301 redirect works in Firefox but not Safari or Chrome? - http-status-code-301

I have this simple redirect at the top of my htaccess to redirect a Wordpress category archive to a new page. It works on firefox but not other browsers. If I eliminate the category I get a 404 error.
Redirect 301 /category/forums-and-events/ /forums-and-events/
I've emptied the browsers' cache. What can I do to get it to work?

In Wordpress this works for redirecting to an absolute url and avoids htaccess:
wp_redirect( $location, $status );
$location is the url to direct to, $status is either 301 (permanent redirect) or 302 (temporary)


Redirect full URL to another full URL?

I want to 301 redirect from https://whatever-12345.de/something.html to https://whatever.de/something.html using a .htaccess file. I could not find a working example and this does not work:
redirect 301 https://whatever-12345.de/something.html https://whatever.de/something.html
First alternative, redirect a specific page called /sourcepage.html to another URL:
Redirect 301 /sourcepage.html http://Exampledomain.com/
Second alternative, redirect the whole domain to another URL:
Redirect 301 / http://www.Exampledomain.com/
And last, redirect one file to another file, locally, in the same domain:
Redirect 301 /old/path/oldpage.html http://www.currentdomain.com/new/path/newpage.html
Now, by this method, you need FTP access to edit files in your server as well. We will create a PHP file named old.php. Here’s how this file will look like:
header("Location: http://www.mynewwebsite.com/blog/");
This way, whenever we access this specific PHP file, the user will be redirected to our destination site.
We can also use a more complete PHP file, specifying that this is a 301 redirect (permanent). In this case, the PHP file would look like:
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: http://www.mynewwebsite.com/blog/");

301 redirect in htaccess doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?

I've made an htaccess file, but several testers tell me it's not right.
Domain B is going offline and I want to redirect all the pages to new pages on domain A.
This is the code:
redirect 301 / https://domain-A.com/
redirect 301 /page-1/domain-B/ https://domain-A.com/page-1/
redirect 301 /page-2/domain-B/ https://domain-A.com/page-2/
redirect 301 / https://domain-A.com/
redirect 301 /page-1/domain-B/ https://domain-A.com/page-1/
redirect 301 /page-2/domain-B/ https://domain-A.com/page-2/
Your rules are in the wrong order. The Redirect directive is prefix-matching. The first rule redirects everything (and preserves the URL-path). The second and third rules are never processed. (What exactly is the "tester" reporting? Is this a thrid party tool or a real "tester" person?)
If you request /page-1/domain-B/ you will see that you are not redirected as intended. (You are redirected to https://domain-A.com/page-1/domain-B/, not https://domain-A.com/page-1/ as would seem to be the intention.)
You need to reverse the order of these rules. The most specific needs to be first.
For example:
Redirect 301 /page-1/domain-B/ https://domain-A.com/page-1/
Redirect 301 /page-2/domain-B/ https://domain-A.com/page-2/
Redirect 301 / https://domain-A.com/
You will need to clear your browser cache before testing since the erroneous 301s will have been cached by the browser. Test first with 302 redirects to avoid caching issues.
And /domain-B/ is actually in the URL-path?

301 redirects clashing possibly with CloudFlare

My old 301 redirects in .htaccess are no longer working because something is redirecting things twice. Example of redirect:
Redirect 301 /oldpage.html //www.example.com/newpage.php
This used to work, but now it goes to:
In CloudFlare, I have a Page Rule for the www redirection:
Forwarding URL (Status Code: 301 - Permanent Redirect, Url: https://www.example.com/$1)
And my "Always Use HTTPS" in CloudFlare is on. What could be causing the double redirect?
I put one of the URLs into a redirect checker http://www.redirect-checker.org/
and noticed that for some reason the URLs go back to http, then back to https again. So I went back and edited my .htaccess file to explicitly include the https:
Redirect 301 /oldpage.html https://www.example.com/newpage.php
And now the redirect works as expected, at least in the incognito window. The regular browser isn't yet reflecting the change.

.htaccess Redirect 301 Issue

I am having an htaccess issue that I cannot seem to figure out.
On my site I have several pages that have /wiget/ in the url.
In my htaccess file I am using the following:
Redirect 301 /wiget/ http://www.site.com/content/wiget/
Redirect 301 /wigeta/ http://www.site.com/content/wigeta/
Redirect 301 /wigetb/ http://www.site.com/content/wigetb/
What is happening, is that every URL with /wiget/ /wigeta/ /wigetb/ in it is getting redirected incorrectly. For example, these urls:
.com/shop/wiget/ is being sent to .com/shop/content/wiget/
.com/shop/wigeta/ is being sent to .com/shop/content/wigeta/
.com/shop/wigetb/ is being sent to .com/shop/content/wigetb/
What I want is only pages that have .com/wiget/ or .com/wigeta/ or .com/wigetb/ to be redirected to their .com/content/wiget{x}/ page
I am a rookie at htaccess and I cannot drum up the solution.
So basically you want to specify that your url have to start with /wiget/
RewriteRule ^/wiget/ /content/wiget/ [L,R=301]

htaccess or php 301 redirect url

I do not know a lot htaccess and redirect url (301) with php as;
header( "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently" );
header( "Location: http://www.exampledomain.com" );
Is there any difference or advantage between the two for google?Can I must use htaccess for redirect url?
You have to use both these headers to redirect something permanently. Both headers are needed. I echo this same header for my old blog url. And I get all the referrals, visitors, inlinks from google to the new domain.
It does not matter how you echo the headers. It matters those headers exist.
I know PHP well so I have used a PHP file that echos only these headers
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Location: http://shiplu.mokadd.im/
If you use 302 redirect Google will remember your current url and associate all your links to that old url.
