What are requirements for handler of Push Callback of Foursquare API?
What http verb 4sq uses to make a call ?
What parameters/information does it send to my server ?
What my server should reply ?
Surprisingly I don't see answers on these questions at https://developer.foursquare.com/overview/
Well, since nobody replied I decided to insert to DB whatever comes to my end-point. Turned out callbacks never reach my server. Foursquare Push Console says my server returns 502 Bad Gateway which it doesn't. Is it possible that Foursquare backend ignores port number in callback URL ? My url looks like this
Well, seems like Foursquare doesn't have anyone from API team responsible for communicating with developers. I sent them email as well but nobody replied.
So here are my findings:
Foursquare backend doesn't use port number from call-back url. I think it's a bug. So make sure you're listening on port 443.
It's HTTP POST with form-url-encoded parameters.
There are three parameters passed: checkin (this object in json), user (this object in json), secret (Push Secret from settings of your app).
Your server is supposed to reply with error code 200.
We are developing a chatbot to handle internal and external processes for a local authority. We are trying to display contact information for a particular service from our api endpoint. The HTTP request is successful and delivers, in part, exactly what we want but there's still some unnecessary noise we can't exclude.
We specifically just want the text out of the response ("Response").
Logically, it was thought all we need to do is drill down into ${dialog.api_response.content.Response} but that fails the HTTP request and ${x.content} returns successful but includes Tags, response and the fields within 1.
Is there something simple we've missed using composer to access what we're after or do we need to change the way our endpoint is responding 2? Unfortunately the MS documentation for FrwrkComp is lacking to say the very least.
n.b. The response is currently set up as a (syntactically) SSML response, this is just a test case using an existing resource.
Response in the Emulator
Snippet from FwrkComp
Turns out it was the first thing I tried just syntactically correct. For the case of the code given it was as simple as:
I am following this guide to build NodejS bot using Gupshup whatsapp https://www.gupshup.io/developer/docs/bot-platform/guide/gupshup-bot-library-for-node
I am running the code and getting the ngrok URL:
But when following steps are given, I get an error as below:
Not sure what is wrong here. Please let me know how can I solve this issue?
Sometimes ngrok service can be not reachable (for any reason).
First - make sure you can open ngrok link in the browser or by curl and make sure it reaches your server api.
Also if your backend check incoming requests for specific app key in header, you should also add it to url params, due to you have no way to manage GupShup api caller.
for the first time setting callback you need to return a 200 status.
Use this as first line for first time for setting callback and after call back is set you can comment this out. And save and relauch your code (make sure address of your hosted code is same don't restart ngrok :P) is same
I would like to build an integration using the Acumatica REST API. However, before logging in or anything. I would like to know if there is a way to test that the server is up and running.
I've tried logging in and I looked at the swagger.json to look at all the endpoints but I think they require to be logged in.
I would expect a 200 response when the server is up and a 500 when the server is not. 5XX if there is server issues and an error if it is completely down.
There is no Test function that I know of. I would recommend doing a HTTP GET request on the endpoint URL. If the request succeeds it will return the WSDL schema with 200 success code.
I have approved for public_content clientId. To get access token, I send a request to www.instagram.com:
GET /oauth/authorize?client_id=MyClientId&redirect_uri=MyRedirectURL&response_type=code&scope=likes+comments+public_content HTTP/1.1`
After authentication, the browser redirects me to MyRedirectURL and I can get the code from the URL.
With this code I send a request to api.instagram.com:
/oauth/access_token HTTP/1.1
But sometimes I get response HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.
This situation continues for a few hours, and sometimes for a day. It is interesting that the problem is very unstable. I may have two client apps that make identical requests, and one app will work fine, while the other will fail at the same time. Looks like it is a problem somewhere in the Instagram infrastructure.
Instagram is no longer supporting custom schemas for your callback urls. That was my problem, I changed it to https and the problem was solved.
I think you should prefer this document of Instagram.
You may also receive responses with an HTTP response code of 400 (Bad
Request) if we detect spammy behavior by a person using your app.
These errors are unrelated to rate limiting.
It seems like , we can not use http://localhost/... in call back url. Instagram may have restricted it.
It worked for me, when I have added live Ip of my aws server. for example http://xx.xx.xx.xx/.. instead of localhost.
now I am learning how to build single page web applications with node.js. When I come to the communication part between server and client, I am confusing about the difference between http post request and web socket communication
Here is my understanding:
Web socket like socket.io is asynchronous communication while POST is synchronous communication method.
socket.io is mainly used in dealing with real-time task like html games or dynamic online chatting, or boradcasting some informations.
for validating forms when some user sign up for certain website, it is really good to check instantly if the user name is already been taken or not, I think it is using socket.io to achieve that.
for example in a login page, after I press the username and password, then press 'login' button, I could just use emit things in socket.io to transfer a JSON file with these information. when we checked these information and send back a flag string like 'true' or 'false ' to indicate if the login is success or not.
So my question is:
Why we still use HTTP POST for login and signup ?
Is socket.io better than HTTP POST ?
Why not replace HTTP POST with socket.io ?
P.S for some large files, I have not go into these parts, so I have no idea.
Here is some additions:
After reading a similar question I find I seem to assume that WebSocket is a replacement for HTTP. It is not. It's an extension.
I think this asnwered my third question Why not replace HTTP POST with socket.io.