How can I convert dynamically linked application to statically one? - linux

I have an application, say gedit, which is dynamically linked and I don't have the source code. So I can not compile it as I like. what I want to do is to make it statically linked and move it to the system which doesn't have the necessary libraries to run that application. So is it possible to do it and how?

It is theoretically possible. You basically have to do the same job that the dynamic linker does, with some modifications, i.e.
dump all sections from the original file
resolve symbols
locate libraries
instead of loading them into memory, assemble them into a "virtual image"
resolve internal links
dump the whole thing in a independent file.
So objdump, readelf, and objcopy will be some of your friends.
The task is not easy and the result will be neither automatic, nor (probably) stable.
You may want to check out this code by someone else that tried the same, by actually intercepting the dynamic linker (i.e. all steps above, except the last) and dumping the results to disk.
It is based on this tool, so it's anyone's bet whether it works on the newest kernels.
(It probably doesn't - and you need at least to patch it to reflect the new structures. This is my attempt at doing so. Caveat emptor).


Loading Linux libraries at runtime

I think a major design flaw in Linux is the shared object hell when it comes to distributing programs in binary instead of source code form.
Here is my specific problem: I want to publish a Linux program in ELF binary form that should run on as many distributions as possible so my mandatory dependencies are as low as it gets: The only libraries required under any circumstances are libpthread, libX11, librt and libm (and glibc of course). I'm linking dynamically against these libraries when I build my program using gcc.
Optionally, however, my program should also support ALSA (sound interface), the Xcursor, Xfixes, and Xxf86vm extensions as well as GTK. But these should only be used if they are available on the user's system, otherwise my program should still run but with limited functionality. For example, if GTK isn't there, my program will fall back to terminal mode. Because my program should still be able to run without ALSA, Xcursor, Xfixes, etc. I cannot link dynamically against these libraries because then the program won't start at all if one of the libraries isn't there.
So I need to manually check if the libraries are present and then open them one by one using dlopen() and import the necessary function symbols using dlsym(). This, however, leads to all kinds of problems:
1) Library naming conventions:
Shared objects often aren't simply called "" but have some kind of version extension like "" or even really funny things like "". These extensions seem to differ from system to system. So which one should I choose when calling dlopen()? Using a hardcoded name here seems like a very bad idea because the names differ from system to system. So the only workaround that comes to my mind is to scan the whole library path and look for filenames starting with a "" prefix and then do some custom version matching. But how do I know that they are really compatible?
2) Library search paths: Where should I look for the *.so files after all? This is also different from system to system. There are some default paths like /usr/lib and /lib but *.so files could also be in lots of other paths. So I'd have to open /etc/ and parse this to find out all library search paths. That's not a trivial thing to do because /etc/ files can also use some kind of include directive which means that I have to parse even more .conf files, do some checks against possible infinite loops caused by circular include directives etc. Is there really no easier way to find out the search paths for *.so?
So, my actual question is this: Isn't there a more convenient, less hackish way of achieving what I want to do? Is it really so complicated to create a Linux program that has some optional dependencies like ALSA, GTK, libXcursor... but should also work without it! Is there some kind of standard for doing what I want to do? Or am I doomed to do it the hackish way?
Thanks for your comments/solutions!
I think a major design flaw in Linux is the shared object hell when it comes to distributing programs in binary instead of source code form.
This isn't a design flaw as far as creators of the system are concerned; it's an advantage -- it encourages you to distribute programs in source form. Oh, you wanted to sell your software? Sorry, that's not the use case Linux is optimized for.
Library naming conventions: Shared objects often aren't simply called "" but have some kind of version extension like "" or even really funny things like "".
Yes, this is called external library versioning. Read about it here. As should be clear from that description, if you compiled your binaries using headers on a system that would normally give you as a runtime reference, then the only shared library you are compatible with is, and trying to dlopen will lead to unpredictable crashes.
Any system that provides but not is either a broken installation, or is also incompatible with your binaries.
Library search paths: Where should I look for the *.so files after all?
You shouldn't be trying to dlopen any of these libraries using their full path. Just call dlopen("", RTLD_GLOBAL);, and the runtime loader will search for the library in system-appropriate locations.

How to modify an ELF file in a way that changes data length of parts of the file?

I'm trying to modify the executable contents of my own ELF files to see if this is possible. I have written a program that reads and parses ELF files, searches for the code that it should update, changes it, then writes it back after updating the sh_size field in the section header.
However, this doesn't work. If I simply exchange some bytes, with other bytes, it works. However, if I change the size, it fails. I'm aware of that some sh_offsets are immediately adjacent to each other; however this shouldn't matter when I'm reducing the size of the executable code.
Of course, there might be a bug in my program (or more than one), but I've already painstakingly gone through it.
Instead of asking for help with debugging my program I'm just wondering, is there anything else than the sh_size field I need to update in order to make this work (when reducing the size)? Is there anything that would make changing the length fail other than that field?
It seems that Andy Ross was perfectly correct. Even in this very simple program I have come across some indirect addressing in __libc_start_main that I cannot trivially modify to update the offset it will reach.
I was curious though, what would be the best approach to still trying to get as far as possible with this problem? I know I cannot solve this in every case, but for some simple programs, it should be possible to update what is required to make it run? Should I try writing my own virtual machine or try developing a "debugger" that would replace each suspected problem instruction with INT 3? Any ideas?
The text segment is likely internally linked with relative offsets. So one function might be trying to jump to, say, "current address plus 194 bytes". If you move things around such that the jump target is now 190 bytes, you will obviously break things. The same is true of constant data on some architectures (e.g. x86-64 but not i686). There is no simple way short of a complete disassembly to know where the internal references are, and in fact it's computationally undecidable to find them all (i.e. trying to figure out all possible jump targets of a runtime-computed branch is the Halting Problem).
Basically, this isn't solvable in the general case, so if you have an ELF binary from someone else you're trying to patch, you'll need to try other techniques. But with (great!) care it's possible to produce a library where all internal references go through the GOT/PLT which can be sliced up and relinked like this. What are you trying to accomplish?
is there anything else than the sh_size field I need to update in order to make this work
It sounds like you are patching a fully-linked binary (ET_EXEC or ET_DYN). Please note that .sh_size is not used for anything after the static link is done. You can strip the entire section table, and the binary will continue to work fine. What matters at runtime are the segments in the ELF, not sections.
ELF stands for executable and linking format, and the executable and linking form "dual nature" of the ELF. Sections are used at (static) link time to combine into segments; which are used at execution time (aka runtime, aka dynamic linking time).
Of course you haven't told us exactly what your patching strategy is when you are shrinking your binary, and in what way the result is broken. It is very likely that Andy Ross's answer is the real cause of your breakage.

Finding the shared library name to use with dlload

In my open-source project Artha I use libnotify for showing passive desktop notifications to the user.
Instead of statically linking libnotify, a lookup at runtime is made for the shared object (.so) file via dlload, if available on the target machine, Artha exposes the notification feature in it's GUI. On app. start, a call to dlload with filename param as is made and if it returns a non-null pointer, then the feature is exposed.
A recurring problem with this model is that every time the version number of the library is bumped, Artha's code needs to be updated, currently is the latest to entail such an occurance.
Is there a linux system call (irrespective of the distro the app. is running on), which can tell me if a particular library's shared object is available at runtime? I know that there exists the bruteforce option of enumerating the library by going from 1 to say 10, I find the solution ugly and inelegant.
Also, if this can be addressed via autoconf, then that solution is welcome too I.e. at build time, based on the target machine, the configure.h generated should've the right .so name that can be passed to dlload.
P.S.: I think good distros follow the style of creating links to so that a programmer can just do dlload("", RTLD_LAZY) and the right version numbered .so is loaded; unfortunately not all distros follow this, including Ubuntu.
The answer is: you don't.
dlopen() is not designed to deal with things like that, and trying to load whichever soversion you find on the system just because it happens to have the symbols you need is not a good way to do it.
Different sonames have different ABIs, and different ABIs means that you may be calling the same exact symbol name that is expecting a different set (or different size) of parameters, which will cause crashes or misbehaviour that are extremely difficult do debug.
You should have a read on how shared object versions work and what an ABI is.
The link is there for the link editor (ld) and is usually installed with the -devel packages for that reason; it might also very well not be a link but rather a text file with a linker script, often times on purpose to avoid exactly what you're trying to do.

Access Linux kernel symbols that are not exported via EXPORT_SYMBOL*

We have a need to access kernel global vars in net/ipv4/af_inet.c that are not exported explicitly from a loadable kernel module. We are using 2.6.18 kernel currently.
kallsyms_lookup_name doesn't appear to be available anymore (not exported)
__symbol_get returns NULL (upon further reading, symbol_get/__symbol_get looks through the kernel and existing modules' symbol tables that contains only exported symbol, and it is there to make sure the module from which a symbol is exported is actually loaded)
Is there anyway to access symbols that are not exported from a kernel module?
After doing a lot of reading and looking at answers people provided, it appears that it would be very hard to find one method across many kernel versions since the kAPI changes significantly over time.
You can use the method you mentioned before by getting it from /proc/kallsyms or just use the address given in the (which is the same thing), it may seem hackish but this is how I've seen it done before (never really had to do it myself). Either this or you can build your own custom kernel where you actually do EXPORT_SYMBOL on whatever it is you want exported but this is not as portable.
If performance is not a big concern, you can traverse the whole list of symbols with kallsyms_on_each_symbol() (exported by the kernel for GPL'd modules) and check the names to get the ones you need. I would not recommend doing so unless there is no other choice though.
If you would like to go this way, here is an example from one of our projects. See the usage of kallsyms_on_each_symbol() as well as the code of symbol_walk_callback(), the other parts are irrelevant to this question.

Any downsides to using statically linked applications on Linux?

I seen several discussions here on the subject, but wanted to ask about my particular situation:
If I have some 3rd part libraries which my application is using, and I'd like to link them together in order to save myself the hassle in LD_LIBRARY, etc., is there any downside to it on Linux, other then larger file size?
Also, is it possible to statically link only some libraries, and other (standard Linux libraries) to link dynamically?
It is indeed possible to dynamically link against some libraries and statically link against others.
It sounds like what you really want to do is dynamically link against the system libraries, and statically link against the nonstandard ones that a user may not have installed (or that different users may have different installations of).
That's perfectly reasonable.
It's not generally a good idea to statically link against system libraries, especially libc.
It can often make sense to statically link against libraries that do not come with the OS and that will not be distributed with your application.
There are some bits of libc - those that use nsswitch - that need to load libraries dynamically. This can cause problems if you want to produce a completely static binary.
Statically linking your 3rd party libraries into your application should be completely fine.
The statically linked binary will be larger than if you had uses a shared library, but I find that disadvantage outweight the library path hassles, provided I control the distribution of all the libraries involved. If you are dependant on a particular distros shared libraries, then you have no choice but to use dynamic linking.
The main disadvantage I see is your application loses any automatic bugfixes that might be applied to a shared library. On the flip-side you don't get new bugs.
Static linking does not just affect the file size of the library, it also affects the memory footprint and start up time of the application. Dynamically linked libraries are loaded once no matter how many programs use them. Statically linked libraries must be loaded once per program that uses them (because they are now part of that program).
To answer your second question, yes, it is possible to have dynamic and static libraries linked to the same application. Just be careful to avoid interlibrary dependencies so you don't have a problem with library order. You should be able to list the libraries in any arbitrary order. Where I work, we prefer to list them alphabetically.
Edit: To link a static library, use the flag -lfoo. To add a directory to the library search path, use -L/path/to/libfoo.
Edit: You don't have to link a dynamic library. Your program can use a function provided by your compiler to open a dynamic library at run time, or you can link it at compile time and the compiler will resolve the symbols but not include them in the binary. See pjc50's comment below.
Statically linking will make your binary bulky, but you wont need to have a shared version of that library on the target runtime environment. This is especially the case while developing embedded apps.
