1234
I would like it to look like:
Your Membership Number is: 123456789
Your temporary PIN for website access is: 1234
Is it possible to do this without using a table?
Kind regards

You can do it with HTML like this:
<span class="col1">Your Membership Number is:</span>
<span class="col1">Your temporary PIN for website access is:</span>
and css like this:
.col1 {
width: 300px;
float: left;


xpath how to get the last value of first level of children in the case of the number of children is not always the same

With the following code:
data = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//div[#class="postInfo desktop"]/span[#class="nameBlock"]')
I got those html codes below:
<span class="nameBlock">
<span class="name">Anonymous</span>
<span class="posteruid id_RDS8pJvL">(ID:
<span class="hand" title="Highlight posts by this ID" style="background-color: rgb(228, 51,
138); color: white;">RDS8pJvL</span>)</span>
<span title="United States" class="flag flag-us"></span>
<span class="nameBlock">
<span class="name">Pierre</span>
<span class="postertrip">!AYZrMZsavE</span>
<span class="posteruid id_y5EgihFc">(ID:
<span class="hand" title="Highlight posts by this ID"
style="background-color: rgb(136, 179, 155); color: black;">y5EgihFc</span>)</span>
<span title="Australia" class="flag flag-au"></span>
Now I need to get the "countries" => "United States" and "Australia".
With the whole dataset (more than 120k entries), I was doing:
for i in data:
country = i.find_element(By.XPATH, './/span[contains(#class,"flag")]').get_attribute('title')
But after a while I got empty entries and I figured out than sometime the class of the country was completely changing from "flag something" to "bf something" or "cd something"
This is why I decided to go with the last children for each element:
for i in data:
country = i.find_element(By.XPATH, './/span[3]').get_attribute('title')
But again, after a while I got error again because sometime there were some <span class="postertrip">BLABLA</span> popping, moving the "country" location to "span[4]".
So, I changed for the following one:
for i in data:
country = i.find_element(By.XPATH, './/span[last()]').get_attribute('title')
But this last one always give me the second level child (posteruid child):
<span class="hand" title="Highlight posts by this ID"
style="background-color: rgb(136, 179, 155); color: black;">y5EgihFc</span>)
One thing that I'm certain: the country is ALWAYS the last child (span) of the first level of children.
So I'm out of ideas this is why I'm asking you this question.
Use the following xpath to always identify the last child of parent.
Code block.
for country in driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, "(//span[#class='nameBlock']//span[#title])[last()]"):
For this particular case, you can get the titles without calculating the child nodes. Just keep the nameBlock as root and create the xpath to point to the child which class will have the title ( flag, in this case). Like this:

How to identify the multiple button elements having same text using xpath in the below HTML code?

<span class="Text xyz med">234</span>
<button class="btn-link" type="button">Hide</button>
<span class="Text xyz med">2456</span>
<button class="btn-link" type="button">Hide</button>
My code:
Clicks on the "Hide" for the first element having the text "234"
Can anyone suggest if there an any option to loop through this hide links using xpath.
The only unique identifier here is the numeric value.
You can try using index like this:
driver.find_element_by_xpath('(.//button[text()="Hide"])[1]') - to select 234
driver.find_element_by_xpath('(.//button[text()="Hide"])[2]') - to select 2456

Node - Cheerio - Find element that contains specific text

I am trying to get "text that I want" from the site with this structure of code:
<td class="x">
<h3 class="x"> number </h3>
text that I want;
If there will be one td with class "x" then I will do this:
$('td.x > p > a').text()
and get text that I want, but the problem is that on this site there are a lot of "td" and "h3" elements with the same class "x". The only difference is that each time the text that is in "h3" element is a different number and I know what number is in "h3" element on the place where is my link. For example:
<td class="x">
<h3 class="x"> **125** </h3>
text that I want;
The question is - is it possible to choose selector based on the text that is inside - in my example I know that in code there is h3 element with text "125" or maybe is better way to get text from "a" element in my case.
Contains is the selector you're looking for
This will select h3 that has the text you wanted

Manipulate text-document.write

Is there a way to manipulate text in document.write code? I'm currently doing this
if (score > 35) {document.write(output); document.write('<img src="images/Rabbit.jpg">')}
to print the output of the users choices, but you get a huge image and this tiny little text. Can someone at least point me to some information on how to, or (if even possible) the code to edit it in CSS?
Forgot to add that (output) outputs predefined text. That would probably help
Just add this inline CSS to the image tag:
<img src="images/Rabbit.jpg" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;">
If you can't change the HTML outputted then add this internal CSS in your HTML head.
<style>img { width: 200px, height: 200px; } </style>

rich:toolTip not handling String values that contain quotes

I have ran into a particularly strange problem when implementing a RichFaces tool tip component. In my project I have a table that displays a list of Strings that are entered by the user, and I want there to be a pop-up of additional information when a user mouses over the strings in the list.
One of the requirements is that any string that is more than one word must contain double quotes "" when input by the user--e.g. a single word would be input as Java vs. a phrase "Java is cool".
So, I added a <rich:toolTip> to render additional info if it exists--and it works, except for strings that contain double-quotes. For example (as it's displayed in the table) "sample string" will not show additional information on mouseover.
My JSF code is simply:
<h:outputText id="keywordText" value="#{keywordData.keyword}"/>
<rich:toolTip for="keywordText" rendered="#{keywordData.comments != null}" value="#{keywordData.comments}"/>
Like I said, this works for words/strings that do not contain quotes. I am wondering if there is a workaround within JSF/RichFaces I can use in order to get this to work properly with a string that contains quotes. Or perhaps some assistance in writing a custom JavaScript function that forces or "tricks" RichFaces into handling quotation marks in a string correctly?
Thanks for any help in advance!
Edit: I am using RichFaces 3.3.3
In the page source, for the string "Testing Quotes" (does not work) I found this:
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":keywordText">"Testing Quotes"</span>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159" class="rich-tool-tip " style="z-index:99; ">
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159content">
<p>This comment should display</p>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159script" style="display:none">
<script id="scriptj_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:" quotes":j_id159"="" testing="" type="text/javascript">
new ToolTip("j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":j_id159","j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":keywordText",{'showEvent':'mouseover'} );
You can see that the quotations in the string itself (which appears to supposed to be part of the id attribute) are being misinterpreted in the new ToolTip parameters. And for a string testkeywordawesome without quotes you can see it works (because it does not contain quotes):
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:keywordText">testkeywordawesome</span>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159" class="rich-tool-tip " style="z-index: 99; visibility: hidden; display: none; left: 63.7833px; top: 210.75px;">
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159content">
<p>the best comment in the world</p>
<span id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159script" style="display:none">
<script id="scriptj_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159" type="text/javascript">
new ToolTip("j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:j_id159","j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:testkeywordawesome:keywordText",{'showEvent':'mouseover'} );
Edit2: The tool tips exists in a rich:column, of which exists in a rich:extendedDataTable. Below are their code:
<rich:extendedDataTable value="#{keywordEntry.globalKeywordsDataModel}"
rendered="#{fn:length(keywordEntry.globalKeywords) gt 0}"
styleClass="removeEDTSortIcon removeEDTContextMenu"
id="keywordTable" rowClasses="row1, row2"
var="keywordData" rows="0" noDataLabel=" "
headerClass="#{displayHeader == null or displayHeader ? 'rich-table-header' : 'hide'}"
rowKeyVar="keywordRowIdx" enableContextMenu="false"
sortMode="#{globalKeywordListSort.multiSortEnabled ? 'multi' : 'single'}"
width="#{eStaffUser.userKeywordAdmin ? '750px' : '750px'}"
height="#{((fn:length(keywordEntry.globalKeywords)*30 + 50) lt 480) ? (fn:length(keywordEntry.globalKeywords)*30 + 50) : 480}px"
<rich:column id="#{globalKeywordSortFieldEnumBean.KEYWORD}" selfSorted="false" width="#{eStaffUser.userKeywordAdmin ? '48%' : '52%'}" sortBy="#{keywordData.keyword}"
id="j_id138:j_id144:keywordTable:"Testing Quotes":keywordText"
This means that one of the parents of <h:outputText id="keywordText"> has its id defined by something that evaluates to "Testing Quotes", that's obviously bad.
OK, so the root of the issue was that the rich:extendedDataTable uses an ID supplied by each entry to generate a unique ID for each table row. So the problem ended up being in the underlying "Model Managed-Bean" that implemented a generic data entity interface, this interface defines a getEntityId() method and in this case, the "ID" returned was the keyword value itself, since there was no true (i.e., database) entity ID such as a primary key:
public class KeywordDataBean implements SummaryDataEntityIF<String>
The problem was resolved by changing the interface's implementation to Integer and returning the hash as the unique ID for each keyword object:
public class KeywordDataBean implements SummaryDataEntityIF<Integer>
This forced the html id generated by the rich:extendedDataTable to be a simple integer number instead of a (keyword) string containing quotes, allowing the rich:toolTip to work properly.
