I am using Cassandra 1.2.5 (cqlsh 3.0.2) and trying to inserting data in a small test-database with german characters which is not possible. I get back the message from cqlsh: "Bad Request: Input length = 1"
below is the setup of the keyspace, the table and the insert.
CREATE KEYSPACE test WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };
use test;
CREATE TABLE testdata (
id varchar,
text varchar,
This is working:
insert into testdata (id, text) values ('4711', 'test');
This is not allowed:
insert into testdata (id, text) values ('4711', 'töst`);
->Bad Request: Input length = 1
my locale is :de_DE.UTF-8
Does Cassandra 1.2.5 has a problem with Umlaut ?
I just did what you posted and it worked for me. The one thing that was different however, is that instead of a single quote, you finished 'töst` with a backtick. That doesn't allow me to finish the statement in cqlsh. When I replace that with 'töst' it succeeds and I get:
cqlsh:test> select * from testdata;
id | text
4711 | töst
I was trying to run CQL query by taking in user input format in Zeppelin tool:-
SELECT ${Select Fields Type=uuid ,uuid | created_by | email_verify| username} FROM
${Select Table=keyspace.table_name}
${WHERE email_verify="true" } ${ORDER BY='updated_date' }LIMIT ${limit = 10};
while running this query I was getting this error:
line 4:0 mismatched input 'true' expecting EOF
(SELECT uuid FROM keyspace.table_name ["true"]...)
You need to move WHERE and ORDER BY out of the dynamic form declaration.
The input field declaration is looks as following: ${field_name=default_value}. In your case, instead of WHERE ..., you've got the field name of WHERE email_verify.
It should be as following (didn't tested):
SELECT ${Select Fields Type=uuid ,uuid | created_by | email_verify| username} FROM
${Select Table=keyspace.table_name}
WHERE ${where_cond=email_verify='true'} ORDER BY ${order_by='updated_date'} LIMIT ${limit = 10};
here is the working example for table with following structure:
CREATE TABLE test.scala_test2 (
id int,
c int,
t text,
tm timestamp,
I have a case class which represents partition key values.
case class UserKeys (bucket:Int,
email: String)
I create query Clauses as follows:
def conditions(id: UserKeys):List[Clauses] = List(
QueryBuilder.eq("bucket", id.bucket), //TODOM - pick table description from config/env file.
QueryBuilder.eq("email", id.email)
And use the query as follows
val selectStmt =
.where(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(0), whereClauseList(0))).and(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(1), whereClauseList(1)))
I am getting following error.
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidTypeException: Value 0 of type class com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Clause$SimpleClause does not correspond to any CQL3 type
Question 1 - What am I doing wrong?
The query works on cqlsh
The table I am querying is
bucket int,
email text,
firstname text,
lastname text,
authprovider text,
password text,
PRIMARY KEY ((bucket, email), firstname, lastname)
Question 2 - Is there a way to print the List which contains the query clauses? I tried it but I get this incomprehensible text.
List(com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Clause$SimpleClause#2389b3ee, com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Clause$SimpleClause#927f81)
My bad, I was using the query clauses incorrectly. Rather than
.where(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(0), whereClauseList(0))).and(QueryBuilder.eq(partitionKeyColumns(1), whereClauseList(1)))
I needed to do
because the List already has QueryBuilder.eq("bucket", id.bucket) part
SELECT count(*) FROM device_stats
WHERE orgid = 'XYZ'
AND regionid = 'NY'
AND campusid = 'C1'
AND buildingid = 'C1'
AND floorid = '2'
AND year = 2017;
The above CQL query returns correct result - 32032, in CQL Shell
But when I run the same query using QueryBuilder Java API , I see the count as 0
BuiltStatement summaryQuery = QueryBuilder.select()
.where(eq("orgid", "XYZ"))
.and(eq("regionid", "NY"))
.and(eq("campusid", "C1"))
.and(eq("buildingid", "C1"))
.and(eq("floorid", "2"))
.and(eq("year", "2017"));
try {
ResultSetFuture tagSummaryResults = session.executeAsync(tagSummaryQuery);
tagSummaryResults.getUninterruptibly().all().stream().forEach(result -> {
System.out.println(" totalCount > "+result.getLong(0));
I have only 20 partitions and 32032 rows per partition.
What could be the reason QueryBuilder not executing the query correctly ?
Schema :
CREATE TABLE device_stats (
orgid text,
regionid text,
campusid text,
buildingid text,
floorid text,
year int,
endofwindow timestamp,
categoryid timeuuid,
devicestats map<text,bigint>,
PRIMARY KEY ((orgid, regionid, campusid, buildingid, floorid,year),endofwindow,categoryid)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (endofwindow DESC,categoryid ASC);
// Using the keys function to index the map keys
CREATE INDEX ON device_stats (keys(devicestats));
I am using cassandra 3.10 and com.datastax.cassandra:cassandra-driver-core:3.1.4
Moving my comment to an answer since that seems to solve the original problem:
Changing .and(eq("year", "2017")) to .and(eq("year", 2017)) solves the issue since year is an int and not a text.
How can I insert json objects to Cassandra table without creating table? Can Cassandra parse json to table which is not created? Or, Can I create a table with no column and insert json?
After Cassandra 2.2 you can insert json directly, but the table still should be created beforehead.
You need to create table First, then you can insert data
You can create table like the below one :
CREATE TABLE json_data (
id timeuuid PRIMARY KEY,
data text
And you can insert the json as string with the below query :
INSERT INTO json_data (id , data ) VALUES ( now(), '{"first_name" : "Ashraful", "last_name" : "Islam"}') ;
I've created a table in CQL3 console (no single primary key constituent is unique, together they will be):
CREATE TABLE aggregate_logs (
bpid varchar,
jid int,
month int,
year int,
value counter,
PRIMARY KEY (bpid, jid, month, year));
then been able to update and query by using:
UPDATE aggregate_logs SET value = value + 1 WHERE bpid='1' and jid=1 and month=1 and year=2000;
This works as expected. I wanted to do the same update in Hector (in Scala):
val aggregateMutator:Mutator[Composite] = HFactory.createMutator(keyspace, compositeSerializer)
val compKey = new Composite()
compKey.addComponent(bpid, stringSerializer)
compKey.addComponent(new Integer(jid), intSerializer)
compKey.addComponent(new Integer(month), intSerializer)
compKey.addComponent(new Integer(year), intSerializer)
aggregateMutator.incrementCounter(compKey, LogsAggregateFamily, "value", 1)
but I get an error with the message:
...HInvalidRequestException: InvalidRequestException(why:String didn't validate.)
Running the query direct from hector with:
val query = new me.prettyprint.cassandra.model.CqlQuery(keyspace, compositeSerializer, stringSerializer, new IntegerSerializer())
query.setQuery("UPDATE aggregate_logs SET value = value + 1 WHERE 'bpid'=1 and jid=1 and month=1 and year=2000")
which gives me the error:
InvalidRequestException(why:line 1:59 mismatched input 'and' expecting EOF)
I've not seem any other examples which use a counter under a composite primary key. Is it even possible?
It's definitely possible using directly cql (both via CQLSH and C++, at least):
cqlsh:goh_master> describe table daily_caps;
CREATE TABLE daily_caps
( caps_type ascii, id ascii, value counter, PRIMARY KEY
(caps_type, id) ) WITH COMPACT STORAGE AND comment='' AND
caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND
gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND replicate_on_write='true' AND
compaction_strategy_class='SizeTieredCompactionStrategy' AND
cqlsh:goh_master> update daily_caps set value=value +1 where caps_type='xp' and id ='myid';
cqlsh:goh_master> select * from daily_caps;
caps_type | id | value
xp | myid | 1
CQL3 and the thrift API are not compatible. So creating a column family with CQL3 and accessing it with Hector or another thrift based client will not work. For more information see: