Team Foundation Server: Multiple Identities Found - visual-studio-2012

Up until yesterday, my connection to Team Foundation Service was working perfectly.
A separate requirement caused me yesterday to rename my computer. After that, there were some errors about the workspace which I was able to fix with the TF command, but I can't find anything about this new error, which arose after I renamed the workspace:
Please note that the blacked-out email addresses are all three identical.
I have no idea how to "specify one of the following workspace specs" from a MessageBox! Any ideas?
TFS for years has been among the worst user experiences I've ever seen.

For me it helped to just sign out from TFS via the "Configure Team Projects" window, and then log in again.

Connect to TFS DB and refer DefaultCollection db.
[dbo].[tbl_Workspace] this table is used to store workspace info
[tbl_WorkspaceMapping] this table is used to store mapping created above.
[dbo].[tbl_WorkingFolder] this table is used to store working folder mapping.
Exit your tfs client and perform below steps.
delete your workspaces causing issue from table [dbo].[tbl_Workspace] and [tbl_WorkspaceMapping] and start accessing your tfs client by configuring new workspace.

I had to guess at a "tf" command line argument set, but, I found that the workspace carried the same name as the computer, after renaming both. So I did this to myself.
After using "tf" to change the workspace name from "WIN8DEV" to "WIN8DEVWORKSPACE" this particular problem vanished.


How do you permanently delete a folder inside an Azure VSTS project?

I have folders within both Azures VSTS (a TFVC repository) and TFS that I needed to permanently delete. On TFS this was quite easily done using the tf destroy $/<MyProject>/<Folder_To_Delete> command in a command window on the server on which the TFS is running. The web page in that describes the "tf destroy" command (Https:// shows that this command is also available for VSTS however I have been unable to get the command to work within a Developer Command Prompt window running on my local box.
tf destroy $/<MyProject>/<Folder_To_Delete> /collection:https://<MyTeamService><MyProject> /login:<userid>,<password>
The error I receive back is
TF31002: Unable to connect to this Team Foundation Server:
Team Foundation Server Url:
Possible reasons for failure include:
- The name, port number, or protocol for the Team Foundation Server is incorrect.
- The Team Foundation Server is offline.
- The password has expired or is incorrect.
Technical information (for administrator):
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
However if I put the URL into a browser my VSTS instance shows up. So the 404 looks to me like azure is blocking outside efforts to permanently delete on VSTS. I have logged onto the Azure portal expecting to find something like the Advanced tools option you would find on Web App Services, But the Team Services / Team Projects has nothing like this. Can someone explain to me how to properly execute the "tf destroy" command on Azure Team Services? Or does Azures VSTS just lack the support to permanently delete individual folders and files?
The tf destroy command requires a collection URL. In VSTS, there is no concept of a collection, only team projects. All team projects are created under the Default Collection.
To use the tf destroy command with VSTS, your collection URL must be in the following format:
By putting a collection URL of Name, the command was looking for a collection called Project Name in the VSTS account, which does not exist.
This command works:
Open a Developer Command Prompt in administrator mode and issue the following command and supply your credentials.
tf destroy $/Project Name/Folder To Delete /collection:
To Permanently destroy an item/folder in VSTS is also using Destroy Command (Team Foundation Version Control)
tf destroy [/keephistory] <itemspec1>[;<versionspec>][<itemspec2>...<itemspecN>]
[/stopat:<versionspec>] [/preview] [/startcleanup] [/noprompt] [/silent] [/login:username,[password]] [/collection:TeamProjectCollectionUrl]]
/collection which specifies the team project collection. However, in VSTS you only have one collection. There is no collection name like TFS in the url. And multiple collections under user voice:
Let us create multiple collections on Visual Studio Team Services
So, when you specify /collection for VSTS in tf command line, you just need to enter
Also pay attention to the /login:<userid>,<password>, you are using the wrong format, it should be /login:userid,[password], add a /preview for test first(When tf destroy runs in the preview mode, the files are not actually destroyed.)
Finally the result will be
When you remove the /preview and perform the really destroy, you will also get a prompt info:
Do you want to destroy $/Scrum/NugetTest/Capture1025.PNG and all of
its children? (Yes/No/All)
Select Yes to delete folder and files in it, All with all of its children.
https://<MyTeamService><MyProject> is the wrong URL. It should just be https://<MyTeamService>
The parameter is asking for a project collection, not a team project within the collection.

How do I delete a solution from TFS 2012

how do I delete a Team project from TFS?. I am using VS2012.
The situation is that a Team Project was created with the wrong name, and another one was created with the right name and all the code has been checked into that.
I just want to delete the wrongly created one. I cant find any specific help on this, although there are articles on how to do it on if your TFS is hosted on
Apologies if this is a noddy question but I have looked for the answer and cant find it...
Thanks in advance
You can use the "TFSDeleteProject" command line tool to delete the team project.
Here is the usage:
TFSDeleteproject [/q] [/force] [/excludewss] /collection:URL TeamProjectName
TFSDeleteProject permanently destroys the team project, after which it cannot be recovered. You should backup all important project data before using TFSDeleteProject.
Required permissions
To use the TFSDeleteProject command, you must be a member of the Team Foundation Administrators security group or the Project Administrators security group.
You can use the link to delete the team project using the administrator console.

Azure-Deployment to stage ignores service configuration

I created a cloud service and tested it successfully locally. I added service configurations for stage and production. Here is a snippet of my staging-configuration:
and here my configuration-settings:
Then when I publish I set up the deployment as follows:
All this worked like 2 weeks ago. But now he deploys in VS and when I look into Azure Service Configure area it looks like this:
I played a little bit with the "Update development ..."-checkbox on the second screen but the result is the same.
So it ignores all the settings I made and just won't tranistion my configuration to the ine I named "CloudStage". My current Web PI tells me that I use Windows Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2013) 2.3. I don't get the point.
Some more things I observed:
No WADLogsTable and WADWindowsEventLogsTable is generated automatically in the staging storage.
I deactivated Remote Desktop because it was one of the changes I made to monitor the event log (which wasn't useful here)
I manually changed the connection strings in Azure Portal but it seems as if the worker is totally unaware of the storage (rebooted it with no success).
I recognized another thing. Here you can see a running deployment of my service:
See the warning-mark on the left? If I go to my Error list this is shown:
This warning is senseless since it tells me that I did everything the right way. My *.Local.csfg-files are pointing to the local storage. So?!?
This seems weird. Please check the in your ServiceConfiguration.CloudStage.cscfg to verify the expected values.
Have you tried updating any other property like Enabling Remote desktop? Does that get updated on your deployment? You should select the "Deployment Update" check box in the publish dialog. Now, when deploying to an existing Cloud Service, it should ask you if you want to replace it.
If you get the Object reference error every time you right click on project, there might be some issue with the Azure SDK set up.
I'm a little bit further now. What I did was:
Deleted all Services in Azure.
Deleted all Storage Accounts in Azure
Removed my Service-Project completely from solution (not the library containing the worker-logic).
Re-added storage-accounts in Azure.
Re-added services in Azure.
Re-added a project in the solution and added the worker-logic inside it.
Builded up all the publishing-stuff again.
Published it.
The first publish ended like the one described in my question. After I checked the "Update development..."-option in properties of my worker it finally took my transitions into the stage!
Now I recognized, that WADLogsTable was still empty. I hit the instance right in server-explorer and choosse "Update diagnostic settings...". There was an option "Transfer period" suddenly set to "None". This explained to me, why my table was empty and after I set it back to "1" my table is filling again!
Another funny thing beside: When I right-click my Cloud-project in the solution I get "Object reference not set to an instance...". When I just click it left and choose Build->Publish it works.
I just hope that I can help somebody with this. Lets see if it's stable now.
Edit: Yesterday it worked - today is still the same issue :-(.
When you get "Object reference not set to an instance.." for a CloudService project you usually have some kind of mismatch. It could be that a setting in the ServiceConfiguration is not defined in the ServiceDefinition. It could also be that there is a publish profile defined in the .ccproj file for the CloudService that doesn't exist. This might also be what is causing your problems with the different configurations.
So it turns out that the problem is completely on client-side. My Visual Studio (now with SDK 2.4) is doing something wrong. I set up a fresh installation with all the stuff needed :-( and there it works perfect. I'll try to determine if one of my extensions is causing the strange "Object reference not set..."-bug.
Repair-Installation of VS does not solve the problem btw.

Unable to shelve changes in VS2012 for TFS2010

We are using TFS2010 (for source control only), and until recently everyone was using VS2010. Our developers just installed VS2012.
Pulling down code works fine in Visual Studio. When you go to "Pending Changes" in Team Explorer, we are seeing TF201072: A user or group could not be found. Verify that the users and groups used in your work item type definition have been added to Team Foundation Server., twice, at the top. We can still check-in code from VS - seems this error is ignored.
However, we are unable to shelve changes - when you attempt to shelve, the same error comes up in a popup, and the shelveset is not saved.
We can shelve using the command prompt (tf shelve), and can still shelve using VS2010, so it doesn't seem to be a permission issue. Also, the TFS administrator is not seeing the error message, and can shelve from VS2012 with no error.
Any thoughts as to what could be causing VS to error out here? We've tried clearing out the TFS cache, creating a new workspace, and gone over every option we could find in Visual Studio.
I had the same issue. Tried many different stuff from web sites and non of them helped. Finally find the solution for this. Follow these to make it work:
1) Create temporary AD User
2) You will need to transfer all old user configuration into a new temporary account. If you are OK with using the temporary account you may just keep it and get rid of old account. Go into the machine that TFS is installed and Run this command: TFSConfig identities /change /fromdomain:mydomain /todomain:mydomain /account:oldAccount /toaccount:temporaryAccount
(TFSConfig is in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server XX.0\Tools\)
3) If you don't want to use temporary account you will need to convert from temp account to your old account. To do that run the same command wit changing the user names:
TFSConfig identities /change /fromdomain:mydomain /todomain:mydomain /account:temporaryAccount /toaccount:oldAccount
That's all you need to do.

After migrating TFS server to server projects not showing up in team explorer

Here is the setup:
We had a one server TFS solution previously. We split each part out so the DB, TFS and the Build Service each have their own server now.
I manually restored the TFS DBs to the new server. I installed the app tier on the app server and the Build Service on another server. As usual, everything works fine on my computer. However, about half of my team has an issue where the team explorer shows just one project. Most of the team doesn't even have permissions to view this project yet it is all they see.
I had each of them run the tf workspaces ... command to sync up their workspaces to the new server location. I verified permissions. I had one of the affected delete his workspace and create a new one. Same issue. Team explorer only shows one project... that he doesn't even have permission to view. Source control explorer seems to operate fine.
Also, this only seems to affect one project collection. I have not heard anyone on another project collection having this issue.
Hmm, I'm wondering if you need to do a ChangeServerID.
