Changing the location of the components folder - visual-studio-2012

In Visual Studio 2012, I am using a Xamarin.iOS project type and when I add components to a project, they're added to the folder: [Solution-directory]/Components/[component-name]/
Is it possible to choose where the components are stored?
My dependency management strategy is to store the dependencies outside of the project and solution area in their own folder.
I guess I could rip out the DLL from the /lib/ folder within the component directory, but I am wondering if there is an easier solution.

You can specify the components directory with a components.config file. This is detailed here regarding Xamarin Studio, but I just tested this myself by having it in the root of the solution directory, and it did work.


In Android Studio, how do I create a folder for project documentation?

In Eclipse, I had some folders in the project root that were not code - containing text files with notes about the project, Photoshop files for artwork and so on. Having migrated to Android Studio, these extra folders in the project root are not visible in the Project navigation pane - I only see the app folder and Gradle Scripts.
Is there some way to create a non-code folder that is visible in the Project pane but that is outside the app module?
I thought "Create New Module" in the Project Structure dialogue might do it, but it only offers me templates for modules that contain Android code.
--- EDIT ---
Thanks to #SvdTweel's answer I've stumbled across something that seems to do what I want:
switch to the Project view
create the documentation folder in the project root
right-click it and select Mark Directory as>Resources Root
switch back to the Android view and you see a new folder named "resources"
Will this have any adverse effects? Is this folder still ignored when building the app module?
In the Project Structure you can switch from Android to Project.
The default Android view structures and minimalizes the directories and files so that you as a developer can easier navigate through your project.
The Project view shows everything just as you would see when you browse it with your file explorer on your OS.
I think that is what you search for to create files and directories in the root of the project.
You can put the doc files in the test/resources folder. This is clumsy, but it makes them visible in the Android view while keeping them out of the build.
Bonus: code completion when editing Markdown code samples using the JetBrains Markdown plugin.

Library dependency in Android Studio

Is there a way to have library dependencies in Android Studio as conveniently as in Eclipse?
I have two libraries, the second one depends on the first one, and an app which depends on both libraries.
In Eclipse I had all the projects in one workspace and the dependencies defined. When a change was made in one library, that change was immediately available in the app's project.
In Android Studio, I included the generated aar files of the libraries in the app's project, which created a copy of the aar file in the app's project. When I make a change in a library, I have to regenerate the aar file and copy it to the correct folder of the app project.
There has to be a better way, right?

What is .idea folder in Android Studio 3.2.12?

I meet the problem Cannot resolve symbol AppCompatActivity
I solved the problem by deleting .idea folder and syncing project with gradle files by the acticle Cannot resolve symbol AppCompatActivity - Support v7 libraries aren't recognized?
Could tell me what .idea folder is ? Why can I delete it and sync ?
.idea folder is storing the settings for your IDE (Development Environment) - so the settings of Android Studio how to visualize your project.
You can check more about .idea folder here
The .idea folder (hidden on OS X) in the solution root contains IntelliJ's project specific settings files. These include per-project details such as VCS mapping and run and debug configurations, as well as per-user details, such as currently open files, navigation history and currently selected configuration.
Some files should be committed to source control, some should be excluded.
See here:
It stores project specific settings that pertain to AndroidStudio. It is called .idea because AndroidStudio is derived from JetBrains' Intellij IDEA. Most if not all IDEs in this family create such a directory. For example, JetBrains' Rider, an IDE for writing .NET applications, also creates such a directory.
Basically it is for project scoped IDE configuration.

What are .iml files in Android Studio?

What are .iml files in Android Studio project? I read that it is configuration file for modules. I do not understand how it works, and can't I just use gradle scripts to integrate with external modules that you add to your project.
Also, most of the time AS generates them, so I cannot control project behaviour. If I have a team that works in different IDEs like Eclipse and AS, is it possible to setup my project so it's IDE agnostic?
I don't fully understand how this system works.
What are iml files in Android Studio project?
A Google search on iml file turns up:
IML is a module file created by IntelliJ IDEA, an IDE used to develop Java applications. It stores information about a development module, which may be a Java, Plugin, Android, or Maven component; saves the module paths, dependencies, and other settings.
(from this page)
why not to use gradle scripts to integrate with external modules that you add to your project.
You do "use gradle scripts to integrate with external modules", or your own modules.
However, Gradle is not IntelliJ IDEA's native project model — that is separate, held in .iml files and the metadata in .idea/ directories. In Android Studio, that stuff is largely generated out of the Gradle build scripts, which is why you are sometimes prompted to "sync project with Gradle files" when you change files like build.gradle. This is also why you don't bother putting .iml files or .idea/ in version control, as their contents will be regenerated.
If I have a team that work in different IDE's like Eclipse and AS how to make project IDE agnostic?
To a large extent, you can't.
You are welcome to have an Android project that uses the Eclipse-style directory structure (e.g., resources and manifest in the project root directory). You can teach Gradle, via build.gradle, how to find files in that structure. However, other metadata (compileSdkVersion, dependencies, etc.) will not be nearly as easily replicated.
Other alternatives include:
Move everybody over to another build system, like Maven, that is equally integrated (or not, depending upon your perspective) to both Eclipse and Android Studio
Hope that Andmore takes off soon, so that perhaps you can have an Eclipse IDE that can build Android projects from Gradle build scripts
Have everyone use one IDE
Add .idea and *.iml to .gitignore, you don't need those files to successfully import and compile the project.
They are project files, that hold the module information and meta data.
Just add *.iml to .gitignore.
In Android Studio: Press CTRL + F9 to rebuild your project. The missing *.iml files will be generated.
Those files are created and used by Android Studio editor.
You don't need to check in those files to version control.
Git uses .gitignore file, that contains list of files and directories, to know the list of files and directories that don't need to be checked in.
Android studio automatically creates .gitingnore files listing all files and directories which don't need to be checked in to any version control.

Visual Studio - InstallShield setup in a project with System.Data.SQLite

I have a C# class library that references System.Data.SQLite (from nuget). This is the structure of my bin folder after build:
System.Data.SQLite needs the SQLite.Interop to run and the correct dll is found at run time. However, when I generate a setup with InstallShield that includes the project primary output, the x86 and x64 folders are not copied and my application fails to run.
There is any way to force Visual Studio to include x86 and x64 folders in the primary output?
There is any way to include the folders manually in the InstallShield with relative path?
My environment:
Visual Studio 2012 Professional
Install Shield 2013 Limited Edition (Free)
System.Data.SQLite 1.0.96
Yes, there is a way to add/deploy folders through InstallShield. Under the Files tabs you can add the files/folder. While adding these files you can set relative path as well in this. Just set a property with the path and use that property in your relative path. So where do want to copy these files (reference locations for DLL), you can add that folder structure through InstallShield and you can add files in that.
I just ran across the same problem using VS2013 / Installshield LE; I ended up opting for changing the NuGet package on my machine to NOT create the x86 folder for the SQLite.interop.dll under the build folder.
To do that, look in the "packages\System.Data.SQLite.Core.\build" folder under your project directory. Then pick the subfolder pertinent to the version of .NET you're targeting, and open the "System.Data.SQLite.Core.targets" file in a text editor. You'll want to delete all references to "%(RecursiveDir)" EXCEPT in the "SQLite Interop Library Content Items" section. Save, clean, and rebuild - the interop dll should now be in the same folder as the main executable/etc, and Installshield should be able to automatically include it as a dependency.
If it doesn't show up in the right place, try editing a different .NET version's .target file until you hit the right one.
