How can apportable build to generate a share object(.so) file instead of api file? - apportable

Is there a way to generate a shared object file instead of a AKP file, if I build a static library Xcode project? If it can be done, how to invoke the exported function?

The apportable build process
Creates an archive file of your app - lib{appname}.a
Links it along with some system objects into an so -
Packages and zips, other .so's and various Android resources into - {appname}.apk
You can modify this process by changing the python scripts in ~/.apportable/SDK/site_scons


How can I use modules in Azure ML studio designer pipeline?

I am currently using a python script in my Azure pipeline
Import data as Dataframe --> Run Python Script --> Export Dataframe
My script is developed locally and I get import errors when trying to import tensorflow... No problem, guess I just have to add it to environment dependencies somewhere -- and it is here the documentation fails me. They seem to rely on the SDK without touching the GUI, but I am using the designer.
I have at this point already build some enviroments with the dependencies, but utilizing these environments on the run or script level is not obvious to me.
It seems trivial, so any help as to use modules is greatly appreciated.
To use the modules that are not preinstalled(see Preinstalled Python packages). You need to add the zipped file containing new Python packages on Script bundle. See below description in the document:
To include new Python packages or code, connect the zipped file that contains these custom resources to Script bundle port. Or if your script is larger than 16 KB, use the Script Bundle port to avoid errors like CommandLine exceeds the limit of 16597 characters.
Bundle the script and other custom resources to a zip file.
Upload the zip file as a File Dataset to the studio.
Drag the dataset module from the Datasets list in the left module pane in the designer authoring page.
Connect the dataset module to the Script Bundle port of Execute Python Script module.
Please check out document How to configure Execute Python Script.
For more information about how to prepare and upload these resources, see Unpack Zipped Data
You can also check out this similar thread.

There's is a way of getting just an exe/linux binary/app file from NeutralinoJS?

I'm trying to make a simple application with neutralinoJS
I'm wondering how get a unique file:
.exe to windows
a binary, .deb, .rpm to linux
and a .app to macOS
Cause there is a file that runs the html/js but the source code is visible to edit
Files are visible
Neutralinojs produces portable cross platform apps. Therefore, your application files (css, js etc) and Neutralino framework files (settings.json etc) are visible from application bundle.
Whereas, they are having an idea to make a packager tool which will minify app source.
Hope it helps

cmake and isolated applications on windows

Considering a plugin system with the following installation pattern:
If my plugin depends on a library compiled as shared, its dll should be installed in the exe path:
I found isolated applications can be used to keep the dependency side by side with the plugin as follows:
This relies on a manifest file generated with visual. I am using cmake to generate my projects and I can't find any reference on a "good" way to handle isolated applications in a cmake file.
Did anybody have this use case?
This question propose answers on how to embed an already existing manifest file. What I would like is a way to generate the manifest file in the build process, in a perfect world with something as simple as installing exports. Something like:
TARGETS target_name
MANIFEST target_name.manifest
This would generate the manifest file and embed it with the target.

Building VTK from source (trunk)

I am trying to build VTK from sources as it is a dependency to PLC library which I am trying to build.
I use ccmake.. to select all relevant groups to be built (including Group_imaging), and I can build VTK with no particular problems.
Though, I cannot find vtkImageLoader2.h (and many other headers) anywhere in the system. As these files are required by PCL, this is a problem.
I checked that the original file exists inside the source tree, and it is indeed inside IO/Image.
I can't understand why the file is not being build and deployed to /usr/local/include, I made sure all modules (groups) are ON in ccmake.
Is this file deprecated, or am I missing the way to deploy it?
EDIT: I discovered that the file belongs to module vtkIOImage that is part of the "StandAlone" group. The StandAlone group is set "ON" when i run ccmake. Is this a bug in the build scripts of VTK?

Orchard CMS build script - excluded module projects included in build

I'm using Orchard 1.6 and have a question regarding the build batch file.
When run, the script builds every module within the "Modules" directory, regardless of whether the module project is included in the VS solution.
Is there a setting somewhere so only module projects are built if the corresponding project is loaded in VS? (I'd like to prevent excluded/unloaded projects from being part of the build)
Thank you for any pointers.
Replace the script so that it builds based on the solution instead of the orchard.proj file.
