Can we hot deploy *.xml files by using JREBEL? - jrebel

Can we hot deploy *.xml files by using JREBEL?
In out project most of work is done through XML and we are planning to use JREBEL for the same.

The short answer:
Yes, you can.
The long answer:
It actually depends on the nature of those XML files, what your application is doing with those files. Are those the configuration files which might be used in order to populate some application specific structures? If so, then those internal structures have to be reinitialized. This is possible either by implementing a plugin for JRebel or by adding a callback method which can be called by JRebel once a class is reloaded.
Could you please provide more details about your use case?


How to override hybris platform files other than customize

So, I can see many files under customize folder under platform.
Is there any other way to oveerride platform in general other than putting it in customize folder?
If we have to override some OOTB file there are two ways:
1) If its in some extension, we can create customized extension and do our changes.
2) Add stuff into customize folder and do ant customize.
What if OOTB file is in platform? Is there any other way?
I expect to customize platform without adding it to customize folder.
Is the function/bean you want to override is injected through Spring?
If no, and you need to override say some jar, class or xml. You have choice of ant customize or buildcallbacks.xml
If yes, it's no different than overriding any other beans from parent extension. The only thing is that you will not need to create an extension dependency as platform is available globally.
For example : If you wish to override some function in DefaultCatalogDao to give your own implementation. You can do it like...
Create your own implementation extending the platform related service
Inject your custom bean with alias of the defaultCatalogDao
<alias alias="catalogDao" name="customCatalogDao"/>
<bean id="customCatalogDao" class="......CustomCatalogDao" parent="defaultCatalogDao"/>
For Commerce Cloud
You can change platform files using customize folder in Commerce Cloud V2 too. You would need to create a folder in your custom repository with name _CUSTOMIZE_ and then as you do in non cloud version, add your files (with exact folder structure as in platform).
Once you creare above folder, CCV2 build strategy automatically picks and deploys it, without any additional configuration.
Hope it helps!
Using buildcallbacks you can replace the files even the files in platform jar .
You can simply copy paste your file or write your own shell script to execute it and copy file to platform but how would it be different from ant customize. And why would you want to go away from standard hybris practices? Would that give you any extra benefit? I am sure that would only lead to issues during upgrade etc. Its not spring bean injection where you could tell your platform to use your implementation instead on other. There is no sense in wasting time in finding something which doesnt go along with product best practices.

JavaEE: Ensure WAR files may not be changed

I am currently working in a WEB Java project and I have the following requirement: I have to make sure our customers don't have access to the packaged files in order to change them. Actually, I'd like to do that with only a few of those classes but without using any obfuscators due to the size of my project and the resources it uses to accomplish some tasks (reflection, annotations, interceptors, etc).
Does anybody have any tips?

Multiple wsdl and xsd files... into a single wsdl

Probably is a straight-forward question: do you know any tools for combining multiple wsdl + xsd files into a single wsdl?
Thank you.
The service is a WCF service, and I want to have a single wsdl for PHP (as client).
Too bad I need to use .Net 4.0 and not 4.5 where this would be possible. Maybe I could borrow then one of the new MS tools? Do you know which one? Is the svcutil.exe the responsible tool? If yes, what are his dependencies? Because I don't want to jump to .Net 4.5 just yet.
You can build a small application that can generate a flat wsdl. We do generate flat wsdl programatically in C# for building interoperable WCF services. Refer to the link on how to generate flat wsdl.
Hopefully seeing the code you can build a tool that does it for you.
Else you can manually do it using Altova Xml Spy and replacing the xsd import attributes by the xsd schema definition.
For sure, I can recommend a tool that can combine multiple XSD files into the minimum set possible (I am biased here, since I wrote it). This in itself can be a heavy task, if you have a large number of files, many namespaces, or both. The things might get trickier for multiple WSDLs into one, depending on some parameters you may have configure; for example, is it logically one WSDL authored over three layers that maintains separation of messages - portTypes - services, or multiple WSDLs, period? One thing you must ensure is that all share the same types subsystem, there's no conflict for operations, etc. But even this is a task that could be achieved, I could easily put an addon out... If this is refactoring of XML Schemas and WSDLs you see doing often, let me know.
We wanted one wsdl file to make use of some tools to automatically generate soap proxy on PHP side. But we ended up writing the DTO layer manually.
If you have wcf service in .NET 4.5 you can get easily only one wsdl file (inbuilt feature of WCF framework).

Where to put a library shared between portlets in Liferay?

I need to share a library (built in-house) between portlets and I prefer to put it in a common place instead of adding it as dependency to every portlet that need it because I want to update the library once. Can I build a hook or ext plugin that the portlets can refer to and access the library? I know that you can add it to the common library directory and add it to for each portlet but the location depends on the application server. I want to know, there is a standard or cleaner way to do this? Thanks in advance.
With the tomcat bundle, the common usage is to put these in the tomcat/lib/ext folder.
There is one big drawback, every modification in this folder will require a server restart.

Concatenating javascript files on the fly in Liferay

I see a barebone.jsp file created (I guess by the MinifierFilter) as well as for deploying compressed and cached js. I want to separate development and production cases, and as for development, I just don't want Liferay not only to cache produced javascript file, I don't want to have this generated instance at all.
To be more precise, I want all javascript files to be concatenated on the fly. I always want to have an opportunity to edit any statics files at development and to see results as soon as possible.
What is the easiest way to implement it?
include the settings from in your This disables minifiers, caching etc. and you can develop without the problems mentioned. You don't want this setting in production though, as all files will be loaded individually.
(Edit: It might be advisable to include my comment from below in the answer):
You find this file in webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes
All the *.fast.load parameters are for the various minifiers (css, js), but typically you want all of the parameters named in there.
